OLC40 - News Article Rubric

How to Write a News Article –Structure of a Newspaper ArticleEach newspaper article begins with a title (called the HEADLINE) that is set in capitals or large type. When the name writer of the article is given, this credit is called the author's byline. The beginning of each newspaper article (the first paragraph) is called the lead (one or two sentences long); the lead should summarize the main facts of the article, 1983740-862330telling the 5 W's (who, what, when, where, and why) and how. The first paragraph should also contain a hook, something that grabs the reader's attention and makes the reader want to read the rest of the article. The remainder of the article contains short supporting paragraphs that go into more detail about the topic, including quotes and sometimes interesting facts. Quotes are statements that are taken from witnesses, bystanders, experts, or anyone generally who was involved in some way with the news story. The less important information should appear later in the article, since the article may be cropped (shortened) by the editor (the person who puts the newspaper together) to make the article fit on the newspaper page. The reporter's opinions should not appear in the article - only the facts. Use clear and simple language. Keep the article short and to the point. Use active verbs (for example: Man bites dog) and not passive verbs (for example: Dog bitten by man). Any picture, graph or illustration should have a caption describing or explaining it. II. Formula for a Well-Written News Article1.? First paragraph - In your first one or two sentences tell who, what, when, where, and why. Try to hook the reader by beginning with a funny, clever, or surprising statement. Go for variety: try beginning your article with a question or a provocative statement.?2.? Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth/Sixth/Seventh… paragraphsGive the reader the details. Include at least two quotes from people interviewed. Write in the third person (he, she, it, they). Be objective -- never state your opinion. Use quotes to express others' opinions! 3. Last paragraphWrap it up somehow ( don't leave the reader hanging. Please don't say...."In conclusion" or "To finish..." Try ending with a quote or a catchy phrase. III. How to Write a Newspaper Article 1. Write a short article in newspaper format. The piece is to be approximately 300-350 words. Check for the following:is the headline captivatingis the headline in bold and larger fontdoes the headline use proper capitalsis the headline centered does my article have a subheadline (deck)does the headline capture the reader's attention does the byline use your real first name and last name?have you stated the location (placeline) and name of the paper (masthead)Do you have a dateline? At least two photos in the article and captions (cutline)? Photo credits?does the leading paragraph answer the 5 W's (if so write down what they are in order to ensure that they are clearly stated) does your article have short paragraphs does your article avoid use third person narration does your article use action verbs to describe the issue or incidentare there quotes from " a person or institution of authority" and an average citizen in the community??does your closing paragraph have a powerful completiondoes your article use language that is not too descriptive and instead straight to point and factual?does my article include specific details about the issue or incident whenever possible?OLC40 - News Article RubricCategoriesLevel 1(50-59)Level 2(60-69%)Level 3(70-79%)Level 4(80-100%)Knowledge(Details)____/10Details provided in the news article answer virtually none of the 5W’s or seem unrealistic based on the image usedDetails provided in the news article answer a few of the 5W’s and are somewhat realistic based on the image givenDetails provided in the news article answer most of the 5 W’s and are mostly realistic based on the image givenDetails provided in the news article answer the 5 W’s and are all realistic based on the image givenThinking(Creativity)_____/10Uses virtually no creative thinking to elaborate on the details of the original photograph (i.e. witness quotes, character backgrounds, incident details, etc.)Uses little creative thinking to elaborate on the details of the original photograph (i.e. witness quotes, character backgrounds, incident details, etc.)Uses some creative thinking to elaborate on the details of the original photograph (i.e. witness quotes, character backgrounds, incident details, etc.)Uses creative thinking to elaborate on the details of the original photograph (i.e. witness quotes, character backgrounds, incident details, etc.)Application(Format)_____/10Demonstrates a limited understanding of the form of a news article (i.e. headline, lead, columns, captions, etc.) Demonstrates an adequate understanding of the form of a news article (i.e. headline, lead, columns, captions, etc.)Demonstrates a considerable understanding of the form of a news article (i.e. headline, lead, columns, captions, etc.)Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the form of a news article (i.e. headline, lead, columns, captions, etc.)Communication(Conventions)_____/10Multiple spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation mistakes are frequent and affect comprehensionA few spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation mistakes are present, but do not seriously affect comprehensionMinimal spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation mistakes are infrequent and do not affect comprehensionFree of spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation mistakes making for clear comprehension _____/40 = Comments: IV. Write Your Own Newspaper ArticleUse the guide sheet below to help you plan the information you will include for your article.Headline: __________________________________Byline: By:_________________________________, reporterCaption: (What will your caption be for your picture?) _________________________________Lead Paragraph: (one or two sentences long that includes the 5 W’s) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explanation: (core information for the article, further explaining the 5 W’s)Who:What:When:Where:Why:How:Concluding Sentence: ................

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