Contractor shall furnish testing, inspection and maintenance services for Portable Fire Extinguishers, Fire Hose Cabinets, Standpipe Systems and Sprinkler Systems at various State Facilities on the island of Oahu for the State of Hawaii, Department of Accounting and General Services, Central Services Division, and shall be in accordance with this IFB, including these Specifications, Special Provisions and 103D General Conditions.


The inventory list of fire extinguisher, fire hose cabinets, standpipes systems and sprinkler systems by buildings are estimated, and is attached hereto and identified as Exhibit A.


For the purpose of this contract, Mr. James Hisano, Central Services Manager, DAGS-Central Services Division or designee is the Contract Administrator (CA). The telephone number at which he may be reached at is (808) 831-6734.



Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, parts, materials and supplies, tools and incidentals necessary for recharging, replacing, cleaning, inspecting, mounting, reporting, tagging and testing of fire extinguishers at various State Facilities on the island of Oahu according to the current requirements of the NFPA 10: Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers. Work performed shall further be subject, where applicable, to all laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations of the U.S. Government, State of Hawaii, City and County of Honolulu, or any of their departments or agencies.

Contractor is also required to furnish and install additional fire extinguishers and disposal of old fire extinguishers.

Loaner. In the event any extinguisher is removed from the premises for any work by the Contractor for any length of time, the Contractor shall provide a loaner at no cost to the State until the original extinguisher is returned to its respective location, building or service area.

The following describes the services required for bid items listed on the OFFER FORM B pages:

1. Inspection, Maintenance and Recharging of Portable Fire Extinguishers

a. Perform annual inspections and maintenance of extinguishers as required by NFPA 10 Chapter 7 Inspection, Maintenance and Recharging. Report any discrepancies to the Contract Administrator (CA) or his designated representative.

b. Perform the record keeping requirement per NFPA 10

c. If required, perform the 6-year maintenance and 12-year hydrostatic testing for those fire extinguishers when doing the annual inspections per NFPA 10, Chapter 8 Hydrostatic Testing. 6-year maintenance and 12-year hydrostatic test costs will be based on Part G, unit bid price for 6-year maintenance and 12-year hydrostatic test.

d. Perform recharging as required per NFPA 10 Chapter 7 Inspection, Maintenance and Recharging. All extinguishers shall be paid on the unit prices of ABC, regardless of size or type. Recharging fire extinguishers costs will be based on Part G, unit bid price for recharging fire extinguishers.

2. Fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed and placed no less than 4 inch above the floor and no more than five feet above the floor per Fire Department requirement.

3. Each individual extinguisher must have a tag or label securely attached that indicated the month and year the maintenance was performed and shall identify the company and person performing the service per NFPA 10 Chapter 4 General Requirements.

4. The inspection report(s) shall be attached with the invoice and sent to the Contract Administrator (CA). The inspection report must include the contractor’s (company) name, facility (building) name, number of portable fire extinguisher service, locations, inspection date and inspector’s name.

5. Signs. Although Contractor is not required to install or remove signs. The Contractor is requested to notify the State and submit a proposal to the CA or his designated representative if signs are missing, or needs replacement.

6. Authorized extra work which is separate from the annual inspection service contract. The Contractor shall submit a proposal to the CA or his designated representative and must include the facility building name, type of work to be done and cost. The Contractor will schedule the extra work with the CA or his designated representative and notify the CA or his designated representative when the extra work is completed.

Except for the following:

Furnishing and installing of new fire extinguishers,

Recharging fire extinguishers,

Disposal of fire extinguishers,

6-year maintenance and

12-Year hydrostatic testing.

Costs are based on the unit bid price listed on Part G, Additional Work.


1. Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, parts, materials and supplies, tools, and incidentals necessary for cleaning, inspecting, reporting and tagging hose cabinet systems at various State Facilities on the island of Oahu according to the current requirements of the NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.

2. Perform annual fire hose cabinet inspections, testing, and maintenance:

a. Inspect hose valves for leaks or clogs.

b. Remove, inspect, and reinstall hoses and nozzles; install new gaskets in couplings, both at the hose valves and at the nozzles.

c. Certify and tag hose and cabinet components.

3. If during the inspection of fire hose cabinets, Contractor finds any discrepancies, the Contractor will report the discrepancies to the CA or his designated representative and submit a proposal to the CA or his designated representative and must include the facility building name, type of work to be done and cost.

4. The inspection report(s) shall be attached with the invoice and sent to the CA. The inspection report must include the contractor’s (company) name, facility (building) name, number of fire hose cabinets serviced, location, inspection date and inspector’s name.

5. Authorized extra work which is separate from the annual inspection service contract. The Contractor shall submit a proposal to the CA and must include the facility building name, type of work to be done and cost. The Contractor will schedule the extra work with the CA or his designated representative and when the extra work is completed the Contractor shall notify the CA or his designated representative. Any extra work will be paid for outside of this contract either by a purchase order or a purchasing card.


1. Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, parts, materials and supplies, tools, and incidentals necessary for cleaning, inspecting, reporting, tagging, and testing standpipes at various State Facilities on the island of Oahu according to the current requirements of the NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.

2. Perform 5-year standpipe systems inspections, testing, maintenance, certify and tag based on current NFPA requirements.

3. If during the inspection of standpipe systems, Contractor finds any discrepancies. The Contractor will report the discrepancies to the CA and submit a proposal to the CA and must include the facility building name, type of work to be done and cost.

4. The inspection report(s) shall be attached with the invoice and sent to the CA. The inspection report must include the contractor’s (company) name, facility (building) name, number of standpipe systems serviced, location, inspection date and inspector’s name.

5. Authorized extra work which is separate from the annual inspection service contract. The Contractor shall submit a proposal to the CA and must include the facility building name, type of work to be done and cost. The Contractor will schedule the extra work with the CA or his designated representative and notify the CA or his designated representative when the extra work is completed. Any extra work will be paid for outside of this contract either by a purchase order or a purchasing card.


1. Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, parts, materials and supplies, tools, and incidentals necessary for inspecting, and testing sprinkler systems at various State Facilities on the island of Oahu according to the current requirements of the NFPA 13, 13a and 25

2. If during the inspection of the sprinkler systems, Contractor finds any discrepancies the Contractor will report the discrepancies to the CA and submit a proposal to the CA and must include the facility building name, type of work to be done and cost.

3. The inspection report(s) shall be attached with the invoice and sent to the CA. The inspection report must include the contractor’s (company) name, facility (building) name, number of standpipe systems serviced, location, inspection date and inspector’s name.

4. Authorized extra work which is separate from the annual inspection service contract. The Contractor shall submit a proposal to the CA and must include the facility building name, type of work to be done and cost. The Contractor will schedule the extra work with the CA or his designated representative and notify the CA or his designated representative when the extra work is completed. Any extra work will be paid for outside of this contract either by a purchase order or a purchasing card.


All inspection and maintenance work shall be performed during normal business hours between 7:45 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and State holidays or as approved by the CA. The Contractor shall schedule all inspection and maintenance service and repair work to minimize disruption of the building operations. The Contractor may be required to reschedule at no additional cost to the State. The State reserves the right to have maintenance services and repair work performed on the weekends or after normal operating hours.

Within ten (10) working days after the award of this contract, the Contractor must meet with the CA or his designated representative and submit a proposed Schedule of Work for the CA approval. With the proposed Schedule of Work the Contractor shall also include any proposed work forms to be used for this Contract, and other forms and checklists to be used by their maintenance personnel in the performance of their work. All submittals shall have sufficient detail to show their adequacy in carrying out their function. The State reserves the right to provide the Contractor with preprinted maintenance forms or worksheets to be completed by the Contractor.

All work shall be subject to random periodic inspection and testing by the CA or his designated representative. The State may request the Contractor to be present at such inspections, at no additional cost to the State.


For authorized extra work (which includes trouble calls and emergencies) not covered by the contract, the Contractor must obtain the CA prior approval and submit a written proposal. The proposal must include the name of the facility, description of work to be performed and costs.

Except for the following:

Furnishing and installing of new fire extinguishers,

Recharging of fire extinguishers,

Disposal of fire extinguishers,

6-year maintenance and

12-Year hydrostatic testing

Cost is based on the unit bid price listed on Part G Additional Work.

Any extra work will be paid for outside of this contract either by a purchase order or a purchasing card.

The State reserves the right to have authorized extra work performed on the weekends or after normal operating hours to minimize disruption of the building operations.


The Contractor shall keep the job site free of debris, litter, refuse, etc. and shall clean all fluids, or grease drippings or spills during the daily progress of work. The Contractor shall remove all tools, used parts, fluids, and lubricants, and equipment from the service area upon completion of the work. Legally dispose of used parts, fluids and lubricants, fire extinguishers, whether hazardous or not, in accordance with EPA and/or other government regulations including providing written records, as required. The Contractor shall support and protect the State legally and financially with regard to these regulations.

Contractor shall exercise caution during the progress of his maintenance and repair work to prevent damage to any of the building structure. Contractor shall restore all damages caused by the Contractor’s negligence at the Contractor’s own expense.


The Contractor shall not perform maintenance and repair work until all safety barricades are in place. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable safety regulations of OSHA, EPA, and other governmental agencies.


The Contractor must be aware of the heightened security conditions at DAGS facilities covered by this contract. The Contractor is requested to report any suspicious activity or security breach observed during their work activity to the CA with as much detailed information as possible. The Contractor must keep their work area secure before, during, and after performing work. Any doors or gates left unsecured by the Contractor may be liable for security breach fines and be charged $100.00 per incident per day per location.

The Contractor shall schedule and coordinate in advance with the CA or his designated representative any maintenance service, emergency work, or repair work to be performed at DAGS facilities. Advance scheduling may be required before work can commence. The Contractor may be required to submit a list of personnel assigned to this Contract to DAGS as soon as the Contract is executed and prior to start of work. Background security checks may be required for personnel assigned to the Contract.


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