Project Agreement - Cheetah Learning

Project Agreement

_Peak Performing Mind_Project Plan

|Date: |      |

|Person Recording |      |

|Agreement: | |

|People Creating Agreement: |      |

|Project Sponsor: |      |

Project Scope

|Project |Definition: The final deliverable of the project team |

|Objective | |

| |Have my mind in peak performing condition so I can do well on the PMP exam after only four days of studying |

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|Project |Definition: When the team members start their job and when they are finished |

|Boundaries | |

| |Starts with assessing my current lifestyle and ends with passing the PMP exam |

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|Customer |Project Customers |

|Definition |Definition: The person or persons who will use the final deliverable from our project |

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| |External Customers |

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| |People who are relying on me being successful with the PMP Exam |

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| |Internal Customers/Stakeholders |

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| |Me |

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| |Customer Needs |

| |Definition: The problems customers have that the final deliverable with help them solve. |

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| |External Customers |

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| |They need me to get this fast and get on with my life |

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| |Internal Customers/Stakeholders |

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| |Feel confident and relaxed with taking the PMP exam |

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Customer Requirements

Definition: The customer requirements are the customers’ specifications for the final deliverable

Each requirement has an importance ranking, to be ranked by every team member. The rankings are:

5: Must have

3: Nice to have

1: Can live with or without

|Customer Requirements |Importance Ranking |Total Value |

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|Easy to Implement |      |      |

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|Non-instrusive to day to day life |      |      |

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|Effective - I feel good |      |      |

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|Speedy - works fast - doesn't take years to change |      |      |

|behaviors to see results | | |

Customer Acceptance Criteria

Definition: How to measure the customers’ satisfaction with the final deliverable

Each requirement has an importance ranking, and every team member ranks each requirement. The rankings are:

5: Must have

3: Nice to have

1: Can live with or without

|Customer Acceptance Criteria |Importance Ranking |Total Value |Responsible |

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|Pass the PMP Exam |      |      |      |

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|feel results in less than three days |      |      |      |

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|Have support from people around me for lifestyle |      |      |      |

|modifications I make | | | |

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|Be inexpensive - less than $15 per week |   |      |      |

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|Business |Market Impact |

|Case |Definition: How our project will impact our competitive position |

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| |If I can do this in four days, then it's going to show that I'm one step up from the people who are taking six months to |

| |do this. |

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| |Organizational Benefits |

| |Definition: What the organization will gain by pursuing this project |

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| |A great way to go after certifications |

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| |Strategic Impact |

| |Definition: From a long-term strategic perspective, how important is it that we are successful with this project? Give a |

| |ranking from 1 (minor importance) to 10 (major importance). |

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| |10 - I need to become a PMP |

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Project Communication

Project Definition: The type of project progress communication, with the agreement of the entire project team



|Type of Progress Report |Contents of Report |Frequency of Report |Who Requested Report |

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|weekly log |assessment of lifestyle changes |weekly |ME |

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Project Definition: What needs to be reviewed before the project can progress to the next step



|Project Milestone Review|Purpose of Review |Reviewers |Approval to Move|Date of Review |

| | | |Forward | |

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|Feasibility Study |      |      |      |      |

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|Current Lifestyle |      |      |      |      |

|assessment | | | | |

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|Lifestyle Change Plan |      |      |      |      |

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|Change Assessment |      |      |      |      |

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|Modification Plan |      |      |      |      |

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|Change Assessment |      |      |      |      |

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|Lessons Learned |      |      |      |      |

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Risk Tolerance

Risk Tolerance Level

Definition: The amount of risk the project team and the project sponsor can accept, while still being able to produce the final deliverable

Rank the tolerance level from 1(low) to 10 (high). Low risk tolerance means that the project team has a low tolerance for uncertainty and will need to have more time and money to create the final deliverable. High risk tolerance means the project team has a higher tolerance for uncertainty, and probably more certainty in their ability to create the final deliverable.

Rating – 1

Reason – I have to get the PMP, I'll do what I have to to put my mind in peak performing condition


|Organizational |Definition: Priorities are defined in terms of cost, schedule and quality |

|Priorities | |

| |schedule, quality, cost |

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|Spending |Definition: The estimated budget you’ll have to do the project |

|Constraints | |

| |No more than $15 per week in supplies |

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|Staffing |Definition: The staff required to do the project, how much time they will need, and what you know about the availability |

|Constraints |of people who might work on the project |

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| |Staff Required: 1 |

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| |Availability: full time |

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| |Other Issues: young children at home make it difficult to get consistenly good sleep |

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|Equipment |Definition: The limitations/restrictions that may be placed on equipment you’ll need to do the project |

|Constraints | |

| |have to use the body and brain I currently have |

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|Deadlines |Definition: When the project has to be complete |

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| |have to implement before I start the Cheetah class |

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|Organizational |Definition: The constraints that the organization has for doing this project and how that will impact that project. |

|Constraints | |

| |can't impact my family or my job |

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Team Responsibilities

|Team Position |Responsibility |Name (s)/Color |Commitment |

|Project Manager |Initiate, Plan, Execute, Control, and Closeout |Me |full time - it's my life |

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