TOWN OF EASTONSelect Board Meeting – Draft MinutesAugust 13, 2018Select Board Select Board Secretary Zhenye “Zak” Mei – Present Kathy Ryan - PresentBob Thibault – Present Toni Woodruff – Present “These minutes of the Town of Easton Select Board have been recorded by the Secretary. Though believed accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at the next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. These minutes are made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91 – A: 2.”The meeting was officially called to order at 6:01pm by Zak MeiPublic in Attendance: Scott Viveiros, Deb Stever, Roy Stever, Jim CollierApproval of Minutes: Bob Thibault moved to accept the minutes of the July 30, 2018 Town of Easton Select Board meeting. Toni Woodruff seconded. Following discussion, several amendments were made. Under Old Business/Roof Bids, "Palmer Roofing" should read "Tom Palmer." Under Building Permits, "Burgess" should read "Bernier." Under New Business, 'Erlander" should read "Elander." Under Additional Business, "Bodie Miller" should read "Bode Miller." "SCC" should read "SEC." "Bob Thibault will direct Will Abbott" should read "Bob Thibault will ask Will Abbottt." Zak Mei made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Bob Thibault seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Passed.Vouchers and Checks: All vouchers and checks were accounted for and signed.Treasurer’s Report – Darrel Gearhart submitted the following Treasurer's Reports: August 1, 2018Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank - Checking Account: 50,042.96Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank - Money Market Account: 367,253.70Total Balance: 417,296.66Bob Thibault moved to accept the August 1, 2018 Treasurer's Report. Toni Woodruff seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Passed. August 13, 2018Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank - Checking Account: 56,838.47Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank - Money Market Account: 367,335.23Total Balance: 424,173.70Bob Thibault moved to accept the August 13, 2018 Treasurer's Report. Toni Woodruff seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Passed.Scott Viveiros - Checked the status of his Intent To Cut Permit. Toni Woodruff noted that it had been received. He also inquired about the current Planning Board membership. Bob Thibault responded that there has been no change to the Planning Board.Roy Stever - Asked for clarification of the agenda for the Wednesday, August 15 Planning Board Meeting. Toni Woodruff responded that the agenda had not yet been set.He also inquired about zoning adjustment forms. Bob Thibault advised him to write a letter to Greg Sorg with his form request. Select Board- Old Business Town Road and RepairsZak Mei will follow up with Presby regarding the stop sign not yet in place at Gingerbread Road.Building Permit ProcedureToni Woodruff asked the SB to clarify the procedure for sending building permits to Allan Clark. Bob Thibault responded that her will update the procedure and ask Allan Clark to acknowledge receipt of individual building permit applications.Building permit applications should go to : Allan Clark, Conservation Commission, and Gary Fournier (Assessor).Gibson Rd - not addressed.Viveiros Sudivision - Road InspectorBob Thibault reported that the road inspector formerly used by the town has retired. Bob Thibault moved that the town hire Red McCarthy of Franconia as road inspector for the Viveiros Subdivision pending the Planning Board's acceptance of the Viveiros Subdivision road plan. Zak Mei seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Passed.AED Paperwork submitted. The town will pay $845, to be reimbursed by the Kinsman Valley Club.Easton Conservation CommissionZak Mei will update the town website.Melissa Elander Toni Woodruff will send a card of condolence on behalf of the town.Town Hall Roof - work is ongoing. Select Board-New BusinessMcNary Permit - tabled until permit application is received.Elections -September 11Town hall open 11-7 on September 11, 2018 for voting. Zak Mei will recruit additional ballot clerks and send request to Grafton County Sheriff. Zak Mei will confirm training dates and attendance with election personnel.Forest ReimbursementToni Woodruff will contact Gary Fournier to set rate.Intent to Cut Application- ViveirosToni Woodruff moved that the SB sign application following Bob Thibault's discussion with State authorities re: identifying land in current use, ahead of the Wednesday, August 15 Planning Board meeting. Bob Thibault seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Passed. Additional BusinessToni Woodruff thanked all involved in the successful town picnic held Saturday, August 11. Approximately 65 people attended.NH Municipal Association: Bob Thibault noted that the Association will meet on September 13 in Concord, NH. Zak Mei moved that the SB send Bob Thibault as delegate from the Town of Easton to vote on behalf of the town to deny SEC authority over town roads. Toni Woodruff seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Passed.Bob Thibault made a motion to close the meeting at 7:20pm. Toni Woodruff seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Passed.Respectfully submitted,Kathy RyanSecretary to the Easton Select Board ................

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