Phase #3 Lesson Plan

Phase #3 Lesson Plan

Wes, Erin, Nelly, Glen, Tom, Dave & Brienne

January 20, 2004

Goals and objectives:

• Students will know that the x-axis run horizontal and the y-axis runs vertical on bar graphs and line graphs.

• Students will know when to use different types of graphs, specifically line graphs.

• Students will be able to differentiate qualitative data from quantitative data.

• Students will examine data/results and propose an appropriate way to represent their results.

• Students will offer a meaningful interpretation from their graphs to make a claim about their experiment.


• Poster: “Deciding How to Represent My Data”

Is it easy to read? Yes No

A change

Is your data…? Over time Categories


What goes on each axis? Time (eg) What I measured? Within

Categories Category

• Examples of “good” and “bad” graphs

• Newspaper article with graph

• Graph paper

Procedure for instruction:

1) Begin with the model from previous sessions as a starting point for discussion and introduce model we are using for the small experiment


No exercise?

2) Explain why it’s important to represent data in something other than a data table.

3) Introduce small experiment: (Have someone take notes in data table format on the board)

▪ Familiarize students with taking pulse of partner

▪ Take resting pulse

▪ Have students do jumping jacks together

▪ Take pulse again

▪ Take another pulse measurement approximately 1 minute later

4) Present example in newspaper of the ways that scientists represent data (graphs).

5) Hand out graph paper and have students draw a pictorial representation of the data (they can create whatever they want: picture, graph, etc.). Allow students 3 to 5 minutes to complete this task.

6) Have students explain their representation and discuss advantages and disadvantages of each type of representation.

7) Show students examples of good and bad graphs and have them brainstorm what makes a “good” graph.

8) Show and explain poster representation of deciding what type of graph to create given the data they have collected/are going to collect on the medaka.





Data table

Data table


Line graph

Bar graph






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