Wildland Firefighting (3rd Edition)-All Chapter Numbers

Wildland Firefighting (3rd Edition)

Chapter 1 - Wildland Fire Behavior: Fuel, Weather, & Topography

"By the Numbers"

▪ The National Fire Danger Rating system (NFDRS) lists 20 standard fuel models.

▪ The NFDRS models are aligned with 13 fire-behavior models to predict large area daily fire danger ratings.

▪ NFPA 1574, Aids to Determining Fuel Models for Fire Behavior, provides a complete explanation of fire behavior models.

▪ Fuels exposed to heat from the sun can reach 150oF.

▪ Most wildland fuels must be heated between 400oF to 700oF to ignite.

▪ Live fuels usually have a moisture content from 35% to 250% of their dehydrated rate.

|Live Fuel Moisture Content |

|Moisture Content |Stage of Development |

|300% |Fresh foliage, annuals |

|200% |Maturing foliage (still developing) |

|100% |Mature foliage & older perinnials |

|50% |Entering dormancy, coloration starting, some leaves have dropped|

|< 30% |Completely cured (dead fuels) |

▪ Dead plants have a moisture content between 1.5% to 30%.

▪ One fire behavior prediction system uses the following to determine the time it takes for moisture content to equalize with that of the surrounding air.

|Classification |Diameter of Fuel |

|1 hour | ................

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