STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION MINUTESDecember 1, 2020ROLL CALL: Kayin Carpenter, Catherine Eynation, and Hunter Hassett were absent. Melanie Voss, Kaitlyn Egan, Olivia Houde, and Arianna Torres were excused.APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM: November 17, 2020 Minutes were approved.PRESIDENT'S REPORT: Samuel TsongalisAs you are all aware, the President of the University, signed the new Pass/Fail Policy for both this semester and next. Tonight, to answer questions about the policy we have Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost. Dr. Robert Kersting. I would like to thank Dr. Kersting for coming down on such short notice, as well as acknowledging the fact that this is a very new policy and that every question may not have an answer to it yet. Tonight, he only has a half hour to talk so I would like to turn it over to him at this time so without a further do please welcome Vice President Kersting.Vice President Kersting: Give yourselves a round of applause because this change in policy for this year was one of the few in my 25 years here that was a student-initiated change so congratulations on that. Not that we don't have other student-initiated changes shot down, that's not my point my point is that this was a rare event where the students came up with the idea, proposed a policy and it was approved so congratulations on that. As you know the policy is now in effect for both this semester and the spring semester. Students really can't take advantage of it just yet, Department shares have the opportunity to decide that certain classes, in majors will not be able to use the Pass/Fail option due to any variety of reasons, always bring it back to the policy to read about that but they should be submitting that information by the end of this week to the registrar and they're also supposed to reach out to students in their majors to let them know, but that entire list will be at the registrar's website and the form to request Pass/Fail will be there. The other piece of it is if you read the policy you know that the date to withdraw from a class has also been extended to the last day of classes so you have from now to let all students. not just you folks, know you have from now till the end of the semester the last day of classes to decide if you'd like to withdraw from a class or switch it to be a Pass/Fail class. Anything above a D minus and above is considered a pass under this policy so those are the basic things that I think people need to know if you saw my email you know that I highly recommend that students talk to their advisers.Elizabeth Ferrara: Do you have a follow up about the major that Lyric Lemagdalaine had?Vice President Kersting: I don’t know yet but will get answers for you and give them to Sam Tsongalis.Joey Joyal: Do students have their options to see their grades and then make your decision? Will we be able to see them still?Vice President Kersting: No, you will not be able to because we are moving quicklyThank you, Vice President Kersting.Folks, a few weeks ago, we received letters from two students who were interested in the position of Hall Representatives for their prospective Residence Halls. Both students went through the interview process and are here tonight for an appointment. Even though campus has been closed, it is important to note that student representation is always importantI move to appoint Emily Walden as New Hall Representative to SGA for the Remainder of the 2020-2021 Academic Year. Motion carries.I move to appoint Heidi Keith as Lammers Hall Representative to SGA for the Remainder of the 2020-2021 Academic Year. Motion carries.At this time, I would like to backtrack to offer some clarification and back story on how the policy that we now know as the new Pass/Fail Policy.When we last convened in our formal legislative body, we had updated you that the policy was in APC and was being shaped there by the committee. This would remain the case until that Friday November 20. It was on that morning that I received an email from the Academic Policy Chair that she had been informed that student voting rights had been revoked from the Student Representatives on all the Universities Governance Committees. To be clear, the APC Chair was not the one revoking the rights.The person who was revoking the rights of the students sitting on University Governance Committees is named Claudia Ciano-Boyce. She serves as the President of the MSCA Faculty Union chapter, here at the university. At first, I could not understand as to why someone would do such a thing, so I called Claudia, and asked her.I will spare you all the argument that was had but bottom line, Claudia had said that the reason that she was revoking the voting rights of the students, was because that we as SGA had failed to survey the entire population of students to approve their faculty union contracts, instead of doing in SGA as we have done in years prior.To be clear, SGA was never notified of this clause, nor have they ever been responsible for it, so it can be seen as nothing more than a cheap political ploy. Call it what you may, I saw it as nothing less than a blatant attack on democracy at its finest. I’m not going to sit here and rake it all the mud that has settled, but I will tell you that a survey was sent to the students, asking them the very same question that we voted on, on October 20, 2020.I will tell you that Claudia did tell me that we as students and I quote “should feel grateful that we get to vote because we technically become a part of the union when we vote because the union is the big picture, and I would be happy to come to SGA and explain that.”I will also tell you that she was met with a resoundingly angry President Tsongalis and that she was now not only revoking the rights that student so deserve, but she was now also insulting the constituency that we represent, and that if that was her attitude on how she views student representation, then she will not be receiving any time in the near future in regard to SGA.The student voting rights were restored on Saturday, November 21 and the policy was passed through APC, then through AUC the following Monday, with students voting on the policy. It was in the committees, the faculty serving on the committee felt uncomfortable voting without the student votes, and to that we thank them. The policy was signed by University President, Dr. Saigo this past Wednesday.I would like to reflect in the minutes for a moment that some will tell you that this policy was driven by the students, others will tell you that they hate it, but what I can tell you is that this was a policy created by the faculty and students, and not one side alone. This was purely supposed to start a conversation, we did not ask, nor go looking to start a war of some sort with a union, and it shows that faculty understand that by choosing to wait for student votes. I would like to thank all the faculty and students who helped shape this policy and for truly helping this university.I recognize that this is all business according to policy, but it has gotten so watered down in the story, instead of trying to explain it in several different parts of the minutes, I have decided to do them here.Before I proceed, are there any questions on anything pertaining to this subject.I would now like to turn things over to Dean of Students Maggie Balch who has asked for a few minutes to talk to the senate about some updates for next semester in reference to the COVID-19 Pandemic.Please welcome Dean BalchDean Maggie Balch: Hello everyone it's good to see you I have to say you all look different I don't know if it's your backgrounds or the fact that you look a little more rested than the last time we were together so it's nice to see all of you. I promise I won't take up a lot of your time but I do want to uphold my commitment to letting students know information when we've made decisions and when we are moving forward with things and so today we have solidified room building designations for next semester and I just want to run through those quickly. I'm happy to answer questions now, I'm happy to answer questions when I'm done, or set up another time that might be better and easier for you so just let me know. I've talked a little bit about how our goal is really to de densify the campus, so that we still can have students on campus but also in a safer manner and so students that live in the traditional house will be in singles so that is Dickinson, Davis and Lammers will all be singles for next year. University Hall and Newhall will be apartments and suites with fewer students so everybody will have a single in their bedroom. I apologize I'm not 100% familiar with all the real estate but if an apartment is built for four people that means that there will be three or fewer in that space. The Apartment Complex will be offline and will be used for isolation and quarantine overflow, if we need that.Room selection starts December 8, 9, 10 and 11.I believe that's the information that we have up to this point. We are still working on trying to understand what things will look like when students get back to campus meaning will people be able to gather, to be able to do more programs than virtual programs and a lot of that, as you know, kind of changes in the state and what the state allows us to do. We are also looking to have more job opportunities on campus for students. That's still a little bit up in the air right now, but I know that Bill and his friends and family in dining are looking to try and create some different kind of opportunities for students around campus. Again, that's the thumbnail sketch we're still in the process of unfolding all of this. Happy to answer questions now if time allows. Kelson Burke: If the whole focus for next semester to de densify the campus why is Courtney and Olds closed?Dean Maggie Balch: Courtney was closed this semester and for the apartments is hard to monitor and keep safe because of the entrances and exits, and it is a good place to have if we need it for quarantining.Aaron Lessing: If we are taking Olds off wouldn’t it be smart to bring Courtney back?Dean Maggie Balch: Part of it is staffing and part of it is that this semester it was closed off.Chloe Sanfacon: I was curious of the option of a line of roommates together, like if we have the roommates we had last semester, how is de densifying and still being allowed to hang with others going to help.Dean Maggie Balch: I think we are trying to have the groups of friends close together, and that we will need to make adjustments to the housing agreements that everyone will need to sign.Elizabeth Ferrara: I am just wondering if there is going to be a housing agreement fee if students need or want to back out of housing for the semester?Dean Maggie Balch: That is a good question, I will get back to you on that, I believe the last day is December 18, but I don’t know yet.Elizabeth Ferrara: December 18 is that when students have to decide to live on campus?Dean Maggie Balch: No, that is the day you can back out of living on campus.Mackenzie Mcneil: How will eligibility be decided and how will students be told if they are able to live on campus?Dean Maggie Balch: One of the three main eligibility requirements are: if you have an on-ground campus presence, and if you have not gone through conduct, and finally if you need housing via because at home is not available.Mackenzie Mcneil: When will students be able to know if they are eligible to be on campus?Dean Maggie Balch: We are working on criteria right now.Aaron Lessing: Is the conduct process you are talking about related to Covid or all together?Dean Maggie Balch: We are looking at it all together but specifically major Covid violations.Aaron Lessing: Students with conduct issues not related to Covid that could affect them for housing.Shannon Broderick: Only if it is major, like if it is from three years ago, we won’t worry, but it is just super major things and mostly related to Covid.Elizabeth Ferrara: Back to the December 18 thing, I would strongly suggest waving the fee because we don’t know exactly what’s going on.Dean Maggie Balch: I agree.Emily Walden: With student teaching be factored in the living on campus?Dean Maggie Balch: Yes, that and nursing are huge factors right now because they are needed housing.Aaron Lessing: What happens if the student is needed on campus but has Covid related conduct?Dean Maggie Balch: The nice side of me wants to help everyone and allow housing and give kindness but I don’t know.Shannon Broderick: We have worked with students with this instance.Lyric Lamagdalaine: If a student doesn’t fit into the criteria but they have an internship would they be eligible for housing.Dean Maggie Balch: Yes, maybe that is the last criteria, I’d say if you have academic requirements you would be able to stay on campus.Thank you, Dean Balch.I have no further business in this report. I would like to let you all know that next week will be our last meeting of the semester, and that I would like to thank you all for your hard work and dedication to the students and to the university this semester and I am looking forward to continuing to serve with you next semester.Items not listed on AgendaBOARD OF TRUSTEES' REPORT: Thalita NevesAll University Committee: No reportStudent Advisory Council: No reportSafe Opening Task Force: No reportPresidential Search Committee: No report VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT-STUDENT LIFE: Aaron Lessing I hope you are doing well, and I hope your Thanksgiving was good. Student Affairs Committee met November 20 and discussed next semester priorities with COVID, regarding restrictions, enforcement, and testing.If any senators are interested in the Conduct Board, which helps review the conduct procedures and regulations, please reach out to me at If you have any questions about next semester and the on-campus experience, please let me know so that I can get an answer for you. Thank you and have a great National Pie Day!Student Affairs Committee: No reportDiversity/Inclusion Committee: No report Food Services Committee: No ReportParking Control Board: No reportStudent Athletic Advisory Board: No report Substance Advisory Committee: No reportVeteran Affairs Report: No reportParking Appeals Board: No report VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT-ACADEMIC LIFE: Lyric Lamagdelaine Academic Policies Committee: No reportCurriculum Committee: No reportEnrollment Management Committee: No report International Programs Committee: No reportAcademic Technology and Information Services Committee: No reportVICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT-FINANCE: Kelson BurkeFinance Committee: No reportFoundation Report: No reportVICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT-PROGRAMMING: Cameron Kelleher: Campus Activities Board: Cameron KelleherJust a few quick updates for this week:Trivia tomorrow, December 2 at 7:00pm. The link has been sent out via email!There will be a Virtual comedy show this Thursday, December 3 as well at 8:00pm! Link is also in your email.LEGISLATIVE SECRETARTY: Elizabeth FerraraNeighborhood Advisory Board: No reportCommunity Relations/Fundraising: No reportEXECUTIVE SECRETARY REPORT: Kimberly FishPARLIAMENTARIAN REPORT: Rules and Regulations Committee: No reportConstitutional Review Committee: No reportADVISORY COMMITTEES:Advisory Committee on Facilities Planning: No reportAdvisory Committee on Academic Planning: No reportAdvisory Committee on Budget Planning: No reportAdvisory Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: No report University Efficiency Analysis Advisory Committee: No reportCOMMUTER COUNCIL AND CLASS COUNCIL REPORTS:Commuter Council: No reportSenior Class: No reportJunior Class: No reportSophomore Class: No reportFirst Year Class: No reportUNFINISHED BUSINESS:NEW BUSINESS: (Requires majority vote to be opened)ANNOUNCEMENTS:Jessica Brink (MASSPIRG): I am a campaign coordinator her at Westfield, I just want to meet with you guys and discuss any way we can work together and share ideas and collaborating for next semesterSamuel Tsongalis: We would love to work with you guys more, we are going to be talking as Exec then as a group about working together more, so thank you.Alex Dotiwalla- 165 days until commencementROLL CALL: Joey Joyal, Hannah Swanick, Kayin Carpenter, Catherine Eynation, and Hunter Hassett were absent. Melanie Voss, Olivia Houde, and Arianna Torres were excused.ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 6:14pm. Please also note that for accurate record keeping purposes, SGA meetings are recorded and kept on file by the SGA Executive Secretary. ................

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