Name ________________________________ Period ____ Date ____




Newton’s Laws of Motion

Choose any two of the items below.

1. Create a slide show of photos depicting all of Newton’s three laws. Should include a scientific description of each law, an illustration, and a real-world example. Must have a title and end credits citing sources used.

2. Create a Tree Map about Newton’s Three Laws. Each Law should have its own set of branches. Branches should include the wording/definition of the law, a written example of the law, and a real world illustration or image. Should be on 8.5 x 11 paper or larger, in color, and be neat and attractive. Include a frame of reference that states the source of the information as well as its importance.

3. Create a video about Newton’s Three Laws. Should include a scientific description of each law, a demonstration or illustration, and a real-world example. Must have a title and end credits citing sources used. Should be well-edited and enjoyable to watch. Should not be longer than a typical BrainPop. No audio or video difficulties.

4. Analyze a sport in terms of Newton’s Three Laws. Choose a sport and describe how each of Newton’s Laws affects gameplay. This should be a mix of text and illustrations. All text must be original, and non-original illustrations can be used as long as the source is credited. This should be turned in on a paper or poster no smaller than 8.5 x 11. Color should be used & source(s) cited.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

5. Create a collage of images that are real world examples of Newton’s Three Laws. This should be on a paper no smaller than 8.5 x 11. There should be a minimum of 5 pictures per law (15 total). A typewritten paragraph must accompany the collage explain the imagery’s relationship to the science. Source(s) must be cited. Collage must be attractive.

6. Create the cover of a book called “Newton and His Laws.” This can be in color or black and white on paper no smaller than 8.5 x 11. The illustration must be attractive and must convey each of the three laws somehow. A type-written paragraph must accompany the cover explaining the imagery’s relationship to the science. Source(s) must be cited. Artwork must be original.

Names ______________________________________ Period ____ Date ____

Newton’s Laws of Motion Mini Project(s)

Slide Show


_____ All information presented in the product is correct and accurate

_____ Any portion of the information presented in the product is incorrect.


____ Graphics are well chosen and related to content.

_____ Information or graphics are related to content, but are not the best choice for the product.

_____ Information or graphics presented do not appear to be related to topic or task.


_____ All information is neat and easy to read. Product is in appropriate format and show significant effort.

_____ Most of the product is neat and easy to read. Product is in appropriate format and show significant effort.

_____ The product is not neat and easy to read or the product is not in the appropriate format. It does not show significant effort.

Skit/Video (50 Points):

| |Yes |No |

|Newton’s Laws of Motion (10 points) | | |

|Each of the laws are represented. | | |

|Evidence of research on the topics of Newton’s 3 Laws. | | |

|Able to relate real-life situations to the three laws. | | |

|Understanding and illustration of the Three Laws (25 points) | | |

|Each law is clearly stated. | | |

|Each law has a visible demonstration of that law. | | |

|Evidence of a clear understanding of each law. | | |

|Simple explanation of the physics involved (may use sample problem). | | |

|Scientifically accurate and appropriate terminology. | | |

|Able to explain in simple but concise terms | | |

|Creativity (5 points) | | |

|Evidence of originality. | | |

|Story is creative. | | |

|Performance tells a story related to Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion | | |

|Performance (10 points) | | |

|Each member contributed equally to the skit/video production. | | |

|The skit/video is entertaining. | | |

|The story flows well and fits Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion together in a logical and well thought out manner. | | |

|The skit/video uses various methods of delivery (e.g. narration, media, lighting, sound, etc.) | | |

|Total Points: | |

|Overall Total Points: | |


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