
Kate & KellyYou may have wondered where I was yesterday. Santa called all of us elves to the North Pole to give us some direction that we can share with boys and girls who we’re observing on what is expected during these last few days heading into Christmas. He gave me a score card that I will be using on you over the next few days. I’m sharing it with you so you can keep these things in mind as you go about your days…. I hope this last week will go smoothly and that you will be sweet (like honey) with each other and to your parents.Santa’s Official Observation Rubric20114-6 year oldsNaughtyNiceBossy12345SweetBe nice to brothers, sisters. Be courteous and respectful to parents.Messy12345CleanKeep rooms clean, Eat neatly, take plates to sink, help keep house cleanNot helpful12345HelpfulAsk to help parents, help brother/sister.Quitter12345Try-erTry new foods, try new activities, try doing the school-like thingsNegative12345Positive (Cheerful)Say up-beat, nice things to brothers, sisters, parents. Give complimentsNot Cooperative12345CooperativeHelp family members do things.Disobedient12345ObedientDo what Mom and Dad ask, without complaining (e.g., naps)Crier12345"Shrugger"Don't get upset when you don't get your way. Just shrug and move on.Liar12345Truth-tellerTelling the truth, even if naughty ................

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