8th grade Language Arts, room 1-208

Mr. Theroux

8th grade Language Arts, room 1-208

Course Syllabus

The beautiful part of writing is that you don’t have to get it right

the first time, unlike say, a brain surgeon.

- Corbert Cormier

Welcome to 8th grade Language Arts. Welcome to a whole new year of reading and writing (and in some cases, groaning, whining, complaining, belly-aching, etc.). You may be saying to yourself (or more accurately posting on Snapchat), “Facepalm. NABD. #englishizlame.”

OMGWIWWY? ICYMI IRL the ability to read and write (more than 140 characters at a time) is essential for a successful life.


Throughout the year, we will be implementing curriculum that aligns with the Florida Standards.  These standards are designed to ensure real understanding as course content across all subjects becomes more rigorous.  Lesson plans and curriculum are designed to enable you to master increasingly difficult problems/text, not just memorize facts on a shallow level.   The standards set forth clear concepts that you need to know and understand; they are designed to ensure real understanding.

I. What you’ll need

• A notebook/binder (split into five sections – journal, vocabulary, grammar, literature, writing)

• A folder (I give a lot of handouts)

• Something to write with – and always have a back-up!

• Your new “Close Reader” workbook

• Your agenda – to keep track of your assignments

• If you have a tablet you want to use in class, that’s fine. Use it appropriately.

II. The Work

• We’re going to be doing a lot of work in this class. That’s not a joke.

• You will be doing a lot of writing in this class – everything from poetry to persuasive essays.

• There’ll be plenty of grammar thrown into the mix as well, which will in turn improve your writing. You have to know the rules before you can break ‘em.

• I’m sure you love to talk, so I’ll give you the opportunity to shine several times throughout the year, whether it is speeches or presentations.

• I will assign many readings that you will be responsible for. This includes everything from newspaper articles to novels, as well as weekly Reading Plus assignments.

III. Homework

• Please have your homework done when it’s due. I do not accept late homework; so as a result, you would receive a zero for that assignment. Projects and writing assignments are a different story that will be discussed later.

IV. Attendance

• Attendance is mandatory. I take attendance every day, so do your best to be here. Naturally, I understand that you may become ill or that for whatever reason, something might be more important than my class (although I can’t think of anything). That’s OK. Just remember that you are responsible for whatever work you miss.

• Be on time. Three tardies = one detention.

V. Tests

• I will test you on material that we’ve gone over in class, whether it is from a textbook, class discussion, or from the readings. Tests take the entire period.

• I will also give you quizzes from time to time. Some will be announced, while others will not. A bit of advice – stay on top of the reading and do your homework.

VI. Writing assignments

• You are going to write until you think your hand may fall off... ;)

• All writing assignments are to be typed or completed in black/blue ink. NO pencil. NO exceptions.

• These assignments are a major part of your grade. Take them seriously.

• If a paper is late, you will lose 5 points a day until I receive it, unless told otherwise. This penalty increases each marking period.

VII. Grading

• Your grade will be determined as follows:

40% tests/writing assignments/projects

30% quizzes/classwork

10% homework/class participation

20% 9 week exam

• You may make up a test if you were absent on the day it was given. If you were absent for two days, you’ll have two days to make it up. If you were absent for three days… you get the idea. However, if you are absent the day before a test, you must make up the test when you come back. This is your responsibility.

• Some quizzes can be made up, while others cannot, due to the nature of the quiz. Sometimes people have a bad day, so I drop your lowest quiz grade; if you’ve missed a quiz, that quiz will be the one dropped.

VIII. The common sense stuff

I don’t think I need to address the general rules of how to conduct oneself in class, but still…

• Be on time and in your assigned seat when the bell rings.

• Raise your hand if you have something to say and wait to be called upon.

• Show respect – you get what you give.

• Take pride in your work and yourself.

• Be courteous to those around you.

• Do not pack up when someone is talking – I dismiss you, not the bell.

• You, and only you, are accountable for your actions. Act responsibly.

• Plagiarism, of any kind, will always result in a zero.

• Be good.

• Work hard.

Well, I guess that about covers it. If there is something I have left out, don’t spaz – I’ll cover it in class. All I ask of you is that you are receptive and do the best you possibly can, and I promise you, I will do the same. So sit back, strap in, and prepare for the wild world of… identifying verbal phrases and contrasting the use of recurring themes in contemporary prose?!? {groan} Just kidding. Remember, we’re going to have a little fun, too.

I’ll see you in class,

Mr. Theroux

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Mr. Theroux

Polo Park Middle School

11901 Lake Worth Rd.

Wellington, FL 33414

Dear parent/guardian,

Hello. It’s that time of year again. Time to buckle down and get back to the grindstone (even me… ugh!). Although I don’t foresee any problems with conduct in the classroom, because every one of my students is undoubtedly a little angel (ahem…), sometimes situations arise. In an effort to ensure a uniform understanding of the discipline policy of this classroom, I have created this outline for your benefit. Please read and sign this.

I utilize a 5-step plan for classroom discipline:

• Step 1 – a verbal warning

• Step 2 – student will be held after class for a brief discussion about the problem

• Step 3 – a teacher assigned detention, as well as a phone call to inform you about the incident

• Step 4 – an additional detention, as well as another phone call to further discuss the situation

• Step 5 – referral to the office, resulting in suspension

Also of importance, in the instance of cheating, the guilty student(s) will receive a zero (0) for the particular assignment, in addition to a teacher assigned detention and a phone call to inform you of the situation. I sincerely appreciate your taking the time to read this. I look forward to working with you to make this a Theroux-ly (haha) memorable school year for the students.

Thank you,

Mr. Theroux

Please sign and return this portion only.

Student name (please print)____________________________________________ Date ______

Parent/guardian (signature)____________________________________________ Date ______


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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