Personal ideal of beauty ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Body image Interview 2019Tianni: Okay so you will basically be in study and I’m going to be interviewing you about the study of body images and exploring the ways in which instagram impacts young women and it’s basically going to be about how you feel about body image and just some basic questions about how you use social media. Subject 5: OkayTianni: So how many, well first let me ask you your name is ********* ******?Subject 5: Correct, yes.Tianni: So how many hours per day do you spend on Instagram and if you dont use instagram what social media site do you use?Subject 5: Umm so i am very involved on instagram and I’m probably on it for about a total of an hour a day if I were to be honest with you, uh, I run my own my own social media but I also run a few other social media accounts for example I am on the UMW Cheer team so I run their account, I was an intern for the university and for some time ran their account as well and I also have one for my dog and I also help out for my work so I post the images for them but don’t take themTianni: So would you say you’re generally happy with your own body image?Subject 5: umm I am getting better at being happier with myself but there are times where I definitely feel like I’m too heavy or I’m getting heavier because in high school I was about a 2 or 4 and now I’m about a size 6 or 8 and it’s not even fat that's developed its more muscle but I definitely am not used to being a bigger girl in a sense.Tianni: Okay, so do you think it stems from anything specifically or just the change is a lot?Subject 5: umm I think the change was a lot for me and my friends are just small and so when I see them all thin and they can wear a crop top and there’s no rolls on them or anything it’s really and when I wear a crop top it's different, also, there are times when my mom and my dad in the past have said like oh you look like you've been gaining weight when I would come home from college and the freshman 15 happen sometimes just thinking about that Tianni: Okay so what do you think makes a girl or woman beautiful to you in your own wordsSubject 5: As cliche as this sounds I think it's about the personality and confidence a girl shows. I dont think its about the body type they have like for example I think a girl is beautiful regardless of the body they have if they have a good attitude and a positive mindset and that's how I like to see myself by having a positive mindset. I make my personality more out there rather than showing off my body. Tianni: Does health weigh in that for you at all? So like being healthy I guess. Subject 5: umm so not really cause I’d definitely say I eat fries like three times a week so probably not really *laughs*Tianni: Okay so beauty is more in how you carry yourself?Subject 5: yes so more how you carry yourself cause I don't think you should base yourself off of what they or what other people say. Tianni: Okay so next question; so how does using social media affect your views on body image or your personal body in any waySubject 5: I like to think i don't really get affected by the social media but sometimes I do but for example I really like the Aeriereal social media campaign where they get real models whereas when Victoria secret showed their models for the fashion show this year and the only difference was a girl with a very rare skin disease was the only thing shown and they were like we have real models too but they're all like size zeros and twos and they like to try and show them eating a pizza but that doesn't mean that they aren't stillIn union: tinySubject 5: and umm I definitely when I see other girls post bikini photos it definitely makes me not want to post a photo but I definitely try not to compare myself to others on social media and I want to post what I want to postTianni: Perfect. Okay so has influences, celebrities, or instagram models ever caused you to think about your own body image and was it in a negative or positive way or maybe both?Subject 5: I’ve had both so I have two, no three, huge celebrity crushes Nina Dobrev, Taylor Swift, and Jennifer Lawrence. Nina Dobrev has a beautiful, the perfect body, but it is very thin so I’m always like oh my gosh I got to go run like 7 miles. Taylor swift used to be very thin but when she came back from reputation I noticed how she gained weight but she also talked about how she felt like that year away made her realize she shouldn't care what others think and she feels more confident and I honestly think she looks sexier now cause she looks more thick and more confident as well and she doesn't look as bony and then Jennifer lawrence has always had a positive influence on me with social media whenever she talks about her body and always says how she doesn't care I’m going to eat a pizza and not give a crap and her body is you know a normal body and she doesn't have a six pack but ya know she doesn't have any issues with weightTianni: For sure. I’ve also heard that celebs like selena gomez and taylor swift have recently come out saying they've had some eating problems. Have you heard about that?Subject 5: I’ve heard about that like I know Selena and Taylor said she had issues in the past and I know for a fact that when I saw her in concert twice and when I saw her 1989 I could tell she had lost a lot of weight cause she looked like she was almost starving herself. She doesn't look this thin when you see her on television either. When i saw her for reputation she had gained weight and not in a negative weight but she had looked healthy and was about my size but in 1989 you could see a lot of her bones. Tianni: Okay. so you would say that seeing some of your influencers gain weight has created a positive influence on yourself?Subject 5: Yes because it shows me that I don't have to, cause ya know you want to look like your influencer, regardless, you want to have that influencer be like you. My sister is a huge influence on me and she's super tiny and she got my dads build and I got my moms. So i have bigger bones and she's a size zero and she's a vegetarian and eats nothing but cheese. She doesn't gain weight easily whereas I do cause I eat meat and normal food as well as normal proportions. I definitely think seeing three of celebrities that I love that show a healthy body and helped me realize that I don't need to be a size zero to be beautiful.Tianni: Good. So do you think there are particular ideas about the body that are the ‘ideal’ characteristics about the perfect body due to social media?Subject 5: Yes. I definitely think that when you see, or go on insta, and you see a blogger or instagram models they always have their makeup completely done, they never look natural, they're always showing off their body at an angle, at the best angle, and a lot of the time they have a very nice butt or bigger breasts. I definitely am always looking at that and I think a lot of the times they have so many followers is because women want to be them, or men want to date them.Tianni: So do you ever find yourself, other than influencers, looking at your own followers or who you follow, that you see everyday, comparing yourself to them? Or maybe you see their filter, or the way their body looks, or other things that make you draw comparison to yourself?Subject 5: I definitely try not to compare just because who i follow cause i usually follow close friends or people I know. I don't usually compare my body but more so like I wish i was there or I wish I could be like her in a sense of she's doing such a cool thing. However, when I see some of my friends post pictures in their bikini and I see them with their abs out or their boobs look good I’m like I wish I looked like that in a bikini.Tianni: So you've found that mainly influencers draw more comparison for yourself. So do you post particular photos of your body that sometimes accentuate parts of your body?Subject 5: I don't know. Being a blogger, I like to think i am one, so I like fashion so I like to show off outfits that I like. My friends take pictures of me and hype me up to be more confident but I never think im trying to show off my butt or boobs. I was in Africa recently so I posted a photo in a swimsuit and I wore a shawl to cover myself and to not show anything off to crazy. I don't want people getting the wrong impression.Tianni: Okay. So this is a hard question for me to ask cause i’m not sure if everyone will be honest about this. Do you sometimes edit parts of your body before posting parts of you body and if not have you thought about it?Subject 5: I never edit my body, however, I whiten my teeth cause I don't like how yellow my teeth are and i also edit my acne because I feel so ashamed. I know its more normal now though so I’ve gotten better with that aspect. I've seen the apps where you can put abs on your body and I think its fake. I think you should be yourself and if you're really going out of the way to edit your body so you shouldn't post it because then you're truly not confident. I’m sorry if that's mean.Tianni: It’s not at all. So I definitely have one of those apps and it sounds terrible but I do the same normal things but I’ve definitely played around with it and I’ve been like oh how do I look thinner and sometimes I’m ashamed cause I’m like wow I look better. I understand what you’re saying though cause if you have to edit photos that much then you aren't truly confident in the photo. So I’m glad you brought that up. Subject 5: I honestly try not to play with those apps cause I really don't want to see the result. I feel like I’ve found myself happier but I still look at old photos and cry because I used to be very thin and when I went on medication at college and it caused weight gain. Recently I’ve lost it so I’m feeling better. Going from a size four to size 8 or 10 has been really hard for me. It just was hard to see myself from then and now. One of my close friends sat me down though and told me my sport changed to cheerleading and my body changes because of that. It’s definitely made an impact on me that I haven’t gained weight or health thats decreased but my lifestyle has changed. Tianni: That makes sense and I would totally agree with that. So would you say that cheerleading has had positive or negative influence on weight. I know cheer is heavily based on weight.Subject 5: There's been negatives and positives. I am a main base so I get a lot of muscle because I hold a majority of the weight in the stunt, and you have assistance but the main base had a lot of it. The flyer puts most of the weight there so my arms have definitely gotten bigger and that's made me pretty self conscious about that aspect. Another thing is when you see a flyer who is so thin and then the main bases are a little bit thicker and then the side base is thinner and back spots are tall and lean. So the main baseis way more muscular and the others are more lean so it makes you conscious within that position. I’ve gained a lot of muscle and I've gotten into shape, however, my body type has really changed a lot. Tianni: Does the uniform ever cause you to think about your body?Subject 5: Yes. Tianni: Negative or positive? Subject 5: a little bit of both and i lost a lot of weight this summer and when we came back my coach noticed and made a comment. Which made me confident especially cause someone noticed. However since I’m no longer in a summer environment, I’ve gained a lot of that weight back and I’m trying to be healthy. So i’ll eat healthier closer to dates that I have to wear it.Tianni: So last thing, do you think social media has created an unattainable standard for women’s body.Subject 5: It has at times and I am a digital studies major and recently there's been sex robots made. It’s really weird and odd to me but I’ve seen that there's been a huge comparison with instagram models who are very thin, have a perfect body, and are who men would love to date. This has had an impact, and social media and campaigns, have tried to have real models to create better influences. A real model isn’t going to happen in every campaign though.In a recent campaign there's been a plus size model who was a 6 which is a normal size and there's been others who will say ‘I won't have a fat model’ and I dont think thats how clothes should be sold. Tianni: Okay sounds good and thank you for doing this interview. Any questions or anything you'd like to say?Subject 5: That everyone is beautiful and they should just be confident in their body regardless of what people say and what they’re seeing. Be confident in yourself and have a positive attitude. ................

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