George J. Sánchez Date: May 1, 2022

401 Paseo Dorado Phone No.: (562)494-8217

Long Beach, California 90803 Cell No.: (949)275-3931

Department of American Studies & Ethnicity Dept. Phone No.: (213)740-2426

Kaprielian Hall 449A Dept. Fax No.: (213)821-0409

University of Southern California Email Address:

Los Angeles, California 90089-2534 Main Office Phone No.: (213)740-1663


June 1989 Ph.D. (History), Stanford University.

June 1984 M.A. (History), Stanford University.

June 1981 B.A., Harvard College. Honors in History and Sociology.

Magna Cum Laude.


2007-present Director, Center for Diversity and Democracy, University of Southern California

2005-present Full Professor, Joint appointment in the Department of American Studies & Ethnicity and the Department of History, University of Southern California.

2010-2016 Vice Dean for Diversity and Strategic Initiatives, Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, University of Southern California

-Began USC’s First-Generation College Student Activities

-Initiated Student Food Pantry & Trojan Guardian Scholars for Foster Care Youth

2009-2010 Vice Dean for College Diversity, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, University

of Southern California

2008-2009 Director of College Diversity, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, University of

Southern California

2004-2009 Adjunct Professor in American Studies, The Center for the Study of the Americas, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

2001-2007 Director, Center for American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California

-Managed $3.6 million grant from James Irvine Foundation for diversity

-Sponsored workshops for 80 Irvine Fellows from minority populations

-Led Summer Dissertation Workshops on race & ethnicity, 2002-04

-Facilitated move of American Quarterly to USC in 2003

1999-2005 Director, Program in American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California.

-Initiated growth of program from 5 core faculty to 28 in Fall 2005

-Devised and launched new Ph.D. program

-Revised requirements of 4 undergraduate majors & 6 minors

1997-2005 Associate Professor, Joint appointment in the Department of History and the Program in American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California.

1993-1997 Associate Professor, History and American Culture, and Director, Program in American Culture, University of Michigan.

1988-1993 Assistant Professor, Department of History, UCLA.



Boyle Heights: How a Los Angeles Neighborhood Became the Future of American Democracy (University of California Press, 2021)

Beyond Alliances: The Jewish Role in Reshaping the Racial Landscape of Southern California [The Jewish Role in American Life: An Annual Review of the Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life, Volume 9], edited by George J. Sanchez (Purdue University Press, 2012)

Civic Engagement in the Wake of Katrina, co-editor with Amy Koritz (University of Michigan Press, 2009)

Los Angeles and the Future of Urban Cultures, co-editor with Raul Homero Villa (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005).

Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993) [Currently in its 8th printing]

-1997 Local History Award, Historical Society of Southern California

-1994 Theodore Saloutus Memorial Book Award, Immigration History Society

-1994 Book Award of the Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical Association

-1994 Robert Athearn Book Prize, Western History Association

-1994 J.S. Holliday Award, California Historical Society

-1995 New Scholar Award, American Educational Research Association

-Finalist, 1994 Los Angeles Times Book Prize in History

-Nominated for Pulitzer Prize in History


“Opening the Humanities to New Fields and New Voices,“ Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Special Issue on the Future of the Humanities (in progress)

“Foreward,” in Maria Avila, ed., Creating Culture Change: Narrative, organizing, and collective leadership (Cornell Univ. Press, in press).

“Regional Organizing for Culture Change,” with Celestina Castillo, Alan P. Knoerr, and Rissi Zimmermann, in Maria Avila, ed., Creating Culture Change: Narrative, organizing, and collective leadership (Cornell Univ. Press, in press).

“Foreward,” in Jews as Whites, Jews as Others: Relational Identities in the American West, ed. Ellen Eisenberg (Brandeis University Press, in press).

“Democracy in Trump’s America: Through the Looking Glass of Family Separation and the Undocumented,” Journal of American History (September 2021), pp. 1-15.

“Engagement: Keyword Essay,” with Erika Kohl Arenas, in Keywords for American Cultural Studies, 3rd edition, eds. Bruce Burgett and Glenn Hendler (New York University Press, 2020), pp. 100-103.

“A Community Decides Who Belongs: Local Democracy and Incorporating the Undocumented in Boyle Heights, 1970s-1990s,” Journal of American Ethnic History, Special Issue, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Summer 2020), pp. 60-74.

“Shape Shifting in the Transpacific Borderlands: Expressions of Japanese Chicano Culture and Identity,” with Maria Jose Plascencia, in Shape Shifters: Journeys Across Terrains of Race and Identity, eds. Lily Anne Y. Welty Tamai, Ingrid Dineen-Wimberly, and Paul Spickard (University of Nebraska Press, 2020), pp. 313-330.

“Generations of Segregation: Immigrant Dreams and Segregated Lives in Metropolitan Los Angeles,” in New World Cities: Challenges of Urbanization and Globalization in the Americas, eds. John Tutino and Martin V. Melosi (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019), pp. 210-241.

“Fighting for Equity and Community in an Urban Research University,” with Mary Ho, Metropolitan Universities Journal: Special Issue on Equity and Inclusion: Expanding the Urban Ecosystem, 29:1 (2018), pp. 137-152. ()

“Living in the Transpacific Borderlands: Expressions of Japanese Latino Culture and Identity,” with Maria Jose Plascencia, in Transpacific Borderlands: The Art of Japanese Diaspora in Lima, Los Angeles, Mexico City, and Sao Paulo (Los Angeles: Japanese American National Museum, 2017)

Also in Japanese Latino Artist Research Project: A White Paper, eds. Clement Hamani and Claudia Sobral (Los Angeles, California: Japanese American National Museum, 2016), pp. 8-26.

“Why Are Multiracial Communities So Dangerous?: A Comparative Look at Hawai’i; Cape Town, South Africa; and Boyle Heights, California,” Pacific Historical Review 86:1 (February 2017), pp. 153-170.

“Walking the Tightrope of Full Participation,” with Jasmine Torres, Diversity & Democracy: Civic Learning for Shared Futures Vol. 18, No. 1 (Association of American Colleges and Universities, Winter 2015), pp. 24-25.

“Foreward,” La Vida Diferente: Interviews, Biographies, Poems and Narratives Celebrating Boyle Heights’ Community Treasures, Written by Students of Roosevelt High School (Los Angeles: The California Endowment, 2013)

“The Logic of Civic Possibility: Undocumented Students and the Struggle for a Higher Education,” with Margaret Salazar-Porzio, in Civic Values and Practices, ed. Donald W. Harward (Bringing Theory to Practice, 2013)

“Crossing Figueroa: The Tangled Web of Diversity and Democracy,” in Collaborative Futures: Critical Reflections on Publicly Active Graduate Education, edited by Amanda Gilvin, Georgia M. Roberts, and Craig Martin (The Graduate School Press, Syracuse University, 2012)

“Introduction to “Beyond Alliances,” in Beyond Alliances: The Jewish Role in Reshaping the Racial Landscape of Southern California, edited by George J. Sanchez (Purdue University Press, 2011)

Participant in “Latino History: An Interchange on Present Realities and Future Prospects,” Journal of American History 97:2 (September 2010).

“Edward R. Roybal and the Politics of Multiracialism,” Southern California Quarterly 92: 1 (Historical Society of Southern California, Spring 2010).

“Disposable People, Expendable Neighborhoods: Repatriation, Internment and Other Population Removals,” A Companion to the History of Los Angeles, eds. William Deverell and Greg Hise (Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2010)

Comments in Roundtable on “Regionalism: The Significance of Place in American Jewish Life,” American Jewish History (2007)

“Back to the Future: Latino History As A Predictor of the Future of U.S. Society,” Latinos: Past Influence, Future Power (Los Angeles: Tomas Rivera Policy Institute, 2004)

“’What’s Good for Boyle Heights is Good for the Jews’: Creating Multiracialism on the Eastside During the 1950s,” American Quarterly 56:3 (September 2004).

-Winner of the 2005 Constance Rourke Prize for best article in the American Quarterly

“Race and Immigration in Changing Communities of the United States,” The Japanese Journal of American Studies 14 (2003), pp. 7-20.

“’Y tu que?’: Latino History in the New Millenium,” in Latinos! Remaking America, eds. Marcelo Suarez-Orozco and Mariela Paez (University of California Press and Harvard University’s David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 2002: 1st ed.; 2009: 2nd ed.)

Reprinted in ‘Mixed Race’ Studies: A Reader, ed. by Jayne O. Ifekwunigwe (London: Routledge, 2004)

“Working at the Crossroads: American Studies for the Twenty-First Century; Presidential Address to the American Studies Association, 9 November 2001,” American Quarterly 54:1 (March 2002)

“Creating the Multicultural Nation: Adventures in Post-national American Studies in the 1990s,” in Post-Nationalist American Studies, ed. John Carlos Rowe (University of California Press, 2000)

“Race, Nation, and Culture in Recent Immigration Studies,” Journal of American Ethnic History 18:4 (Summer 1999)

Reprinted in Race and Immigration in the United States: New Histories, ed. by Paul Spickard (New York: Routledge Press, 2011)

“Race and Immigration History,” American Behavioral Scientist 42:9 (June/July 1999), pp. 1271-1275.

Reprinted in Immigration Research for a New Century: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, ed. by Nancy Foner, Rubén G. Rumbaut, and Steven J. Gold (New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2000)

“Familiar Sounds of Change: Music and the Growth of Mass Culture,” in Consumer Society in American History: A Reader, ed. by Lawrence B. Glickman (Cornell University Press, 1999), pp. 170-189. [Reprint of Chapter 8 of Becoming Mexican American]

“Commentary” on “Ethnic Mexicans and the Transformation of ‘American’ Social Space: Reflections on Recent History,” by David G. Gutierrez in Crossings: Mexican Immigration in Interdisciplinary Perspectives, ed. by Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco (Harvard Univ. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 1998), pp. 336-340.

“Race in California’s History,” in Proceedings: A Forum on the President’s Initiative on Race: Implication for California, ed. by Marjorie DeMartino (University of California, Irvine, 1998), pp. 5-7.

“Music and Mass Culture in Mexican-American Los Angeles,” in The Making of Urban America, 2nd ed., ed. by Raymond Mohl (Scholarly Resources, 1997), pp. 231-248. [Reprint of Chapter 8 of Becoming Mexican American]

"Face the Nation: Race, Immigration, and the Rise Of Nativism in Late Twentieth Century America," International Migration Review 31:4 (Winter 1997)

Reprinted in The Handbook of International Migration: The American Experience (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1999)

Reprinted in Major Problems in American History Since 1945, 3rd ed., ed. By Robert Griffith and Paula Baker (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2007), pp. 452-59.

"Ethnicity," in A Companion to American Thought, eds. James Kloppenberg and Richard Fox (Blackwell, 1996)

"Reading Reginald Denny: The Politics of Whiteness in Late Twentieth Century America," American Quarterly 47:3 (September 1995)

"The 'New Nationalism,' Mexican Style: Race and Progressivism in Chicano Political Development during the 1920s," in California Progressivism Revisited, eds. William Deverell and Tom Sitton (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1994)

"Assessing Relations Between Mexican Americans and the Japanese," in Relations Between American Ethnic Groups and Japan, ed. Tadashi Aruga (Tokyo: NIRA, 1994)

"Contemporary Peoples/Contested Places," with Sarah Deutsch and Gary Y. Okihiro, in The Oxford History of the American West, eds. Clyde A. Milner II, Carol A. O'Connor and Martha A. Sandweiss (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1994)

"Alien/Native and the Social Construction of the Border," in Interpreting American Culture: A Regional Approach, ed. Melvyn Hammarberg (Culture Studies Association of Scotland, 1992)

"'Go After the Women': Americanization and the Mexican Immigrant Woman, 1915-1929," in Unequal Sisters: A Multicultural Reader in U.S. Women's History, eds. Ellen Carol DuBois and Vicki L. Ruiz (New York: Routledge Press, 1990)

Reprinted in Mothers & Motherhood: Readings in American History, ed. by Rima D. Apple & Janet Golden (Ohio State Univ. Press, 1997), pp. 475-494.

"Adaptation to Conquest: The Mexican Community of San Jose, 1845-1880." Published as Working Paper Series No. 4, Stanford Center for Chicano Research, Stanford University, 1984

Published and Unpublished Reports, Opinion Editorials:

“Graduate Students and the OAH,” The American Historian (Organization of American Historians, June 2021).

“Lessons from Boyle Heights: The neighborhood’s history of cross-cultural cooperation offers a model for the country,” Los Angeles Times, June 6, 2021.

“An Injury to One is An Injury to All,” The American Historian (Organization of American Historians, March 2021).

“To Form a More Perfect Union,” The American Historian (Organization of American Historians, December 2020).

“Good Trouble Making,” The American Historian (Organization of American Historians, September 2020).

“Historical Reflections in Our Age of Coronavirus,” The American Historian (Organization of American Historians, June 2020).

“Curating Career Success for First-Generation College Alumni,” Diversity & Democracy: Reimagining Alumnihood (American Association of Colleges & Universities, 2018).

Joint Educational Project: Changing Lives & Transforming Community (Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California, Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 2013), co-authored with Priscilla Leiva.

“Intensive Study Abroad for First-Generation College Students,” Peer Review, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities, Summer 2012).

“Engaging Diversity and Democracy in Local and National Forums,” Diversity & Democracy: Civic Learning for Shared Futures 14:3 (American Association of Colleges & Universities, 2011)

Norman Topping Student Aid Fund: A History of Family, Community and Service (Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California, Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 2011), with design by Priscilla Leiva and Michael Mazon.

“Confronting a Crisis in the Historical Profession,” Perspectives: The Newsmagazine of the American Historical Association 45: 7 (October 2007)

“The History of Segregation in Los Angeles: A Report on Racial Discrimination and Its Legacy,” for Scheff & Washington, PC, in legal case American Civil Rights Foundation v. Los Angeles Unified School District, Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, Central Division (2007)

“Crossing Figueroa: The Tangled Web of Diversity and Democracy,” Foreseeable Futures #4, Position Papers from Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life, University of Michigan (2005)

“Keeping the Dance Alive: Institutionalization of the Crossroads of Ethnic and American Studies,” American Studies Association Newsletter 28:1 (March 2005).

The Road Ahead: Improving Diversity in Graduate Education (Los Angeles, CA: Center for Higher Education Policy Analysis, 2004), co-authored with William G. Tierney and C. Dean Campbell.

“Archives, Collections, and the Preservation of the Past in Los Angeles,” (2001) for the Future of Los Angeles History conference, to the John Randolph and Dora Haynes Foundation (Currently on the Foundation website at ).

“Latinos and American Identity: Conceptual Paper for an exhibit at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.” (2000) for the Smithsonian Institution, co-authored with Miguel Bretos, Marvette Perez, and Gerald E. Poyo.

“Space-Time Textual Indexing Guidelines for the ISLA Digital Archive” (1998) for the Department of History and Information Services Division, University of Southern California, co-authored with Philip Ethington, Anne Choi, and Christopher West.

Book Reviews:

of Ellen R. Baker, On Strike and On Film: Mexican American Families and Blacklisted Filmmakers in Cold War America, in the American Historical Review 114:3 (June 2009)

of Douglas Monroy, The Borders Within: Encounters Between Mexico and the U.S., in the Western Historical Quarterly (Winter 2009)

of Mark Wild, Street Meeting: Multiethnic Neighborhoods in Early Twentieth-Century Los Angeles, in the Western Historical Quarterly (Autumn 2006)

of Héctor L. Delgado, New Immigrants, Old Unions: Organizing Undocumented

Workers in Los Angeles, in International Migration Review (September 1995)

of Zaragosa Vargas, Proletarians of the North: A History of the Mexican

Industrial Workers in Detroit and the Midwest, 1917-1933, in The Journal of

American History (September 1994)

of Marguerite V. Marin, Social Protest in an Urban Barrio: A Study of the

Chicano Movement, 1966-1974, in the Western Historical Quarterly (November 1992)

of Douglas Monroy, Thrown Among Strangers: The Making of Mexican Culture

in Frontier California, in the Journal of American Ethnic History 11:4 (Summer 1992)

of Dennis Baron, The English-Only Question: An Official Language for

Americans?, in the History of Education Quarterly (Spring 1992)

of Rodolfo Acuña, A Community Under Siege: A Chronicle of Chicanos East of

the Los Angeles River, 1945-1975, in Chicano Discourse: Selected Conference

Proceedings of the National Association for Chicano Studies (Univ. of Houston, 1992)

Series Editor:

"American Crossroads: New Works in Ethnic Studies," University of California Press. With Laura Briggs, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, Earl Lewis, Univ. of Michigan, George Lipsitz, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, Nikhil Singh, New York Univ., and Dana Takagi, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz. 1994-present.

The goal of the American Crossroads series is to expand and deepen our understanding of race and ethnicity in the United States, today and in the past, by publishing intellectually challenging, engagingly written books of substance and broad interest. We encourage authors to cross boundaries of all sorts: between past and present, between ethnic and racial groups, between academic disciplines, between public and private, between local and global, between social and political history and cultural studies. We invite submissions that question the meaning and uses of identity; interrogate the construction of national boundaries; explore relations of class, gender, and sexuality; or promote the elasticity of concepts of race and ethnicity. We welcome manuscripts that focus on peoples not usually included under the rubric of "Ethnic Studies" as well as manuscripts that offer cross-cultural or transnational analysis of more familiar ethnic and racial groups. We seek to illuminate the fundamental significance of the making and remaking of racial and ethnic identities in books that are thoroughly informed by historical, political, and social contexts and intended to shape future generations of scholarship in Ethnic Studies.

1. Border Matters: Remapping Cultural Studies, By Jose David Saldivar (1997)

2. The White Scourge: Mexicans, Blacks, and Poor Whites in Texas Cotton Culture, by Neil Foley (1997)

3. Indians in the Making: Ethnic Relations and Indian Identities Around Puget Sound, by Alexandra Harmon (1998)

4. Aztlan and Viet Nam: Chicano and Chicana Experiences of the War, edited by George Mariscal (1999)

5. Immigration and the Political Economy of Home: West Indian Brooklyn and American Indian Minneapolis, by Rachel Buff (2001)

6. Epic Encounters: Culture, Media, and U.S. Interests in the Middle East, 1945-2000, by Melani McAlister (2001)

7. Contagious Divides: Epidemics and Race in San Francisco’s Chinatown, by Nayan Shah (2001)

8. Japanese American Celebration and Conflict: A History of Ethnic Identity and Festival, 1934-1990, by Lon Kurashige (2002)

9. American Sensations: Class, Empire, and the Production of Popular Culture, by Shelley Streeby (2002)

10. Colored White: Transcending the Racial Past, by David R. Roediger (2002)

11. Reproducing Empire: Race, Sex, Science, and U.S. Imperialism in Puerto Rico, by Laura Briggs (2002)

12. meXicana Encounters: The Making of Social Identities on the Borderlands, by Rosa Linda Fregoso (2003)

13. Popular Culture in the Age of White Flight: Fear and Fantasy in Suburban Los Angeles, by Eric Avila (2004)

14. Ties That Bind: The Story of an Afro-Cherokee Family in Slavery and Freedom, by Tiya Miles (2005)

15. Cultural Moves: African Americans and the Politics of Representation, by Herman S. Gray (2005)

16. Emancipation Betrayed: The Hidden History of Black Organizing and White Violence in Florida from Reconstruction to the Bloody Election of 1920, by Paul Ortiz (2005)

17. Eugenic Nation: Faults and Frontiers of Better Breeding in Modern America, by Alexandra Minna Stern (2005)

18. Audiotopia: Music, Race, and America, by Josh Kun (2006)

19. Black, Brown, Yellow, and Left: Radical Activism in Southern California, by Laura Pulido (2006)

20. Fit To Be Citizens?: Public Health and Race in Los Angeles, 1879-1939, by Natalia Molina (2006)

21. Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California, by Ruth Wilson Gilmore (2007)

22. Proud to Be an Okie: Cultural Politics, Country Music, and Migration to Southern California, by Peter La Chapelle (2007)

23. Playing America’s Game: Baseball, Latinos, and the Color Line, by Adrian Burgos, Jr. (2007)

24. The Power of the Zoot: Youth, Culture and Resistance during World War II, by Luis Alvarez (2008)

25. Guantanamo: A Working-Class History between Empire and Revolution, by Jana K. Lipman (2008)

26. Between Arab and White: Race and Ethnicity in the Early Syrian-American Diaspora, by Sarah M.A. Gualtieri (2009)

27. Mean Streets: Chicago Youths and the Everyday Struggle for Empowerment in the Multiracial City, 1908-1969, by Andrew J. Diamond (2009)

28. In Sight of America: Photography and the Development of U.S. Immigration Policy, by Anna Pegler-Gordon (2009)

29. Migra! A History of the U.S. Border Patrol, by Kelly Lytle Hernandez (2010)

30. Racial Propositions: Genteel Apartheid in Postwar California, by Daniel Martinez HoSang (2010)

31. Stranger Intimacy: Contesting Race, Sexuality and the Law in the North American West, by Nayan Shah (2012)

32. The Nicest Kids in Town: American Bandstand, Rock ‘n’ Roll, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in 1950s Philadelphia, by Matthew F. Delmont (2012)

33. Jack Johnson, Rebel Sojourner: Boxing in the Shadow of the Global Color Line, by Theresa Runstedtler (2012)

34. Pacific Connections: The Making of the U.S.-Canadian Borderlands, by Kornel Chang (2012)

35. States of Delinquency: Race and Science in the Making of California’s Juvenile Justice System, by Miroslava Chavez-Garcia (2012)

36. Spaces of Conflict, Sounds of Solidarity: Music, Race, and Spatial Entitlement in Los Angeles, by Gaye Theresa Johnson (2013)

37. Covert Capital: Landscapes of Denial and the Making of U.S. Empire in the Suburbs of Northern Virginia, by Andrew Friedman (2013)

38. How Race is Made in America: Immigration, Citizenship, and the Historical Power of Racial Scripts, by Natalia Molina (2013)

39. Policing for Profit: U.S. Imperialism and the International Drug Economy, by Suzanna Reiss (2014)

40. Abrazando el Espiritu: Bracero Families Confront the U.S.-Mexico Border, by Ana Elizabeth Rosas (2014)

41. Houston Bound: Culture and Color in a Jim Crow City, by Tyina L. Steptoe (2016)

42. Why Busing Failed: Race, Media, and the National Resistance to School Desegregation, by Matthew F. Delmont (2016)

43. Incarcerating the Crisis: Freedom Struggles and the Rise of the Neoliberal State, by Jordan T. Camp (2016)

44. Lavender and Red: Liberation and Solidarity in the Gay and Lesbian Left, by Emily K. Hobson (2016)

45. Flavors of Empire: Food and the Making of Thai America, by Mark Padoongpatt (2017)

46. The Life of Paper: Letters and a Poetics of Living Beyond Captivity, by Sharon Luk (2018)

47. Strategies of Segregation: Race, Residence, and the Struggle for Educational Equity, by David G. Garcia (2018)

48. Soldiering through Empire: Race and the Making of the Decolonizing Pacific, by Simeon Man (2018)

49. An American Language: The History of Spanish in the United States, by Rosina Lozano (2018)

50. The Color Line and the Assembly Line: Managing Race in the Ford Empire, by Elizabeth D. Esch (2018)

51. Confessions of a Radical Chicano Doo-Wop Singer, by Ruben Funkahuatl Guevara (2018)

52. Empire’s Tracks: Indigenous Peoples, Racial Aliens, and the Transcontinental Railroad, by Manu Karuka (2019)

53. Collisions at the Crossroads: How Place and Mobility Make Race, by Genevieve Carpio (2019)

54. Charros: How Mexican Cowboys are Remapping Race and American Identity, by Laura R. Barraclough (2019)

55. Louder and Faster: Pain, Joy, and the Body Politic in Asian American Taiko, by Deborah Wong (2019)

56. Badges Without Borders: How Global Counterinsurgency Transformed American Policing, by Stuart Schrader (2019)

57. Colonial Migrants at the Heart of Empire: Puerto Rican Workers on U.S. Farms, by Ismael García-Colón (2020)

58. Assimilation: An Alternative History, by Catherine S. Ramírez (2020)

59. Boyle Heights: How a Los Angeles Neighborhood Became the Future of American Democracy, by George J. Sánchez (2021)

60. Not Yo’ Butterfly: My Long Song of Relocation, Race, Love, and Revolution, by Nobuko Miyamoto (Author), Deborah Wong (Editor) (2021)

61. The Deportation Express: A History of America through Forced Removal, by Ethan Blue (2021)

62. An Archive of Skin, an Archive of Kin: Disability and Life-Making during Medical Incarceration, by Adria L. Imada (2022)


Past President, Organization of American Historians, 2021-2022

President, Organization of American Historians, 2020-2021

President-Elect, Organization of American Historians, 2019-2020

Humanities for All Quick Grant from California Humanities, partner of the National Endowment of the Humanities - $5,000 for USC Center for Diversity & Democracy, for “Roybal: A Multi-Racial Catalyst for Democracy” exhibit, Boyle Heights Museum, 2018-2019

Vice President, Organization of American Historians, 2018-2019

Special Issue of Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2017) dedicated to Scholarship, Teaching and Mentorship of George J. Sanchez

USC Department of Sociology Award for outstanding mentorship in the Sociology Honors Program, 2016-2017

Lifetime Achievement Award, Immigration and Ethnic History Society, 2017

Faculty Mentoring Award, First Generation College Student Summit, University of Southern California, 2017

Nominated by the White House and President Barack Obama for the National Council for the Humanities, 2016

President, Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, 2015-2016

Diversity Visionary Award, from INSIGHT into Diversity Magazine, Potomac Publishing, Inc., June 2014

2014 USC Professors of Color Recognition Award, by the Asian Pacific American Student Assembly and the Academic Culture Assembly, in recognition for contribution to the students and communities of color

2012 Excellence in Education Award, The Harvard Club of Southern California

2012 Martin Ridge Award for Excellence in Historical Research and Writing, Historical Society of Southern California

One Day Conference Honoring the Scholarly Impact of Becoming Mexican American, Autry National Center of Western Heritage and History, Los Angeles, California, October 9, 2011

2011 Provost Mentoring Award, University of Southern California

Equity Award, American Historical Association (For individuals that have achieved excellence in recruiting and retaining underrepresented racial and ethnic groups into the historical profession), 2011

Visiting Scholar, A.E. Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2011

Outstanding Latino/a Faculty in Higher Education (Research Institutions) Award, American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Inc., 2010

W.P. Whitsett Lecturer in California History, California State University, Northridge, 2009

Professor of the Month, Mortar Board USC Undergraduate Senior Honor Society, September 2007

Advancing Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences Grant, USC Office of the Provost, $25,000, 2007-08

2007 USC-Mellon Excellence in Mentoring Award for Mentoring Graduate Students

2006 George A.V. Dunning Lecturer, The Historical Society of Southern California

2005 General Education Teaching Award, USC College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

2005 Constance Rourke Prize for Best Article published in the American Quarterly in Volume 56 (2004)

Institute of American Cultures Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ethnic Studies, Asian American Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, 2005-06

John Dewey Distinguished Lecturer, Edward Ginsberg Center for Community Service and Learning, University of Michigan, October 2004

Ida C. Beam Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, University of Iowa, September 2004

Plenary Keynote address, Social Science Research Council-Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program annual conference, St. Louis, Missouri, June 2004

Appointed Adjunct Professor, The Center for the Study of the Americas, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 2004-2009

Inaugural Lecture, Center for the Study of the Americas, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 2004

Plenary Keynote address, Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) conference, General Education and Assessment: Generating Commitment, Value, and Evidence, Long Beach, California, March 2004

Plenary Keynote address, California American Studies Association annual conference, April 2003

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, Huntington Library, 2002-2003

USC Undergraduate Research Program Grant for “Where Is Home? Mexican Repatriation from Los Angeles in the 1930s,” $10,000, 2002-2003

Keynote Presidential address, Japanese Association for American Studies annual conference, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, June 2002

President, American Studies Association, 2001-2002

Irvine Foundation Diversity Grant, 2001-05 - $3.6 million for support of minority graduate students at USC

Irvine Foundation Diversity Initiative Planning Grant (w/ William Tierney), 2000-2001

Multimedia Literacy Project grants for “The Politics and Culture of the 1960s” course, 2001-2002, 2000-2001

Showcase course designation, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, for “The Politics and Culture of the 1960s,” 2000-2001

The John Randolph and Dora Haynes Foundation Fellow, 2000-2001

“Southern California in the World and the World in Southern California” grant, USC School of Policy, Planning & Development, 1999-2000

Rockefeller Senior Humanities Fellowship, Smithsonian Institution, 1999-2000

John Randolph Haynes Foundation Faculty Fellowship Award, 1999

Visiting Scholar, A.E. Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1997

Local History Award, Historical Society of Southern California, 1997

University of California Humanities Research Institute Fellow, in Residential Research Group on "Post-nationalist American Studies," 1996

Andrew Norman Lecturer, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1996

New Scholar Award, Division of History and Historiography, American Educational Research Association, 1995

Theodore Saloutus Memorial Book Award, Immigration History Society, 1994

Book Award of the Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical Association, 1994

Robert Athearn Book Prize, Western History Association, 1994

J.S. Holliday Award, California Historical Society, 1994

University of California Humanities Research Institute Fellow, in Residential Research Group on "Minority Discourse III: The Case of California," 1994

William Andrews Clark Memorial Library Professor, UCLA, 1993-94

Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1990-91

Affiliated Scholar, USC Institute for the Study of Women and Men, 1990-91

UCLA Center for the Study of Women Research Grant, 1990-91

UCLA Program on Mexico Research Grant, 1990-91

UCLA Academic Senate Research Grants, 1989-93

UCLA Instructional Improvement Grant: Chicano Studies Curriculum Transformation Project, 1990-93

W. Turrentine Jackson Award from the American Historical Association, Pacific Coast Branch, 1990 (declined)

UCLA Faculty Career Development Award, 1989, 1990

UCLA Institute of American Cultures Grant, 1989-90

Dorothy Danforth Compton Dissertation Fellow, 1987-88

Ford Foundation Doctoral Fellow, 1986-87

Dorothy Danforth Compton Fellow, Stanford University, 1981-86

National Association for Chicano Studies (NACS) Graduate Prize, 1985

Undergraduate Fellow, Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, Harvard University, 1980


University of Southern California

Undergraduate Lecture Courses

America, the Frontier, and the New West (General Education)

Race and Class in Los Angeles (General Education)

The Politics and Culture of the 1960s (General Education)

America and the World: Japan Case Study (Study Abroad Maymester)

Contemporary Latino and Latin American Studies

The History of the Mexican-American

The History of Los Angeles

Latino/a Los Angeles

Inter-ethnic Relations in the American West

Pathways to Career Success for First Generation College Students

Race and Racism in the Americas

Undergraduate Seminars

McNair/Gateway Scholars Research Seminar

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) Research Seminar

Research Methods in American Studies & Ethnicity

Senior Honors Thesis in American Studies & Ethnicity

The History of Ethnic Interaction in Boyle Heights

Understanding Los Angeles (First Year Investigations Seminar)

Graduate Seminars

Historical Scholarship on post-1860 United States

Introduction to American Studies & Ethnicity

Interdisciplinary Readings Course on Los Angeles

Interdisciplinary Research Seminar on Los Angeles

Readings in Chicano/Latino History

Readings in Chicano/Latino Studies

Readings in Civic Engagement and Public Scholarship

Readings in Twentieth Century U.S. History

Readings in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century U.S. History

Seminar in American Social History

Theories and Practices of Professional Development

University of Michigan

Undergraduate Lecture Courses

Latino History

The Politics and Culture of the 1960s

Graduate Seminars

The Literature of Post-1865 United States History

Introduction to American Studies

Advanced Latino Historiography

Research Seminar in Latino History

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Undergraduate Lecture Courses

The History of Los Angeles

The History of the American West

Introduction to Chicano Studies (Humanities)

Undergraduate Seminars

Chicano History

The History of Boyle Heights

Field Study

Graduate Seminars

Introduction to the Literature of Twentieth Century America

Advanced Chicano Historiography

Research Seminar in Chicano History

Race in Los Angeles


Ph.D.s Completed (Chair or Co-Chair)

Heather Ashby, USC History Department (2014)

Dissertation: “Third World Activists and the Communist University of the Toilers of the East, 1921-1938.” Current position: Independent Scholar

Adrian Burgos, Jr., Univ. of Michigan History Department (2000)

Dissertation: “Playing America’s Game: Latinos and the Performance and Policing of Race in North American Professional Baseball, 1868-1959.” Current position: Professor, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, History Dept.

Adam Bush, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2014)

Dissertation: “Passing Notes in Class: Listening to Pedagogical Improvisation in Jazz History.” Current position: Provost, College Unbound, Providence, Rhode Island.

Genevieve Carpio, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2013)

Dissertation: “Organizing the Inland Empire: Regional Identity and Racial Formation in Southern California, 1880-1980.” Current position: Associate Professor, UCLA, Cesar Chavez Department of Chicano and Chicana Studies.

M. Lorena Chambers, Univ. of Michigan History Department [Co-Chair] (2020)

Dissertation: “From Statecraft to Stagecraft: The Politics of Peddling Mexicanidad in U.S. Entertainment, 1886-1906.” Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, History Dept.

Ernesto Chavez, UCLA History Department (1994)

Dissertation: “Creating Aztlan: The Chicano Movement in Los Angeles, 1966-1978.” Current position: Associate Professor, Univ. of Texas, El Paso, History Dept.

Anne Choi, USC History Department (2003)

Dissertation: “Border Crossings: The Politics of Korean Nationalism in Los Angeles, 1903-1945.” Current position: Assistant Professor, Calif. State Univ., Dominguez Hills, Interdisciplinary Studies.

Gilbert Estrada, USC History Department (2011)

Dissertation: “’A Evil System?’: Planning for Environmental Health in America’s Mobile and Most Polluted Metropolis, 1959 to the Present.” Current position: Associate Professor, Long Beach City College, History Dept.

Max Felker-Kantor, USC History Department (2014)

Dissertation: “Managing Marginalization from Watts to Rodney King: The Struggle Over Policing and Social Control in Los Angeles, 1965-1992.” Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor, Ball State University, Department of History and African American Studies.

Ryan Fukumori, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2016)

Dissertation: “The Motley Tower: Master Plans, Urban Crises, and Multiracial Higher Education in Postwar Los Angeles.” Current position: Lecturer, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, Asian American Studies.

David-James Gonzales, USC Department of History (2017)

Dissertation: “Citrus Suburbs or Metropolitan Borderlands?: Race, Place, and Politics in Orange County, CA, 1857-1960.” Current position: Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University, Department of History.

Jerry Gonzalez, USC History Department (2009)

Dissertation: “’A Place in the Sun’: Mexican Americans, Race, and the Suburbanization of Los Angeles, 1940-1980.” Current position: Associate Professor, Univ. of Texas, San Antonio, History Dept.

Perla Guerrero, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2010)

Dissertation: “Impacting Northwest Arkansas: Vietnamese and Cuban Refugees and Latina/o Immigrants, 1975-2005.” Current position: Associate Professor, Univ. of Maryland, American Studies Dept.

Alicia Gutierrez-Romine, USC History Department [co-chair] (2016)

Dissertation: “From Back Alley to the Border: Criminal Abortion in California, 1920-1969.” Current position: Assistant Professor, La Sierra University, Department of History, Politics, and Sociology.

Emily Hobson, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2009)

Dissertation: “Imagining Alliance: Queer Anti-Imperialism and Race in California, 1966-1990.” Current position: Associate Professor, Univ. of Nevada at Reno, Dept. of History & Program in Gender Studies

Yesenia Navarrete Hunter, USC Department of History (2022)

Dissertation: “Entangled Histories of Land and Labor on the Yakama Reservation in the 20th Century.” Current position: Assistant Professor, Heritage University, Department of History

Hillary Jenks, USC Department of American Studies & Ethnicity (2008)

Dissertation: “’Home is Little Tokyo’: Race, Community, and Memory in Twentieth-Century Los Angeles.” Current position: Assistant Professor, Portland State University, Honors Program.

Troy Johnson, UCLA History Department (1993)

Dissertation: “The Indian Occupation of Alcatraz Island and the Rise of Indian Activism.” Current position: Professor, Calif. State Univ., Long Beach, Native American Studies Dept. (deceased)

Regina Lark, USC History Department (1999)

Dissertation: “They Challenged Two Nations: Marriages Between Japanese Women and American G.I.s, 1945 to the Present.” Current position: Program Director, UCLA Extension.

Priscilla Leiva, USC Department of American Studies & Ethnicity (2014)

Dissertation: “Stadium Struggles: The Cultural Politics of Difference and Civic Identity in Postwar Urban Imaginaries.” Current position: Assistant Professor, Loyola Marymount University, History Dept. and Chicano Studies Dept.

Gerardo Licon, USC History Department (2009)

Dissertation: “Pachucas, Pachucos, and Their Culture: Mexican American Youth Culture of the Southwest, 1910-1950.” Current position: Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Latin American Studies Program

Gustavo Licon, USC History Department (2009)

Dissertation: “’La Union Hace La Fuerza!’ (Unity Creates Strength!): M.E.Ch.A. and Chicana/o Student Activism in California, 1967-1999. Current position: Associate Professor, Ithaca College, Ethnic Studies Dept.

Nhi Lieu, Univ. of Michigan Program in American Culture (2004)

Dissertation: “Private Desires on Public Display: Vietnamese American Identities in Multi-mediated Leisure and Niche Entertainment.” Current position: Independent Scholar.

Rosina A. Lozano, USC History Department (2011)

Dissertation: “Lenguaje Sin Fronteras (Language Without Borders): The Spanish Language in New Mexico and California Politics, Education, and Identity, 1848-1952.” Current position: Associate Professor, Princeton University, History Dept.

Anthony Macias, Univ. of Michigan Program in American Culture (2001)

Dissertation: “From Pachuco Boogie to Latin Jazz: Mexican Americans, Popular Music, and Urban Culture in Los Angeles, 1940-1965.” Current position: Associate Professor, Univ. of California, Riverside, Ethnic Studies Dept.

Daryl Maeda, Univ. of Michigan Program in American Culture (2000)

Dissertation: “Forging Asian American Identity: Race, Nation, and the Asian American Movement, 1968-1975.” Current position: Associate Professor, University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Ethnic Studies.

John McKiernan Gonzalez, Univ. of Michigan History Department (2001)

Dissertation: “Fevered Measures: Race, Contagious Disease and Community Formation on the Texas Mexico Border, 1880-1920.” Current position: Associate Professor, Texas State University, History Dept

Celeste R. Menchaca, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2016)

Dissertation: “Borderland Visualities: Technologies of Sight and the Production of the Nineteenth-Century U.S.-Mexico Borderlands.” Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, History Dept.

Natalia Molina, Univ. of Michigan History Department (2000)

Dissertation: “Contested Bodies and Cultures: Mexican Americans and the Los Angeles County Health Department, 1917-1939,” Current position: Distinguished Professor, Univ. of Southern California, American Studies & Ethnicity Dept.

Sergio Munoz-Bata, USC Department of American Studies & Ethnicity (2017)

Dissertation: “Sensing Fascism in America: Thomas Mann in Los Angeles.” Current position: Retired journalist, Los Angeles Times.

John Nieto-Phillips, UCLA History Department (1997)

Dissertation: “’No Other Blood’: History, Language, and Spanish American Ethnic Identity in New Mexico, 1880s-1920s.” Current position: Associate Professor, Indiana University, History Dept.

Linda Nueva Espana-Maram, UCLA History Department (1996)

Dissertation: “Negotiating Identity: Youth, Gender, and Popular Culture in Los Angeles’s Little Manila, 1920s-1940s.” Current position: Associate Professor, Calif. State Univ., Long Beach, Asian American Studies Dept.

Julia Ornelas-Higdon, USC History Department (2014)

Dissertation: “A Cultivating Enterprise: Wine, Race, and Conquest in California, 1769-1920.” Current position: Associate Professor, California State University Channel Islands, History Dept.

Christian Paiz, USC History Department (2016)

Dissertation: “To Hold Up The Sky: Coachella Valley Freedom Dreams during the United Farmworker Movement.” Current position: Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley, Ethnic Studies Department

Carlos Francisco Parra, USC History Department (2021)

Dissertation: A Community on the Air: Latino Los Angeles and the Rise of Spanish-Language TV in the United States, 1960-1990.” Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Arizona, University of Arizona President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

Anna Pegler Gordon, Univ. of Michigan Program in American Culture (2002)

Dissertation: “In Sight of America: Photography and Immigration Policy, 1880-1930.” Current position: Professor, Michigan State University, American Studies Dept., James Madison College and the Asian Pacific Studies Program.

Monica Pelayo, USC History Department (2014)

Dissertation: “Narrating an Immigrant Nation: American Cultural Politics and Immigration History, 1955-2003.” Current position: Assistant Professor and Director of Public History, University of Massachusetts at Boston, History Department

Abigail Rosas, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2011)

Dissertation: “On the Move, and in the Moment: Community Formation, Identity, and Opportunity in South Central Los Angeles, 1945-2008.” Current position: Associate Professor, California State University Long Beach, Department of Chicano/Latino Studies.

Ana Elizabeth Rosas, USC History Department (2006)

Dissertation: “Flexible Families: Bracero Families’ Lives across Cultures, Communities, and Countries, 1942-1964.” Current position: Associate Professor, UC Irvine, History & Chicano/Latino Studies

Margaret Salazar-Porzio, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2010)

Dissertation: “Representational Conquest: Tourism, Display, and Public Memory in ‘America’s Finest City.’” Current position: Curator, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Sharon Sekhon, USC History Department (2002)

Dissertation: “Los Angeles Noir and Southern California Sense of Place.” Current position: Director, The Studio for Southern California History

Rebecca Sheehan, USC History Department (2009)

Dissertation: “American Sexual Culture: Women’s Liberation, Rock Music, and Evangelical Christianity, 1968-1975.” Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, The United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Angelica Stoddard, USC History Department [Co-Chair] (2019)

Dissertation: “Defining Worthiness: Veteran Mental Health Care in California, from Postwar Crisis to Deindustrialization, 1941-1963.” Current position: Lecturer, University of Southern California, Department of History

Jennifer Kim-Anh Tran, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2019)

Dissertation: “Refugee Worlds: Reflections on Race, Politics, and Everyday Living in the SF East Bay.” Current position: Assistant Professor, California State University East Bay, Department of Ethnic Studies

Charnan Williams, Univ. of Michigan Department of History [Co-Chair] (2022)

Dissertation: “The History of Slavery and Race in California from the Gold Rush to the United States Civil War, 1848-1865.” Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University, Department of History

Yushi Yamasaki, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity [Co-Chair] (2015)

Dissertation: “Buried Strands: From Peasant Rebellions to Internationalist Multiracial Labor Organizing Among Japanese Immigrant Communities in Hawaii and California, 1885-1941.” Current position: English instructor, Nagoya University, Japan

Ph.D.s Completed (Dissertation Reader – by year)

Jose Amaya, UCLA English Department (1993)

Marc Dollinger, UCLA History Department (1993)

Wesley Henderson, UCLA School of Architecture and Urban Planning (1993)

Javier Pacheco, UCLA Ethnomusicology Department (1994)

Nancy Cho, Univ. of Michigan English Department (1995)

Thomas Fujita-Rony, Univ. of Michigan Program in American Culture (1995)

Monica Russel y Rodriguez, UCLA Anthropology Department (1995)

Miroslava Chavez, UCLA History Department (1998)

Catherine Ceniza Pet Choy, UCLA History Department (1998)

Gabriela Arredondo, Univ. of Chicago History Department (1999)

Jaime Cardenas, UCLA History Department (1999)

Pablo Mitchell, Univ. of Michigan History Department (2000)

Dean Franco, USC English Department (2001)

Nancy Mirabel, Univ. of Michigan History Department (2001)

Peter La Chapelle, USC History Department (2002)

Sohail Daulatzai, USC School of Cinema-Television, Critical Studies (2003)

John Marquez, Univ. of California, San Diego Ethnic Studies Department (2004)

James Welch, USC History Department (2004)

Kristan Venegas, USC Rossier School of Education (2005)

Laura Barraclough, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2006)

Karen Bowdre, USC School of Cinema-Television, Critical Studies (2006)

Peter White, USC Annenberg School for Communication (2006)

Carol Bunch, USC English Department (2007)

Daniel HoSang, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2007)

Bruce Hoskins, USC Sociology Department (2007)

Christopher Jimenez y West, USC History Department (2007)

Michan Connor, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2008)

Melissa Contreras-McGavin, USC Rossier School of Education (2008)

Marcia Dawkins, USC Annenberg School of Communication (2008)

Roberto Flores, USC Rossier School of Education (2008)

Ulli Ryder, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2008)

Alex Avina, USC History Department (2009)

Theresa Gregor, USC English Department (2009)

Phoung Nguyen, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2009)

Anne Marie Perez, USC English Department (2010)

Laura Fugikawa, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2011)

Lisa Garcia, USC Rossier School of Education (2011)

Chrisshona Grant-Nieva, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2011)

Mark Padoongpatt, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2011)

Hernan Ramirez, USC Sociology Department (2011)

Melissa Fujiwara, USC Sociology Department (2012)

Jessica Kim, USC History Department (2012)

Yuko Konno, USC History Department (2012)

Hyeyoung Kwon, USC Department of Sociology (2012)

Luis Carlos Rodriguez, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2012)

Micaela Smith, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2012)

Alexandra Agloro, USC Annenberg School of Communication (2015)

Isabel Castro Melendez, USC Annenberg School of Communication, Masters (2015)

Jazmin Muro, USC Sociology Department (2015)

Jessica Lovaas, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2016)

Go Oyagi, USC History Department (2016)

Floridalma Boj-Lopez, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2017)

Nic Ramos, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2017)

Stephanie Canizales, USC Department of Sociology (2018)

Alfredo Huante, USC Sociology Department (2018)

Yu Tokunaga, USC Department of History (2018)

Roseanne Sia, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (2020)

Ivón Padilla-Rodríguez, Columbia Univ. Department of History (2021)

Lizette Solorzano, USC Department of Sociology (2021)

Ph.D.s In Progress (Chair or Co-Chair)

Julia Brown-Bernstein, USC Department of History (Co-chair)

Cecilia Caballero, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity

Rachel Klein, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (Co-chair)

Michelle Vasquez Ruiz, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity

Ph.D.s In Progress (Dissertation Reader)

Laura Dominguez, USC Department of History

Tahireh Hicks, USC Department of History

Divana Olivas, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity

Kristie Valdez-Guillen, UCLA Department of Musicology

Qualifying Exams Committee (Chair or Member)

Cathleen Calderon, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (Chair)

Arabella Delgado, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (Chair)

Nick Derda, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity

Cassandra Flores-Montano, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (Chair)

Andrew Hernandez, USC Department of History (Chair)

John E. Jones, USC Department of History

Kathy Pulupa, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity (Chair)

Ann (Ngoc) Tran, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity

Main Advisor (Pre-candidate)

Daniel Delgado, USC Department of History

Zagros Heivand, USC Department of History

Jaden Morales, USC Department of American Studies and Ethnicity

Moises Ponce-Zepeda, USC Department of History

Ikram Rabbani, USC Department of History

Undergraduate Mentor

Ricardo Perez, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2021-present)

Joseph Debaerien, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2020-2022)

Rosa Noriega-Rocha, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2019-2021)

Kathy Pulupa, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2017-2020)

Alejandra Franco, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2017-2019)

Ana Yaneiry Barrios, Gateway Scholars Program (2017-2018)

Krystal Cervantes, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2015-2017)

Natalie Reyes, McNair/Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2015-2017)

Felicitas Reyes, Mellon Mays Undergraduate/HSBC Fellows Program (2013-2017)

Maria Jose Plascencia, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2014-2016)

Irene Martinez, ASE Honors Undergraduate Thesis (2015-2016)

Blanca Iris Verduzco, McNair Undergraduate Research Program (2015)

Roxanna Ontiveros, Mellon Mays Undergraduate/HSBC Fellows Program (2013-2015)

Natalie Santizo, HSBC Fellows Program (2013-2014)

Anneleise Azua, McNair/Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2011-2014)

Debbie Rumbo, McNair Undergraduate Research Program (2012-2013)

Charnan Williams, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2011-2013)

Mayra Munguia, ASE Honors Undergraduate Thesis (2010-2011)

Eunice Velarde, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program/SURF (2009-2010)

William Baskerville, SURF Undergraduate Research (2010)

Sergio Calix, SURF Undergraduate Research (2010)

Henry Franco, SURF Undergraduate Research (2010)

Gustavo Lopez, McNair Undergraduate Research Program (2008-2010)

Martha Lopez, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2008-2009)

Kiana Brede, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2007-2009)

Eduardo Coronel, ASE Senior Honors Thesis (2007-2008)

Leticia Franco, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2003-2005)

Amada Padilla, Undergraduate Research Program (2003-2005)

Maria-Itzel Siegrest, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program (2001-2003)

Ana Rosas, McNair Undergraduate Research Program (1999-2001)

Desiree Campos, McNair Undergraduate Research Program (1999-2001)


Keynote Presentations

“Re-Establishing Local Democracy Beyond Citizenship in Los Angeles in the Late 20th Century,” The Dr. S.T. Lee Annual Lecture in History, Columbia University, Department of History, New York, New York, April 21, 2022

“The Future is You!: Faculty of Color, Student Protests, and the Future of Predominantly White Universities,” Western Regional Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows Conference, Keynote Presentation, November 5, 2021

“Democracy in Trump’s America: Through the Looking Glass of Family Separation and the Undocumented,” 2021 Presidential Address for the Organization of American Historians, April 16, 2021

“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education,” WIDE Symposium for Faculty and Staff Members, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, January 14, 2021

“Bridging the Divided City: Preparing Students for a New Los Angeles,” James E. McLeod Memorial Lecture on Higher Education, Center for the Humanities, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, September 27, 2019

“From Barrio to Research: One Life in Academia,” 3rd Annual Graduate Research Conference, California State University, Long Beach, Long Beach, California, November 14, 2018

“Let the Past Guide Our Future: Latinx Students and the Coming Transformation,” Keynote Presentation for the New England Latinx Student Conference, Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut, March 23, 2018.

“Demanding Dignity and Fighting for Respect: Minority Youth, Movement Politics, and Black-Brown Relations in the Barrio,” Platicas at La Plaza/Conversations at La Plaza, La Plaza de Cultura Y Artes, Los Angeles, California, April 27, 2017

“’Do They Really Want Me?’: Faculty of Color, Student Protests, and the Future of Predominantly White Campuses,” Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Awards Ceremony, Claremont University Consortium, Claremont, California, February 22, 2017.

“First Gen in the Age of Trump,” First Generation College Student Summit, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, February 3, 2017

“Why Are Multiracial Communities So Dangerous?: Hawai’i, Cape Town, South Africa, and Boyle Heights, California in Comparison,” Presidential Address, Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, Waikoloa, Hawai’i, August 6, 2016

“Through the Eyes of Karla Martinez: The Ongoing Debate on Immigration Policies,” George Washington Leadership Lecture, Borthwick Lecture Series with the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon, Los Angeles, California, January 21, 2016.

“The Dangers of Interracial Communities: Comparing Boyle Heights & District Six in Cape Town, South Africa,” Platicas at La Plaza/Conversations at La Plaza, La Plaza de Cultura Y Artes, Los Angeles, California, February 8, 2015

“High Impact and Broad Reach: Practices of Inclusion for Underserved and First Generation College Studies,” High-Impact Practices in the Classroom and Beyond Symposium, California State University at Dominguez Hills, Carson, California, October 24, 2014

“The Power and Possibilities of Multiracial Communities,” Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, March 18, 2013

“Bridges and Borders in a Multiracial Community: The Case of Boyle Heights, California,” ALANA U.S. Ethnic Studies Program, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, March 14, 2013

“Enabling the Full Participation of Latinos in Higher Education,” Keynote Lunch Presentation, 13th Annual Assessment Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, February 18, 2013

“Latinos and the Los Angeles Dream: Assessing El Sueno Americano in the 21st Century,” Latino Los Angeles conference, Autry National Center of the American West, Los Angeles, California, April 21, 2012

“Creating Global Citizens, Norman Topping Scholars-Faculty Lunch, Keynote talk, University of Southern California, February 28, 2012

“One Life in Academia,” California Forum for Diversity, Keynote Talk, University of Southern California, April 2, 2011

“The Case for Reflective Engagement in University-Community Partnerships,” Lecture and Public Forum, American Cultures Spotlight Series, University of California, Berkeley, October 14, 2010

“Our Heritage, Our Boyle Heights,” Keynote Presentation at the Boyle Heights Heritage Symposium, Consulate Generals of Japan, Israel, and Mexico, Tateuchi Democracy Forum, Japanese American National Museum, February 18, 2010

“Population Removals in Times of Crisis: Mexican Repatriation and Slum Clearance in the (Last) Great Depression,” Eisenberg Institute for Historical Study, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 29, 2009

“The Future of Diversity,” Keynote Plenary Address, Arts and Humanities Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June 5, 2009

“Edward R. Roybal and the Politics of Multiracialism,” W.P. Whitsett Lecture in California History, California State University, Northridge, Los Angeles, California, April 2, 2009

“Promoting Diversity and Equity in the 21st Century University: Notes from the Trenches,” Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, February 19, 2009

“Building Communities: Community-Based Learning and Public Scholarship Across the Disciplines,” California State University, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, February 13, 2009

“The Present and Future of Graduate Programs in American Studies,” Keynote Presentation to American Studies and Ethnic Studies Program Directors, American Studies Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 16, 2008

“Challenging the Borders of Civic Engagement: Ethnic Studies and the Meaning of Community Democracy,” Keynote Lecture, Connecting Communities: The University and Multi-Ethnic Civic Engagement Symposium, University of California, Irvine, February 7, 2008

“Combatting the History of Racial Segregation in Los Angeles,” Keynote Presentation, Faculty Spotlight Luncheon, El Centro Chicano, University of Southern California, October 29, 2007

“Latinos, the American South, and Remaking Community,” Homewood-Flossmoor American History Consortium, Teaching American History Symposium, Keynote lecture, Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois, October 23, 2007

“Making One’s Way Through Academia,” Norman Topping Scholars lunch, Town & Gown, University of Southern California, October 9, 2007

“Fighting for the Right to Learn: Equity and Justice in the Corporate University,” New York University, Department of American Studies Annual Conference, “Humanities or Human Resources?  The Future of Ethnic Studies and Labor in the Corporate University,” April 13, 2007

“Remembering Boyle Heights: Race and the Politics of Memory in Los Angeles,” George A.V. Dunning Lecture, The Historical Society of Southern California, National Center for the Preservation of Democracy, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, California, November 5, 2006

“Reflections on the Bracero Program,” Keynote Address, Envisioning Bracero History conference, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, University of Texas at El Paso, November 11, 2005

“Heading Back to the Future: Latino History and Public Culture in the American West,” Keynote Lecture, Shaping the American West: A New Western Ethic for the 21st Century: An International Interdisciplinary Conference, Utah Humanities Council, Snowbird, Utah, June 11, 2005

“Confronting the Contradictions of Life in Academia,” Plenary keynote address, Social Science Research Council-Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, June 12, 2004

“Challenging Student Identities: Confronting Race and Class,” Plenary Keynote address, Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) conference, General Education and Assessment: Generating Commitment, Value, and Evidence, Long Beach, California, March 6, 2004

“Confronting the Contradictions: One Life in Academia,” Keynote address, Students of Color of Rackham (SCOR) annual conference, University of Michigan, February 13, 2004

“Talking Race and Culture: The Case of Boyle Heights,” Plenary address, California American Studies Association annual conference, April 12, 2003

“Between Islands and Factories: Southern California Through the Eyes of Carey McWilliams,” Hart Institute for American History, “Public Intellectuals/Public Issues” Lecture Series, Pomona College, November 21, 2002

“Bridges and Borders: Racialization Processes at the Neighborhood Level,” Keynote speech, USC Graduate Student Conference: “Academic Tourists in a Fragmented Metropolis: Race, Space, Place and Gender in Los Angeles,” September 28, 2002

“Race and Immigration in Changing Communities of the United States,” Keynote Presidential address, Japanese Association for American Studies annual conference, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, June 1, 2002

“Comparing Apples and Oranges: Latino Population and Culture in New York and Los Angeles,” Annual lecture series of the American Studies Association of Korea, Ewha University, Seoul, Korea, May 30, 1992

“Heading Back to the Future: Latino History and Public Culture in Southern California,” Lyceum Lecture, University of California, Riverside, March 4, 2002

“Archives, Collections and the Preservation of the Past in Los Angeles,” The Future of the History of Los Angeles conference, Haynes Foundation, Huntington Library, November 17, 2001

“Working at the Crossroads: American Studies for the Twenty-First Century,” Presidential Address, American Studies Association annual conference, November 9, 2001

“Crossover Dreams: American Identity and the Latino Experience in the United States,” Keynote Address, The Biennial Conference of the Nordic Association for American Studies, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, August 11, 2001

“Adventures in Post-Nationalist American Studies,” Keynote address, Pacific Northwest American Studies Association conference, Lincoln City, Oregon, April 20, 2001

“Home Among the Angels: Latinos in 20th Century Los Angeles,” Opening lecture, Americanos: Latino Life in the United States lecture series, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, December 9, 2000

“Immigration Studies Research for a New Millennium,” Keynote presentation, Minority Summer Dissertation Workshop, Social Science Research Council, July 2, 2000

“Race, Memory, and the Search for History in Boyle Heights, California,” Haynes Foundation lecture, Huntington Library, May 25, 2000

“A Nativist Response to Education, Society and Language,” USC-ARCO Lecture Series on Education, Society and Language, USC Rossier School of Education, January 20, 1999

“Updating Becoming Mexican American,” Keynote speech at the Division of History and Historiography, American Educational Research Association conference, April 14, 1998

“Foreign and Female: Understanding the Racialization of Latina and Asian Immigrant Women,” Keynote speech at the Dean’s Symposium on Gendering Race/Racing Gender: Politics and Practice of Emancipatory Social Science, University of Chicago, Division of the Social Sciences, November 7, 1997

“Face the Nation: Race, Immigration and Nativism in Modern California,” Keynote speech for Mes de la Raza, University of California, Irvine, May 14, 1997

"Creating the Multicultural Nation: Adventures in Post-nationalist American Studies in the 1990s." Keynote speech at the Great Lakes American Studies Association, March 7, 1997

International Presentations

“Boyle Heights, Mexicans, Mexican Americans and American Democracy,” Panel on “Mexicans, city and history on both sides of the border,” Mexico’s Consulate General and El Colegio de México, June 22. 2021

“District Six and Boyle Heights,” Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship January Program, Uncovering Historical Legacies, Cape Town, South Africa, January 6, 2020

“The Dangers of Interracial Communities,” Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship January Program, Cape Town: A City of Contrasts, Cape Town, South Africa, January 7, 2015

“Latino History and Public Culture in 21st Century America,” American Studies Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, November 30, 2005

“The Emerging Music of a Multiracial America,” Popularizing the Americas: Media, Music, and Movies conference, Center for the Study of the Americas, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 23, 2005

“Natives and Aliens: Drawing Boundaries of Race and Nation in Urban America,” Inaugural Lecture, Center for the Study of the Americas, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 23, 2004

“Race and Immigration in U.S. History,” Tokyo American Center, Tokyo, Japan, June 12, 2002

“Understanding Latinos in the U.S. through Popular Music,” Nagasaki Prefectural Government, Nagasaki, Japan, June 11, 2002

“Race and Immigration in U.S. History,” Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, June 7, 2002

“Ethnicity, Culture and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles,” Aichi America-Japan Society, Nagoya American Center, Nagoya, Japan, June 6, 2002

“Terrorism and Race Relations,” Hiroshima City University, Hiroshima, Japan, June 5, 2002

“The Multiracial Body in American Society,” Hijiyama University, Hiroshima, Japan, June 5, 2002

“Heading Back to the Future: Latino History and Public Culture in Southern California,” Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, June 4, 2002

“Race and Immigration in the United States,” Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea, May 29, 2002

“The Multiracial Body in American Society,” Honam University, Gwanju, Korea, May 28, 2002

“Welcoming Remarks,” European Association for American Studies, Biannual conference, Bordeaux, France, March 22, 2002

Invited Lectures

“Pushing a ‘Wider Public’ into Training for Public History,” Symposium: The 21st Century Humanities Ph.D.: Critique and Transformation, Cogut Institute for the Humanities, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, April 8, 2022

“Fearing Fertility: The Undocumented, USC Medical Center, and Forced Sterilizations, 1968-1974,” Lunch and Learn Series, Humanities, Ethics/Economics, Art, and the Law (HEAL) Program, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, California, March 2, 2022

“Examining American Democracy Through the Lens of Place: A Conversation with James Fallows and George Sánchez,” Ten Across Project, Arizona State University, Los Angeles, California, February 22, 2022

“Latinx Studies Book Conversation with Nicole Guidotti-Hernandez,” The James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference, Emory University, January 26, 2022

“Boyle Heights: Crafting Scholarship for Multiracial Communities,” American Political History Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, November 12, 2021

Mothers of East L.A. & Homeboy Industries Shaping A New Politics of Inclusion in Boyle Heights,” Mellon Fellows Program, University of Texas, San Antonio, May 21, 2019

“A Community Decides Who Belongs: Long Term Residents and the Undocumented in Boyle Heights, 1970-2000,” Generatively Humane: Inclusive Approaches to Undocumented Experiences and Histories, University of California, Irvine, October 5, 2018

“Boyle Heights History and Latinx Community Partnerships,” Netter Center for Community Partnerships’ 25th Anniversary Conference, “Higher Education-Community Partnerships for Democracy and Social Change,” University of Pennsylvania, November 17, 2017

“Shin Miyata as Shape Shifter” (with Maria Jose Plascencia), Shape Shifters: Journeys Across Terrains of Race and Identity conference, University of California, Santa Barbara, March 19, 2016

“Boyle Heights and Urban Apartheid,” UCLA History-Geography Project, La Plaza de Cultura y Artes, Los Angeles, California, January 17, 2015

“Imagining Japan,” U.S.-Japan Council, Washington, DC, October 4, 2013

"The Power and Possibilities of Multiracial Communities: The Case of Boyle Heights, California” University of Houston, Houston, Texas, September 24, 2013

“Promoting Faculty Diversity in Research 1 Universities,” Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Coordinators Conference, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, New York, New York, March 21, 2013

“High Impact and Broad Reach: Practices of Inclusion for Underserved and First Generation College Students,” Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, March 14, 2013

“Why Does History Matter?” History Department, St. Mary’s College of California, Moraga, California, March 7, 2013

“Broad Reach and Deep Impact: Promoting and Assessing High-Impact Practices for Low-Income, 1st Generation College Students,” 13th Annual Assessment Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, February 17, 2013

“Involving the Faculty,” Civic Mission of Higher Education authors’ gathering, Bringing Theory to Practice Civic Monograph Series, AAC&U, Newseum, Washington, D.C., February 1, 2013

“Faculty-Graduate Student Mentorship: An Analysis of Best Practices,” University of Texas-Pan American, McAllen, Texas, November 30, 2012

“Global Migrations into U.S. Multiracial Communities in the Early 20th Century,” A.E. Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 19, 2011

“The Role of High School Tensions in Understanding Black-Latino Interaction in the 1960s and 1970s,” A. E. Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 20, 2011

“Anti-Immigration Movements and Nativism in Historical Perspective,” Sociology Forum, California Polytechnic University at Pomona, Pomona, California, October 26, 2010

“Community-Based Research in Boyle Heights,” Occidental College, Los Angeles, California, October 21, 2010

“The Case for Reflective Engagement in University-Community Partnerships,” American Cultures Engaged Scholarship (ACES) Program, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, October 14, 2010

“Borders, Bridges, and Transnational Neighborhoods: The Case of Boyle Heights, California,” Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, October 7, 2010

“Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies,” University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 22, 2010

“Expanding Notions of ‘The Public’ in Public History and Humanities: Notes from the Field,” Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, March 25, 2010

“Immigrants, Newcomers, and Segregation in Los Angeles Society,” University of Houston, Houston, Texas, March 8, 2010

“Immigrants, Newcomers, and Segregation in Los Angeles Society,” Transnational U.S. Studies: A Conference in Honor of Emory Elliott, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, California, February 19, 2010

“U.S.-Mexico Relations: Lessons from a Century of Bittersweet Harvests,” Conference on “Fixing a Broken Immigration System: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Reform,” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2009

“Bringing Community Democracy Back Home: Aliens, Citizens and Boyle Heights,” Obermann Humanities Symposium “Platforms for Public Scholars,” University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, October 17, 2009

“Race, Classification, and Los Angeles,” Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California, September 12, 2009

“Issues of Diversity in Higher Education,” History Department, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June 4, 2009

“Los Angeles and the World,“ World Cities Symposium, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., March 20, 2009

“The Uses of History in Contemporary Boyle Heights,” California State University, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, February 12, 2009

“Civic Engagement, Ethnic Studies and Boyle Heights,” Occidental College, Los Angeles, California, September 11, 2008

“Race, Space and Memory,” Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, April 18, 2008

“Latinos, the American South, and the Future of U.S. Race Relations,” Emory University, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, April 16, 2007

“The Future of Ethnic Studies and Civic Engagement in the University,” 2007 Crossing Borders Conference, 5th Annual Conference of Ethnic Studies in California, University of California, San Diego, March 2, 2007

“’. . .And They Were All Sent Away’: The Meaning of Japanese American Internment for the Non-Japanese of Boyle Heights,” University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, June 13, 2006

“Latinos, the American South, and Remaking Community Engagement,” Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 6, 2006

“Disposable People, Expendable Neighborhoods: Repatriation, Internment, and Other Population Removals,” University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, March 21, 2006

“The Multiracial Body: Interrogating U.S. Fascination with Mestizaje,” Indiana University at South Bend, South Bend, Indiana, March 20, 2006

“Ethnic Cleansing L.A. Style: Population Removals during the 1930s and 1940s,” Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, February 23, 2006

Disposable People, Expendable Neighborhoods: Repatriation, Internment, and Other Population Removals,” University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 22, 2006

“The Tangled Web of Diversity and Democracy: Civic Engagement in Diverse Communities,” Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 11, 2006

“Race, Relationships and High School Culture,” Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 10, 2006

“Ethnic Cleansing L.A. Style,” Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 9, 2006

“Race, Relationships, and Roosevelt High: Latino-Jewish Interaction through Schooling in Boyle Heights,” Latinos & Jews: A Conference on Historical and Contemporary Connections, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, California, January 23, 2006

“Remembering Boyle Heights: The Politics of Historical Memory of a Multiracial Past,” Jewish LA – Then and Now national conference, UCLA Center for Jewish Studies & Autry National Center, Museum of the American West, Los Angeles, California, November 13, 2005

“Disposable People, Expendable Neighborhoods: Race in New Deal Los Angeles,” Annenberg Research Seminar Series, Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California, November 7, 2005

“Race and Nation in Urban America: The Case of Boyle Heights,” University of San Diego, San Diego, California, September 30, 2005

“Challenging Student Identities: Confronting Race and Class,” University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California, June 15, 2005

“Disposable People, Expendable Neighborhoods: Race in New Deal Los Angeles,” Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, Columbia University, New York, New York, April 25, 2005

“State of the Field and Future Directions in Latino Studies,” John Hope Franklin Center for Interdisciplinary and International Studies, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, April 19, 2005

“Disposable People, Expendable Neighborhoods: Race in New Deal Los Angeles,” History Department, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, April 18, 2005

“Mexican Repatriation, Japanese Internment, and Urban Redevelopment in East Los Angeles,” Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, University of California, San Diego, November 3, 2004

“’What’s Good for Boyle Heights is Good for the Jews’: Creating Multiracialism on the Eastside during the 1950s,” UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, Los Angeles, California, October 11, 2004

“The Jews of Boyle Heights,” Jewish Studies Program, California State University at Long Beach, Jewish Community Center, Long Beach, California, September 2, 2004

“Ethnicity, Urban Trends, and the Marketplace,” USC Lusk Center for Real Estate Retreat, Santa Barbara, California, May 18, 2004

“Keeping the Dance Alive: Institutionalization of the Crossroads of Ethnic and American Studies,” Thinking Social/National Formations: American Studies and Ethnic Studies Encounters conference, Columbia University, New York, New York, April 2, 2004

“Race and Immigration in Changing Communities: The Case of Boyle Heights,” Departments of History and Chicano Studies, California State University at Long Beach, March 17, 2004

“Native and Aliens: Drawing Boundaries of Race and Nation in Urban America,” Department of American Studies, University of Minnesota, February 16, 2004

“The Agony of Whiteness: How Jews Moved Out of the Eastside and What Difference It Makes for Race in Los Angeles,” Boston Immigration and Urban History Seminar, Massachusetts Historical Society, September 25, 2003

“Diversity in Los Angeles: The Origins of Multiculturalism in East Los Angeles, 1940-1990,” Long Beach City College, May 7, 2003

“The Multiracial Body: Interrogating U.S. Fascination with Mestizaje,” Tufts University, March 31, 2003

“The Agony of Whiteness: How Jews Moved Out of the Eastside and What Difference It Makes for Race in Los Angeles,” Joint meeting of the Los Angeles History Reading Group, Huntington Library, and the Western History Reading Group, Autry Western Heritage Museum, February 13, 2003

“The Future of American Studies,” University of Massachusetts at Boston, May 3, 2002

“Latinos at the Crossroads of the 21st Century,” Conference on Latinos Remaking America: Academic and Journalistic Perspectives, Harvard University, May 2, 2002

“Adventures in Post-National American Studies: The Difference that Race Makes,” University of New Hampshire, May 1, 2002

“Concord and Conflict in Changing Communities of Color,” Conference on Negotiating the New Racial Landscape in California, Stanford University, April 27, 2002

“Adventures in Post-Nationalist American Studies: The Difference Race Makes,” Ohio State University, May 17, 2001

“The Multiracial Body: Interrogating U.S. Fascination with Mestizaje,” Northwestern University, March 29, 2001

“The Prismatic Past in Los Angeles,” Conference in celebration of the publication of Prismatic Los Angeles, UCLA, October 19, 2000

“American Studies/Ethnic Studies,” University of Washington American Studies Symposium, July 15, 2000

“Y tu, que? (Y2K): Latino History in the New Millennium,” Latinos in the 21st Century: Mapping the Research Agenda conference, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, April 6, 2000

“Latinos and the History of the Civil Rights Movement,” Harvard University, February 17, 2000

“Sweatshops in Los Angeles: The History of the Smithsonian Exhibition,” USC Department of Sociology, January 24, 2000

“Racial Interaction in Boyle Heights, California,” Stanford University, Department of History, January 20, 2000

“Natives and Aliens: Drawing Boundaries of Race and Nation in Urban America,” Legacies of Hull-House: Reuniting the Local and the Global in the Urban World conference, Institute for the Humanities, University of Illinois at Chicago, September 17, 1999

“Latino Identities, American Identity,” Conversations on American Identity colloquium, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., June 14, 1999

“Talking About Race,” Disability and the Practice of Public History conference, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., May 13, 1999

“Fighting for Latino Spaces in the City of Los Angeles,” University of Washington, May 4, 1999

“‘To Change the Colors of its Founders’: Los Angeles Celebrates the Anniversary of Its Beginnings,” California Social Welfare Archives, April 22, 1999

“L.A. Stories: A Conversation About L.A.’s Past, Present, and Future,” Whittier College, February 16, 1999

“The Mexican American and Los Angeles, 1900-1950,” Historical Society of Southern California, Autry Museum of Western Heritage, January 23, 1999

"Between Native and Alien: Race and Immigration in Recent Historical Work," Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota, November 6, 1998

“The Multiracial Body: Interrogating U.S. Fascination with Mestizaje,” University of California, Riverside, Aesthetics & Difference: Cultural Diversity, Literature and the Arts, October 24, 1998

“U.S. Expansionism and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo,” California State University, Long Beach, October 7, 1998

“Beyond the Black/White Paradigm: Historical Constructions of Race,” Conference on Immigration and Race, Georgetown University Law Center, July 13, 1998

“Listening for New Rhythms: The Changing Public Arena for Latinos in Los Angeles,” Interdisciplinary Mini-conference on Music in Los Angeles, Department of Ethnomusicology, UCLA, June 5, 1998

“Becoming Mexican American in the 1990s,” American Studies Student Association, California State University, Fullerton, May 12, 1998

“Chicano History and Mexican Emigration,” Latino/a Symposium, Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas, May 2, 1998

“Race, Immigration, and the Rise of Nativism,” The Latino Cultures Seminar, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, April 30, 1998

“Fighting for Latino Spaces in the City of Los Angeles,” Conference on Acts of Reconstruction: Museums, Theme Parks, City Centers, The Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, University of California, Santa Barbara, February 21, 1998

“Borders, Blinders, and Bitterness: The Troubling Legacy of Guadalupe Hidalgo.” Center of the American West, University of Colorado, Boulder, February 2, 1998

“Latino Politics and Public Identity: Negotiating Citizenship in Southern California.” Ninth Annual Summer Seminar in U.S. Studies for Latin American Social Scientists and Non-Academic Professionals, Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies, University of California, San Diego, July 24, 1997

“Race, Immigration, and the Rise of Nativism in Late Twentieth Century America,” A.E. Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 30, 1997

“Alien/Native and the Social Construction of the Border,” A. E. Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 28, 1997

“Post-National American Studies and Ethnic Studies,” American Studies Program, University of California, Davis, January 30, 1997

"Race, Immigration, and the Rise of Nativism in Late Twentieth Century America." University of Kansas, April 21, 1995

"Latino History and the Politics of Race in U.S. History." Gettysburg College, October 12, 1994

"Immigration Then and Now: The Impact of U.S. Immigration Policies on Chicanos and Jews in the 20th Century." California State University at Northridge, March 31, 1994

"Walt Disney and Popular Images of Race." William A. Clark Library, October 23, 1993

"Points of Intersection for Ethnic Groups in the U.S.: The Case of Boyle Heights." Issei Pioneers Lecture Series, Japanese American National Museum, April 10, 1993

"The Promotion of Mexican Nationalism in Los Angeles during the 1920s."Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, San Diego, February 20, 1992.

"Alien/Native and the Social Construction of the Border." American Studies colloquium, UCLA, October 10, 1991

"In Search of Union: Ethnic Women Organizers in Depression-era Los Angeles." USC Institute for the Study of Women and Men, February 21, 1991

"Jews Among the Others: An Exploration of Multiethnic Life in Boyle Heights." UCLA Extension, May 6, 1990

"Chicanos Among the Others: An Exploration of Multiethnic Life in Boyle Heights (California), 1920-1960." Oberlin College, April 19, 1990

"Ethnic Interaction in Los Angeles: The Case of Boyle Heights, 1920-1960." University of Pennsylvania, March 22, 1990

"Latino Faith in the City of Angels: Chicanos and the Religious Establishment in Los Angeles in the Early Twentieth Century." Princeton University, May 4, 1988

"Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity and Acculturation in Twentieth Century America." Rutgers University, February 27, 1987

Scholarly Conference Presentations

“Citizenship Among the Undocumented,” in “State of the Field: ‘Citizenship,’” Organization of American Historians annual conference, Boston, Massachusetts, April 1, 2022

“Reflections,” in “Exploring Boyle Heights Through the Eyes of George Sanchez,” Organization of American Historians annual conference, Virtual Online, April 16, 2021

“Keyword: Engagement,” in “Emerging Keywords for Higher Education: Art, Engagement, Inclusion, Safe,” American Studies Association annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 9, 2018

“Student Power: Walking Out for Justice,” Panelist on “Blowout! Representing the East Los Angeles Walkouts at 50,” Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, Santa Clara, California, August 3, 2018

“Racial Identity and the 1968 East Los Angeles Walkouts,” Latina/o Studies Association national conference, Washington, DC, July 12, 2018

“Beyond the Talking Head,” in Panel “East L.A. Interchange Documentary Screening,” Organization of American Historians annual conference, Sacramento, California, April 13, 2018

“Alliance Building in Historical Perspective,” in Plenary Panel “Urgent Solidarities: Resisting Racial and Ethnic Differences,” Association for Asian American Studies annual conference, San Francisco, California, March 30, 2018

“California Taking the Lead,” in Collective Presentation on “Southern California Cluster Organizing in Higher Education,” Imagining America National Conference, Davis, California, October 13, 2017

“The Boyle Heights Museum of History and Culture,” Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association conference, Northridge, California, August 5, 2017

“Behind the Scholar’s Studio: Imagining America (IA): Artists and Scholars in Public Life,” Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association conference, Waikoloa, Hawai’i, August 5, 2016.

“’History in a Box’ Course as High Impact Practice for First Generation College Students,” Bringing Theory to Practice, Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C., January 22, 2016

“Race, Immigration, and Latino History,” Panelist on “State of the Field: U.S. Political History since 1945,” Organization of American Historians annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 12, 2014

“Crossing Borders in Boyle Heights,” Panelist on “When Interdisciplinary Isn’t Enough: Critical Approaches to Public Practice in American Studies,” American Studies Association annual conference, Washington, DC, November 22, 2013

“Looking Back, Looking Forward,” Panelist on “Becoming Mexican American: Twenty-Year Anniversary Discussion,” Organization of American Historians annual conference, San Francisco, California, April 11, 2013

“Albert Camarillo, Mentor,” Panelist on “From Mexican Pueblos, Barrios, to the Racial/Ethnic Borderlands in American Cities, Celebrating Albert Camarillo,” Organization of American Historians annual conference, San Francisco, California, April 11, 2013

“Organizing the Course,” Panelist on “Transnational Learning: Reimagining Alliance and Collaboration through a Japan-U.S. Course,” American Studies Association annual conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 15, 2012

“Civic Engagement and Undocumented Latino Youth,” Netter Center 20th Anniversary Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 13, 2012

“What’s Beyond Full: Chairing Departments, Leading Centers, Building Programs and Institutes, Joining Administration,” Inaugural Senior Ford Fellows Conference: Reflecting Forward: Diversifying the Academy to Meet Global Challenges, Beckman Center, Irvine, California, September 20, 2012

“Flashpoints,” Panelist on “Things I’d Like to Know About Los Angeles: A Workshop and Discussion,” The Huntington Library, San Marino, California, September 8, 2012

“Addressing the Changing Racial Demography of Youth in the United States,” Roundtable on “Reclaiming a Democratic Vision for College Learning: Why Now?” Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC, January 27, 2012

“Creating a Diverse Leadership for the 21st Century,” Session on “Cultivating Transformative Leadership for Institutional Citizenship,” Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC, January 26, 2012

“A Perspective from a Historian and a Chair,” Roundtable on “American Literature, Disciplinarity, and Interdisciplinary Studies,” Modern Language Association annual conference, Los Angeles, California, January 9, 2011

“Institutional Assessment Strategies,“ Roundtable on “Assessing the Public and Academic Outcomes of Public Scholarship: Implications for the Engaged Campus,” Imagining America annual conference, Seattle, Washington, September 23, 2010

“Empire in Urban Space: Boyle Heights in the Network of Imperialism,” California American Studies Association annual conference, Long Beach, California, April 16, 2010

“From the Outside,” Roundtable on “Civic Engagement in the Wake of Katrina,” Imagining America annual conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2, 2009

“Gary Okihiro and Radical Inclusivity,” Association for Asian American Studies annual conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 25, 2009

“Public Scholarship in Diverse Communities,” Roundtable on “Only Connect? The Promises and Problems of Public Scholarship,” Modern Language Association annual conference, San Francisco, California, December 30, 2008

“Black-Immigrant Relations,” Breakout Session at the “Immigrant Integration and the American Future: Lessons From and For California” conference, USC Center for Immigrant Integration, April 22, 2008

“Suburban Agonies and Urban Nightmares,” Roundtable on “Where are Jews on America’s Multicultural Map?” Organization of American Historians annual conference, New York, New York, March 29, 2008

“Community Service,” Roundtable on “Equity for Minority Historians in the Academic History Workplace: A Guide to Best Practices,” American Historical Association annual conference, Washington, D.C., January 5, 2008

“Linking Racial Diversity and Civic Engagement,” Ford Foundation Fellows Annual Conference, Beckman National Resource Council, Irvine, California, October 6, 2007

“Building the USC Center for Diversity and Democracy,” Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life Annual Conference, Syracuse, New York, September 8, 2007

Roundtable on “Regionalism: The Significance of Place in American Jewish Life,” Biennial Scholar’s Conference on American Jewish History, Charleston, South Carolina, June 5, 2006

“Disposable People, Expendable Neighborhoods: Race in New Deal Los Angeles,” Organization of American Historians annual conference, Washington, DC, April 21, 2006

Roundtable on “Undisciplined Public Practice,” American Studies Association annual conference, Washington, DC, November 4, 2005

“Disposable People, Expendable Neighborhoods: Race in New Deal Los Angeles,” Western History Association annual conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, October 16, 2005

“A Conversation about the Future of Faculty Engagement and Diversity,” Imagining America national conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, October 1, 2005

Roundtable on “1965 Remembered: The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act – Race, Gender, and Sexuality,” The Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, June 3, 2005

“Keeping the Dance Alive: Institutionalization of the Crossroads of Ethnic and American Studies,” American Studies Association annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 11, 2004

Roundtable on “Scholars, Museums, and Community Engagement,” Association of Asian American Studies annual conference, Boston, Massachusetts, March 27, 2004

“The Agony of Whiteness: How Jews Moved Out of the Eastside and What Difference It Makes for Race in Los Angeles,” American Historical Association, Pacific Coast Branch Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 3, 2003

“Learning from Boyle Heights: Planning Oral History Projects in Diverse Communities,” Oral History Association annual conference, San Diego, California, October 24, 2002

“Race and Immigration in Changing Communities: The Case of Boyle Heights,” American Sociological Association annual conference, August 19, 2002

“International Students After 9-11,” Council of Graduate Schools annual meeting, San Diego, California, December 7, 2001

“Becoming American Studies,” East of California Asian American Studies conference, Oberlin College, October 13, 2001

“The Boyle Heights Project: A Multi-Ethnic and Collaborative Approach to Documenting a Los Angeles Neighborhood,” American Association of Museums conference, St. Louis, Missouri, May 7, 2001

“Integrating Conflict Resolution into the U.S. History Curriculum in the Secondary Schools: The Los Angeles Riots of 1992 as a Case Study,” Organization of American Historians conference, Los Angeles, April 28, 2001

“Reading Roaring Camp: The Social World of the California Gold Rush,” Southwest Labor Studies Conference, May 5, 2000

“‘Alien’ Informants: Understanding Political Identity in Transnational Times,” American Historical Association-Pacific Coast Branch, August 8, 1999

“New Dimensions in Latino Political Culture in Los Angeles,” California Studies Conference, February 5, 1998

“Race, Nation, and Culture in Recent Immigration Studies, American Historical Association, January 8, 1998

“Adventures in Post-National American Studies,” American Studies Association, November 1, 1997

"Program Reviews: Process, Assessment, Consequences." American Studies Association, October 31, 1996

"Western Cities, Chicago Sociology, and Multiracial Realities." Organization of American Historians, March 28, 1996

"Race and Progressivism in Chicano Political Development." Organization of American Historians, April 15, 1993

"Bipolarity and Black Rage: The Implications of Florence and Normandie." American Studies Association, November 7, 1992

"Becoming Mexican American in Los Angeles: The Role of the Mexican Government in the 1920s." Latin American Studies Association, September 25, 1992

"Political Correctness in the Classroom: An Ethnic Perspective." Organization of American Historians, April 4, 1992

"Comraderie and Competition: The Making of Mexican-American Culture in the World War II Era." National Association for Chicano Studies, March 28, 1992.

"The New Nationalism, Mexican Style." Pacific Coast branch of the American Historical Association, August 24, 1991

"The Other Los Angeles: Chicanos, Jews and Japanese on the Eastside, 1925-1945." Organization of American Historians, March 23, 1990

"Getting Through the First Year: Minority Faculty and the UCLA Experience." American Association of Higher Education, April 4, 1989

"A Review of San Miguel's Let All of Them Take Heed: Mexican Americans and the Campaign for Educational Equality in Texas, 1910-1981." National Association for Chicano Studies, April 16, 1988

"The Historic Roots of 'English Only': Americanization and the Mexican, 1915-1930." Organization of American Historians, March 25, 1988

"Claiming Their Own: Wooing Mexican American Cultural Loyalties in Los Angeles, 1915-1930." National Association for Chicano Studies, April 9, 1987

"The Mexican American Movement and Second Generation Chicanos." Pacific Coast branch of the American Historical Association, August 16, 1986.

Comments and Responses

“Comment” and “Chair” is Session “Politics and the State.” Nuevos Caminos: U.S. Latinx History in the 21st Century: A Symposium on the State of the Field, Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race, Columbia University, New York, New York, April 22, 2022

“Panelist Comment” in Session “Exploring Boyle Heights Through the Eyes of George Sanchez.” Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference, April 16, 2021

“Comment” and “Chair” in Session “Expressions of Sexuality, Indigeneity, and Gender: Contemporary Realities of Latinxs in the City of Angels.” California American Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, April 13, 2019

“Comment,” “Chair,” and “Organizer” in Roundtable Discussion “Engaging California’s Latino/as Through Community, Immigration, and the Classroom.” Imagining American National Conference, Davis, California, October 14, 2017.

“Comment” and “Chair” in Session “Representing Latinx Communities: Music, Film, and Photographs.” Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Northridge, California, August 4, 2017

“Comment” in Session “The Embodied and Emotional Life of Migrant Organizing.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, November 7, 2014.

“Comment” in Session “The Borders of Immigration History.” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, January 7, 2011

“Comment” and “Chair” in Session “Shades of Democracy: Histories of Multiracial America and the Pacific.” Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 9, 2010

“Comment” in Session “Rethinking the Meanings of Race and Biography.” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, January 8, 2010

“Comment” and “Chair” in Session “Race, Religion, and Representation: Jews in the Postbellum South.” Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Los Angeles, California, December 21, 2009

“Comment” and “Chair” in Session “State of the Field: Latino History.” Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, March 26, 2009

“Comment” in Session “Mexican Americans and Whiteness.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 16, 2008

“Comment” in Session “Transnationalism in Times of War.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 13, 2007

“Comment” in Session “Approaching New Subjectivities: African American/Latino Relations in the Twentieth Century.” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, January 5, 2007

“Comment” in Session “The Roots of Revolutionary Los Angeles: Intersecting Movements of Asians, Blacks and Latinos.” Association for Asian American Studies Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, April 21, 2005

“Comment” in Session “Borders of Identity.” 2nd Annual American Quarterly Conference on “Legal Borderlands: Law and the Construction of American Borders,” Hart Center for American History, Pomona College, September 10, 2004

“Comment” in Session “Struggles for the Schools: Minority Populations and the Quest for Equitable Education.” American Historical Association, Pacific Coast Branch Annual Meeting, San Jose, California, August 6, 2004

“Commentary” on Deborah Cohen’s “Bordering Modernities: Race, Masculinity, and the Cultural Politics of Mexico-U.S. Migration,” Postdoctoral Fellow Manuscript Workshop, William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, April 17, 2004

“Fire and Rain: Commentary on Interdisciplinarity in Los Angeles Studies,” 1st Annual American Quarterly Conference, Huntington Library, San Marino, California, November 15, 2003

“Comment” on Pullias Lecture by Walter Allen (UCLA), “’And the Last Shall be First’: Racial Diversity, Distributive Justice and Affirmative Action, Center for Higher Education Policy Analysis, USC Rossier School of Education, Los Angeles, California, October 20, 2003

“Response” on Panel of American Studies scholars from the Universidad Computense de Madrid, “Revolution and Resistance: Conference on the State of Chicana/o Art & Activism,” University of California, Riverside, February 6, 2003

“Comment” on “Elian Gonzalez and ‘The Purpose of America’: Nation, Family and the Child Citizen,” Celebrity, Politics & Public Life Seminar, Norman Lear Center, USC Annenberg School for Communication, November 8, 2002

“Comment,” on “Race and Markets in Land, Housing, and Education,” Conference on “Selling Race: The Limits & Liberties of Markets,” UCLA Center for Modern & Contemporary Studies, October 25, 2002

Comments on “Political Culture and Racial Space in the New Metropolis,” The Stanford Seminar in the American West, Unimagined Futures: The Racial Economy of Postwar Metropolitan California, Stanford University May 21, 1999

"Comment" in Session "Jose Marti’s Our Americanism and the Question of Post-National American Studies,” American Studies Association, November 1, 1997

"Beyond Paz and Rodriguez: Comments on the Transformation of Public Space." Conference on Immigration and the Socio-Cultural Remaking of the North American Space, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, April 12, 1997

"Comment" in Session "Chicano/a Identity and Culture." American Studies Association, November 9, 1995

"Comment" in Session "The Mexican Challenge to Southern Racial Categories in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Texas." Southern Historical Association, November 11, 1994

"Comment" in Session "Where is the Border in Border Studies?" American Studies Association, October 29, 1994

"Comment" in Session "Ethnicity, Immigration, and Transformations." American Studies Association, November 6, 1993

"Comment" in Session "Civic Culture and Community in California." American Studies Association, November 6, 1992

"Comment" in Session "The 'Political Correctness' Debate in Historical Context." Pacific Coast branch of the American Historical Association, August 14, 1992

"Comment" in Session "The Rights of Workers." American Studies Association, November 3, 1991.

"Comment" in Session "Racial Minorities in the American West." Pacific Coast branch of the American Historical Association, August 24, 1991

Other Presentations

“Designing High-Impact Practices for Equity and Impact in New Contexts,” Faculty Friday Webinars, Association of American Colleges and Universities, April 17, 2020

“The Origins of Collisions at the Crossroads: A Celebration of Dr. Genevieve Carpio,” University of California Los Angeles, Chicano Studies Research Library, May 30, 2019

“Mary Ho as a Change Agent at USC,” First Generation College Student Summit, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, February 1, 2019

“Faculty of Color, Student Protests, and the Future of Predominantly White Universities,” Mellon Mays Coordinators Conference, New York, New York, April 30, 2017

“The Future of Latinos in U.S. Higher Education,” Mellon Mays Coordinators Conference, Los Angeles, California, March 31, 2016

“Boyle Heights as Historical Memory,” Panel in Response to East L.A. Interchange documentary, New York University, New York, New York, March 8, 2016

“How to Help Your First Generation College Student,” Address to Parents, Move-In Day Dinner, University of Southern California, August 19, 2015

“Preparing for College,” University of Southern California Discovery Day, May 18, 2013

“Dialogue with Janice Steinberg, Author of The Tin Horse,” Breed Street Synagogue, Boyle Heights, California, February 24, 2013

“The Arc of an Academic Career,” EDGE Program for USC Ph.D. Students, USC Graduate School, Los Angeles, California, February 14, 2013

“High Impact Practices,” Faculty of Color Workshop, Project Remix: New Student Symposium, USC, Los Angeles, California, August 26, 2012

“High Impact Practices for 1st Generation College Students,” USC Student Affairs Conference, Los Angeles, California, August 16, 2012

“Getting Into College,” Young Researchers Program, Los Angeles, California, August 8, 2012

“How to Thrive in College,” SummerTIME, USC Rossier School of Education, Los Angeles, California, July 27, 2012

“How to Succeed in College,” South Central Scholars, Los Angeles, California, July 27, 2012

“Walking Tour of Boyle Heights,” Gilder Lehrman Institute in American History, University of California, Irvine, Los Angeles, California, July 20, 2012

“Diversity in Boyle Heights in American History,” Posse Los Angeles, Academic Immersion Day, Los Angeles, California, June 25, 2012

“Boyle Heights History and the Power of our Memories,” Boyle Heights Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles, California, October 11, 2011

“Boyle Heights Stories of Courage and Resiliency,” Libros Schmibros Bookstore, Los Angeles, California, October 1, 2011

“The House of Quality: William Phillips and the Shaping of a Multiracial Boyle Heights,” Concert in Honor of the Phillips Music Store, California Plaza, Los Angeles, California, August 27, 2011

“USC, Its Surrounding Community, and the Power of Civic Engagement,” USC Volunteer Day, Los Angeles, California, August 20, 2011

“The Importance of High Impact Practices in a USC Education,” USC Norman Topping Scholars Retreat, Palm Desert, California, August 13, 2011

“Surviving and Succeeding in Graduate School,” EDGE Summer Program for USC Ph.D. Students, USC Graduate School, Los Angeles, California, July 20, 2011

“Pathways to Success in Graduate School,” Ronald McNair Scholars Program, USC Graduate School, Los Angeles, California, June 2, 2011

“Getting To and Succeeding in College,” Mexican American Alumni Association/La Curacuo Event for Southern California High School Students, Los Angeles, California, May 14, 2011

“Latinos in Literary Los Angeles,” USC Latino Student Assembly Panel, Los Angeles, California, October 4, 2010

“Life Balance,” USC Norman Topping Scholars Retreat, Palm Desert, California, August 14, 2010

“Achieving Scholarly Success at USC,” SC Scholars (Community College Transfers) Orientation, Los Angeles, California, August 9, 2010

“How to Succeed in College,” South Central Scholars, Los Angeles, California, August 1, 2010

“From Graduate School to Tenured Faculty Member,” USC EDGE Summer Institute, Los Angeles, California, June 3, July 1 & 29, 2010

“How to Make the Most of USC,” USC Summer Bridge Program and Ronald McNair Summer Workshop, Los Angeles, California, July 7, 2010

“The 1968 East L.A. Walkouts Remembered,” USC MEChA, Los Angeles, California, March 3, 2010

“Remembering Los Angeles,” Los Angeles Times Panel, Leimert Park, Los Angeles, California, February 25, 2010

“Immigration in Historical Perspective,” Teaching American History Grant, Constitutional Rights Foundation, Presentation to Teachers from Montebello Unified School District, Montebello, California, September 28, 2009

“Succeeding in Graduate School,” McNair Scholars Program Summer Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, May 29, 2009

“Seeing Los Angeles Clearly,” in Visions and Voices Event “Seeing L.A.,” Los Angeles Institute for the Humanities, USC, Los Angeles, California, March 30, 2009

“Jews and the Rise and Fall of Multiracialism in Boyle Heights,” Temple Beth Ohr, Adult Education Series, La Mirada, California, January 11, 2009

Discussant for Best Final Papers from SummerTime Writing Program for College-Bound Students from L.A. Unified School District, August 1, 2008

“Heading Back to the Future: Latino History and the Changing American City in Southern California,” U.S. History Institute, Los Angeles County Department of Education and the National Center for History in the Schools, UCLA, Teaching American History Grant, Presentation to Teachers from Los Angeles County, Pasadena, California, July 14, 2008

“Introduction to the Films Sa-i-gu and Wet Sand: Voices from L.A. Ten Years Later,” Frameworks: A Documentary Film Series, USC Libraries, April 10, 2008

“Recruitment and Retention of Minorities for Graduate Work,” Promoting Progress: An Interactive Workshop for Directors of Graduate Studies, American Historical Association, Washington, DC, August 3, 2007

“From Olvera Street to Boyle Heights: Race in the Construction of Los Angeles,” Teaching American History grant, Constitutional Rights Foundation, Presentation to Teachers from Pasadena Unified and El Rancho Unified School Districts, April 5, 2007

“Walkouts 2006 and 1968: Parallels between the Student Walkouts of the Past and Present,” News and Editorial Staff, Orange County Register, Santa Ana, California, April 5, 2006

“Framing a Research Question,” 2006 McNair Scholars, University of Southern California, January 24, 2006

“Latino History as a Predictor of the Future,” Latinos: Past Influences, Future Power Scholars forum, The Tomas Rivera Policy Institute, January 30, 2004

“Fluidity, Mobility, and Migration in U.S. History: Creating Historical Narrative from the Archives,” Social Science Research Council, Summer Institute on International Immigration, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, San Diego, June 24, 2003

“Latino Roots and Society,” Hispanic Association of Communication Employees of SBC, 2003 HACEMOS International Conference, June 21, 2003

“Urbanization Issues in Southern California: The Case of Boyle Heights,” USC College Board of Councillors, April 24, 2003

“Orange County 2050: A Community Dialogue,” Town Hall, California State University at Fullerton, November 6, 2002

“Ethnic Diversity of Orange County in 2050,” University Honors Program, California State University at Fullerton, October 10, 2002

“What I’ve Learned About the Field of Immigration Studies,” Minority Summer Dissertation Workshop, Social Science Research Council, June 23, 2002

“Historical Dimensions of Race in Civil Society,” Wingspread Conference on Race, Politics and Culture, Black Civil Society Project, Racine, Wisconsin, January 11, 2002

“North to L.A.: Migration from Mexico and Latin America,” Orange County History-Social Science Project, School of Education, California State University, Fullerton, July 11, 2001

“Mexican Americans and the History of the Los Angeles Basin,” Center for History-Social Science Education, California State University, Dominguez Hills, July 11, 2001

“What I’ve Learned About the Field of Immigration Studies,” Keynote address, Minority Summer Dissertation Workshop, Social Science Research Council, July 1, 2001

“Intergroup Relations: Mexicans, Whites, and African Americans,” Working Group on Immigration, Race and Ethnicity: Then and Now, Social Sciences Research Council, Savannah, Georgia, February 25, 2001

“Spanish/Mexican Historical Perspective,” Testimony to the Commemorative Seals Advisory Committee, California State Assembly, Sacramento, California, January 23, 2001

“Latinos and Politics in the New Millennium,” USC Latino Forum, November 28, 2000

“Bridges and Borders: Excavating Racial Interaction in Boyle Heights,” Redescubriendo Nuestra Historia IV: Mexicans in a Multiethnic Los Angeles conference, El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument, October 21, 2000

“Seventy-Five Years in Southern California by the Haynes Foundation,” September 28, 2000

“The History of Boyle Heights,” Boyle Heights Community Forum, Japanese American National Museum, September 17, 2000

“Borders, Blinders & Bitterness: The Troubling Legacy of Guadalupe Hidalgo,” Los Angeles City Historical Society, September 9, 2000

“Research and the McNair Fellowship,” USC Graduate School, July 5, 2000

“Labor and the Production of Value in the University,” University of California, Irvine, History & Theory Conference, November 15, 1998

“Race in California’s History.” Symposium on The President’s Initiative on Race: Implications for California, University of California, Irvine, November 15, 1997

“Doing the History of Boyle Heights.” Panel on Mapping Boyle Heights: Interweaving Histories, Getty Research Institute and the Los Angeles Public Library, February 15, 1997

"Multiculturalism and Education." Conference entitled "Babel and Beyond," The Starkoff Institute of Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems, HebrewUnion College, October 13, 1991

"'An Injury to One is An Injury to All': Labor Organizing and Mexican Women Workers in Los Angeles, 1930-1950." Embassy Auditorium, Los Angeles, sponsored by the Power of Place, March 3, 1991

"Historia y Cultura." National Hispana Leadership Institute, February 28, 1990


Service to the University

USC American Studies & Ethnicity Department:

Director, Center for Diversity and Democracy, 2007-present

Tenure and Advisement Committee, 2019-present

Director of Graduate Studies, 2019-2020

Member, Senior Faculty Search Committee, 2017-2018

Member, ASE Graduate Studies Committee, 2017-2018

Chair, ASE Graduate Admissions Committee, 2017-2018

Member, Executive Committee, 1997-2005, 2007-2010

Organizer, ASE Achievements & Core Accomplishments, 2007-2010

Organizer, “Success in Academia” Graduate Panel, 2006-2009

Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, 2009-2011

Organizer, Mazon Ph.D. Dissertation Prospectus Workshop, 2009

Director of Undergraduate Studies, 2007-2008

Placement Officer, Department of American Studies & Ethnicity, 2007-2008

Director, Center for American Studies and Ethnicity, USC, 2001-2007

Chair, Full Professor Review Committee, USC Dept. of American Studies, 2006-2007

Director, Program in American Studies and Ethnicity, USC, 1999-2005

Acting Director, American Studies Program, USC, 2004-2005

Member, Latin American/Caribbean Studies Faculty Search Committee, 2003-2004

3rd Year Review Committee, USC Program in American Studies and Ethnicity, 2003-2004, 2005-06

Director, USC-Irvine Summer Dissertation Workshop, 2002, 2003, 2004

Acting Director, African American Studies Program, USC, 2001-2002

Acting Director, Asian American Studies Program, USC, 2000-2001

Chair, USC Search Committee in African American and Asian American Studies, 1999-2000

Director, Chicano/Latino Studies Program, USC, 1997-2000

Chair, Ph.D. Planning Committee, American Studies & Ethnicity, 1998-1999

Member, Chicano/Latino Studies-Sociology Search Committee, 1998

USC History Department:

Co-chair, 3rd Year Department Review Committee, 2021-2022

Chair, Tenure Committee, 2021-2022

Chair, Latinx History Search Committee, 2019-2020

Member & Diversity Liaison, U.S. History Assistant Professor Search Committee, 2017-2018

Co-chair, Colonial Latin American History Search Committee, 2015-16

Tenure Committee, 2008-09

Placement Officer, USC History Department, 2007-08

Member, Graduate Studies Committee, 2000-02, 2003-05, 2007-08, 2009-11

3rd Year Review Committee, USC Department of History, 2003-2004, 2005-06

Member, Latin American History Search Committee, 2000-01

Member, U.S. History Senior Search Committee, 1998-2000

USC College/University-Wide:

Co-Convener, “Documenting the Undocumented” Working Group, USC Levan Institute for the Humanities, 2021-present

Co-chair, Faculty History Committee, USC Academic Senate, 2020-present

Chair, Advisory Board, Contemporary Latino and Latin American Studies Major, 2015-present

Faculty Co-Coordinator, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program, 2013-present

Member, Selection Committee, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Program, 2001-present

Member, Academic Senate Committee on Campus Climate, 2015-2016

Vice Dean for Diversity and Strategic Initiatives, 2010-2016

Dornsife College Co-Chair, University Good Neighbors Campaign, 2011-2016

Chair, Dornsife Council for Faculty Diversity, 2014-2015

Posse Foundation Mentor, USC Posse #1, 2011-2015

Organizer, USC Linking Participation Workshop, 2012

USC Neighborhood Outreach Grants Committee, 2011-2012

Member, University Committee on Academic Promotions & Tenure (UCAPT), 2009-2012 Representative for USC to the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), 2011-2012

Vice Dean for College Diversity, College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, 2009-2010

Director of College Diversity, College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, 2008-2009

Member, College Humanities Personnel Committee, 2007-2008

Member, University Diversity Requirement Curriculum Committee, 2007-2008

Member, College Summer Humanities Personnel Committee, 2005

Provost Task Force on Urban Initiative, 1999-2006

Provost Committee on Faculty Diversity, 2002-2004

Provost Strategic Planning Subcommittee, External Relations, 2003-2004

Member, University Committee on Academic Reviews, USC, 2000-2004

Provost Task Force on the Future of Undergraduate Students, USC, 2000-2003

3rd Year Review Committee, USC Annenberg School of Communication, 2003

Director of Interdisciplinary Initiatives, USC College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, 2002

Provost Task Force on Entertainment Initiative, 1999-2002

University Committee on Study Abroad Programs, 2001-02

Member, Faculty Council, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 1999-2001

El Centro Chicano Advisory Board, USC, 1999-2001

Provost Search Committee, Dean of the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 2000

LAS College Search Committee, Dean of the Faculty and Dean of Research, 2000

Member, USC Academic Senate Task Force on Underrepresented Faculty, 1999-2000

Executive Committee, USC Information System for Los Angeles (ISLA), 1997-1999

Provost’s Review Committee, USC Center for Multicultural and Transnational Studies, 1998

University of Michigan:

Director, Program in American Culture, University of Michigan, 1994-1997

Race and Ethnicity Requirement Board, University of Michigan, 1995-1997

Advisory Committee, Office of International Programs, University of Michigan, 1995-1997

Committee on the Multicultural University, University of Michigan, 1994-96

Advisory Committee, The Humanities Collaboratory, University of Michigan, 1994-96

Search Committee, Coordinator of Multicultural Teaching and Learning Services, 1994-95


Faculty Advisory Committee, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, 1988-93

Faculty Advisory Committee, UCLA Asian American Studies Center, 1991-93

Director, UCLA Chicano Studies Curriculum Tranformation Project, 1990-91

Ford Ethnic Women's Project, UCLA History Coordinator, 1990

Service to the Academic Profession

Professional Organizations:

Co-chair, Local Arrangements Committee for 2023 Program, Organization of American Historians, 2021-2023

Chair, Frederick Jackson Turner Award, Organization of American Historians, 2021-2022

Past President, Organization of American Historians, 2021-2022

President, Organization of American Historians, 2020-2021

Member, Leadership Advisory Council, Organization of American Historians, 2018-present

Member, Finance Committee, Organization of American Historians, 2018-present

Member, Executive Board, Organization of American Historians, 2018-present

Member, Executive Committee of the Executive Board, Organization of American Historians, 2018-present

President-Elect, Organization of American Historians, 2019-2020

Vice President, Organization of American Historians, 2018-2019

Incoming Vice President, Organization of American Historians, 2017-2018

President, Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, 2015-2016

AHA Representative to the American Council of Learned Societies, 2014-2016

Chair, Committee on Graduate Education, American Studies Association, 2007-2010

Organization of American Historians, Executive Director Selection Committee, 2008-2009

Organization of American Historians, Nominating Committee, 2005-2009

Organization of American Historians, ALANA (Minority) Scholars Committee, 2005-2009

Chair, 2008 OAH Huggins-Quarles Award Selection Committee, 2007-08

American Historical Association, Minority Scholars Committee, 2004-2007

Organization of American Historians Distinguished Lecturer, 2004-present

Editorial Board, The OAH’s Best American History Essays 2006, 2004-05

Co-chair, 2004 Program Committee for annual conference, American Studies Association

Chair, Task Force on Graduate Education, American Studies Association, 2002-2006

President, American Studies Association, 2000-2003

American Studies Association Distinguished Lecturer, 2000-present

Advisory Board of the Electronic Crossroads Project, American Studies Association, 1998-2003

Executive Board, Immigration History Society, 1997-2000

National Council, American Studies Association, 1997-2003

Chair, 1999 Elliot Rudwick Prize Committee, Organization of American Historians, 1998-1999

Presidential Advisory Committee on Relations with Ethnic Studies Departments, Programs, Faculty and Students, American Studies Association, 1998-99

Program Committee, 1998 California Studies Conference, 1997-98

Program Committee, American Studies Association, 1994-95

Panel Organizer for Race & Ethnicity, Social Science History Association, 1993-94

Committee on the Status of Women, American Studies Association, 1991-94

Chairperson and Member, Committee on the Status of Minority History and Minority Historians, Organization of American Historians, 1989-92

External Reviews & Consultations:

External Review Committee, Department of History, Washington University in St. Louis, 2021-2022

Review Committee, American Studies Ph.D. Program, Harvard University, 2021-2022

External Review Committee, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2021

Whitman Inclusion, Diversity & Equity (WIDE) Facilitator, Whitman College, 2021

External Review Committee, University of Washington, Bothell, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, 2019

External Review Committee Chair, Department of American Studies, Yale University, 2019

External Review Committee Chair, Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2017

Consultant, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2016

External Review Committee, Mexican-American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, 2014

External Review Committee, American Studies Department, University of Maryland, 2010

American Studies Review Panel, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2009

Senior Scholar & Respondent, Workshop in Comparative History: Chicana/o-African American Relations, Department of History, University of California at San Diego, 2008

Distinguished Scholar Reader, Anthony Mora Manuscript Writing Workshop, University of Michigan, 2007

Organizer and Leader, Faculty Workshop, Center for Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity, Connecticut College, 2007

External Review Committee, Ethnic Studies Program, Santa Clara University, 2006

External Review Committee, Dept. of American Studies, Yale University, 2006

External Review Committee, Dept. of Chicano Studies, Calif. State Univ. at Los Angeles, 2005

Consultant, Multicultural Teaching Workshop, Santa Clara University, 2005

External Review Committee, Dept. of American Studies, University of Hawaii, Manoa, 2004

Review Committee, “Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life” project, University of Michigan, 2004

Chair, External Review Committee, Dept. of American Studies, University of New Mexico, 2003

Consultant, American Studies Program, Tufts University, 2003

Consultant, Comparative Studies in the Humanities and Institute for the Study of Race & Ethnicity in the Americas, Ohio State University, 2001

Consultant, American Culture Cluster, Brown University, 2001

Reviewer, Intercultural Studies, College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Univ. of California, Riverside, 2001

External Review Committee, American Studies Program, Pomona College, 1998

External Review Committee, American Studies Program, Williams College, 1997

External Review Committee, American Studies Board, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1996

Consultant, Department of American Civilization, Brown University, 1996

Chair, External Review Committee, Program in American Studies, University of Minnesota, 1995

External Review Committee, American Studies Department, University of Maryland, 1995

Consultant, American Studies Program, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1995

Manuscript/Tenure Reviews

Reviewed Book Manuscripts for:

University of California Press (2022)

Duke University Press (2020)

Duke University Press, University of California Press (2019)

Oxford University Press (2018)

Univ. of North Carolina Press (2015)

Univ. of Chicago Press (2013)

Rowman and Littlefield Press (2011)

Duke Univ. Press, Wiley-Blackwell Press (2010)

Duke Univ. Press, Univ. of California Press, Univ. of Kansas Press (2009)

Duke Univ. Press, Univ. of California Press (2008)

Blackwell Publishing, Routledge Press, Univ. of California Press (3) (2007)

Univ. of North Carolina Press (2006)

Univ. of Illinois Press, Univ. of Chicago Press, Univ. of California Press (2005)

Reviewed Promotion/Tenure file for:

Arizona State University, Harvard University, Texas A&M University, University of

California, San Diego (2021)

Northwestern University, University of Albany, SUNY (2020)

University of Michigan, Brown University, Emory University (2019)

Rutgers University – Newark (2018)

Northwestern University (2012)

Southern Methodist Univ., Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio (2011)

Rutgers Univ.-Camden, Univ. of Arizona, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Univ. of Texas at Austin (2010)

Univ. Of California-San Diego, Univ. of Arizona, Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis, Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of Texas at Austin, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Syracuse Univ. (2009)

Harvard Univ., Univ. of California-San Diego, Univ. of California-Santa Cruz, Univ. of Massachusetts-Boston, Univ. of Texas at Austin (2008)

Bowling Green State Univ., Univ. of California-San Diego, Univ. of Hawaii—Manoa, Univ. of Houston, Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of New Mexico, Univ. of Pennsylvania (2007)

Univ. of Arizona (2006)

New York Univ., Univ. of California—Santa Cruz, Washington State Univ. (2005)

Other Academic Service:

Advisory Board, “Our Compelling Interests,” Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/University of Michigan Center for Social Solutions, 2013-present

Faculty Member, Institute on High-Impact Practices and Student Success: A Working Institute for Campus Teams, Association of American Colleges & Universities, 2011-present

Ford Foundation Fellowship Selection Committee, 2017-2021

Editorial Advisory Board Member, The Okinawan Journal of American Studies, 2006-present

Research Project: “Building the Architecture of Inclusion Through Higher Education: Sustaining and Scaling Full Participation at the Intersection of Public Engagement and Democracy,” Co-Principal Investigator with Susan Sturm and Nancy Cantor, 2011-2014

“Bringing Theory to Practice” Civic Seminar Project, Association of American Colleges & Universities, 2010-2013

Anchor Institutions Task Force Leadership Forum, Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2010-2013

Chair, National Advisory Board, Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life, 2007-2011, Member from 2006-2013

Member, Social Justice Project, Ford Foundation, 2010- 2011

Consultant, NEH Planning Grant: Immigration, Emigration and Forced Migration exhibit, The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, 2010-2011

Organizer, National Association of Senior Scholars of Color (NASSOC), 2007-2009

Chair, Program Committee, Imagining America Annual Conference, USC, 2008

Member, Tenure Team Initiative, Imagining America, 2005-2008

Consultant, Collaborative Humanities Initiative, American Council of Learned Societies, 2007

Selection Committee, Mellon/ACLS Early Career Fellowship Program—Dissertation Completion Fellowship Competition, 2006-07

Program Committee, Imagining America Annual Conference, Syracuse Univ., 2007

Reviewer, Dissertation Proposal Workshop, USC Crossing Borders Conference, 2006

American Studies grant reviewer, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2005

National Science Foundation/Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Workshop, 2004

Senior Scholar, Postdoctoral Fellow Manuscript Workshop, William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, 2004

Ad Hoc Tenure Review Committee, Office of the Provost, Columbia University, New York, 2004

American Quarterly National Editorial Board, 2003-2006

Senior Scholar, 2nd Annual Mexican American History Workshop, University of Houston, 2003

Committee on International Migration, Social Science Research Council, 1994-2004

The John Randolph and Dora Haynes Foundation Fellow, 2000-2001

University of California, Office of the President, Humanities Commission, 2000-2001

Director, Minority Summer Dissertation Workshop, Committee on International Migration, Social Science Research Council, 1996, 1998, 1999

Organizer, Academic Citizens Symposium, National Conference on School/College Collaboration, Education Trust, American Association of Higher Education, 1994

Editorial Board, Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies, 1989-93

Board of Trustees, California Historical Society, 1992-95

Service to the Community

Museum & Archives Work:

Advisory Committee, Museum of the American Latino, Smithsonian Institution and Andrew Mellon Foundation, 2021

Curator, “Roybal: A Multi-Racial Catalyst for Democracy” exhibit, Boyle Heights Museum, Fall 2018

Programming Committee, LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes, 2017-present

Co-Founder (with Josefina Lopez), Boyle Heights Museum of History and Culture, 2017-present

Consultant, The History Exhibit, Statue of Liberty National Park, 2014-2019

Curator, “Student Walkout: Walking Out for Justice” exhibit, Boyle Heights Museum, Spring 2018

Curator, “Aqui Estamos y No Nos Vamos: Fighting Mexican Removal Since the 1930s” exhibit, Boyle Heights Museum, Fall 2017

Reviewer, “Many Voices, One Nation” exhibition script, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, 2015

Consultant, New Immigration Exhibit, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, 2013

Consultant, The Peopling of America Center, Ellis Island Foundation, 2007-2012

Member, Center for Civil and Human Rights Global Advisory Board, Atlanta, Georgia, 2008-2012

Member, Board of Advisors, Studio for Southern California History, 2005-2011

Consultant, “A Historical Journey of Mexican American Los Angeles,” La Plaza de Cultura y Artes’ Core Exhibition, Los Angeles, CA, 2008

Consultant, “Under the Sun: Los Angeles, California, and the World,” Los Angeles County Natural History Museum core exhibit, 2008

Consultant, Bracero History Project, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, 2005-2008

Organizer, Bracero History Project, Oral History/Collection Day, Los Angeles, 2006

Member, Latino Advisory Committee, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, 1995-2005; Chair, 1995-2001

Consultant, Transportation exhibition and Star Spangled Banner exhibition, National Museum of American History, 1998-2003

Member, Board of Directors, Photo Friends of the Los Angeles Public Library History Department, 2002-2004

Board Member, Korean American Museum, 1999-2003

Principal Investigator, “Boyle Heights: Neighborhood Sites & Insights,” Japanese American National Museum, 1999-2002

Consultant, Autry Museum of Western Heritage, Los Angeles, 2001, 2004

Consultant, National Park Service Thematic Framework Project, 1993

Consultant, "The Shades of L.A." Photographic Project, Los Angeles Public Library, 1992

Work with K-12 Teachers/Education:

Coordinator, Boyle Heights History in a Box, Breed Street Shul Project, USC Good Neighbors Grant, 2013-2016

Presentation to South Los Angeles Teachers on Mexican-American War, Teaching American History Grant, 2011

Presentation on Teaching Immigration and California in the 19th Century to Leimert Park Charter School Teachers, Los Angeles Unified School District, 2010

Presentation to Los Angeles County Teachers, U.S. History Institute, Los Angeles County Department of Education and the National Center for History in the Schools, UCLA, Teaching American History Grant, 2008

Judge, National History Day Presentations, Hollenbeck Middle School, Boyle Heights, CA, 2008

Presentation to Homewood-Flossmoor District (Chicago, Illinois), Teaching American History Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago and Newberry Library, 2007

Presentation to Wiseburn School District (K-8) Teachers (Hawthorne & El Segundo), Teaching American History Grant, Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2007

Presentation to Pasadena Unified and El Rancho Unified School District Teachers (Pasadena and Pico Rivera), Teaching American History Grant, Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2007

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, Schools & Scholars Program, 2000

Faculty Member, The National Faculty, 1989-2000

Faculty Consultant, Conflict Resolution Program for Teachers, Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis, Rutgers University, 1995-1996

Board of Directors, Boyle Heights Elementary Institute, 1992-1994

Faculty Member, University of Pennsylvania/United States Information Agency American Studies Summer Institute, 1991, 1992

Education Consultant, Charles A. Dana Foundation, 1990

Teaching Associate, National Center for History in the Schools, 1989

Consultant on 4th grade California History textbook, Ligature, Inc., 1989

Other Community Service:

Radio Interviewer and Host on Boyle Heights: Artistic, Jewish, and musical roots, “Greater L.A.” program, KCRW, 2021

Consultant, “East L.A. Interchange” documentary on Boyle Heights, 2010-2015

Consultant, PBS Documentary Series on “The Latinos,” 2012-2013

Member, Advisory Committee, Latino and Black Southern Education Initiative, Southern Education Foundation, 2008

Consultant, Ethnic/Gender Heritage Team, Los Angeles Historic Resources Survey Project, Jones & Stokes Architectural Firm, 2007-2008

Member, Board of Directors, Los Angeles City Historical Society, 2002-2003

Consultant, “Zoot,” PBS documentary film about the Sleepy Lagoon Case and Zoot Suit Riots in Los Angeles, The American Experience, WGBH Boston, 1999-2002

Chair, Harvard Club of Southern California, Northern Orange County Area, 1998-2000

Board of Directors, Living Legacies Historical Foundation, 1996-present

Consultant, "The Great Depression: America in the 1930s," PBS documentary series, Blackside Inc. Film and Television Productions, 1991-92

Board Member & Historian, The Power of Place, 1990-91


Cultural history of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)

Socio-cultural study of the development of ethnic identity among second generation Chicanos in Los Angeles, 1930-1970


Albert Camarillo, Department of History, Stanford University (retired)

William Chafe, Department of History, Duke University (retired)

Sarah Deutsch, Dean of Social Sciences, Duke University

Howard Gillman, Chancellor, University of California, Irvine

Matthew Jacobson, Department of American Studies, Yale University

Robin D.G. Kelley, Department of History, UCLA

Earl Lewis, Director, Center for Social Solutions, University of Michigan

Patricia Nelson Limerick, Department of History, University of Colorado, Boulder

George Lipsitz, Black Studies Department, University of California, Santa Barbara

Gary Y. Okihiro, American Studies Program, Yale University

David Roediger, Department of History, University of Kansas

Vicki Ruiz, Department of History, University of California, Irvine (retired)


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