Force and Motion Unit Study Guide

1. A driver gets lost and drives a winding path through the city. Based on the diagram, what is his displacement? (total distance traveled) ______________ km


2. If the speed of the car in the graph below remains constant. What will be the speed of the car at 15 seconds?


3. If a car is traveling at an average speed of 70 km/hr, how long does it take the car to travel 14 km?

4. The average speed of a car during 5 hours is 50 miles per hour. What is the total distance traveled by the car?

5. Based on the graphs below, what can be determined about the acceleration of the two cars?


6. Create a graph representing a car moving at constant speed.

7. The graph represents the motion of an object traveling in a straight line. Between which time interval is the object at rest?


8. What is the distance traveled by the object between the 4th and 10th second from the graph below?


9. Which car in the graph below traveled the 2nd fastest?


10. Draw a graph of an object accelerating for the entire time interval.

11. An object moves a distance of 100 meters in 25 seconds. What is the average speed of an object?

12. To have motion, a body must experience a change in what?

13. A car with zero acceleration may be in motion. True or False?

14. A 2000 kg bus and a 750 kg car are traveling down a street at the same velocity. When approaching a stoplight, which vehicle would need to apply its breaks first? Why?

15. A rocket in space can travel without engine power at constant speed in the same direction. Which concept explains this phenomenon?

16. Two vehicles, A and B, are traveling down the street. Upon approaching a stoplight, vehicle A takes twice as long to stop as compared to vehicle B. Why?

17. What scientific principle is demonstrated below?


18. Letters W-Z in the diagram represent locations that Mike stopped to rest as he climbed the mountain. In which location was the gravitational force the weakest?


19. Which one of Newton’s Laws states, “A body at rest remains at rest, and a body in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.”

20. An inflated balloon is released from rest and moves in a horizontal direction with velocity “v” as shown in the diagram. Which law explains the balloon’s movement?


21. When a constant unbalanced force acts on an object in the direction of the motion, what initially happens to the object’s speed?

22. A student dives from a boat in the middle of a lake. Which of Newton’s Laws does this illustrate?


23. Tom is learning about Newton’s Laws of Motion. He and his classmates experienced four different activities, as described in the chart. Which illustrates Newton’s First Law of Motion?

24. Which illustrates Newton’s Second Law of Motion?

25. Which illustrates Newton’s Third Law of Motion?

26. If the mass of a moving object could be halved, what would happen to the inertia of the object?

27. The Law of inertia is another name for which of Newton’s Laws?

28. What will happen to an object in motion with no unbalanced force acting upon it?

29. A student swings a yo-yo in the picture below, what would happen if the string broke?


30. Be able to determine a good testable hypothesis versus a non-testable hypothesis.

Examples: which of the following statements is NOT a testable hypothesis?

a. A plant that gets fertilizer will grow taller than a plant that doesn’t.

b. 7th grade students are better than 8th grade students

Use the investigation below to answer 2 – 5.

Amy wants to see how the amount of water in a pot affects the time it takes for water to reach a boiling point. She boils 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1,600 mL of water in the same pot. Between each trial, she let the pot and the burner cool down to their initial temperature.

31. What is the independent variable in this experiment? _________________________

32. What is the dependent variable? _______________________________

33. How many independent variables are there? _______________

34. The controls in this experiment are ________________ and __________________________.

35. The measureable factor in an experiment is known as the _________________ ___ _________________.

Use to answer 7-9. A scientist plants 2 rows of corn for experimentation. She puts fertilizer on row 1, but does not put fertilizer on row 2. Both rows receive the same amount of water and light. She checks the growth of the corn over the course of 3 months.

36. What is a constant in this experiment?

37. What is the independent variable in the above experiment?

38. What is the dependent variable in the above experiment?

39. Give an example of a quaNtitative observation.

40. Give an example of a quaLitative observation.

Record the measurements for the following instruments.

27. 28. 29.


________ml _________g _______°F

Look at the picture of a candle.

30. Give an example of a direct observation.

31. Give an example of an inference.


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