Seasonal Activities and Lesson Plans

Positive words about you.

Each year I have my students fill out a Positive word form about their classmates. They are to write one to three words that are nice about each person on the list.

Once they have handed them into me, I go through and make up a sheet for each person with the positive words listed. I do not put them in any specific order this way they do not know who said what about them.

It is not only challenging, but when the student gets the final product and reads all the nice words it brings a smile to them.

Over the years some students have been a challenge to come up with something nice, but I tell the students think about what you want people to say about you.

Here are some of the words used over the years that I have allowed:






Weird in a good way




Quick to help





I allow the students to use either a dictionary or a thesaurus to help them come up with different words for each student. I do not allow them to use any word more than twice on the paper. I even have a space for myself. It gives me a way to reflect back. I also have the students fill out a paper about me and how the school year was. I tell them to be honest so that I can be an even the better teacher next year. (Sometimes they can be too honest.)

I have seen large smiles on a lot of faces and it makes me feel good that they students understand what it means to be nice.

Have a great ending to your year.

Sharon Staudt

Westside Elementary

Smithfield, VA


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