Hey there dudes and darlings,

Okay! I’m sorry this Newsletter ended up being like 7 pages but. . . [grunt. . . cough. . . spit. . . spittle] . . . it’s been a MONTH and my HEART is BLEEDING through your BROADBAND and onto your KEYS——PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! LISTEN TO ME! READ! READ! READ! BLOOD’S GOING EVERYWHERE!

. . . [the Jason McKee Jesus loves more than you sighs, snorts, composes himself, freshens up—Holy Spirit powder and blush (because He’s worth it)—and whips out the trusty Band-Aids]. . . Now, now. There, there. Sorry, sorry, don’t worry. Nothing a few name brand, authentic, 1960-stock American made Band-Aid brand band-aids can’t take care of for a few precious moments while I chat and you listen so you can write me your monthly check for ten thousand dollars (8 billion yen).

. . . Well, you know you’ll always get more than you bargained for when you dare to actually read the Newsletters of the Jason McKee only Jesus can love!;)

I am doing so great and having much fun. Every season, every unique setting, He is so altogether lovely, righteous and true. It’s so amazing. Even when we feel nothing, there’s grace to believe all things of Him and in Him. How unbearably beautiful living with Him and in Him and from Him and by Him! The darker it is the brighter it is! For it’s by faith in the Son of God, not by feeling of the Son of God—the Son of God, that is, to be precise, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. That’s a Son of God I dare not forget in the perilous path I follow.

I fought to get to this Café (‘Longview’) to commence writing this before missing the sunset through the large windows they have. And, every appropriately to the sense of things lately, it was a long horizontal beam of amber light.

I have many subjects to touch on that I hope I get to because I think you’ll appreciate them, but I had a thought this evening that I sure would love to get these e-mails out to more people who the Lord would have be blessed through them—people with the hunger and the time to gather manna from them. I know if someone sent me a monthly e-mail, just simply sharing whatever their spirit is seeing and sensing in the most unaffected, transparent and personal terms possible, I would be as pleased to peruse such an e-mail as Jesus would be to softly sift His daily manna over me through it, to catch and consume and live abundantly from! You can’t put a price tag on the simple truth spoken in true love. SO! If you guys know anyone or any blogs or what-have-you that might like these things, be my guest and sow the wealth. Jesu has given us so much and gives us weekly so much, but we articulate and share and sow bountifully so little of it, often simply because we assume some issue with ourselves or with others makes that inappropriate and impossible, and summer comes and goes and the angels are left devoid of the holy entertainment of ‘those who fear the Lord speaking together’. Beloved, in heaven all there is to do is search the deep things of God. Get accustomed NOW to the endless delight of hearing manna flowing from YOUR mouth in YOUR own unique, peculiar and Blood-bought art of spiritual expression. Your spirit’s got a song to play in the Heart of the Lamb that only you can play and rings It like a bell! Open your mouth and He will fill it!

. . . Hhmmm. . . speaking of ringing His Heart like a bell, I wrote a rendition of “O Holy Night” some nights ago that I’m pretty thankful for. If you wanna read it—really, you oughta sing it out loud right now wherever you are: with pizzazz! And gusto!—or you can scroll down like an insensitive mess of crude carnality (choose ye this day! I’m tryin’ ta share my heart, you jerk!).

O holy night, the stars are brightly shining;

It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth!

Long lay the world in sin and error pining,

Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.

A thrill of hope, the weary soul rejoices,

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.

Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices!

O night divine, O night when Christ was born!

Here I am, my Love, You to adore, my Love.

Thank You for everything, even today, I deserve Hell, yet breathe even still.

Bow low my heart, the King in grandeur honor,

You were lost, and now art gloriously found

His Heart ring, like a bell with thankful affection,

the Friend in flesh seen, O! Joyful’s Incarnation

He is still Love, and He will never die

O Night divine, O Night when Love, shared our form

Truly He taught us to love one another;

His law is love and His Gospel is peace.

In the warmth of His breath, new Life, alive forever

His ravished Heart, ne’er again will cease

with Sacred Human sing, His voice we now safely hear,

O-the-tone-of His-Heart’s ring, His hands and tears to share

He is still Love, and He will never die

O Night divine, O Night when Love, shared our form

His Heart ring, as a bell, make it sing, seize its wealth, O Night, when Love shared

His Heart ring, as a bell, make it sing, seize its wealth, O Night, when Love shared

O Holy Night

Jason McKee

[Short note: every time I hear that song now I think of the Lord’s burden for the NightWatches to fill the earth because the Lord spoke to Stewart months ago about keeping a spirit of silent devotion in the NightWatch, quoting the hymn, eerily and ominously—so intriguing! Jesu!—“. . . Silent Night. . . Holy Night. . .”.]

Okay, I had 7 bullet points I wanted to touch on in this Newsletter, and I’ve already covered one of them (the invitation for you guys to spread these Newsletters like wild fire). So let me do the rest under bullet-points so I’ll be disciplined about how much I write;)

o When Generals Die are Holy Wars Lost?—the Significance of the death of Derek Loux (and Jill Austin?)

▪ A year before Jill Austin met her Husband, she had said briefly in candor to a friend that she felt she was going to finally get married soon, having been a single servant of the Lord for so many decades, but not an avowed celibate. A year later, she met the One the Father had prepared, I trust:). Also, not long before her death, she gave a message in which she interpreted the death of two or three “generals in the spirit” as a sign in the spirit of the mantles of generals being sown in the ground, so that like sown seeds, having died, they may multiply and bear much fruit. So their mantles multiply and are free to be taken up by the faithful of the next generations. Then, of course, she herself went to be with the Lord, and many interpreted her own death in precisely the same way and prayed for a double portion of her mantle. She was taken in December or January (I think January) of 2009, one year, I must also add, after giving what Mike interpreted as the most significant measure of spiritual Light for this spiritual family and movement since the Blueprint prophecy, in January of 2008. I do not encourage or advice, I command you to get the CD of this Sunday FCF service and listen over and over again as seasons come and go.

▪ And, sadly, and seemingly at the most inconvenient time imaginable, even the week of Christmas, Derek Webb went to be with the One for which he was made, redeemed and adorned beautifully, in late December of 2010. This was not too long—and this is one of the many reasons it was such an inconvenient time to go—after Derek and voices a vision to oversee the raising up of an adoption agency and vast action plan for taking in, and seeing to the full restoration of, the countless victims of human trafficking.

• Friends, warriors, lovers, cowboys and wild women (sorry), do you believe that the holy Vision of the Risen Crucified sown within Derek died together with his body of flesh?

• Do. You. Think. that the sowing of Derek Loux’ frame in the dust in the battle field of faith was any hindrance, let alone an end, of the purpose for which he was known by God Almighty in his mother’s womb?

• Do you espouse a faith or serve a God whose purposes die with the flesh of men?

• Did your God just die—or is He still dead?

• Did. Your. God. Stay. in Your. Grave?

• Are you without Life and without hope in the world? Or have you nullified, mocked, and jeered in the face of, death in all its sting? Because you’re already dead; and the Life you now life in the flesh you live by faith in the Son of God—the Son of God, that is, to be precise, who loved you, and gave Himself up: for you?!?!

• In the Name. of the Almighty God. Revealed. in the Risen. Crucified. Lord of all glory, from Whom all blessings flow—the Light of Life and Lord of all true Love, I solemnly assure you: the greatest thing Jesus Christ could ever have done for 200 million (+) little girls enslaved to the lusts of men worldwide was not anything Derek Loux could ever have down for Jesus Christ in a thousand decades of royal righteous mercy deeds; the greatest think Jesus Christ could ever have done for them WAS DEREK LOUX HIMSELF: sown like a seed, sown in righteousness, delivered up in love, for the life of many!!! And the greatest thing Derek Loux could ever have done for Him and for them was Live by faith, so that he might die in faith, and bear much fruit. His holy Vision didn’t die: it just transcended his mortal life. Glory to God!

• There was nothing more miserable and horrible than the Death of the Son of God, but in that Moment God was more than killing His Son: He was ‘so loving the world’ by ‘giving’ His Son.

• Rejoice in God, friends, we are highly favored of the Lord: God the Father has given us His Son even one more time, in a man who no longer lived but Christ lived in him, and the life he lived as well as the death he died was in faith, by faith, in the Son of God who loved him and gave Himself up for him.

• Sometimes there’s nothing more ugly than the most glorious gift of God (Isaiah 53:1-2ff).

• Is your God really the God of John 3:16?! . . . really, really, really?! I mean, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY?! If he is, take up the faith, take up the Life, take up the mantle, take up the holy Vision sown in the ground!

o Whether in the Body or Out of the Body We Do Not Know: God Knows— The Shelley Hundley Experience

▪ In the back room during one of the teen awakening meetings Shelley Hundley was ‘taken up’ to the 3rd heaven and given the counsel of the Lord concerning where we are and where we’re going in light of this ‘awakening’. I only heard it in abridged form from someone who heard her give testimony after they had already taken the video off of ’s archives (as of now at least), so if anyone has the CD or more details or if I get the story wrong here, please to let me know. Basically, as I heard it, the experience had 3 main scenes with 3 main messages:

• 1) Jesus as the Good Physician was messaging the heart of the Bride in an operating room, because she was in critical condition. He had the very bright and wide smile of a “Joyful Worker” and Friend, to communicate that He is not mostly mad at Her condition or impatient, but is enjoying every minute of delivering Her from the critical condition which She’s actually at fault for. He explained to Shelley something like, ‘You should have seen Her when I started! At least now she’s stopped injecting poison into her bloodstream’ or something similar. I would hope this whole scene is a loud and clear enough word-picture of His message. And how accurate and true this word-picture is of Her (Our) condition?!

• Then she was in another room and a rope (of intercession) which was pulling in the fullness of the end-time move of the Spirit was moving on its own toward her, but she was pulling just to partner with the Lord as a friend even though it would come even if she just laid back (but she wouldn’t be able to partner with it if she hadn’t been pulling). She noted that the Lord specifically highlighted Jonathan Edwards as one of the saints who had got the rope moving on its own through his life and intercession and righteousness. I found this emphasis very significant to me personally and hope the Lord unveils more implications to it—why not the Wesleys or George Whitfield who were Edwards’ contemporaries and still bear fruit today. or Finney who in many ways covered more ground geographically and saw more souls saved in his immediate personal influence? Just asking!

• Thirdly, she saw a large storehouse full of mantles of men of faith from ages past, which had multiplied I am assuming, and were just waiting to be taken up by those faithful ones who could not live without them. See how this interweaves in its significance with both Jill’s word and the death of Jill and Derek?! When a mama in your spiritual family is taken up to the 3rd Heaven, you might as well count yourself as having been taken up to the 3rd Heaven! The unfathomably vast and detailed implications, for you individually and thus for the entire global generation of which you are servant, are just that: unfathomably vast and detailed! Pregnant with significance! That’s the only truly “Christian” way to view these things.

• So Shelley said that the brodest and simplesrt message of the whole thing (though its nothing short of a maddening scandal to over-simplify a 3rd Heaven encounter from the Lord of Lords!) was BE PATIENT AND REST IN THE LORD, WHILE FAITHFULLY FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT. And something like ‘we’re only going forward from now on, and we’re never turning back’. And I got the sense in the spirit as I was hearing this from a friend second hand, that we’re witnessing the Lord ever-so-gently and lightly giving us one installment of His Glory, which will progress in the descent of more and more levels and realms of Glory like waves of fiery rain, more weighty each time, ‘until we all attain to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of the fullness of Christ’, unto the alarm of the 7th Trumpet! The Lord will reveal Himself unfathomably Glorious and Lordly and Divine while at one and the same time unbearably Gentle, Lowly and scandalously Human!

o Revelation 13, 17 and 18—The Satanic Priesthood and a War in the Spirit for the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States: God’s Eschatological Revival Center for the Whole Earth

▪ Though I’m rejoicing as I write, I’ve already taken too many words to express the thoughts of the Spirit, so I’ll try to be concisely concise in the remaining points.

▪ Since, I think around the birth and infancy of November of 2009, the Lord has—seemingly totally apart from any initiation or seeking our on my part, though I’ve been faithfully searching and listening as He’s guided me—been downloading into my consciousness very explicit details of the identity, appearance, and nature of the One World Economic, Political and Religious System of Revelation 13, 17 and 18. He has used, formostly, Christian businessmen and economists from the Wendy & Rory Alec Show’s series on “Apocalypse and the End-Times”, which has led me to this and that book, and to a Baptist investigate journalist and ‘secular’ radio talk show host, Alex Jones (who has all of his documentaries which he has made on these subjects free online at YouTube—e.g. “Endgame” about a global ungenics agenda among elite members of secret societies who permeate the government offices of practically every national government on earth right now, especially America and Britain, “The Obama Deception” and “The Fall of the Republic” among others, which I highly recommend).

▪ I believe the Lord’s most concisely concise counsel on these things to me has been simply, “Behold, my friend, the eschatological demonic false priesthood of Satan, who by their worship of lawlessness shall usher in the birth the Beast and his Harlot”. In short, Jesu wanted His friend(s) firstly, and His priest(s) secondly, to be keenly conscious and informed of the identity and outward appearance of their demonic counterparts. ‘For we are not ignorant of his schemes’.

▪ Then, just last night, I listened to a message from Kirk and Terry Bennett from December of 08 where they said 1) ‘I bet this message will simply be confirmation to many of you, from leaders, of what the Lord has already been showing you in communion with Him—watch and see as we share tonight’, and almost every phrase from Kirk and Terry’s mouth was confirmation of things the Lord had already shown me in private! For brevity’s sake I’ll just attach the notes I took on their message for those who may bear witness in spirit and want to hear more about this stuff (or, I bet if you e-mailed my brother Steven who gave me the CD of this message, he could get you a copy of your own! stevenk777@ ):

▪ Notes on Terry and Kirk Bennett Dec 08 Q & A session after message on Judgment coming to the Northwest

• I’ve wondered about Alex Jones’ seeming over-emphasis on the sanctity of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and—wouldn’t you know it—Terry says that the Constitution and Bill of Rights stand as “an enemy to the purpose of the enemy” and “there’s just this huge battle going on” (in the spirit) for them both. And Kirk adds: “We [Terry and I] really believe that somewhere in these next administrations our government is going to seek to bring a Constitutional convention or something to just remove that document, because it has such a grace on it from the Lord—I’m not saying it’s infallible, it has a grace on it from the Lord—fundamental realities that the Lord would have is people live in. . . those realities the enemy wants gone. And we see the high potential for that coming”.

• Terry says of wherever we live, down to the street: “You’re not stuck, you’re placed”.

• “There’s no promise given to Israel except Christ. . . You don’t have a promise given to you either but Christ. There is no Life in any other. . . every prophet whose every spoken anything . . . if any prophet ever spoke from God it was the Holy Spirit testifying of Jesus. The Holy Spirit has never prophesied and testified about anybody but Jesus.” (Terry Bennett).

• Kirk goes on this long bit about how Terry sees and communicated ‘more by the Spirit than in the natural’ unlike most of those whom we call prophets. And he does a little bit on 1 Corinthians 2. I think this entire message is just gonna be one confirmation after another.

• Terry says that when God places a burden on us, it often gets very narrow, so narrow that that is all that we can even see for a while, which is why we so need one another. So he says that we need to be able to appreciate the burden that the Lord lays on each distinct brother.

• Organizations cannot give Life, they can only provide perimeters.

• “The teaching of Jesus is not a teaching: it is an experience” (T. Bennett).

• It is just as much ‘rationalizing’ to throw our Bibles away as it is to worship our Scriptures.

• “Everything else God created was for us: we were created for Him. . . He has given [the angels] a spiritual life: He has give you Christ, brothers and sisters. He’s given you Himself. He didn’t give you a spiritual life: He. Gave. You. His. Son!” (T. Bennett).

o The Bleeding-Gut-Cry of YHWH’s Bride—‘All I want is You, and all I need is found only in Your Heart—You’re lovingkindness, has never failed me’.

▪ Friday the 1st of January (and technically the real first day of the ‘new millennium’—not 1 Jan of 2000 or 2001), I flipped on the new FREE PRAYER ROOM WEBCAST!!! (I hope I make it back to the actual room sometime this century, but then again I’m okay with my desk in the bedroom for a few billion years I think). And my favorite chorus leader (whose name I still don’t know), singing with Tim Reihmer’s (sp?) team, in an 8am Worship set, sang this song that I have heard once or twice but this time was just so heavenly, I must have listened to the 20min cycle about 6 or more hours straight, over and over, the 1st and 2nd of January (then they took the archive off!!!! Blasted!). And I just wanted to share it here, because it embodied so precisely what my heart has been in this season, even and especially in the last week or so. It went: [I don’t know the title and I know I’ll get the lyrics wrong]

all I want, is You, and, all, I, need, is, found, on-ly, in, Your, Heart (x2)

be with me when I can’t see, Teach me Lord to just believe,

take this heart of stone, and make it, a heart of flesh;

tell me once more why You love, Why O Lord You’re thinkin’ of me,

blow Your winds, Come, take away the chaff

all I want, is You, and, all, I, need, is, found, on-ly, in, Your, Heart (x4)

Your lovingkindness, has never failed me (x4)

all I want, is You, and, all, I, need, is, found, on-ly, in, Your, Heart (x4)

▪ And I was so inspired I actually was able to use the music of this song to write lyrics to a totally new song—entitled “Holy Tunnel Vision of Love” (how swingin’ sixties of me, I know)—that just. . . man, it just reminds me of playing on the Sea of Glass or in the Millennium—just playing singing to the Father and the Son for the sheer heck, or Heavenly happiness, of it—TOGETHER BUT UNBELIEVABLY OURSELVES! (As Watchman Nee says in “The Spiritual Man”—which has been my laborious reading material this week—“The more a person is spiritual the more real he becomes, for he has been united with God and is at rest”): [be sure to read the footnotes, which are often necessary make my songs intelligible;)]

(singer 1)

Poppa loves me

Poppa loveth me

all I care to say and all I see is

Poppa loves me

(all three together, lightly, soulful, delicate)

Love’s addicted, to Love’s addictive, but True, Tri-une Fool’s, Holy Tunnel Vision

Let Him Kiss, Kiss, Kiss us with, His burning yearning Spirit-Kiss

(singer 2)

He’s my Beloved

‘n I’m His lover

all I care to say and all I see is

We’re together—forever

(all three together, lightly, soulful, delicate)

Love’s addicted, to Love’s addictive, but True, Tri-une Fool’s, Holy Tunnel Vision

Let Him Kiss, Kiss, Kiss us with, His burning yearning Spirit-Kiss (beside ourselves, scandalous)

(singer 3)

well, I’m His favorite

i’m His favorite

all I care to say and all I see is

i’m His favorite

(all three together, lightly, soulful, delicate)

Love’s addicted, to Love’s addictive, but True, Tri-une Fool’s, Holy Tunnel Vision

Let Him Kiss, Kiss, Kiss us with, His burning yearning Spirit-Kiss (beside ourselves, scandalous)

(together! intwerwoven triple!)

(i’m His favorite) Poppa loves me (He’s my Beloved)

(i’m His favorite) Poppa loveth me (‘n I’m His lover)

all I care to say and all I see is

(i’m His favorite) Poppa loveth me (We’re together—forever)

(all three together, lightly, soulful, delicate)

Love’s addicted, to Love’s addictive, but True, Tri-une Fool’s, Holy Tunnel Vision

Let Him Kiss, Kiss, Kiss us with, His burning yearning Spirit-Kiss (beside ourselves, scandalous)

[then sing through the first three verses all three singers together?

and the fourth verse again an interwoven triple?!]

Holy Tunnel Vision of Love[1]

Jason McKee

o Birthing the Coming Nuclear Implosion-Explosion of Tri-Holy Renaissance

▪ I’m just gonna say this and you can feel how you want to feel about it: I think I’m writing the soundtrack to a film that will be a filmographic representation of the commentary series I am writing, for which my friend Amy Shrivner will compose the screen-play. Though I’ve been getting ideas and writing lyrics for songs since I was old enough to write, since Spring of 2009, I have written over thirty pages of work that I . . . well, I like it more than I can find a way to say; I don’t want to boast. But it’s of a very peculiar character and high quality than anything ever before, very observably a grace given of the Lord, and all of the songs not only express the message of my commentary series better than my commentaries written thus far, but carry an overarching unity and theme that bears the ear-marks of a soundtrack to a most uncommon film. And Jill Austin and Julie Meyer have both prophesied about movies being written and made by forerunner saints who were about as likely to ever accomplish that at age 16 or 20 as David of Bethlehem was to be king fo Israel and type of the Lord of Lords at age 16 or 20.

▪ So, in short, I am requesting anyone’s whose heart. . . [oh, my heart is moving and aching as I write this. . . to hades with brevity, I’m gonna share about this!] . . . anyone whose heart is tugged about this to please be interceding for both me and Amy and just forerunner prophetic artists in general. The “FULLNESS OF CHRIST” and “THE UNFATHOMABLE RICHES OF CHRIST” and “THE ‘FINISHED’ MYSTERY OF GOD” (Rev.10:7) are NOT and SHOULD NOT be communicated to and dispensed into the earth at the end of the age apart from the most atomic holy renaissance this world has ever seen. And I was BORN to be right in the Eye of that holy Hurricane of Love’s Light of Life. The best Art and creativity ever to come down from above from the Father of Lights is yet upon us, and I can not live without it, and I wanna do it would an army of friends who feel the same way. So, if you receive these e-mails, I’m already praying daily for you to receive the same thing, but please pray for me and the Body around me, that God would descend us with the unvanquishable Beauty of the Name of YHVH. If we write it, if we compose it, He will come, with power to publish, to air, to thunder, to reveal. Partner with me! For He who holds the keys to the unfathomable Beauty of the Name holds the keys to the allegiance of the hearts of the nations. There is no power more evident than the Beauty of the Truth Himself.

o Your Deepest and Highest hidden Will—YHVH’s Deepest and Highest hidden Will and Purpose for your Existence:

▪ If you have any sort of discernment and eyes to see, if you’ve been faithfully listening to what the Spirit is saying to the churches, you will apprehend that this last bullet point is one and the same with the one just above it.

▪ It is the innermost of the innermost in your deepest spirit that the Deepest and Highest Will and Purpose of the Holy Spirit and your Father for your Existence lies hiding, living, breathing Life and Fire into your bones, whispering secrets ‘nto your spirit-ears alone in the night. Have you calmed and quieted your soul long enough, meekly enough, longingly enough, lately, to hear what that Will Is?

▪ Last night, in solitude and silence, my spirit was searching diligently, and, as I have faithfully found on many a dry and dark lonely night, in the innermost of the innermost, though I felt nothing and had nothing but a ray of darkness within assuring me that the Son of God indeed lived within me still, I hear a broken and contrite spirit, a meek and lowly heart, with a still small Voice whisper to me faithfully:

Our highest honor is to see and know— Him: whose loveliness hath fueled the Life of the Trinity from eternity of eternities, past and forever.

Beyond Good and Bad, Beyond Fact or Fiction, Blessing and Curse, Naughty or Nice, Gentle and Harsh, Beyond Mercy and Severity, Black and White, Beyond the Gospel of Forgiveness, Beyond the Gospel of the Kingdom: Y-H-V-H: The Unfathomable Riches of Christ. It. Is. Coming. He. Is. Coming!

Whenever you’re tempted to ‘discern’ all too easily how others are null and senseless to the Light of God’s Will and Word (remember, as well, that His Will and His Word are One—to Love His Word is to Love Him in the highest and most precise sense), remember how far thou art from 1 Corinthians 9—‘Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel’. This is the inmost and highest Will and purpose of Him for your life: The Unfathomable Riches of Christ—the Depths of God—to the Ends of the earth.

The Sacred Charge: Prescribe and teach these things. Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe. Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching. Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, which was bestowed on you through prophetic utterance with the laying on of hands by the presbytery. Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all. Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you. (1 Timothy 4:11-16)

I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. (2 Timothy 4:1-2)

“Preach the Cross, and live by its power, and you WILL be doing My WILL”—Wisdom to Rick Joyner, The Call.

To Be A Man [no one knows]: The Elliptical Name [no one knows]—Jason’s Feb 2010 News-Journal

Hey there, holy ones,

Our subject for this Newsletter, or “News-Journal” as I think they’re more accurately entitled, is better caught than taught, and that better in poetry than in prose. So we’re lucky that I was enabled to write a song about it the other day, The Elliptical Name (no one knows). This is what your prayers and support are enabled God to provide the most important generation with through the full-time beholding-pen-in-hand-heart-hot of yours truly. I hope you like it.

Pain may paint poetry, you’d never have read

Wisdom may mean, delighting in His, fragrances you dread

Only Pure Love listens and, only True Love waits

Love Love’s Love, ‘n anything less They hate

(female lead)

As if slain (in the Centre), His Majesty lives

and as He lives (from the Centre), His Majesty stands

and as He stands (in the Centre), His Majesty bleeds

and as He bleeds (from the Centre), His Majesty reigns


I’ll shine in what I’ll shine, I’ll hide in what I’ll hide

I Am Yours, My Name is Mine

Mercy will be, what Majesty will be, Love-Fire will choose, its form and its beauty

Tri-unity shall define Sovereignty, My Will must and shall be Free, God must and shall be Me

You’re a mantle I wear, and a burden I bear

Your Spirit is Your tears, shed, in adoring dread

As You contemplate, Your, Exact Image so Dear

Who was, predestined, to become for us, Your Fear


Jesu tis the living Love Poem, of God’s Fire for you.

You shall be a living love Poem of God’s Name for Him (whether you like or not)

Jesu You, will always unfold, as the Rose of His Name before me

Jesu You, will ever keep me the ruins of a Flame so Wild so Free (a newness of creation)


I will soften, whom I please and, give the rest, to themselves

Those whom I see, for whom praise would be, the fragrance of hell

Your purpose, I have chosen, to be to My Glory

In you, though you be the majority, to My Majesty you shall be

Ehyeh., Asher Ehyeh, I alone know the hour, I alone know My Day

Ehyeh, Asher Ehyeh, I alone know the Name, I’ve prepared for Him

In that Day, shall be a Day, unlike any past

On the Man, shall be a Name, He’ll make them know at last

No light, no sight, not a day, not a night

Every eye, shall see the sign, in the evening there’ll be Light

Ehyeh., Asher Ehyeh, I alone know the hour, I alone know My Day

Ehyeh, Asher Ehyeh, I alone know the Name, I’ve inscribed in Him


Pain may paint poetry, you’d never have read

Wisdom may mean, delighting in His, fragrances you dread

Only Pure Love listens and, only True Love waits

Love Love’s Love, ‘n anything less They hate

Ehyeh., Asher Ehyeh, I alone the Name, Ehyeh, Asher Ehyeh, I’ve inscribed in Him

Ehyeh, Asher Ehyeh, Yours am I, Ehyeh, Asher Ehyeh, Mine’s My Name

In that day there will be no light; the luminaries will dwindle. For it will be a unique day (litrally an “echad yom”, a “one day”] which is known to the LORD, neither day nor night, but it will come about that at evening time there will be light. Zechariah 14:6-7

He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2Cor.5:21)—“God became the fear of Him” (E. Perzywara)

the Lamb standing as if slain in the centre of the Throne Revelation 5:6; 7:17

...And He has a Name written on Him, which no one knows except Himself Revelation 19:12

To him who overcomes...I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it Revelation 2:17

“I do not know what to do. I have not known what to do for years now! Life has never been darker, more blissful, yet more pathetic, more awkward—as far as naturally speaking—since I met this Lord Jesus. No one shares this Man’s mind. No one carries this Man’s burden. No one preaches this Man’s Word. No one follows, no one knows, no one loves, this Man. He is not a Prophet. He is not a Priest. He is not a King. He is not a Shepherd. He is not a Bridegroom. He is a Man, but He is not what our creeds have lead us to presume He is. He is YHVH! . . . the highest ranking angels, the most sophisticated authoritative beings in existence apart from God Himself hide their eyes from this Man, and they don’t even bear His image, they’ve never even sinned—and we purport to know something of this God as though we’ve ever seen Him?! The only answer to the question ‘Where? When’ in heaven is ‘HOLY!’ The only answer to the question ‘How? Why?’ in heaven is ‘HOLY!’ The only answer to the question ‘What? Who’! in heaven is ‘HOLY!’ He is ‘The Holy’! He is YHVH! Hallelujah! Maranatha!” (the Jason McKee Jesus loves and no one else ought to know)

The Elliptical Name (no one knows)

Jason McKee

“Reality is not human goodness, nor holiness, nor heaven, nor hell; but Redemption; and the need to perceive this is the most vital need of the Christian worker to-day. . . the revelation that Redemption is the only Reality. . . Paul did not say he separated himself, but—"when it pleased God who separated me. . ." Paul had not a hypersensitive interest in his own character. . . Paul is unconscious of himself, he is recklessly abandoned, separated by God for one purpose - to proclaim the Gospel of God (cf. Rom. 9:3.) . . "Don't ask me to come into contact with the rugged reality of Redemption on behalf of the filth of human life as it is; what I want is anything God can do for me to make me more desirable in my own eyes." To talk in that way is a sign that the reality of the Gospel of God has not begun to touch me; there is no reckless abandon to God” (Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, January 31st entry).

Triggered-and-wrapped-up-in-contemplation by a conversation I had with sister Amy Shrivner over the phone yesterday on the one hand, and by Oswald Chambers’ entry for today in the book I most often and most highly recommend to every Christian (if I may recommend only one), My Utmost For His Highest, I spontaneously began to write this morning on something most subtle, but, which if you can grasp, is most liberating, for it proceeds out from the very Heart of hearts of the Truth who alone sets free. The saints throughout history have known it and expressed in their various works and walks, though it is very seldom expressed well in words, and has never been expressed clearly save in One Word, and this not in His speaking but in His Death. It is what Karl Barth, my favorite theologian, called, simply, “To be a Man”.

“To be a man means to be so situated in God's presence as Jesus is, that is, to

be a Bearer of the Wrath of God. It belongs to us, that end on the gallows” (Karl Barth, Dogmatics in Outline).

“. . . . when I became a man. . .” (Paul; 1 corinthians 13:11)

The only excuses I have for my audacity to quote the following, at such length, though such a vague sermon, is 1) it is true; 2) it is hilariously serious and seriously hilarious in its honest dealing with the two key facets of our subject for this Newsletter: “To be a Man [no one knows]” and “The Elliptical Name [no one knows]”; 3) my quoting of it is itself an action performed in the spirit of it, which demonstrates what it explicates; 4) Truth is, indeed, symphonic, and neither this author nor perhaps most of his readers would have been likely to have been found reading a lecture transcript of the Archbishop of Canterbury wherein he hypothetically pins together Thomas Merton and Karl Barth as if random acquaintances in a bohemian café somewhere; 5) I couldn’t have possibly said it better myself in prose! I only criticize that Brother Edwards & friends, fellow instruments in the Symphony of Truth, ought to been present to chime in as well. (Of course, the reader may happily skip over this if they prefer).

Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury—“Not Being Serious—Thomas Merton and Karl Barth. “[Merton takes note that] Barth says ... 'It is a child, even a 'divine' child, who speaks in Mozart's music to us.' Some. . . considered Mozart always a child in practical affairs. . .”

“Fear not, Karl Barth [Merton continues]. Trust in the divine mercy. Though you have grown up to become a theologian, Christ remains a child in you. Your books (and mine) matter less than we might think: there is in us a Mozart who will be our salvation.” (Conjectures, pp.3-4) . . . But Merton connects this in his journals with a much deeper groundswell of interest at that time in what he refers to as 'the Sophianic': that is, that level of the world where divine Wisdom in its receptive femininity is at work. That depth of silent receptivity, represented in scripture and tradition by the language of holy Wisdom. . . , is, for Merton, what Barth is feeling for—and not quite articulating. The 'divine child' belongs with this apprehension of divine Sophia, the Wisdom of the heart of things. And Merton tends to read Barth at this point as if Barth the theologian stands simply for the principle of active—almost aggressive—divine love over against any attempt at human self-justification or human action. . . Barth the theologian is on the side of agape and yet, (says Merton) scratch Barth a little and you'll find Mozart, you'll find eros, you'll find the divine yearning mediated through the human. . .

Barth, in Dogmatics in Outline, is not simply mounting a conventional attack of agape against eros, faith against culture: he is rather saying that the self before God is not serious, it is groundless. It is not something that exists in its own density and solidity: the self before God is poised on the divine word, the divine communication over an unfathomable abyss. It is both deadly serious in one sense, and totally unserious in another sense. . .

24 October 1963 “‘To be a man, means to be situated in God's presence: as Jesus is. That is, to be a bearer of the wrath of God.' We need the shock of this sentence, which is of course immediately qualified by Barth himself. And the qualification is implicit, for Jesus bears that wrath and lives. But wrath is on us [who may not survive it]. And the Calvinist catechism "What understandest thou by the little word ‘suffered’?" "That He all the time of His life, but especially the end thereof, hath borne in body and soul the wrath of God against the whole human race.' How powerful, and how serious. . . [In Catholic piety] the full enormity of sin is perhaps not seen as well as here, for God seems to be pleased with this pain. No! [More than this], it is His wrath! And Barth's terrific chapter on Pilate. I think I'll have to become a Christian.”

Merton deals here with one of the most difficult, challenging, unattractive and indispensable bits of Barth—humanity under the wrath of God: Jesus under the wrath of God: what Merton calls later an ontological sense of wrath: that is, the wrath of God as something written into being itself. Merton reads this as saying that God is not 'pleased' with who and what we have made ourselves. . .

[In other words, what Merton is discovering in Barth is that] ‘I think I will have to understand that a proper theology of the death of Christ tells me I'm not serious: God is serious; my condition is serious; sin is serious; the Cross is serious. But somehow, out of all this comes the miracle, the 'unbearable lightness of being' as you might say: the recognition that my reality rests 'like a feather on the breath of God'. It is because God speaks, because God loves and it is for no other reason. And if we want to know what it is to say that I am, the only answer is 'I am because of the Love of God'. And when I seek to justify, defend or systematize what I am, I become 'serious'. I cease to be a feather on the breath of God and gravity draws me down into darkness.’

. . . [The wrath of God is manifested as we are ‘delivered over’ to] that wholly destructive order of being which we set up when we attempt to fill the space that should be filled by the freedom of the love of God.

18 June 1965 “Solitude' becomes for me less and less of a specialty, and simply 'life' itself. I do not seek to 'be a solitary' or anything else, for 'being anything' is a distraction. It is enough to be, in an ordinary human mode, with only hunger and sleep, one's cold and warmth; rising and going to bed. Putting on blankets and taking them off (two last night – it is cold for June!). Making coffee and then drinking it. Defrosting the refrigerator, reading, meditating, working. . . , praying. I live as my fathers have lived on this earth until eventually I die. Amen. There is no need to make an assertion of my life, especially to assert it as MINE, though it is doubtless not somebody else's.”

28 August 1965 “I realized then that I have been running the risk these past few days of tying myself down with a mental delusion—taking the hermitage too seriously and myself with it—identifying myself with this stupid little cottage as if my whole life was bound up with it. What total absurdity! Looking at the hills and recovering the freedom of true prayer (of which, incidentally I have had so much at the hermitage too), I realized, that what is important is not the house, not the hermit image, but my own self and my sonship as a child of God.”

Merton's revolt against the seriousness of the self-image, and therefore with an extraordinary prescience and depth, is an acceptance of what he calls an 'unavoidable wrongness' in us.

5 July 1965 “Certainly enough there is evidence merely in this Journal to destroy me for ever, after I am dead. But that's the point: not to live as one who can be so 'destroyed'. This means not ingeniously discovering infallible ways of being 'true' in the eyes of others and of posterity (if any!) but accepting my untruth in the untransferable anguish which is characteristic of death, and leaving all 'justification' to God. Everything else is only wrath, flame, torment, judgement.

I think you can see in that extract what Merton has done with Barth's notion of the wrath of God. [The wrath of God] is what happens when we take ourselves seriously, when the self-image takes over from reality. . .

5 September 1966 “What I see is this: that while I imagined I was functioning fairly successfully, I was living a sort of patched up, crazy existence, a series of rather hopeless improvisations, a life of unreality in many ways. Always underlain by a certain solid silence and presence, a faith, a clinging to the invisible God—and this clinging (perhaps rather His holding on to me) has been in the end the only thing that made sense. The rest has been absurdity. There is 'I'—this patchwork, this bundle of questions and doubts and obsessions, this gravitation to silence and to the woods and to love. This incoherence! There is no longer anything to pride my self in, least of all 'being a monk' or being anything—a writer or anything.”

Again, that same month.

“Where I am now, nothing unambiguous is possible. In a certain sense I have to be wrong up to a point, and what I'm trying to learn is how to be at least simple and honest about it and not try to say I am right, and not try to whitewash myself in terms of something or someone I cannot be. I am neither a good monk nor a good lover.”

. . . Because if it's true that I am a 'feather on the breath of God', that I exist because called, summoned into relation by God, that I have no seriousness within myself, but only the joyful 'unbearable lightness' of knowing myself held by God—if all that is true, then there is never going to be a way in which I can map my life, my sense of my identity onto a fore-ordained pattern of rightness and justification. I am bound to be dependent. I am bound to be receiving. I am bound to put on hold whether I can show myself to be 'right'. And it leads Merton to make some very stinging remarks in these journals about 'religion' as a means of self-justification, religion as a drama which seeks to gloss or to soften the challenge of faith: a very Barthian theme indeed. . . It is Christ, in Life and Death and Resurrection, who shows us how unserious we are, how little we can begin to do to justify ourselves, because everything is gift.. . . a revelation of the groundlessness of the self, a revelation of the inescapability of finding yourself wrong. . . [What Barth seems to have done for Merton is anchor him in the classic vision of authentic Christian living, ] ('the Son's journey into the far country', as Barth calls it) [that] the whole of our life, our universe, our individual pilgrimage swept up into that movement of outgoing and returning Love, a Love bestowed, a Love which is also our homecoming, a Love so profoundly anchored ontologically in the reality of God, eternally, non-negotiably, that the only thing we can do about any attempt [of] ourselves to think that we have a part in this: is to laugh.”

There is nothing more unsightly than a sinner attempting to approach and display affection to the Tri-Holy God. There is nothing more awkward; nothing more pathetic; nothing more stupid; nothing more fake. And this is precisely what revival seeks to enhance and magnify in any given region, on a mass scale, without concern for consequence or costs.

It is almost enough to make “a man” want to run off to Oxford and start a mutual adoration society of artists like Lewis’ and Tolkien’s “The Inklings” I read about the other day that: “What brought them together week after week, besides the pleasure of their company (which was enormous), was a shared conviction that the twentieth century had started abysmally and that one of the best ways to maintain or restore the glories of the “true West” [after WWI and the immersion in defeatist humanism that followed] was to create and promote grand works of mythopoeia—myth, fantasy, and speculative fiction that would “steal past the watchful dragons” of conventional wisdom and decadent culture and instill what Lewis called “a taste of the other”—a vision of a transcendent realm. . . In a later review of the completed Lord of the Rings, Lewis capsuled its achievement: “it rediscovers reality” by making of this world a myth; “the value of myth is that it takes all the things we know and restores to them the rich significance which had been hidden by the veil of familiarity.”

I don’t know friends . . . do you ever feel like stealing past the watchful dragons of the conventional wisdom and decadent piety of Charismatica revivalism? The watchful dragons of family and friends and what you imagine you must be and do with your life to remain faithful to family and friends? Oh, how much more what we think is our conscience is merely our culture, however darling and spiritual! How much what we presume is God’s understanding and expression of Christianity is simply our hand-me-down, conventional, decadent, pious personality! Because if you do, you’d better keep it between you and your diary. You better keep it ‘outside the camp’; and not let your friends and family or your god (or your support team) find out about it;). I mean all you’ll have left is YHVH—wouldn’t it be pathetic; wouldn’t be terrible? Do you know how lonesome and solitary YHVH is? Iiiick.

“The more a person is spiritual the more real he becomes, for he has been united to and is at rest (W. Nee)

The more a person is truly spiritual, the more Real he becomes, for he has been married to the Truth, the soul circumcised from the spirit, joints from marrow, and he is at rest. Thus perhaps the more telling evidence of spirituality and honesty in the sinner would be a revolution of interest: “There are two things which really interest me: the Bible, and real life” (Barth). Perhaps a revolution of interest in these two things would constitute not revival, or even the Millennium, but a whole New Creation!

““Fear God,” [the Preacher] says, “and keep His commandments: for this is every man” [as the literal Hebrew reads]. For whosoever has real existence, is this: a keeper of God’s commandments; and he who is not this, is nothing. For so long as he remains in the likeness of vanity, he is not renewed in the image of the Truth” (Augustine, City of God, trans. Philip Schaff, Ch. 3 of Book XX).

Thus perhaps the more telling evidence of worship in spirit and truth in the sinner (you, I) would rather “to be a man” (Barth); to be so situated in the presence of God as Jesus is; to bear the kaleidoscopic Light of God; to stand under the Krisis[2] of God; to rest within the sweet Tensions of God; to let the Name remain Ineffable, and the sinner remain altogether, forever, accountable (see 1Tim.1:15); to agree and welcome being altogether, forever, pursued, found, known, embraced firmly, and held dearly, “so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Eph.2:7-9), “to the praise of the glory of His grace” (1:6). For Real Existence Is: Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh—‘I Will Be Who I Will Be’—that is: In-Pursuit of “man” (Barth).

have you yet to grasp, frail friend?

man has never been in pursuit of God

God Is Always-In-Pursuit-of-Man

This is who I Am

—yours truly

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. –the apostle Jesus loved and no one else knew 1 Timothy 1:15-17 NKJV


The Jason McKee Jesus loves and no one (else) knows


[1] By Jason McKee, evening of 1 Jan 09, over Higher Grounds Café’s whole bean Bold French Roast. This song erupted onto paper while listening to Tim Rheimer’s (?) 8am Worship set on the first day of globally free IHOP-KC webcast on New Year’s Day of 2010. They were singing this lovely song I’ve heard several times but have yet to learn the title of, which goes like “All I want is You and all I need is found only in Your Heart”. So this song is like a spontaneous song to the music of that song;). In fact, an ideal scenario would be for this song to follow right at the heals of the singing of that song, continuing with the same music by the musicians. The message of the song is intended to come out in the technical cues of who sings when: the three consecutive singers singing one part as one consecutive child of God addicted to the Tri-Holy Tunnel Vision of Love in Three Persons from eternity: a Love-entranced (True) Vision of all things! When they enter into a whopping triple chorus in the fourth verse it symbolically portraits the “Une” part in the “Tri-Une’ Wisdom and Glory and Power in the Triune Life into which we have been conveyed in the Person of His Only-Begotten Son through the Spirit in eternal glory and New Creation. Ha-ha!

[2] Krisis is the Greek word for “Judgment” or “Damnation” in the New Testament, from which we get the English word “Crisis”.


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