In This Issue: January 27, 2021 Previous Issue | Archive ...

In This Issue:

2020 Restored Use or Lose Leave 2021 Tax Season- W-2 Availability 2021 Tax Season- Updating Federal and State Taxes COVID-19 Vaccinations are Being Administered Reminder - Parking Rate Increases Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) Updates for 2021-PP1 NFC Retirement Package Submission Delays FEHB and Medicare Seminar Are Your Designations of Beneficiary Current? GPO's COVID-19 Statistics as of January 26 EQPR 1st Quarter Review Due by February 1 Project Management Certification Program 2021 Course Catalog is Available Featured Online Training Opportunities GPO Vacancy Announcements About GPO Headlines

January 27, 2021 Previous Issue | Archive| Photo Galleries

2020 Restored Use or Lose Leave--[Human


For Calendar Year 2020, the GPO Director determined GPO employees would be allowed to carry over up to 208 hours of use or lose leave. See the Nov, 6, 2020 edition of GPO Headlines for more information.

Public Law No: 116-283 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, Section 1111 allowed Executive Branch employees to carry over 60 hours of use or lose leave. GPO is not covered under this law.

If you had use or lose leave in 2020, your restored leave balance will be populated into a restored leave category in the webTA system and will show as restored on your Earnings and Leave Statement. You will receive additional information and instructions on how to use this leave in the next two weeks.

Questions? Contact the HC Policy Office at hcpolicy@

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2021 Tax Season- W-2 Availability--[Human


2020 W-2's are expected to be available on the Employee Personal Page (EPP) by the end of January 2021. Employees have the option to print their W-2 electronically via EPP.

Employees can access W-2 statements by logging into the Employee Personal Page Self Service Module. You must have your EPP User ID and Password to access the system:

? Access EPP ? Select W-2 ? View a list of W-2 Statements Summary ? Select View PDF ? Print a copy of the 2020 W-2 ? View the 2020 W-2 Tax Details

For easier tax preparation purposes, if you use TurboTax, you can also import a copy of the 2020 W-2 statement through EPP.

Quick, Fast and Easy! It's that simple!

Questions? Contact the HC-Benefits Office at 5121173 or Payroll Office at 512-0825.

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NOTE: Employees who are not current EPP users may establish an account at . Select New User Sign Up and follow the instructions to establish your EPP account.

2021 Tax Season- Updating Federal and State Taxes--[Human Capital]

Employees can make both Federal and State tax exemption changes by logging into the Employee Personal Page Self Service Module. You must have your EPP User ID and Password to access the system:

Federal Tax Exemptions: ? Access EPP ? Select Federal Tax (W-4) or State Tax ? In the upper right hand corner of the page hit Self-Service ? Select the effective pay period, filing status, number of exemptions, and additional amount to be withheld, if applicable ? Hit Continue ? Review your selection and hit Submit ? An e-mail confirmation will be sent to you along with the effective date of your tax exemption change

State Tax Exemptions: ? Access EPP ? Select State Tax

If you need to change your State of residence, contact the Payroll Office for the appropriate forms.

Quick, Fast and Easy!

NOTE: Employees who are not current EPP users may establish an account at . Select New User Sign Up and follow the instructions to establish your EPP account.

? In the upper right hand corner of the page hit Questions? Contact the HC-Benefits Office at 512-


1173 or Payroll Office at 512-0825.

? Select the effective pay period, filing status, number of exemptions, and additional amount Back to top

to be withheld, if applicable

? Hit Continue

? Review your selection and hit Submit

? An e-mail confirmation will be sent to you along

with the effective date of your tax exemption


COVID-19 Vaccinations are Being Administered--[Human Capital]

All employees should strongly consider getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Early clinical trials show the vaccines are highly effective in preventing serious illness and can help protect you and those around you. Most of the participants in the clinical trials had minimal side effects. The most common were soreness at the injection site, fever or body aches.

Can I can get the Vaccine?

DC, Maryland and Virginia are administering the COVID-19 vaccine in priority groups based on relative risk of exposure or developing serious illness.

Click on the links below to get information for your state:

? Washington, DC ? click here ? Maryland ? click here ? Virginia - click here or call 877-275-8343

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Reminder - Parking Rate Increases--[Finance]

The bi-weekly allotment for the GPO Parking Program

increased from $52.00 per pay period to $54.00 per pay period beginning with pay period 1.

Additionally, daily parking rates increased to $9.00 from $8.00.

Monthly fees for contractors increased to $145.00 from $140.00.

To view GPO Directive 850.1J - GPO Parking Program and Administration click here.

There is no action required by employees already enrolled in GPO's parking program.

If you are interested in joining the program, there are currently parking spaces available.

If you have questions regarding your status in the parking program please contact Gresham Harkless x20872, Randy Jackson x2-1338, DeShawn McMillan, x2-0477, or Kevin Smith x2-0811.

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Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) Updates for 2021-PP1--[Human Capital]

If you recently made any open season changes to your benefits such as health, dental, vision flexible spending account or Thrift Savings Plan updates, be sure to check your leave and earnings statement for accuracy in withholdings to avoid over or under deductions in your pay.

Your LES is available in the Employee Personal Page (EPP) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Questions? Contact the HC-Benefits Office at 202512-1173

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NFC Retirement Package Submission Delays--

[Human Capital]

NFC has encountered a tremendous increase in retirement cases over the last few months. For new cases submitted after December 11, 2020, NFC's time frame for processing is 45-60 days from the date of receipt.

NFC anticipates returning to the 30-day metric at the end of March 2021, after completing the processing for Pay Period (PP) 26/20 and PP 01/21. This is based on a severe uptick in retirement cases expected during the next few pay periods.

If you are planning to retire between January?March 2021, please be aware of the possible delays in NFC processing your retirement package and prepare financially for the delay in receipt of your interim payment from OPM.

Questions? Contact the HC Benefits Office at 202512-1173

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FEHB and Medicare Seminar--[Human Capital]

Do you have questions about how your Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) works in retirement? Would you like to learn more about how Medicare coordinates with your FEHB coverage?

These topics and many more will be discussed at this very informative seminar. A Blue Cross and Blue Shield representative will review important rules and regulations about your FEHB coverage. Anyone enrolled in FEHB can benefit from this seminar.

Date: Thursday, February 4, 2021 Time: 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Register no later than Monday, February 1, 2021.

To enroll in this session, register at:

Do not share your invitation with others. If you are not able to attend the session, please notify the facilitator as a courtesy.

Topics Covered ? When and How to enroll in Medicare ? Learn the different parts of Medicare ? How Medicare coordinates with FEHB

Questions? Contact Ivina Powell- HC Benefits- 21173.

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Open to all GPO Employees.

This training is available to you via Microsoft TEAMS. We will send you the TEAMS meeting information and workshop handouts the day before the session begins.

Are Your Designations of Beneficiary Current?--[Human Capital]

When was the last time you checked your designations of beneficiary? Are your beneficiary forms out of date? Are you giving money to someone that you no longer wish to receive payment upon your death? Check your designations filed in your Official Personnel Folder to make sure they are current.

If not, you can update the following beneficiary forms. All forms are available on the OPM and TSP websites:

? Federal Employees Group Life Insurance- SF 2823

? Civil Service Retirement System- SF 2808 ? Federal Employees Retirement System- SF

3102 ? Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)-TSP 3 ? Unpaid Compensation ? SF 1152

Instructions for the TSP-3 are located on the form and must be submitted to the TSP for certification and filing purposes. This form should not be submitted to the GPO Benefits Office.

All forms must have the following: ? Original signatures (no electronic signatures allowed), ? Two witnesses who are not the beneficiary, ? Date and the designations must equal 100%, ? No cross-outs or erasures are permitted on the form or it will be considered an invalid designation.

If you don't have a designation on file, then the funds will be distributed according to the order of precedence. If you want benefits paid to someone else or in a different order, you must designate a beneficiary.

Questions? Contact the Human Capital Benefits Office at 202-512-1173.

All OPM Forms should be submitted to the Benefits Office at benefits@ password protected. The designations will be reviewed for accuracy and certified by Human Resources. A copy will be provided to you for your records and filed in your Official Personnel Folder.

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GPO's COVID-19 Statistics as of January 26 --

[Office of the Director]

Please keep in mind that the safety of our GPO team is our top priority. We all need to do our part to protect our own health and the health of the entire GPO team.

We must remain vigilant, so this is a reminder to: ? Stay home if you feel sick ? Maintain social distance of at least 6 feet ? Wear a mask and additional PPE as required ? Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly

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EQPR 1st Quarter Review Due by February 1--

[Human Capital]

1st Quarter EQPR's will be accepted into the EQPR system until Monday, February 1, 2021.

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Project Management Certification Program--


Beginning February 16 ? 18, 2021 8:30 a.m. ? 3:30 p.m., via Virtual Classroom Becoming a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), or a Project Management Professional (PMP) is an asset that will distinguish you in the job market, by validating your competence to perform the role of a project manager, leading and directing projects and teams. This four-course program will familiarize you with initiating projects, managing stakeholder expectations, assessing project risks and more. View the full program schedule, here.

To Register visit wdet.. Questions? Contact HC-WDET at wdet@.

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2021 Course Catalog is Available--[WDET]

Need help finding the right courses to complete your 2021 Individual Development Plan (IDP)? The 2021 Course Catalog is a crucial tool to help you and your supervisor develop your IDP.

Version One of the 2021 Course Catalog is now available on WDET's intranet homepage.

To access all course and class information, please visit WDET's website, at . If you have any question regarding WDET's courses, products, or services, contact HC-WDET directly at wdet@.

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Featured Online Training Opportunities--


Working through this rapid change can be hard. It requires an adjustment in mindset and a change in the typical day-to-day schedule.

During this time, the following online training opportunities are available:

? Virtual Training through the GPO LMS ? IC3 Digital Literacy online training, using

GMetrix ? Microsoft Office Suite Certification online

training, using GMetrix ? User license access for Linked-In Learning

() online training

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Enroll in a webinar, to gain tips and strategies for staying organized and focused while working at home.


Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) Refresher This course will help experienced Contracting Officer's Representatives (COR) keep pace with the rapidly changing acquisition world, while satisfying requirements for refresher maintenance training.

LinkedIn Learning Outlook 2019 Essential Training Enroll today to leverage the power of Microsoft Outlook and stay on top of all your important connections. Become familiar with navigating your email messages, calendar, and contacts in Outlook 2019.

Date & Time

Registration Ends: January 27, 2021

Session: February 3, 2021 8:30 a.m. ? 3:30 p.m.

Registration Ends: February 4, 2021

Complete by: February 15, 2021


Douglas Davis

Everane Bropleh

Project Management ? Session #1 PM Framework & Creating a High Performing Team A key role of a project manager is to assemble and manage the project team, and any additional stakeholders. Learn how to build a team, define team ground rules, and negotiate project agreements, by enrolling today. Leadership Mini Modules: Negotiating to Win Learning how to negotiate properly has become an essential requirement. Enroll today to understand the negotiation process, know their negotiation style, and execute negotiating strategies, tactics, and ploys.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Awareness Diversity is a big part of organizations and businesses and has been a high-profile issue since the late twentieth century -- but much has changed in how we understand it. Enroll today to explore diversity and inclusion in the workplace on many levels.

LinkedIn Learning Outlook: Tips and Tricks Learn tips, tricks, and shortcuts that will make you an Outlook power user. Enroll today to save time, increase productivity, and keep yourself organized with Outlook.

LinkedIn Learning SharePoint 2019 Essential Training: The Basics SharePoint 2019 comes with a number of powerful features for business collaboration and real-time documentation sharing. This course will help you get up and running with SharePoint by covering the most essential features.

Respect in the Workplace Respect for colleagues is key in creating a positive work atmosphere. A respectful work environment motivates us to do our best work, encourages us to support others, and not only produces positive results for the organization, but also allows its employees to have job satisfaction.

Registration Ends: February 5, 2021

Session: February 16 ? 18, 2021 8:30 a.m. ? 3:30 p.m. Registration Ends: February 7, 2021

Session: February 9, 2021 9:30 a.m. ? 12:30 p.m. Registration Ends: February 8, 2021

Session: February 10 ? 11, 2021 8:30 a.m. ? 11:30 a.m. Registration Ends: February 11, 2021

Complete by: February 22, 2021

Registration Ends: February 18, 2021

Complete by: March 1, 2021

Registration Ends: February 21, 2021

Session: February 23, 2021 9:30 a.m. ? 12:30 p.m.

Everane Bropleh Mandi Osoba Ellen Truiett Everane Bropleh Everane Bropleh Mandi Osoba

To enroll in a webinar: 1. Visit the GPO Training website 2. Sign in and search for the course on the CATALOG page 3. Find a class and click the REGISTER button

Questions? View the step by step instructions, here. Back to top

GPO Vacancy Announcements--[Human Capital]

Here is a list of the current positions available at GPO:

Number 21-11006567-ST-USAHIRE-LTT


Position Title

Lead Human Resources Specialist (Recruitment & Placement), PG-0201-13, Shift 1 Human Capital Specialist, PG-201-09, Target 11

Closing Date 02/01/2021


For more information on GPO vacancy announcements, go to the USAJobs site here. Back to top


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