


1. 單句寫作

1.1 句子改寫

(1) 加入、更改一個字

(2) 造原問句

(3) 主動->被動 肯定->否定 時態改變

(4) 特定單字片語的用法

(5) 個別文法重點

(6) 虛主詞it和動名詞的運用

1.2 句子合併

(1) 連接詞

(2) 子句連接

(3) 比較級、最高級

(4) 間接問句

(5) 因果關係

(6) 假設語氣

(7) 時間順序

(8) too…to enough…to so…that such…that as…as so…as

(9) 感官、使役、授與及forget、stop、remember

(10) 使用分詞連接

(11) both…and either…or neither…nor some…of one…of

(12) 其他

1.3 重組

2. 短文寫作

1. 單句寫作



1. 句子改寫


1) 加入、更改單字

這種題目要求考生加入或更改原句中的某個字,難道只要把那個字改了就是正確答案了嘛,當然不是,改變或加入的字一定會影響到其他部分也需要變化,但其變化不外以下兩種 (1)時間改變要改動詞時態 (2)名詞單複數或人稱改變時注意搭配的動詞也要變化。

1. That is a good skirt. (將skirt改為複數)


2. What are you doing? (將you改成your mother)


3. This is Amy’s book. (將book改成books)


4. Every one of us has things we need. (將everyone改成all)


5. Peter is going to Taipei to attend a friend’s wedding. (以they取代Peter)


6. My younger brother was taken to the hospital. (以the children取代 my younger



7. My brother has to go there by himself. (將主詞改成my brothers)


8. Many of the wolves are running towards him. (將many改成one)


9. Sarah does the dishes every night. (加入next year)


10. Diana is wearing a white hat today. (以yesterday取代today)


11. David saw the latest movie last night. (以tomorrow取代last night)


12. Kenny gets up at seven o’clock every day. (加入next year)


13. I am riding my bike in the backyard now. (將now改成last night)


14. They are good friends. (加入last year)



1. The Lin’s family watch TV after dinner. (加入always)


2. Henry finished his homework yesterday. (加入almost)


3. There is something on his desk. (加入special)


4. I think you like people who are quieter. (加入a little)


5. I think I can go shopping with you later. (加入half an hour)


6. Is there anything in the kitchen? (加入different)


7. I get up early every day. (加入have to)



1. What will you say to your grandmother? (將will改成be going to)


2. David talked to his uncle in Los Angeles. (將劃線部份改成代名詞)


3. I can only do that with Jessie’s help. (將with改成without,句意不變)


4. They did not remember my birthday, either. (將remember改成forget)


5. Are you going to join the baseball team? (改成Will…)


6. I think I will eat ice cream. (用be going to代替will)


7. I will stay at home until my mom comes back. (will改成should)


8. Are you afraid of your math teacher? (改成…to see)


(2) 造原問句

造原問句的題目可分為兩種: (1)沒有畫底線的題目,要造be動詞或助動詞開頭的Yes/No 問句 (2)依畫底線的部份造原問句,用what/who/when/where/which/how/how much/how often等字造問句

1. You’re in senior high school.

Are _________________________________________________________________

2. He wants to go out for dinner with Judy.

Does ________________________________________________________________

3. She gave the cat some dry cat food.

Did _________________________________________________________________

4. No, I have not seen her for two weeks.


5. I start a conversation by using trash talk. (根據劃線部份造原問句)


6. It will take you about eight hours. (根據劃線部份造原問句)


7. He put the cookie in his dog’s dish. (根據劃線部份造原問句)


8. I am waiting for David to arrive. (根據劃線部份造原問句)


9. You are holding up two fingers. (用how many造原問句)


10. She found Jack in the backyard. (根據劃線部份造原問句)


11. I called Ben a couple of minutes ago. (根據劃線部份造原問句)


12. We see each other once a week. (根據劃線部份造原問句)


13. He saw his idol on TV last night. (根據劃線部份造原問句)


14. I have to go home every week. (根據劃線部份造原問句)


15. There are four apples on the table. (根據劃線部份造原問句)


(3)肯定->否定 主動->被動 時態變換


被動式的寫法: be + p.p.。

時態要注意 (1)完成式: have/has/had + p.p.

(2)完成進行式:have/has/had + been + p.p.

1. I thought there would be many people there, too. (改成否定句)


2. Jessie used to go to Disneyland. (用never改成否定句)


3. Mary had to do her homework again. (改成否定句)


4, Everyone can enjoy this movie. (改成被動式)


5. Mr. White fooled me. (改成被動式)


6. People can find them working overtime at the office. (改成被動式)


7. My lover gave me this necklace. (以this necklace為主詞改寫)


8. He came home and ate the watermelon. (改成過去完成式)


9. I collected the coins from the post office. (改為現在完成進行式)


4) 特定單字片語的用法

1. Most of the people were really nice, but Sandy was not nice. (用except改寫)


2. You will forget that you are bored. (改成forget about Ving)


3. Why don’t you ask your father for some help? (Why not…)


4. I am not at home. (改成I wish…)


5. Do you want to see a movie tonight? (用How about改寫)


6. Why don’t you ask Andy for help? (用Why not改寫)


7. My father brought me the umbrella. (改成bring … to 人)


8. You can eat anything which is on the table. (用whatever改寫)


9. No one left any pens here. (We didn’t have + O + p.p.)


10. They should not keep fighting. (用stop改寫)


11. It took me thirty minutes to finish my homework.

I _____________________________________________________________________

12. Why don’t we meet at nine o’clock. (以how about改寫)


5) 個別文法重點

1. The restaurant menu has many words from different languages.

There are many words ___________________________________________________

2. Sally talked to Nina on the phone, and then went to her house.

After __________________________________________________________________

3. You will be there tonight. (加入附加問句)


4. I like to talk about many sports. (改成Ving的句型)


5. After Amy talked to her mother, she went to see her friend. (After Ving…)


6. Where is the nearest bus stop? (間接問句 常考題)

Would you tell me ____________________________________________________?

7. Maybe Michael will come over; maybe he will not. (We do not know if…)


8. The steak looks bad, but it tastes good. (用better than改寫)


9. The green team is going to beat the red team. (用It looks like改寫)


10. I really want to see all my friends at school.

I can’t wait ________________________________________________________

6) 虛主詞it和動名詞的運用

1. Learning English is fun.

It is _________________________________________________________________

2. Staying with Uncle Teddy is boring.

It ____________________________________________________________________

3. It was a lot of trouble finding Pinky’s house. (Finding…)


4. To talk with an Aquarius is amusing. (改用it當主詞)


1.2 句子合併


1) 連接詞 : 用and, but, or, so等連接詞將句子合併。

1. There is a pen on the desk.

There is a book on the desk.


2. My chair looked small.

My desk looked small. (用too連接)


3. I like fried chicken.

My younger sister likes fried chicken, (用so連接)


4. We went mountain climbing.

We ate some wonderful food. (用not only…but also連接)


5. We played basketball.

We also talked in class. (not only… but also)


6. You’d better go home now.

Your parents will be worried. (用or連接)


7. Peter ate the cake.

Jessie didn’t eat the cake.


8. Do you want coffee?

Do you want black tea? (用連接詞合併)


9. Sammy never does his homework well.

Sammy always plays computer games well. (用連接詞合併)


10. You can watch TV in the room.

You can play basketball in the yard. (用or合併)


11. Penny likes playing soccer.

Luke likes playing soccer. (用so does合併)


12. I want to go to the zoo.

I want to see the penguins. (…and…)


13. They painted the wall.

The wall is white now. (…and…)

They ___________________________________________________________________

14. Eric tried to run away.

He ran into a shelf full of eggs.


14. They are taking our furniture.

They are burning our houses. (用and連接)


15. He is poor.

He is happy. (用though連接)


2) 用子句連接兩個句子

這種題型大概可分為兩類:(1)形容詞子句(關係子句) (2)名詞子句


1. Can you fix this computer?

I bought it in your store last week. (用which連接)


2. He is the man.

He stole my bicycle.


3. Peter lost his wallet yesterday.

This is his wallet.


4. Mr. Green is the doctor.

I spoke of him yesterday.


5. The actress is standing on the stage.

The actress is my sister.


6. Henry works in a company.

The company makes computers.



1. I cannot believe it!

Amy is a mother of five children.


2. You should make it clear.

His plan is impossible.


3. I worry about something.

My son always drives too fast.


4. You are late again.

The boss wants to know the reason.


5. “I have no idea who will come tonight.”

My father said that.

My father____________________________________________________________

6. You would not believe it.

Ursula wins the lottery!


7. Everybody wonders.

Sara will pass the exam. (用if連接)


8. Jack is a liar.

Mary said that.


(3) 比較級、最高級


比較級基本句型: John is taller than Mary.

John is more intelligent than Mary.

最高級基本句型: John is the tallest student in his class.

John is the most intelligent student is his class.

1. These shoes are beautiful.

Those shoes are very beautiful. (用than連接)


2. The blue jacket costs one thousand dollars.

The red jacket costs eighteen hundred dollars. (用more連接)


3. I can’t speak English well.

Jack can speak English quite well. (用better連接)


4. This story is interesting.

That story is not interesting. (用less做比較)


5. Huck is tall.

No other students in this class are as tall as Huck. (用最高級合併)


6. Vicky is angry.

Jessie is not as angry as Vicky. (用less連接)


7. The blue shirt is 2,000 dollars.

The yellow shirt is 1,800 dollars.

The green shirt is 800 dollars. (用最高級連接)




直接問句:What is your name?

間接問句: Could you tell me what your name is?

What your name is is not important.

間接問句造法: who/when/where/what/which/how + 主詞 + 動詞

1. Where was my cat?

I did not know.


2. What day is it today?

Do you know?


3. What does the emergency kit have?

Ericsson does not know that.


4. Sandy told me something.

I didn’t understand it.


5. Where is the bracelet?

She knows.


6. Where is your home?

Please tell me.


7. He thought May knew.

Where did Johnson live?


8. Who is that handsome boy over there?

Do you know that?


9. When did he come?

Do you know?


10. Who is that boy in the purple jacket?

I don’t know.


(5) 因果關係的連接:

將有因果關係的兩個句子結合需要用到because、because of或so。

1. The children threw sand at the man.

The man couldn’t see. (用so合併)


2. Peter didn’t go to school yesterday.

Peter was sick yesterday.


3. Jessie had an unlucky day.

She lost her wallet.


4. I am nervous.

I have a test tomorrow. (用because of連接)


5. Yuting works very hard.

She wants to buy a violin.


6. He wanted to talk to the girl.

He walked toward her.


(6) 假設語氣












1. You were born on 12th, Febuary.

You are an Aquarius.


2. You study hard.

You will get higher grades. (用if合併)


3. You helps others.

You will be happy. (用if連接)


4. There may be no exam next week.

We will go to Kaohsiung. (用if連接)


5. They can not get to the airport on time.

The traffic is heavy.


6. I am not you.

I will not do that. (用if連接)


7. They think you want to hurt their family.

You will be in trouble. (用if連接)


(7) 時間關係

用before, after, when, while等連接詞把兩個句子連接起來。

1. Jean was leaving.

She forgot to put her lipstick back in her bag.


2. Joyce was eating in a restaurant.

She noticed the time. (用when連接)


3. I have not worked for Mr.Smith for three months.

It is August now. (用since合併)


4. The summer vacation will come.

They will go swimming.


5. He left Taiwan in 1999.

He left Taiwan on Feburary 2nd.


6. We found the little boy.

The boy was playing in the garden.


7. He moved to Los Angeles in 1992.

He still lives there. (用since連接)


8. Patrick collects stamps.

Patrick has done that since he graduated three years ago.


9. Brown played basketball with his classmates.

He was hurt. (用when)


10. They were together with their family in London.

It was New Year’s Eve.


11. Vivian was playing the piano.

I was singing. (用while連接)


12. They are trying to be funny.

They hurt people’s feelings. (用when連接)


(8) too…to V …enough to V

as…as so…as

so…that such…that


1. Jane’s face is round.

My face is round, too. (用as…as連接)


2. I am tired.

I cannot do it for you now. (用too…to合併)


3. It is late.

We have to go to bed now. (…so…that…)


4. Your bracelet is beautiful.

My bracelet is not beautiful. (用so…as…合併)


5. The children have a lot of energy.

The can play all day. (用so much…that…合併)


6. This box is heavy.

Jenny can not carry it. (用so…that…合併)


7. Denny is too old.

He can’t join the army. (用too…to…合併)


8. He is smart.

He can solve this problem. (用enough連接)


9. It is late.

You should not go out now. (用too…to…連接)


10. David is so young.

David can not ride a motorcycle. (用too…to…連接)


11. She is a good teacher.

Every student likes her. (用such…that…連接)


12. I felt tired.

I went to bed at eight o’clock. (用so…that…連接)


13. The river is not deep.

You can’t swim in it. (用enough連接)


14.This book looks old.

That book looks old. (用as…as…連接)


15. I could not write homework very often.

My sister always wrote homework very often. (用as…as…連接)


16. He is strong.

He is like a bear. (用as…as…連接)


(9) 感官、授與動詞及forget、stop、remember、spend

1. 感官動詞後加原型動詞或分詞。

(1) I saw him beat/beating his classmates. (我看到他在打同學)

(2) I saw him beaten by his classmates. (我看到他被同學打)

2.forget/stop/remember 這類動詞後面接to V 或是Ving意思不同。

(1) I forgot to do my math homework. 我忘了寫數學作業。 (沒寫)

(2) I forgot doing my math homework. 我忘了我有寫數學作業。 (有寫但是忘了)

不需去死記他的意思,只要知道 “to” 本身就有 “去” 的意思,所以:

(3) My father stops to smoke. 我父親停下正在做的事去抽菸。

(4) My father stops smoking. 我父親停止抽菸。



(1) spend + 錢 + on + 東西

(2) spend + 時間 + Ving

1. I saw you at school yesterday.

You were walking with a girl.

I _____________________________________________________________________

2. Five men were coming toward him.

He saw them.


3. A koala sat next to a big penguin in a cartoon.

We saw that yesterday.


4. Helen was supposed to mail this letter.

She forgot to do that.


5.Richard bought that car.

It cost him one million dollars. (用for連接)


6. Emily bought a new computer.

The computer’s price was forty thousand dollars. (用spend連接)


7. Jimmy wasted too much time.

Jimmy played video games.


8. You have to take your medicine after every meal.

Don’t forget to do that. (用forget to連接)


9. Skiing seems fun and easy.

The people on TV made it seem so.

The people _________________________________________________________________

10. The mouse was running around the kitchen.

It was horrible to see that.

It _______________________________________________________________________

11. They are fighting.

We should stop them.

We _______________________________________________________________________

12. I saw your mother.

She was talking to my mother.

I ________________________________________________________________________

13. Tom was sweeping the floor.

I watched him do that.

I ________________________________________________________________________

14. He mailed that package this morning.

He has forgotten what he did.


15. I want to move the sofa.

Could you help me?


16. William got a crazy idea.

I don’t like his idea. (用agree合併)


17. She had heard him mention it before.

She remembered it.


18. Sandy bought that lipstick.

It cost her two hundred dollars. (用spend合併)


19. Jessie finished her math assignment.

It took her three days to finish it. (用spend合併)


(10) 使用分詞連接

1. The tall man is my brother.

He is wearing glasses.

The tall __________________________________________________________________

2. Chris watched the game.

The game was exciting.

Chris _____________________________________________________________________

3. Paul is in the living room.

Paul is watching TV.


4. They wanted things done their way.

They were well known for it.


5. The lady is my cousin.

She is standing behind the door. (用形容詞片語連接)


(11) both…and, either…or, neither…nor, some of, one of


1. Mary can not swim.

Peter can not swim. (用neither…nor連接)


2. Jenny likes to eat instant noodles.

We will visit some friends in Taipei next week. (用some of 連接)


3. We have many friends in Tainan.

We will visit some friends in Tainan next month. (用some of連接)


4. I want to study English.

I want to study French. (用both連接)


5. There are many children playing in the park.

My daughter is playing in the park.

One of ____________________________________________________________________

6. I didn’t see Tom.

I didn’t see Mary. (用neither連接)


7. Helen loves Peter very much.

Peter loves Helen very much. (用each other連接)


8. John may wash the car.

Mary may wash the car. (用either…or連接)


9. I haven’t done my homework.

Anne hasn’t done her homework. (用neither…nor連接)


(12) 其他


1. He saw a little girl.

Her hair is short. (用with連接)




2. He sat on the couch.

His eyes were shut. (用with合併)


3. Every day he goes to school.

He is always late. (用without連接)


★本題難度甚高,測驗同學是否會without + N/Ving,以及”準時”如何改為Ving.


4. He didn’t say goodbye.

He left right away. (用without 連接)


5. Spot is like his owner Phil.

Phil likes to eat moon cakes.

Like _____________________________________________________________________


6. I washed the dishes.

My mother wanted me to do it.

My mother ________________________________________________________________

7. Mary wanted to go out at night.

I asked her not to do that.



8.You swim in that lake.

It may be dangerous. (用Ving開頭)


9. You eat too much candy.

It is harmful to your health. (用動名詞開頭)



10. He makes a lot of money.

He sells cars. (用by連接)


11. He goes to his office every day.

He takes the bus. (用by連接)



12. We burnt down the house.

It was an accident. (用by連接)


13. Dogs are man’s most loyal friend.

People say that.

Dogs _____________________________________________________________________

★這題測驗同學是否會”be said to V”的用法。

14. He will join the army.

He decided to do that. (用decided to連接)


15. My clothes are dirty.

My mother always complains about them.

My mother ________________________________________________________________

16. He couldn’t see anybody in this backyard.

He only saw Sally. (用except連接)


17. I want to smoke here.

Do you mind that? (用所有格my)


18. You can not control me.

You have no right. (用to連接)


19. This is the first question.

Are you ready?

Are ______________________________________________________________________

20. I bought some milk.

I bought five bottles.


21. This long novel is very interesting.

It is about magic.


22. My wallet is lost.

I am looking for it. (用所有格連接)


23. You are late.

That is a bad excuse. (用for連接)


24. A chair is in the room.

There is nothing else there. (用nothing but連接)


25. I have to see my detist.

I am afraid of that.

I am afraid ______________________________________________________________

26. I failed.

I will not give up. (用even though合併)


27. All the members should attend the meeting.

Only some of them attended. (用Not開頭)


1.3 重組


(1) 憑藉語感及直覺


1. Would ______________________________________________________________________

drink / like / you / something / to

2. It’s _____________________________________________________________________

difficult / mind / his / change / to

3. She _______________________________________________________________________

a / of / wore / pair / new / shoes

4. You _______________________________________________________________________

do / yourself / have to / by / that

5. I _________________________________________________________________________

meant / help / to / you

6. The writer ________________________________________________________________

everybody / known / to / is

7. What ______________________________________________________________________

this / a / doll / pretty / is

8. How _______________________________________________________________________

little / honest / is / girl / the

9. Be ________________________________________________________________________

the / street / careful / crossing

10. Nothing __________________________________________________________________

as / happiness / as / is / important

11. A friend _________________________________________________________________

indeed / in / a friend / is / need

12. I have ___________________________________________________________________

to / nothing / exciting / say

13. The ______________________________________________________________________

the / must / young / take care of / old

14. This diamond _____________________________________________________________

ten / worth / is / dollars / million

15. I ________________________________________________________________________

what / next / to / don’t / know / do



1. Jessie ____________________________________________________________________

in / the / detective / Taipei / best / is

★ 這題的關鍵字就是best, 代表本句一定是最高級的句型,正解是:

Jessie is the best detective in Taipei.

2. Your suitcase _____________________________________________________________

mine / bigger / much / is / than

★ 由bigger這個字可以得知本句是比較級的句型,正解為:

Your suitcase is much bigger than mine.

由以上兩題可以得知如果題目中看到比較級或是最高級的單字,也就是看到 –er, -est,

more, 或是most這些字,就可以朝比較級和最高級的方向去思考,很快可以想出答案。以下是幾個練習題。

1. The Yangtze River _________________________________________________________

China / the / river / is / longest / in

2. Jack ______________________________________________________________________

the / class / my / boy / in / is / tallest

3. The _______________________________________________________________________

love / I / deeper / Mary / the / her / better / know / I


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