Serialize and deserialize json c


Serialize and deserialize json c

In most cases, we use web services to receive and manipulate data. In addition to when we use third-party APIs, generate JSON data. JSON or the notation of the JavaScript object is the simplest way to serialize and send data to a network. Because of its light nature and high legibility, people tend to use JSON on other data formats. A simple example of how JSON is arranged below. {"Name": "Steve", "Et?": 30, "address": {"City": "New York", "State": "NY"}} Implement JSON serialization and deserialization in C # as we know Several utility classes provided by C # to implement serialization and deserialization. Now you could have doubt that what is serialization and deserialization? We will discuss it soon and before this, we go through the methods used to do serialization and deserialization in C #. There are mainly 2 ways to do it. Using Library using JavaScriptjsonserializer class, we will discuss all the methods listed above to get serialization and deserialization in C #. What are the serialization and deserialization? In simple serialization it refers to the conversion of a custom .NET object in the JSON string format and deserialization is the opposite of serialization. When Json String is transmitted to the network, using deserialization, you will be converted into a custom object. From the following example, it will be clearer. As we discussed earlier, both methods have their own methods to do serialization and deserialization. But the primary concept of serialization and deserialization is similar. Serialization and deserialization using NewtonSoft.json Library This library is not defined by C # itself. This is a third-party library that we want to import on our project to do serialization and deserialization. It is a popular JSON framework for .NET which can be found on Nugget (also known as ). Use JSonserializer and convert custom .NET objects in JSON text and map also JSON text in a particular object in C #. As was stated in the documentation, is considered the most effective way for serialization and deserialization. Continuous support towards the JSON scheme, validations and high flexibility, definitely helped to be used frequently. // Creation of a personalized object employee EMP = new employee () {name = "Steve", telephone = 145678903}; Now use Library and do serialization and deserialization. // Convert the object dependent in JSON format format (serialization) JSONSTRAIING = JSONCONVERT.SeriaLisieObject (EMP); // Convert JSON TEXT to Object Object (Deserierialization) Emplityee Empobj = JSONCONVERT.DESERIALZESOOBJECT (JSONSTRUDING); Serialization and deserialization using JavaScriptjsonserializer This is a built-in class available in the .NET panel. To use this class, add the assembly.web.extensions.dll system to the project reference library. Then add the namespace as shown below: using System.Web.Script.Serialization; So it's similar to the library, it has its own methods for serialization and deserialization. The following code snippet is used as a class that contains two attributes and using JavaScriptjonsInseriaizer, we convert it to JSON STRING and vice versa. Class Employee {// creating a class to execute the name of the public string of serialization and deserialization {obtain; set; } Public Int Phone {get; set; }} To perform serialization, the library provides a serialized () method that takes a custom object topic and convert it to JSON string. // Creation of an employee dependent object = new employee () {name = "Steve", // Assignment of variable values Phone = "555-111-2222"}; // Use the serialized method to convert the object to JSON JavaScriptSerializer JSSERIALIZER = NEW JAVASSASCIPSERILIZER (); string JSONSTRUING = JSSERIALIZER.Serialize (EMP); Similarly, we can map the JSON string in the custom object we have created previously using the deserialize () method in the library. bookshelf. It takes a parameter; The JSON string and converts it to it. // usa deserialize () method to convert json to object javascriptserializer jsserializer = new javasprittserializer (); EMPOBJ employee = JSSERIALIZER.DESERIALIZE (JSONSTRING); Finally, LETA s assign values in the object to the variables and print them to see if the deserialization has happened or not; String Name = Empobj.Name; int telephone =; Console.writeline (a name is: a name +); Console.writeline (a phone number is: a + phone); Output name is: Steve phone number is: 555-111-2222 Related articles Overview of addiction injection in C # How to use shooting expressions in C # 7.0 Replace the host name in the URL using C # the best JSON library for Embedded C ++. UN of Arduino Arduino Leonardo Arduino Mini Arduino Micro Arduino Mega Arduino Zero Arduino Due Arduino Y??n Arduino M0 Arduino Mkrzero Arduino MKR1000 ESP8266 ESP32 Teensy Intel Galileo Intel Edison MSP430 Redbearlab Ble Nano Redbearlab Ble Mini Wemos D1 Atmel Studio Energia Iar Built-in Workbench Visual Platform Micro Mcuxpresso Dynamicjsondocument doc (1024); Doc ["sensor"] = "GPS"; Doc ["time"] = 1.351.824,12 thousand; [Doc "Data"] [0] = 48.756080; doc ["data"] [1] = 2.302038; serializejson (doc, serial); // This print: // {"sensor": "GPS", "Time": 1351824120, "Data": [48.756080,2.302038]} See serialization example and serialization tutorial. Char JSON [] = "{" Sensor ":" GPS "TIME": 1351824120, "Data": [48.756080,302038]} "; Dynamicjsondocument doc (1024); DeseriaLizejson (DOC, JSON); CONST CHAR * = DOC sensor ["sensor"]; Long time = doc ["time"]; double latitude = doc ["date"] [0]; double longitude = doc ["data"] [1]; See Deserialization Example and Deserierialization Tutorial. Arduinojson has a simple and intuitive handle and array object syntax. Recover data: CONST CHAR * City = DOC ["citt?"]; DOUBLE TEMPERATURE = DOC ["TEMPO"] ["TEMP"]; Data set: doc ["city"] = "Paris"; Doc ["time"] ["temp"] = 21.2; Arduinojson supports both JSON and deserialization serialization. Read JSON: DeseriaLizejson (DOC, Myinput); ?, | Modify: DOC ["LAST_MODIFICATION"] = time (); A back | Write: serializejson (doc, myoutput); Arduinojson can filter large inputs to keep only the fields that are relevant to your application, saving a lot of memory. StaticJsondocument Filter; filter ["list"] [0] ["temperature"] = true; DeseriaLizejson (DOC, entrance, DeserierializationOption :: Filter (filter)); Arduinojson uses a fixed memory allocation, which allows you to work on devices with little RAM. You can choose to store data in the stack: StaticJsondocument DOC; ? ? | OR on DOC Pile Dynamicjsondocument (2048); This allocation strategy reduces pile fragmentation. Arduinojson can analyze directly from an input or std flow :: Istream entrance parse from the serial port: DeseriaLizejson (DOC, serial); ? ? | An Ethernet Connection DeserierializeJson (DOC, EthernetClient); ? ? | or a wifi deserializejson (doc, wipernility); It also supports the types of custom readers. Arduinojson is able to print directly on a print or STD :: Ostream send the JSON to the serial port: Serializejson (DOC, serial); ? ? | an ethernet serializejson connection (doc, ethernetclient); ? ? | or a serializejson wifi connection (doc, wipernery); It also supports custom types types. Arduinojson can produce compact: | OR PrettiFied Documents: Arduinojson works directly with strings stored in the program memory (PROGMEM) it is possible to use a flash string as JSON DESERIALIZEJSON entrance (doc, f ("{" city ": Paris "temp": 18.5} ")); ?, AS a DOC value ["Cond"] = F ("Sunny"); ? ? | or as a key float temperature = doc [f ("temp")]; Arduinojson deduplicate strings in the JSON. When you have different keys or identical values, the Jsondocument stores only one of each. In practice, this feature reduces memory consumption by 20-30%. See this item for details. Arduinojson supports two encoding styles, with implicit implicit or explicit cast: Const Char * City = DOC ["city"]; float temperature = doc ["temperature"]; Explicit cast: car city = = Char *> (); Auto Temp = doc ["temperature"] as ().; Arduinojson degree to decode UTF-16 escape utf-8 sequences. DeseriaLizeJson (DOC, "{name": "Beno 00EET");? CONST CHAR * NAME = DOC ["NAME"]; //

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