Schemes and Tropes Scrapbook Project - Weebly

Rhetorical Devices Scrapbook Project


Total Points: 120 Project Points

This assignment will help you to better understand and to be able to identify schemes and tropes in a variety of texts.

Your Tasks:

1) Create a collection of rhetorical devices in context, i.e. excerpts from real texts, by real authors, writing for authentic purposes and audiences. The collection must be contained in a binder, portfolio, or other similar paper-holding device; no loose pages crammed into a folder, please!

2) Write the definition of the term.

3) Analyze and discuss, in one-three sentences per excerpt, the effects of the scheme(s) and/or trope(s) in each quotation or passage in your collection.

Eligible Texts: Do’s and Don’ts


o Choose excerpts anywhere from a single sentence to a short paragraph in length.

o Select excerpts from any of the following types of texts: newspaper articles and editorials, novels, textbooks, biographies and memoirs, comic strips and political cartoons, poems, songs, etc. Multi-task by using your independent reading books and/or your informed citizenship articles.

o Include the title/author for each source on the page


o Google “schemes and tropes,” or any individual term on the list, and copy the examples given by the Web sites that come up. Doing so will earn you a zero for the project.

o Copy and paste from, or print pages or passages from any of the following sites: , , Wikipedia or . You can consult these sites to better understand the meaning of the terms, but do not use their examples.

o Use any examples from your “Tropes & Schemes Glossary,” JFK’s speech, Obama’s Speech, or “I Have a Dream.” Anything else we have read in class if fair!

o Do this with another student from class…you can’t have them same scrapbook entries as your friend.

You must include in your scrapbook…

I. One example of each of the following schemes and tropes:

1. Juxtaposition

2. Parallelism

3. Antithesis

4. Asyndeton

5. Polysyndeton

6. Anaphora

7. Alliteration

8. Metaphor

9. Conceit

10. Oxymoron

11. Hyperbole

12. Euphemism

13. Personification

14. Loose (Cumulative sentence)

15. Periodic Sentence

Grading Criteria: See Attached Rubric

RUBRIC: Schemes and Tropes Scrapbook

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |  |

|Thoroughness |Appropriate examples for|Appropriate examples for |Appropriate examples for 9-11 | |  |

| |all 15. All examples |12-14 -chosen list | | |____ |

| |effectively demonstrate | | |Fewer than 7 examples from | |

| |the scheme or trope in | | |required list | |

| |question. | | | | |

| | | | |  | |

|Discussion and Analysis |All examples discussed; |All examples discussed |No discussion/definitions |No discussion/definitions |____ |

| |insightful discussion of|with definitions; |provided for 2-3 examples, OR… |provided for 4 or more examples,| |

| |effect of scheme or |insightful discussion of | |OR… | |

| |trope for every example.|effect of scheme or trope|Discussion/definitions of 4-5 | | |

| |Definitions are provided|for most examples; |examples is lacking in |Discussion/definitions of 6 or | |

| | |discussion of 2-3 |analytical insight. |more examples is lacking in | |

| | |examples may be lacking | |analytical insight. | |

| | |in analytical insight. | | | |

|Organization, |The scrapbook is neatly |The scrapbook is |The scrapbook is somewhat hard |The scrapbook is difficult to | |

|originality, |organized; all examples |organized and the title |to follow/messy OR there are |follow and/or is not typed; or | |

|and |are in order and clear |and author are provided; |some source information missing |missing author/title information| |

|clarity |to read; the discussions|the compilation may lack | | | |

| |are typed; the author |clarity and creativity in| | | |

| |and title are provided |presentation. | | | |

|  |  |  | Total Score Multiplied X 10 | |____ |


|WORD |Definition |Example is from published material with |1-2 Sentence Analysis |

| | |author and title | |

|Juxtaposition | | | |

|Parallelism | | | |

|Antithesis | | | |

|Asyndeton | | | |

|Polysyndeton | | | |

|Anaphora | | | |

|Alliteration | | | |

|Metaphor | | | |

|Conceit | | | |

|Oxymoron | | | |

|Hyperbole | | | |

|Euphemism | | | |

|Personification | | | |

|Loose (Cumulative sentence) | | | |

|Periodic Sentence | | | |


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