Spring 2008

Statistics appear everywhere in our society. This project is intended to heighten your awareness of the use of statistics in the media, to improve your critical thinking skills, and to expose you to regular reading of newspapers.

You will collect newspaper items relating to the specific topics below. The item must be from an actual newspaper, not from online versions. The Gustavus Student Senate provides USA Today, The Star Tribune, and The New York Times at no cost to all students.

For each newspaper item, you must include the following:

1. The actual newspaper item or a photocopy, attached to the center of an 8½”-by-11” sheet of paper with staples, glue, or tape (not attached in the corner or at the top). If the article is too large, fold it so that it easily unfolds. If the item extends over more than one newspaper page, attach the continuation page to the back or to another sheet of paper. Highlight, underline, or border the relevant part of the item.

2. An analysis of the use of the statistical topic in the article, including the following information:

a. Format: typed, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins.

b. Required information: top of page, centered, bold font, first line—statistical topic, second line—your name, third line—due date.

c. Flush with the left margin: A complete reference for the item in the following format:

Last name, First name, “Article Title.” Newspaper name month day, year: page(s).

If there is no author, omit that information.

d. Blank line.

e. A description of the source of the information, including the group or individuals responsible for gathering the data, as well as the original source if the item is extracted from another publication such as a government report or journal article. You will need to do further background research on the group or individual beyond what appears in the article.

f. A complete detailed description of the individual and variable(s) measured. For the individuals, include information such as how many individuals, how they were selected, and who/what individuals are included. For each variable, clearly describe the variable and its type, as well as information on how the variable was measured and the unit of measure.

If you are unable to describe the individual and/or variable, explain why.

g. Statistical interpretation of the item.

In general, interpret in the context of the individuals and variables.

h. Statistical criticism of the item.

In general, is the information provided complete, consistent (in a statistical sense), and appropriate?

The items e-h should be written in complete sentences (not fragments). Each of the items e-h above should be a separate paragraph (not bullets), although the paragraph may be only one or two sentences.

|Item |Due |Details. |Interpretation |Criticism |

|Pie Chart |3/3,4 |Does not have to be part of an |In the context of the individuals |Comment on the graph’s construction and|

| | |article (can be stand-alone) |and variables. |any changes to improve. |

|Bar Graph |3/17,18 | | | |

|Mean or average |4/9,10 |Must be in an article. No sports|Interpret as in class and |Is this statistic used appropriately? |

| | |statistics. |participation. | |

|Median |4/30,5/1 | | | |

|Poll or survey |5/14,15 |No sports team polls. |Inference to a larger population. |Comment on the question wording and |

| | | | |timing of the survey/poll. |

Each item will be worth 28 points and will be graded using the following rubric:

|NAME: |


|Newspaper item attachment |0 1 2 |

| |missing loose/attached stapled/taped |

| |in corner/top on separate sheet |

|Highlight relevant part of the |0 1 2 |

|item |missing incorrect correct |

|Typed |0 1 |

| |handwritten typed |

|Font, type size margins |0 1 |

| |incorrect correct |

|Title, name, due date |0 1 2 |

| |missing incorrect correct |

|Sentence/Paragraph |0 1 |

| |fragments/bullets complete |

|Grammar/Spelling |0 1 |

| |errors correct |

|Reference |0 1 2 |

| |missing incomplete complete |

|Appropriateness of article for |0 1 |

|statistical topic |not appropriate appropriate |

|Description of data source |0 1 2 3 |

| |none incomplete adequate thorough |

|Description of individuals |0 1 2 3 |

| |none incomplete adequate thorough |

|Description of variables |0 1 2 3 |

| |none incomplete adequate thorough |

|Interpretation |0 1 2 3 |

| |missing incomplete adequate thorough |

|Criticism |0 1 2 3 |

| |none incomplete adequate thorough |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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