The First 20 Days of Reading: 1st Grade

The First 20 Days of Reading: Kindergarten

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|Read Aloud, Shared Reading & Independent Reading |

|Day |Minilesson |Key Concepts |Learning Outcomes |Resources Needed |

|Day 1 |Read Aloud |Students listen to texts to learn |Students help to build a graphic |Text Selection |

| |Reading texts that clearly show the |the elements of story. |organizer to chart beginning, middle |Chart tablet |

| |elements of story and can be easily |Students listen to modeled reading|and end of a story. |Marker |

| |retold. |to learn to retell stories. |Students refer back to the book to | |

| | | |complete a graphic organizer to | |

| | | |retell the story. | |

| | | | | |

| |Shared Reading |Readers read and follow the print |Readers learn print moves from left |Text Selection |

| |Concepts of Print – top to bottom, left|as they read through the |to right and top to bottom. | |

| |to right |selection. | | |

| | |Teacher models pointing left to | | |

| |See IPG for text selection |right and top to bottom. | | |

| |Independent Reading |Our classroom library is organized|Students will explore and learn how |Allow students to practice selecting |

| |Introducing the Classroom Library |in a specific way to help us |to maintain their organized classroom|a text and returning it to it |

| | |select a variety of books for |library. |appropriate location in the library. |

| |Areas to Highlight: |reading. | | |

| |Browsing Boxes* | | |Organized classroom library |

| |Author collections |We are all responsible for taking | | |

| |Genre collections |care of our classroom library. | | |

| |Topic collections | | | |

| | | | | |

| |*Browsing Boxes are baskets of leveled | | | |

| |texts with a variety of genres | | | |

| |Begin Introducing Literacy Centers |As readers and writers, we follow |Student help to generate and follow |Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| | |specific guidelines to work |specific guidelines for literacy |Like/Sound Like? |

| |Guidelines for our Literacy Centers |together and help one another do |centers |Create an “I Can” chart for each |

| | |our best learning | |“literacy center” introduced today. |

| |***Teaching Tip*** | |Teacher and students will revisit |Introduce literacy center icons for |

| |Over the next few days you will be | |these expectations often and revise |each explored center. |

| |explicitly introducing literacy centers| |as needed. |Establish and practice a noise level |

| |one at a time. The goal for today is | | |system and attention signal. |

| |to establish procedural systems for | | |Establish and practice procedure for |

| |working in centers. Remember, students| | |“What to do if you have a |

| |need to have an opportunity to practice| | |question/problem” (i.e., Ask 3 before|

| |rotating between centers as well | | |me.) |

| |exploring the centers. | | |Students will practice going through |

| | | | |the centers introduced today. |

| | | | |Establish and practice the rotation |

| | | | |system |

| |Introducing the Block Center |We have books and maps in our |Students will explore using books, |Organized classroom block center with|

| | |block center that help us to |maps and blocks in the block center. |plenty of books on building, signs |

| | |research building with blocks. |Students will learn how to maintain |and maps. |

| | |We have labels and pictures that |their organized block center. | |

| | |show us how the block center is |Students will learn how to store and |Allow students to practice selecting |

| | |organized. |retrieve blocks in the block center. |blocks, working together and |

| | |Our block center is organized in a|Students will learn how to safely |returning the blocks to the correct |

| | |specific way to help us select |work with the blocks. |location. |

| | |blocks for building a variety of | | |

| | |structures. | |Teacher Tips for introducing the |

| | |We are all responsible for taking | |Blocks Center: |

| | |care of our blocks center. | |Introduce the center with a text on |

| | | | |building or construction. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Guidelines for Blocks |

| | | | |*Please do not build higher than your|

| | | | |chin. (safety) |

| | | | |*Establish a no building zone. (This |

| | | | |is the area right in front of the |

| | | | |block center. By leaving this space |

| | | | |clear, others can get blocks off of |

| | | | |the shelf – and put them back- |

| | | | |without being in the way.) |

|Day 2 |Read Aloud |Learners listen to stories. |Students will learn that as readers |Text Selection |

| |Learners are able to retell a story. |Learners can retell the order of |we are capable of retelling a story |Teacher and students model and |

| | |important events in stories. |with attention to what happens in the|practice “Turn and Talk” so they know|

| |Choose a text that allows for | |beginning, middle and end of a story.|the classroom’s routine for speaking |

| |retelling. | | |and listening about books. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Teacher assigns thinking/talking |

| | | | |partners for “Turn and Talk” during |

| | | | |Read Aloud and/or Shared Reading. |

| | | | |Allow time for students to practice |

| | | | |this strategy several times with |

| | | | |their assigned partner. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |*Continue practicing the “turn and |

| | | | |talk” strategy throughout the |

| | | | |following weeks. |

| |Shared Reading |Readers read and follow the print |Readers learn print moves from left |Text Selection |

| |Concepts of Print – top to bottom, left|as they read through the |to right and top to bottom. |Sticky Notes with names |

| |to right |selection. |Readers learn that words have parts | |

| | |Readers clap the syllables in |called syllables. | |

| |See IPG for text selection |their classmates’ names as they | | |

| | |are substituted in the poem. | | |

| | Introducing Literacy Centers |As readers and writers, we follow |Students help to generate and follow |Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| | |specific guidelines to work |specific guidelines for literacy |Like/Sound Like? |

| |Guidelines for our Literacy Centers |together and help one another do |centers. | |

| | |our best learning | |Create an “I Can” chart for each |

| |***Teaching Tip*** | |Teacher and students will revisit |“literacy center” introduced today. |

| |Over the next few days continue to | |these expectations often and revise |Introduce literacy center icons for |

| |explicitly introduce literacy centers | |as needed. |each explored center. |

| |one at a time. Today, continue to | | |Establish and practice a noise level |

| |establish procedural systems for | | |system and attention signal. |

| |working in centers. Remember, students| | |Establish and practice procedure for |

| |need to have an opportunity to practice| | |“What to do if you have a |

| |rotating between centers as well | | |question/problem” (i.e., Ask 3 before|

| |exploring the centers. | | |me.) |

| | | | |Students will practice going through |

| | | | |the centers introduced today. |

| | | | |Establish and practice the rotation |

| | | | |system |

| |Introducing the Listening Center |Our listening is organized in a |Students will explore and learn how |Organized classroom listening center.|

| | |specific way to help us select a |to maintain their organized listening| |

| |Areas to Highlight: |variety of books for listening. |center. |CD or cassette player |

| |Use of CD or cassette player | |Students learn to use the CD or | |

| |Headphone use |We are all responsible for taking |cassette player in the listening |Books on tape/cd |

| |Voice level |care of our literacy center. |center. | |

| |Storage and retrieval of books on tape | |Students learn how to store and | |

| | | |retrieve books on tape in the | |

| |Allow students to practice selecting a | |listening center. | |

| |text and returning it to its | | | |

| |appropriate location in the listening | | | |

| |center. Demonstrate the use of the | | | |

| |headphones as well. | | | |

| |Itroduce the Homeliving Center |We have reading materials in our |Students will explore in the |Organized Homeliving Center |

| | |home living center that help us |homeliving center. | |

| |Areas to Highlight: |work. |Students will learn how to maintain |Teacher Tip: This center generates a |

| |A place for everything and everything |We have labels and pictures that |their organized homeliving center. |great deal of oral language and |

| |in its place |show us how the homeliving center |The students will learn how to store |should be placed in a part of the |

| |Voice level |is organized. |and retrieve items in the homeliving |room that allows for some noise. |

| |Sharing and taking turns |Our homeliving center is organized|center. |Start with very few items in the |

| | |in a specific way to help us talk | |center and add items as they are |

| | |and pretend with our friends. |. |appropriate in your curriculum. |

| | |We are all responsible for taking | |Model the use of the items in the |

| | |care of ourhomeliving center. | |homeliving center before students |

| | | | |work there. |

| | | | |Introduce the center with a book on |

| | | | |houses or families. |

| | | | |Place plenty of reading materials in |

| | | | |the center. (magazines, newspapers, |

| | | | |recipe books, etc.) |

|Day 3 |Read Aloud |Learners can retell the order of |Students will learn that |Text Selection |

| |(Choose a text that lends itself to |important events in stories. |their thinking/talking is valued in |Chart Tablet |

| |retelling.) | |the classroom. | |

| | | | |Partners “Turn and Talk” during Read |

| | | | |Aloud and/or Shared Reading. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students will practice retelling a | |

| | | |story to their partner. | |

| | | | | |

| |Shared Reading/Interactive Writing |Use interactive writing to |Students learn print moves from left |Text Selection |

| | |complete a line of text. |to right and top to bottom as they | |

| |Concepts of Print – top to bottom, left|Readers read and follow the print |take turns reading with a pointer. |Chart |

| |to right |as they read through the | |Sentence Strips |

| | |selection. | |Marker |

| |See IPG for text selection | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Teaching Tip: | | | |

| |Remember to review the Concepts of | | | |

| |Print including the author, the | | | |

| |illustrator, etc. | | | |

| |Independent Reading |Readers choose books in many |Students use several different kinds |Establish classroom criteria chart |

| |Choosing a “just right” book |different ways. |of information to help them choose |for choosing “just right” books. |

| | |Books can be easy, “just right”, |books. | |

| |(If needed, teacher models and students|or challenging for a reader. | | |

| |practice.) |Readers should choose “just right”|Students think carefully about book | |

| | |books most of the time. |choices. | |

| |Teacher Tip: This is a lesson that | | | |

| |will be revisited and reinforced | |Readers have criteria to judge | |

| |throughout the year as children grow as| |whether a book is “just right” for | |

| |readers. | |independent reading. | |

| |Introducing Literacy Centers |As readers and writers, we follow |Students help to generate and follow |Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| | |specific guidelines to work |specific guidelines for literacy |Like/Sound Like? |

| |Guidelines for our Literacy Centers |together and help one another do |centers. | |

| | |our best learning. | |Create an “I Can” chart for each |

| |***Teaching Tip*** | |Teacher and students will revisit |“literacy center” introduced today. |

| |Over the next few days continue to | |these expectations often and revise |Introduce literacy center icons for |

| |explicitly introduce literacy centers | |as needed. |each explored center. |

| |one at a time. Today, continue to | | |Establish and practice a noise level |

| |establish procedural systems for | | |system and attention signal. |

| |working in centers. Remember, students| | |Establish and practice procedure for |

| |need to have an opportunity to practice| | |“What to do if you have a |

| |rotating between centers as well as | | |question/problem” (i.e., Ask 3 before|

| |exploring the centers. | | |me.) |

| | | | |Students will practice going through |

| | | | |the centers introduced today. |

| | | | |Establish and practice the rotation |

| | | | |system. |

| |Introducing the Big Book Center |We read from big books to practice|Students will explore in the big |Organized Big Book Center |

| | |our reading strategies. |books center. | |

| |Areas to Highlight: |We read from big books to practice|Students will learn how to safely use|Teacher Tip: This center can begin |

| |Care and Use of Big Books |fluency. |pointers and word masks in the big |with the big books we have read so |

| |Voice level |We safely use pointers and masks |book center. |far and a chart of the students |

| |Sharing and taking turns |to help us find specific words and|The students will learn how to store |names. |

| |Care and Safe use of pointers |phrases. |and retrieve items in the big book |Add books and items as they are |

| | |We are all responsible for taking |center. |introduced within the curriculum. |

| | |care of our big book center. | |Model the use of the items in the big|

| | | |. |book center before students work |

| | | | |there. |

| | | | |Introduce the center with a book |

| | | | |about loving books. |

| |Introducing the Pocket Chart Center |We read from our pocket chart to |Students will explore in the pocket |Organized Pocket Chart Center |

| | |practice our reading strategies. |chart center. | |

| |Areas to Highlight: |We read from our pocket chart to |Students will learn how to safely use|Teacher Tip: This center can begin |

| |Care and Use of sentence strips |practice phonics strategies. |pointers, sentence strips or pieces |with the sentence strips we have read|

| |Voice level |We safely use pointers and masks |and word masks in the pocket chart |so far and a set of cards of the |

| |Sharing and taking turns |to help us find specific words and|center. |students’ names. |

| |Care and Safe use of pointers |phrases. |The students will learn how to store |Add poems and items as they are |

| | |We are all responsible for taking |and retrieve items in the pocket |introduced within the curriculum. |

| | |care of the pocket chart center. |chart center. |Model the use of the items in the |

| | | | |pocket chart center before students |

| | | | |work there. |

| | | | |Introduce the pocket chart center |

| | | | |with a book about words. |

|Day 4 |Read Aloud |Read Aloud |Students will review |Text Selection |

| |Reading texts that clearly show the | |the classroom thinking/talking chart |Criteria Chart for “Thinking and |

| |elements of story and can easily be |Students will listen to texts to |before read aloud. |Talking” |

| |retold. |learn the elements of story. | | |

| | |Students listen to modeled reading| |Partners “Turn and Talk” during Read |

| | |to learn retelling a story in | |Aloud and/or Shared Reading. |

| | |sequence. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students will practice retelling a | |

| | | |story to their partner. | |

| | | | | |

| |Shared Reading/Interactive Writing |Use interactive writing to |Students learn print moves fro left |Text Selection |

| |Use same text as Day 2. |complete a line of text. |to right and top to bottom as they | |

| | |Readers read and follow the print |take turns reading with a pointer. |Chart Paper |

| |Using student names to change text, |as they read through the |Students use interactive writing to |Markers |

| |read newly created text. |selection. |insert their names into a poem. |Sentence Strips |

| | | | | |

| |This lesson is a 2-day lesson. It will| | | |

| |begin today and be completed | | | |

| |tomorrow. | | | |

| |Independent Reading |We have specific ways of reading |Students will establish criteria for |Chart – Independent Reading Looks |

| |Enjoying Independent Reading in our |during independent reading time. |quality independent reading. |Like/Sounds Like (Generate criteria |

| |Classroom | | |with students.) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |After reading, select a few students |

| | | | |to share reflections on how they met |

| | | | |the criteria during independent |

| | | | |reading. |

| | | | |“How did the criteria help you |

| | | | |develop your reading habits?” |

| |Literacy Centers |As readers and writers, we follow |Student are aware of and follow |Review the use of the center rotation|

| |Bringing it all together! |specific guidelines to work |specific guidelines for literacy |chart. |

| | |together and help one another do |centers. | |

| | |our best learning. |Teacher and students will revisit |Discuss what is going well in the |

| | | |these expectations often and revise |first 3 centers introduced. |

| | | |as needed. |Discuss what needs adjustment and how|

| | | | |adjustments should be made in order |

| | | | |for these centers to be the most |

| | | | |successful. (Remember to use |

| | | | |Accountable Talk question/discussion |

| | | | |stems) |

| | | | |Allow the students to work in centers|

| | | | |being mindful of any changes the |

| | | | |class has made. |

|Day 5 |Read Aloud |Read Aloud |Students will review |Text Selection |

| |Reading texts that clearly show the | |the classroom thinking/talking chart |Criteria Chart for “Thinking and |

| |elements of story and can easily be |Students will listen to texts to |before read aloud |Talking” |

| |retold. |learn the elements of story. | | |

| | | | |Partners “Turn and Talk” during Read |

| | |Students listen to modeled reading to| |Aloud and/or Shared Reading. |

| | |learn retelling a story in sequence. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students will help build a graphic | | |

| | |organizer to chart beginning middle | | |

| | |and end of a story. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students will practice retelling a | |

| | | |story to their partner using the | |

| | | |class graphic organizer. | |

| |Shared Reading/Interactive Writing |Use interactive writing to complete a|Students use interactive writing to |Text Selection |

| |Use same text as Day 2. |line of text. |insert their names in the poem. | |

| | |Readers read and follow the print as | |Chart Paper |

| |Using student names to change text. |they read through the selection. |Students learn print moves from left |Markers |

| |Reading newly created text. | |to right and top to bottom as they |Sentence Strips |

| | | |take turns reading with a pointer. | |

| |This is the second day of a two-day | | | |

| |lesson. | | | |

| |Independent Reading |We have an organizational system we |Students learn how to manage their |Chart – Independent Reading Looks |

| |Introducing our Individual Book |use to store and maintain our |own independent reading materials. |Like/Sounds Like |

| |Boxes/Bags |independent book choices. | | |

| | | | |Student book boxes |

| |Literacy Centers |As readers and writers, we follow |Students are aware of and follow |Review the use of the center rotation|

| |Bringing it all together! |specific guidelines to work together |specific guidelines for literacy |chart. |

| | |and help one another do our best |centers. | |

| | |learning. |Teacher and students will revisit |Discuss what is going well in the |

| | | |these expectations often and revise |last 3 centers introduced. |

| | | |as needed. |Discuss what needs adjustment and how|

| | | | |adjustments should be made in order |

| | | | |for these centers to be the most |

| | | | |successful. (Remember to use |

| | | | |Accountable Talk question/discussion |

| | | | |stems) |

| | | | |Allow the students to work in centers|

| | | | |being mindful of any changes the |

| | | | |class has made. |

| |

|Read Aloud, Shared Reading & Independent Reading |

|Day |Minilesson |Key Concepts |Learning Outcomes |Resources Needed |

|Day 6 |Read Aloud |We use the text’s structure or |Students will learn that readers use |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |See IPG for Text Selection |progression of ideas to locate |the text to locate and confirm |supports the weekly comprehension |

| | |information within the text. |information within the text. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Model making text structure to locate|

| | | | |the ideas within the text. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Chart Tablet |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Shared Reading |We write to record a variety of ideas|Students will help to create a |Chart tablet |

| | |and reflections. |criteria chart for clean up time. |Markers |

| |No Shared Reading Today | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Shared Writing Option | | |See sample criteria chart |

| | | | | |

| |Criteria Chart for Clean Up Time | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Independent Reading |We have an organizational system we |Students learn how to manage their |Chart – Independent Reading Looks |

| |Introducing our Individual Book |use to store and maintain our |own independent reading materials. |Like/Sounds Like |

| |Boxes/Bags |independent book choices. | | |

| | | | |Student book boxes |

| |Literacy Centers |As readers and writers, we follow |Students are aware of and follow |Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| |Making Public the Guidelines for our |specific guidelines to work together |specific guidelines for literacy |Like/Sound Like? |

| |Literacy Centers |and help one another do our best |centers | |

| | |learning. |Teacher and students will revisit |Create an “I Can” chart for each |

| |***Teaching Tip*** | |these expectations often and revise |“literacy center” introduced today. |

| |Over the next few days continue to | |as needed. |Introduce literacy center icons for |

| |explicitly introduce literacy centers| | |each explored center. |

| |one at a time. Today, continue to | | |Establish and practice a noise level |

| |establish procedural systems for | | |system and attention signal. |

| |working in centers. Remember, | | |Establish and practice procedure for |

| |students need to have an opportunity | | |“What to do if you have a |

| |to practice rotating between centers | | |question/problem” (i.e., Ask 3 before|

| |as well as exploring the centers. | | |me.) |

| | | | |Students will practice going through |

| | | | |the centers introduced today. |

| | | | |Establish and practice the rotation |

| | | | |system. |

| |Introducing the Writing Center |We use supplies from the writing |Students will explore in the writing |Organized writing Center |

| | |center to write our thoughts. |center. | |

| |Areas to Highlight: |We use charts and materials from the |Students will learn how use the |Teacher Tip: This center can begin |

| |Care and Use of Writing Materials |writing center to help our writing. |charts and materials in the writing |with different types of paper and |

| |Voice level |We are all responsible for taking |center. |writing utensils. Include a chart of |

| |Sharing and taking turns |care of writing center. |Students will learn how to store and |the students’ names. Add items as |

| | | |retrieve items in the writing center.|they are introduced through writer’s |

| | | | |workshop. |

| | | |. |Model the use of the items in the |

| | | | |writing center before students work |

| | | | |there. |

| | | | |Introduce the center with a book |

| | | | |about writing. |

|Day 7 |Read Aloud |We use the text’s structure or |Students will learn that readers |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Locate and recall information from |progression of ideas to locate |locate and recall information from |supports the weekly comprehension |

| |the text. |information within the text. |texts. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| | |We can check our predictions with our| | |

| | |text. |Students will predict first, then use|Model using text structure to locate |

| | | |the text to confirm their |the ideas within the text. |

| | | |predictions. | |

| | | | |Chart Tablet |

| | | |Cat’s Colors | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Object | |

| | | |Color | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Shared Reading/Shared Writing |We write to record a variety of ideas|Students will help to create a |. |

| | |and reflections. |criteria chart for clean up time. |Criteria chart started on day 6. |

| |No Shared Reading Today | | | |

| | | | |Marker |

| |Shared Writing | | | |

| |Continue Criteria Chart for Clean Up | | | |

| |Time | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Independent Reading |We have an organizational system we |Students learn how to manage their |Chart – Independent Reading Looks |

| |Introducing our Individual Book |use to store and maintain our |own independent reading materials. |Like/Sounds Like |

| |Boxes/Bags |independent book choices. | | |

| | | | |Student book boxes |

| |Literacy Centers |As readers and writers, we follow |Students are aware of and follow |Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| |Making Public the Guidelines for our |specific guidelines to work together |specific guidelines for literacy |Like/Sound Like? |

| |Literacy Centers |and help one another do our best |centers. | |

| | |learning. |Teacher and students will revisit |Create an “I Can” chart for each |

| |***Teaching Suggestion*** | |these expectations often and revise |“literacy center” introduced today. |

| |Over the next few days, continue to | |as needed. |Introduce literacy center icons for |

| |explicitly introduce literacy centers| | |each explored center. |

| |one at a time. Today, continue to | | |Establish and practice a noise level |

| |establish procedural systems for | | |system and attention signal. |

| |working in centers. Remember, | | |Establish and practice procedure for |

| |students need to have an opportunity | | |“What to do if you have a |

| |to practice rotating between centers | | |question/problem” (i.e., Ask 3 before|

| |as well exploring the centers. | | |me.) |

| | | | |Students will practice going through |

| | | | |the centers introduced today. |

| | | | |Establish and practice the rotation |

| | | | |system. |

| |Introducing the ABC/Word Study Center|We practice our letter skills to make|Students will explore in the ABC/Word|Organized ABC/Word Work Center |

| | |us better readers. |Work center. | |

| |Areas to Highlight: |We read from books and work with |Students will learn how to work with |Teacher Tip: This center can begin |

| |Care and Use of materials |words to help us become better |words and letters in the ABC/Word |with name cards and magnetic letters |

| |Voice level |readers. |Work center. |or letter cards for students to |

| |Sharing and taking turns |We are all responsible for taking |Students will learn how to store and |match. Include a chart of the |

| | |care of the ABC/Word Work center. |retrieve items in the ABC/Word Work |students’ names. Alphabet books are |

| | | |center. |great for this center. Add books and|

| | | | |items as they are introduced within |

| | | |. |the curriculum. |

| | | | |Model the use of the items in the big|

| | | | |book center before students work |

| | | | |there. |

| | | | |Introduce the center with a book |

| | | | |about loving books. |

|Day 8 |Read Aloud |We use the text’s structure or |Students will learn that readers |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Locate and recall information from |progression of ideas to locate |locate and recall information from |supports the weekly comprehension |

| |the text |information within the text |texts. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| | |We can check our predictions with our|Students will predict first, then use| |

| | |text. |the text to confirm their |Model using text structure to locate |

| | | |predictions. |the ideas within the text. |

| | | | | |

| | | |I Went Walking |Chart Tablet |

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| |Shared Reading/Graphophonemic |Students use a masking card or |Students will learn letter sound |Text selection |

| |Knowledge |highlighting tape to find the word |symbol relationships in text. |Masking card or highlighting tape |

| | |“I” in the story. |Students will learn the | |

| | |For Spanish, substitute “I” with “Yo”|high-frequency word, “I”. | |

| | |Students look for specific letters |Students will write a color word. | |

| | |within the story. | | |

| | |Students will write their favorite | | |

| | |color. | | |

| |Independent Reading |We have an organizational system we |Students learn how to manage their |Review chart – Independent Reading |

| |Review procedures for individual Book|use to store and maintain our |own independent reading materials |Looks Like/Sounds Like |

| |Boxes/Bags |independent book choices. | | |

| | | | |Select several students to share |

| |Teacher Tip: By adding 2 minutes per | | |their reflections of learning during |

| |day during independent reading, | | |independent reading. |

| |reading time increases by 10 minutes | | | |

| |per week. | | |Student book boxes |

| |Literacy Centers |As readers and writers, we follow |Students are aware of and follow |Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| |Making Public the Guidelines for our |specific guidelines to work together |specific guidelines for literacy |Like/Sound Like? |

| |Literacy Centers |and help one another do our best |centers. | |

| | |learning. |Teacher and students will revisit |Create an “I Can” chart for each |

| |***Teaching Tip*** | |these expectations often and revise |“literacy center” introduced today. |

| |Over the next few days continue to | |as needed. |Introduce literacy center icons for |

| |explicitly introduce literacy centers| | |each explored center. |

| |one at a time. Today, continue to | | |Establish and practice a noise level |

| |establish procedural systems for | | |system and attention signal. |

| |working in centers. Remember, | | |Establish and practice procedure for |

| |students need to have an opportunity | | |“What to do if you have a |

| |to practice rotating between centers | | |question/problem” (i.e., Ask 3 before|

| |as well as exploring the centers. | | |me.) |

| | | | |Students will practice going through |

| | | | |the centers introduced today. |

| | | | |Establish and practice the rotation |

| | | | |system. |

|Day 9 |Read Aloud |We use the text’s structure or |Students will learn that readers |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Locating and Recalling Information |progression of ideas to locate |locate and recall information from |supports the weekly comprehension |

| |Within The Text |information within the text. |texts. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| | |We can check our predictions with our| | |

| | |text. |Students will predict first, then use|Model using text structure to locate |

| | | |the text to confirm their |the ideas within the text. |

| | | |predictions. | |

| | | | |Chart Tablet |

| | | |Brown Bear Brown Bear | |

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| | | |Item Seen | |

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| |Shared Reading |Readers will re-enter a text for a |Students will learn to blend and |Text Selection |

| |Introduce sentence segmenting and |new purpose. |segment a sentence. | |

| |blending within text. |Readers use a sentence from the text |Students will see that spaces have |Sentence Strip with text from text |

| | |to count the number of words and |meaning in print. |selection Day 8 |

| | |spaces in a sentence. | | |

| | |Readers will observe a sentence being| |Scissors |

| | |cut apart and placed back together. | | |

| |Shared Reading/Interactive Writing |Students will write the names of |Students will learn print has |Our Favorite Colors chart |

| |Extension |their favorite colors. |meaning. |Markers |

| |Begin writing color words through |Students will locate the |Students will write to record a | |

| |interactive writing. |high-frequency word “I”. |variety of ideas and reflections. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Independent Reading |We have an organizational system we |Students learn how to manage their |Review chart – Independent Reading |

| |Review procedures for individual Book|use to store and maintain our |own independent reading materials |Looks Like/Sounds Like |

| |Boxes/Bags |independent book choices. | | |

| | | | |Select several students to share |

| |Teacher Tip: By adding 2 minutes per | | |their reflections of learning during |

| |day during independent reading, | | |independent reading. |

| |reading time increases by 10 minutes | | | |

| |per week. | | |Student book boxes |

| |Literacy Centers |Readers collaborate and/or work |Students will learn the expectations |For each center teachers need to |

| |Introducing Our Literacy Centers |independently in specific ways in |and procedures for working |discuss.. |

| | |each center in order to do their best|successfully in each literacy center.| |

| |***Teaching Suggestion*** |learning and thinking. |Students learn that they are held |“What is working well?” |

| |As part of your center introduction, |Readers and writers keep track of |accountable for doing their best work|“What needs to be improved?” |

| |establish student accountability by |their work in literacy centers. |in literacy centers. | |

| |modeling and posting an example of | | | |

| |the center activity. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |For example, in Word Study Center, | | | |

| |students may write the words that | | | |

| |they make during an activity. | | | |

|Day 10 |Read Aloud |We use the text’s structure or |Students will learn that readers | |

| |Locating and Recalling Information |progression of ideas to locate |locate and recall information from |Text Selection |

| |Within The Text |information within the text. |texts. | |

| | |We can check our predictions with our| | |

| |(See IPG for Text Suggestions) |text |Students will predict first, then use| |

| | | |the text to confirm their | |

| | | |predictions. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |(Book Title) | |

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| | | |Item | |

| | | |Color | |

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| |Shared Reading/Interactive Writing |Students will write the names of |Students will learn print has |Our Favorite Colors chart |

| |Extension |their favorite colors. |meaning. |Markers |

| |Continue writing color words through |Students will locate the |Students will write to record a | |

| |interactive writing. |high-frequency word “I”. |variety of ideas and reflections. | |

| | |For Spanish, substitute “I” with | | |

| | |“Yo”. | | |

| |Shared Reading/Phonics |Readers use text from Day 9 |Students will learn that sentences |Text Selection from Interactive |

| | |Interactive Writing lesson to review |are made of words and spaces. |Writing Lesson Day 9. |

| | |sentence segmenting and blending,. | | |

| | | | |Scissors |

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| | | | | |

| | | | |Teacher Tip – Always mention the |

| | | | |first/last letter of each word when |

| | | | |cutting the word. This allows |

| | | | |students to make graphophonemic |

| | | | |connections. |

| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| |Literacy Centers |Readers collaborate and/or work |Students will learn the expectations |For each center teachers need to… |

| |Introducing Our Literacy Centers |independently in specific ways in |and procedures for working |Model and explain materials and |

| | |each center in order to do their best|successfully in each literacy center.|activity. |

| |***Teaching Tip*** |learning and thinking. |Students learn that they are held |Practice with students allowing two |

| |As part of your center introduction, |Readers and writers keep track of |accountable for doing their best work|or three of them to model center use.|

| |establish student accountability by |their work in literacy centers. |in literacy centers. |Provide clear expectations and |

| |modeling and posting an example of | | |procedures using an “I Can” chart for|

| |the center activity. | | |each center |

| | | | |Provide guided practice |

| |For example, in Big Book Center, | | |Provide supported application |

| |students may hunt for and write words| | |Provide time for students to practice|

| |with the IPG phonics focus skill. | | |independently |

| | | | |Provide time for students to share |

| | | | |and self-reflect using the criteria |

| | | | |chart. |

| | | | |Ask… |

| | | | |“What is working well?” |

| | | | |“What needs to be improved?” |

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|Read Aloud, Shared Reading & Literacy Work Centers |

|Day |Minilesson |Key Concepts |Learning Outcomes |Resources Needed |

|Day 11 |Read Aloud |Students listen to texts to retell |Students help to build a graphic |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Retelling a story with a graphic |stories in sequence with beginning, |organizer to chart beginning, middle |supports the weekly comprehension |

| |organizer – beginning, middle and end|middle and end. |and end of a story. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| | | |Students refer back to the book to | |

| | | |complete a graphic organizer to |Sheet of Paper |

| |***Teaching Tip*** | |retell the story | |

| |This would be a good week to begin a | | | |

| |literature unit/author study to | | | |

| |promote student text connections and | | | |

| |in depth literature study. Kevin | | | |

| |Henkes is a great first author study | | | |

| |to analyze character traits and build| | | |

| |community. | | | |

| |Interactive Writing |Students will use interactive writing|Students will learn print carries |Markers |

| |Interactive Writing – Things We Can |to record what they are able to do. |meaning. | |

| |Do |Using repetitive sentences, write 2 |Students will review print moves from| |

| | |sentences today and 3 sentences on |left to right and top to bottom. | |

| | |Day 12. | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | |Things We Can Do Chart |

| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Consider highlighting an author or | | | |

| |genre from your classroom library to | | | |

| |motivate students to read widely. | | | |

|Day 12 |Read Aloud |Students listen to a text to learn |Students help to build a graphic |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Retelling a story with a graphic |the sequence of a story. |organizer (a timeline) to assist in |supports the weekly comprehension |

| |organizer – a timeline – to chart |Students use a timeline to retell a |retelling a story in sequence. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| |beginning, middle and end |story in sequence. |Students refer back to the book to | |

| | | |complete a graphic organizer to |Chart – Story Timeline |

| | | |retell the story. | |

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| |Shared Reading | | | |

| |No Shared Reading Today | | | |

| |Literacy Centers |As readers and writers, we follow |Students are aware of and follow |Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| |Making Public the Guidelines for our |specific guidelines to work together |specific guidelines for literacy |Like/Sound Like? |

| |Literacy Centers |and help one another do our best |centers. | |

| | |learning. |Teacher and students will revisit |Create an “I Can” chart for each |

| |***Teaching Tip*** | |these expectations often and revise |“literacy center” introduced today. |

| |* Continue introducing and practicing| |as needed. |Introduce literacy center icons for |

| |centers during the next week as | | |each explored center. |

| |students become adjusted to their new| | |Establish and practice a noise level |

| |routine. The Poetry Center, Computer | | |system and attention signal. |

| |Center, Puzzles and Games, Overhead, | | |Establish and practice procedure for |

| |Creation Station, and Sand/Water are | | |“What to do if you have a |

| |some of the many options for | | |question/problem” (i.e., Ask 3 before|

| |Kindergarten Centers. | | |me.) |

| | | | |Students will practice going through |

| | | | |the centers introduced today. |

| | | | |Establish and practice the rotation |

| | | | |system. |

| |Interactive Writing – Things We Can |Students will use interactive writing|Students will learn print carries |Markers |

| |Do |to record what they are able to do. |meaning. | |

| | |Using repetitive sentences, add 3 |Students will review print moves from| |

| | |sentences to the chart from Day 12. |left to right and top to bottom. | |

| | |Students will point out high | | |

| | |frequency words can and I. | |Things We Can Do Chart |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

|Day 13 |Read Aloud |Students listen to modeled reading to|Students help to build a graphic |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Retelling a story with a graphic |learn retelling a story in sequence. |organizer to assist in retelling a |supports the weekly comprehension |

| |organizer to chart beginning, middle |Students help to create and use a |story in sequence. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| |and end |graphic organizer to help retell a |Students refer back to the book to | |

| | |story. |complete a graphic organizer to | |

| | | |retell the story. |Chart – graphic organizer |

| |Shared Reading |Readers discuss what happens in the |Students will retell a story by |Text Selection |

| |See IPG for text selection or |beginning, middle and end of the |discussing its beginning, middle and | |

| |substitute another text for this |story. |end. | |

| |activity. | |Beginning | |

| | | |Middle | |

| | | |End | |

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| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| |Literacy Centers |As readers and writers, we follow |Students are aware of and follow |Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| |Making Public the Guidelines for our |specific guidelines to work together |specific guidelines for literacy |Like/Sound Like? |

| |Literacy Centers |and help one another do our best |centers. | |

| | |learning. |Teacher and students will revisit |Create an “I Can” chart for each |

| |***Teaching Tip*** | |these expectations often and revise |“literacy center” introduced today. |

| |* Continue introducing and practicing| |as needed. |Introduce literacy center icons for |

| |centers during the next week as | | |each explored center. |

| |students become adjusted to their new| | |Establish and practice a noise level |

| |routine. The Poetry Center, Computer | | |system and attention signal. |

| |Center, Puzzles and Games, Overhead, | | |Establish and practice procedure for |

| |Creation Station, and Sand/Water are | | |“What to do if you have a |

| |some of the many options for | | |question/problem” (i.e., Ask 3 before|

| |Kindergarten Centers. | | |me.) |

| | | | |Students will practice going through |

| | | | |the centers introduced today. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Establish and practice the rotation |

| | | | |system. |

|Day 14 |Read Aloud |Students listen to modeled reading to|Students help to build a graphic |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Retelling a story with a graphic |learn retelling a story in sequence. |organizer (a timeline) to assist in |supports the weekly comprehension |

| |organizer to chart beginning, middle |Students help to create and use a |retelling a story in sequence. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| |and end |graphic organizer to help retell a |Students refer back to the book to | |

| | |story. |complete a graphic organizer to |Chart – graphic organizer |

| | | |retell the story. | |

| |Shared Reading |Readers discuss what happens in the |Students will help to build a graphic|Text Selection |

| |See IPG for text selection or |beginning, middle and end of the |organizer to chart beginning, middle | |

| |substitute another text for this |story. |and end of a story. |Chart for graphic organizer |

| |activity. |Students use a graphic organizer to | | |

| | |chart beginning, middle and end of a | | |

| | |story. | | |

| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| |Literacy Centers |Our literacy centers are organized in|Students will learn the expectations |Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| |Accountability in Literacy Centers |a specific way to help us do our best|and procedures for working |Like/Sound Like? |

| | |learning and thinking. |successfully in each literacy center.| |

| |***Teaching Tip*** |Readers and writers keep track of |Students learn that they are held | |

| |Consider having whole class |their work in literacy centers. |accountable for doing their best work| |

| |review/practice one or more centers |We are all responsible for taking |in literacy centers. | |

| |you have already established. Plan |care of our literacy centers. | | |

| |for stop points to revisit the | | | |

| |criteria chart to identify what is | | | |

| |running well and what can be | | | |

| |improved. | | | |

|Day 15 |Read Aloud |Students listen to modeled reading to|Students help to build a graphic |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Retelling a story with a graphic |learn retelling a story in sequence. |organizer to assist in retelling a |supports the weekly comprehension |

| |organizer – to chart beginning, |Students help to create and use a |story in sequence. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| |middle and end |graphic organizer to help retell a |Students refer back to the book to | |

| | |story |complete a graphic organizer to |Chart – graphic organizer |

| | | |retell the story. | |

| |Shared Reading |Students will re-enter a text for a |Students will observe text has |Text Selection |

| |Using texts to practice sentence |new purpose. |meaning. |Sentence Strip |

| |segmenting. |Students will predict the number of |Students will learn to blend and |Markers |

| | |words in a sentence before having a |segment a sentence. | |

| |Text Selection – Use same text as |chance to see the teacher cut it into|Students will observe that spaces | |

| |used on day 14. |word segments. |have meaning in print. | |

| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| |Literacy Centers |We are ready to be independent |Students celebrate the grand opening |Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| |All Centers that are going to begin |learners in our literacy centers. |of literacy centers and work |Like/Sound Like? |

| |at the beginning of school should be | |independently in their | |

| |open by now. | |center/centers. |After center time, conduct a whole |

| | | | |group class meeting to reflect on |

| | | | |what went well and what needs |

| | | | |improving. Modify and adjust charts |

| | | | |as needed. |

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|Read Aloud, Shared Reading & Literacy Centers |

|Day |Minilesson |Key Concepts |Learning Outcomes |Resources Needed |

|Day 16 |Read Aloud |We can show understanding of texts by|Teacher models a reflective |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Introducing Reading Response |responding through art. |understanding of the text as you |supports the weekly comprehension |

| | | |draw. (Repeat the author’s words and|focus, found in your IPGs. |

| |Respond to Stories in Ways that | |then draw a picture to match the | |

| |Reflect Understanding | |words.) |Chart Paper |

| | | |Students use art to respond to text. |Markers |

| | | | |Crayons |

| | | | |Paper |

| | | | | |

| |Shared Reading |Students will use a pointer to see |Students will participate when |Text Selection |

| |Modeling Print Concepts – Left to |how print moves from left to right |predictable and patterned texts are | |

| |right and Top to bottom |and top to bottom on a page. |read aloud.. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Consider highlighting an author or | | | |

| |genre from your classroom library to | | | |

| |motivate students to read widely. | | | |

| |Literacy Centers… |Literacy work centers are a time for |Students practice working in literacy|Chart-What do Literacy Centers Look |

| |Practicing Literacy Centers |students to work productively in |centers and reflect to self-evaluate |Like/Sound Like? |

| | |differentiated reading and writing |using the criteria chart. | |

| | |practice activities on their own or |Teacher monitors and evaluates |After center time, conduct a whole |

| | |collaboratively with peers. |students working in literacy centers |group class meeting to reflect on |

| | | |to support and foster independent, |what went well and what needs |

| | | |quality work. |improving. Modify and adjust charts |

| | | | |as needed. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |*As students become proficient at |

| | | | |working independently in centers, |

| | | | |teachers will begin to pull groups or|

| | | | |individual students for BOY |

| | | | |assessment. |

|Day 17 |Read Aloud |We can show understanding of texts by|Teacher models a reflective |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Revisiting Reading Response |responding through art. |understanding of the text through |supports the weekly comprehension |

| | | |art. Think aloud as you draw. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| |Respond to Stories in Ways that | |(Repeat the author’s words and then | |

| |Reflect Understanding | |draw a picture to match the words.) |Chart Paper |

| | | |Students use art to respond to text. |Paper |

| | | | |Markers |

| | | | |Crayons |

| |Shared Reading/Shared Writing |Readers will reenter text to create a|Students will respond to the story by|Text Selection |

| | |text innovation. |creating an innovation of the text. |Markers |

| |Responding to text through writing. |Readers will assist in creating a | |Chart |

| | |text innovation to demonstrate | |Sample – At the Zoo |

| |*This is the first of a two-day |understanding of the text. | | |

| |lesson. | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | |Students will read the text when | |

| | | |finished. | |

| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| |Literacy Centers | | | |

| |Revisit, Revise, Add Rigor as needed | | | |

|Day 18 |Read Aloud |We can show understanding of texts by|Teacher models a reflective |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Revisiting Reader Response |responding through dialogue. |understanding of the text through |supports the weekly comprehension |

| | | |dialogue. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| |Respond to Stories in Ways that | |Students use talk to respond to text.| |

| |Reflect Understanding | | | |

| |Shared Reading/Shared Writing |Readers will reenter text to create a|Students will respond to the story by|Text Selection |

| | |text innovation. |creating an innovation of the text. |Markers |

| |Continue responding to text through |Readers will assist in creating a | |Chart |

| |writing. |text innovation to demonstrate | |Sample – At the Zoo |

| | |understanding of the text | | |

| |*This is the second part of the | | | |

| |lesson began on day 17. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students will read the text when | |

| | | |finished. | |

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| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| |Literacy Centers | | | |

| |Revisit, Revise, Add Rigor as needed | | | |

|Day 19 |Read Aloud |We can show understanding of texts by|Teacher models a reflective |Text Selection: Choose a text that |

| |Review Reader Response |responding through art. |understanding of the text through |supports the weekly comprehension |

| | | |art. Think aloud as you draw. |focus, found in your IPGs. |

| |Respond to Stories in Ways that | |(Repeat the author’s words and then | |

| |Reflect Understanding. | |draw a picture to match the words.) |Chart Paper |

| | | |Students use art to respond to text. |Paper |

| | | | |Markers |

| | | | |Crayons |

| |Shared Reading | | | |

| |No Shared Reading Lesson Today | | | |

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| | | | | |

| |Interactive Writing |Students will use interactive writing|Students will learn to write for a |We are Special – Chart |

| |Recording Unique/Special Things About|to record special/unique things about|variety of purposes. |Markers |

| |Ourselves |themselves. |Students will use phonological | |

| | |Students will observe new high |knowledge to map words to letters to | |

| |*This is a two day lesson that will |frequency word, “am”. |write messages. | |

| |finish on day 20. |For Spanish, substitute “soy” for | | |

| | |“am”. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Chart Sample |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Shared Writing |Students will use shared writing to |Students will discuss expectations |Markers |

| |Criteria for Working At Centers. |create a criteria chart for center |for working at centers. |Chart Paper |

| | |expectations. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |This is a two-day lesson. It will | | |Sample Criteria Chart |

| |begin today and be completed on Day | | | |

| |20. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| |Literacy Centers | | | |

| |Revisit, Revise, Add Rigor as needed | | | |

|Day 20 |Read Aloud |We can show understanding of texts by|Teacher models a reflective |Text Selection: See IPG for Text |

| |Revisiting Reader Response |responding through writing. |understanding of the text through |Suggestion |

| | | |writing. Think aloud as you write. | |

| |Respond to Stories in Ways that | |Reflect upon the story and model |Writing Paper |

| |Reflect Understanding | |writing what occurred at the | |

| | | |beginning, middle and end. Help | |

| | | |students sequence text. | |

| |Interactive Writing |Students will continue to use |Students will learn to write for a |We are Special – Chart |

| |Recording Unique/Special Things About|interactive writing to record |variety of purposes. |Markers |

| |Ourselves |special/unique things about |Students will use phonological | |

| | |themselves. |knowledge to map words to letters to | |

| |*This is a two-day lesson that began |Students will observe new high |write messages. | |

| |on day 19. |frequency word “am”. | | |

| | |For Spanish, substitute “soy” for | | |

| | |“am”. | | |

| | |Students will build a new last | | |

| | |sentence on the chart. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Shared Writing |Students will use shared writing to |Students will discuss expectations |Chart Paper |

| |Criteria for Working At Centers. |create a criteria chart for center |for working at centers. |Markers |

| | |expectations. | | |

| | | | | |

| |This is a two-day lesson. It began | | | |

| |on Day 19 and will be completed | | |Sample Criteria Chart |

| |today. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Independent Reading | | | |

| |Revisit and Monitor classroom | | | |

| |expectations and procedures as | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| |Literacy Centers | | | |

| |Revisit, Revise, Add Rigor as needed | | | |

This pacing guide is intended to be lengthened/modified according to your students’ needs. Please continue to revisit and support all skills and concepts that are introduced in the first few weeks through the balanced literacy model (See below). Our ultimate goal is for students to become proficient in using these skills independently.

As you prepare to implement the First 20 Days of Reading: Kindergarten, please keep in mind that it will be necessary to be flexible with your 90-minute reading block. Based on each day’s lessons, you may find you need extended time for one component as you put systems in place. Use your judgment, based on your students’ needs to adjust instructional time dedicated to each balanced literacy component.



Things We Can Do

• I can ______ (Letitia)

• I can ______(Roshana)

• I can _______.

• I can _______.

• But I can’t ______.

Things We Can Do

• I can ______ (Letitia)

• I can ______(Roshana)

Our Favorite Colors

I like (color). (Sean)

I like (color). (Shelley)

Our Favorite Colors

I like (color). (Sean)

I like (color). (Shelley)

Clean Up Time Expectations Put items away neatly and carefully.

Everything should be in its place.

Use the labels and pictures on the containers to help you

Clean quickly and quietly.

Center Expectations

• We use the materials correctly.

• We share with our center partners.

• We take turns

• We follow the center chart.

• We use the “I Can “ list.

• We solve problems.

• We put our things away.

• We work quietly.

At the Zoo

Monkey ate yellow bananas… all day long.

Elephant ate brown peanuts…all day long.

Center Expectations

• We use the materials correctly.

• We share with our center partners.

• We take turns

• We follow the center chart.

• We use the “I Can “ list.

• We solve problems.

• We put our things away.

• We work quietly.

Clean Up Time Expectations Put items away neatly and carefully.

Everything should be in its place.

Use the labels and pictures on the containers to help you.

Clean quickly and quietly.

At the Zoo

Monkey ate yellow bananas… all day long.

Elephant ate brown peanuts…all day long.

We are Special

• I am blonde. (Lisa)

• I am tall. (Miguel)

• I am ..

• I am ….

• I am…

• But I am not …

We are Special

• I am blonde. (Lisa)

• I am tall. (Miguel)

“Thinking and Talking with a Partner”

• We use quiet voices

• We take turns talking

• We listen to one another

“Thinking and Talking with a Partner”

• We use quiet voices

• We take turns talking

• We listen to one another

“Thinking and Talking with a Partner”

• We use quiet voices

• We take turns talking

• We listen to one another


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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