Information Requested - New Hampshire

Information RequestedCompany DescriptionA1Please provide a brief description of your company. A2Company Name Company Web SiteAccount Executive Nameemail AddressPhone NumberUS Office LocationsNumber of Regular Full Time EmployeesNumber of Contracted EmployeesA3Provide a description of the products or services offered by your company that are applicable to the electronic filing of court documents including DMS, EFM/ERQ and IdM. The NHJB is particularly interested in your firm’s approach to SOA and the National Center for State Courts Court Component Model.A4How long has your organization provided court technology solutions? Who is your primary customer base? Please list all courts where your system has been installed or piloted.Electronic Filing Manager/Enterprise Review QueueB1Please describe your experience in providing judicial eFiling solutions on a statewide or equivalent basis.If your organization does not have experience in the courts and justice domain, please describe your experience working in other domains, particularly in state government.B2Is there a review queue for filings in your solution? How are filings approved? Can the queue accept filings from other applications?B3Please describe your EFM architecture B4Please provide a high-level functional design description of how your EFM provides the following services:Review QueuesAutomated Workflowe-Signaturese-Servicee-Service Contacts ManagementDocument annotation (private and public notes, stamps, etc.)B5How is your EFM integrated into the Odyssey CMS? C-Track CMS?B6If your EFM/ERQ is bundled with an enterprise-level DMS, please describe the product features and functionality in detail. Advise why it may be a superior solution to unbundled products.B7Describe solutions you have implemented using multiple vendors and/or integration providers.B8Does your system incorporate the use of a rules engine and/or a process design and workflow solution? If so, are these components ‘built into’ your system or can they integrate with industry standard platforms? Does the rules engine use any international or industry standards to accomplish its functionality? If so, please describe.B9Have you implemented a system that provides for a “paperless” court operation utilizing review queues and automated workflow? If so, describe how court staff and judges use the system. B10How does your system comply with existing standards, e.g. OASIS LegalXML ECF 4.01, for electronic filing? B11What are your plans to comply with ECF 5.x specification? Are you prepared to conform within 90 days of its release by the Oasis consortium? If not, what is your timeline to be ECF 5.x conformant?B12What types of court cases does your system handle (i.e., civil, criminal, municipal, family, etc.)?B13Is your solution limited to any specific case types? If so, what are they?B14Describe the various cloud models your EFM supports.B15Describe the e-Service capabilities of your system.B16Identify all file formats that can be e-filed.B17Describe any unique features of your EFM/ERQ that differentiates it from competitors, is particularly innovative or otherwise offers strategic and operational benefits to the NHJB.Enterprise Document Management SystemC1What document/content format(s) does your DMS support?C2How is associated filing or other metadata captured and utilized with your DMS? Please list and describe metadata elements your system captures.C3Describe the DMS’ search features, including basic and advanced. How is Optical Character Recognition supported?C4Describe workflows and queues functionality in your DMS. Useful business process examples include automated routing to approve, reject, revise, finalize, and electronically sign documents by a variety of party types (plaintiffs, defendants, attorneys, clerks, judges, and court staff) is of particular interest. How are workflows configured?C5How does your DMS support fee collection for records research services? Are bulk-download capabilities available?C6Is there public access to non-confidential court documents (either generic or registered user)? How is role-based access handled (i.e., elevated access to case documents, including confidential documents, for self-represented litigants, attorneys, and other parties to a case)?C7Are electronically filed and any other documents in the DMS date and time stamped? Is there a hash document verification capability?C8Describe the DMS’ capabilities to provide configurable workflow for filing review, acceptance, judicial review, and electronic signatures from multiple case parties.C9Who maintains ownership of the data and documents that are electronically filed and stored in the DMS?C10Describe how scanned documents are incorporated into the DMS. Is batch scanning supported? If so, please describe. Is this included or is it an “add-on” for additional cost?C11Describe your solution’s electronic document retention and archiving capabilities. Please describe any best practices or innovated solutions that you have implemented. C12Can the DMS can be used for other NHJB document management needs such as Human Resources, Accounting, Management and Operations, etc.? Please describe an enterprise-wide DMS implementation currently in production. Case studies in the courts and justice domain are preferred; however, NHJB is interested in successful enterprise-level DMS implementations in any domain.C13Can documents be stored in encrypted format either as submitted or later by the court?C14Describe the DMS’s audit trail and compliance capabilities.C15Does your DMS provide manual or automated redaction capabilities? If so, please describe.C16Do you offer a Mobile DMS (for smartphones or tablets?)C17Please describe the technical data storage environment that your system supports. Please list any tools or capabilities provided for storage management. C18Please describe the document management technical environment including any relational database or EDMS applications (for example, On-Base, File-Net) C19Does your solution provide “vendor provided-cloud” Document Management System capabilities?C20List additional features that your court customers have found useful.C21Describe the SOA capabilities of your DMS to allow other enterprise applications inbound and outbound access via APIs, XML, etc.Identity Management SystemPlease describe the features and functionality in your IdM that supports the following: D1Single Sign OnD2Multi-Factor AuthenticationD3Role-based Access ControlD4Administrative tools to manage profiles, policies, users, groups, and devicesD5User Experience customization capabilities for registration, authentication, and authorization.D6Does the proposed IdM operate in the cloud, on premises, or both? Please describe all options available.D7Does the proposed IdM support both web and mobile access?Integration/ArchitectureE1The e-Court Service Broker utilizes Mule ESB, leverages JMS message queues and topics, Soap Web Services, and RESTful Web Services. Describe your experience integrating with this type of service layer. E2Describe the open integration points of your system.E3Please provide a description/blueprint for the recommended technical architecture of your system.E4Describe the scalability of your architecture for future growth. ................

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