
Beginning, Creating and Living Life for Christ-318135255270Genesis Fellowship Full Throttle Youth MinistryHebrews 12:1-2?1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.Where: 4032 McCorkle AVE SW So. Charleston WV 25309When: Wednesday’s 6:30-8:00 Contact info: ????2020Contact InformationYouth PastorAnthony Lucas 304-542-4316 pastoranthony.gfwv@ Adult Leaders Carla Donahue 304-541-2831CarlaDonahue@Julie Ramsey 304-421-3684juicyfruit3798@Taylor Huffman 304-932-3397 tghuffman1998@Brian Kelly 304-546-3490 Dear Youth Group and Parents:This youth group book is a look ahead at 2020. You will find in this book the spiritual direction of our youth group. We have come to realize that we must not be “pew sitters” but an active outreach for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By becoming what He wants us to be as a group, we will find out what He wants us to be as individuals. It is our responsibility as Christians to “Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk”. Even as teenage Christians we must ask ourselves, “Is It Holy?” and “Would Jesus be proud of me?” If we can answer this positively then we are making progress. If, on the other hand, we are still questioning ourselves about His answer, then we need to allow Jesus to take greater control of our lives and follow Him even more.This book will help all of us in our daily and monthly planning. I know there are a lot of other things we are involved in, but please measure the importance of the events that might be in conflict, not just on the fun meter, but on the spiritual meter. It is our desire to help develop each of you into a spiritually well rounded person that would have the compassion of Jesus. In order for you to achieve this, please attend as many of the activities as you can.You will find in this book a description of events and activities that will be challenging, fun, spiritually motivating, emotionally draining, physically exhausting, and maybe the best times of your lives. As you look at this book and see what our Youth Group is really about, please remember that “We are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ” and will do just about anything to have an opportunity to share the gospel with our friends.Please keep this book handy so you can be involved and keep up with what GF Full Throttle Youth Group has in store for the year. We will also try to keep events up to date on the GF website, . If you have any questions please feel free to call, text or email us.Yours in Christ,Pastor Anthony LucasGF FULL THROTTLE YOUTH GROUPMISSION STATEMENTLead today’s youth to Christ by teaching God’s word through active ministry.OBJECTIVESEXPAND OUR YOUTH GROUPBUILD UP OUR FAITHWORK ON OUR EVERYDAY WALKCOMMUNITY SERVICE TO OUR CHURCHBECOME MORE COMMITTED TO JESUS CHRISTBECOME MORE COMMITTED TO EACH OTHERBECOME A VITAL PART OF GENESIS FELLOWSHIPBIBLESWe will have bibles available for the youth to use each Youth Group meeting. Our curriculum and bibles are NLT – New Living Translation. Even though bibles are available, youth are strongly encouraged to bring their own. This helps them become more familiar with how the bible is structured, learn more with the extra notes available in a study bible and learn where bible verses all for those all important Bible Shoot Out competitions!!! If you need any suggestions on what bible to purchase for your child, we would be glad to help. GF FULL THROTTLE YOUTH GROUPBIBLE VERSEHebrews 12:1-2 New Living Translation (NLT)?1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. The most important race of all is the race of life. All the ingredients to a race are there; there is the starting line, practice, rules, obstacles, competition, drop-outs, winners, losers, finish line, victory celebrations and the agony of defeat.This passage tells us several important things about the race of life (by the way, you have already entered this race; no backing out now; it's either win or lose). First, it tells us that there are already a lot of winners. You can win this race! This great cloud of witnesses all affirm that the race is winnable and the victory is worth it.Second, it tells us that to win, we must follow certain basic procedures. We need to put off burdens which would weigh us down (this is why you do not see marathon runners wearing combat boots) and the sin which entangles us (tie your shoelaces tight so you do not trip) and look toward the joy of victory at the end of the race. Third, it tells us that our best example to follow is Jesus as He lived His life, overcoming obstacles such as the shame of the cross, and reached the throne of God.GF FULL THROTTLE YOUTH GROUP BANK ACCOUNTSGF Full Throttle Youth Group is active. Being active can sometimes require money for WVBC events and youth night out activities. To help offset the cost, we will do several fund raisers throughout the year. Those who participate will have funds deposited into a Genesis Fellowship Youth account managed by an adult leader.We have one bank account and maintain a spreadsheet to ensure funds are allocated appropriately to individual students. This takes most of the money hassle away from parents and sets it squarely on the shoulders of the youth. If at any time parents or youth want to add to their account, just get the money to Carla Donahue. She will deposit and make sure it is allocated properly. You can also find out from Carla Donahue how much is in your account. Before each event, youth will be asked if they want to use money from their account.2020 will be an active year. More events – more fund raisers – more money will be needed. Get excited and get active with our fund raisers. You’re going to need as much as you can get!!!!! We will not let cost keep a student from an event, but we do ask that they participate in the fundraisers. GF FULL THROTTLE YOUTH GROUP FUND RAISERSWhen you have a group that continues to grow in size and is active, you are going to need to raise some money in order to do all the things you want to do. Some of our activities require money and even though we have a youth budget provided by the church, it can’t come close to covering the expenses incurred. So what do we do? We have fund raisers!!!!Below are some of the fund raisers we already have scheduled: Spaghetti Dinner– Almost everyone enjoys spaghetti, garlic bread, and a salad. The youth will be hosting a spaghetti dinner as a fundraiser. Tickets will be sold to give us an approximate count of who will be attending.Usborne books & moreColor run CAR WASH – Who doesn’t love to get their car washed in the summer? This is always a fun time for the youth. We will need additional help from parents on this one, so get ready to join us in the fun. Hot dog/BBQ saleOTHER IDEAS? – If anyone has a fundraiser idea they would like to share, let us know.GF FULL THROTTLE YOUTH GROUP ACITIVITESBelow are just a few activities we done in the past or have on the calendar for this year.Winter Jam ConcertSnow TubingCass Scenic RailroadJr High ConventionSr High ConventionOmegaFall RallyYouth SundayCamp CowenBowlingChristian ConcertsTMCL Community ServicesCampingMoviesCamden ParkKings IslandSwimmingCar WashLock outArchery CampBonfireYouth Charge-UpHawks nest Jet boat RideCorn MazeGF FULL THROTTLE YOUTH CURRICULUMIn 2020, GF Full Throttle Youth Group will be utilizing a variety of curriculum. Below is a sample of topics and lesson titles we will cover. Encourage the students to read through the Bible this yearThe book RomansEaster lessonChristmas lessonDiscipleship trainingGF FULL THROTTLE YOUTH SAMPLE EVENT PERMISSION SLIPEvent: Departure Time: Return Time: Chaperones: Costs Involved: Registration Deadline: Other Details: has my permission to attend Name of Student___________________________________________________ sponsored by Genesis Fellowship Full Throttle Youth (hereinafter the “Church”). I/We understand that there are a limited number of spaces for this trip and this form does not guarantee a spot for the trip. I/We the undersigned have legal custody of the student named above, a minor, and have given our consent for him/her to attend events being organized by the Church. I/We understand that there are inherent risks involved in any ministry or athletic event, and I/we hereby release the Church, its pastors, employees, agents, and volunteer workers from any and all liability for any injury, loss, or damage to person or property that may occur during the course of my/our child’s involvement. In the event that he/she is injured and requires the attention of a doctor, I/we consent to any reasonable medical treatment as deemed necessary by a licensed physician. In the event treatment is required from a physician and/or hospital personnel designated by the Church, I/we agree to hold such person free and harmless of any claims, demands, or suits for damages arising from the giving of such consent. I/We also acknowledge that we will be ultimately responsible for the cost of any medical care should the cost of that medical care not be reimbursed by the health insurance provider. I/we also agree to bring my/our child home at my/our own expense should they become ill or if deemed necessary by the student ministries staff member.Parent/guardian signature: ________________________________________ Date:________________Genesis Fellowship Full Throttle Youth – Anthony Lucas, 304-542-4316GF FULL THROTTLE YOUTH PERMISSION FOR EMERGENCY TREATMENTCALENDAR YEAR 2020Name____________________________________________Date of Birth______________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________State_______Zip____________________ Medical Insurance Company__________________________________________________________ Group or Policy #________________________Social Security Number_______________________ Medications Taken Regularly_________________________________________________________ Allergies or Health Problems__________________________________________________________ Date of Last Tetanus Shot____________________________________________________________ In Case of Emergency NotifyName___________________________________________Relationship_______________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________State_______Zip____________________ Home Phone_________________Work Phone____________________Cell Phone_____________________ Alternate Person to be NotifiedName____________________________________________Relationship______________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________State_______Zip___________________ Home Phone__________________Work Phone___________________Cell Phone_____________________ I, being a person authorized by law to give such permission, do hereby give my permission for emergency treatment to be given to the person who is the above-named on this form. I understand that all reasonable attempts will be made to contact me as soon as possible after the condition necessitating treatment arises, and, that failing, all reasonable attempts to contact the alternate listed above will be made. I understand that all reasonable precautions will be taken for safety at all times. I further release the GENESIS FELLOWSHIP, S. CHARLESTON WV, WEST VIRGINIA BAPTIST CONVENTION, and all persons associated with these organizations from any liability associated with any accident, injury or disease to the person who is the subject of this form. ___________________________________________ Signature if the subject of form is 18 or over, otherwise, parent or legal guardian. STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ____________________, TO-WIT: I,___________________________, a Notary Public in and for the County aforesaid, hereby certify that the person whose signature appears above did, on this date, appear before me, and, after being duly sworn or affirmed, and reading this document in its entirety did affirm his or her signature hereto in my presence. ________________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires:_________________________ Date: _____________________GF FULL THROTTLE YOUTH CONTACT INFORMATIONYOUTH FULL NAME______________________________________________________________NICKNAME ____________________________________________________________________ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________CITY___________________________________ST_______ZIP________________________DATE OF BIRTH MM/DD/YY_________________________YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS___________________________________________________________HOME PHONE_________________________ STUDENT CELL PHONE_________________________CAN YOU SEND AND RECEIVE TEXTS? Circle one: Yes No DO YOU USE SOCIAL MEDIA? Circle one: Yes NoSOCIAL MEDIA MOST USED _____________________________________________________(GF Full Throttle Youth has a Facebook page we use to post information and have lesson discussions.)HOBBIES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PARENTS/GUARDIAN NAME(S)__________________________________________________RELATIONSHIP circle one PARENT(S) GRANDPARENT(S) OTHER RELATIVE OTHERADDRESS if different from above __________________________________________________CITY____________________________ST________ZIP__________________________________PARENT EMAIL ADDRESS _________________________________________________________PARENT HOME PHONE_____________________PARENT CELL PHONE____________________CAN YOU SEND AND RECEIVE TEXTS? Circle one: Yes No DO YOU USE FACEBOOK? Circle one: Yes No YOUR FACEBOOK NAME _____________________________________________________ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFO IF APPLICABLE:PARENTS/GUARDIAN NAME(S)__________________________________________________RELATIONSHIP circle one PARENT(S) GRANDPARENT(S) OTHER RELATIVE OTHERADDRESS if different from above __________________________________________________CITY____________________________ST________ZIP__________________________________PARENT EMAIL ADDRESS_________________________________________________________PARENT HOME PHONE_________________________PARENT CELL PHONE________________CAN YOU SEND AND RECEIVE TEXTS? Circle one: Yes No DO YOU USE FACEBOOK? Circle one: Yes No YOUR FACEBOOK NAME _____________________________________________________2020 Genesis Fellowship Full Throttle YouthCode of Conduct AgreementWelcome Students and Parents. We are excited for all the exciting stuff that will be happening in 2019! We expect great things out of our youth group and lots of fun to be had. We will be representing Jesus Christ, and Genesis Fellowship in everything we do so we want to make sure we are doing this in a positive way to not give a bad image to our Lord and Savior, church and the youth group. In case there are any questions about the way we should be conducting ourselves below is our 2020 Code of Conduct Agreement. This is to be reviewed by our youth and their parents and signed by both. Anyone of our youth leaders should address any questions. If not please see Pastor Anthony. Respect, listen to, and cooperate with the youth leader(s) and all adult leaders or drivers at all times.? Respect the facility that we are using for the Ministry/Event. The Students that are involved in the act of breaking/ damaging property can be expected repair/replace the damaged item(s) at their expense.Respect each person and all property. Bullying will NOT be tolerated under any circumstances.? We are committed to a safe and civil environment for ALL students, employees, volunteers and visitors, free from harassment, intimidation or bullying.? This means any intentional written, verbal, or physical act that: Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property; or Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; or Is severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening environment; or Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the ministry or event. During all activities where we will be taking the bus all students must wear a seat belt when riding on the bus for any church event. No standing on the bus while the bus is moving. If there is an emergency please notify a leader so we may pull over. After dark youth members are not permitted to sit boy/girl. If youth members are sitting boy/girl during daylight hours there will not be any blankets being used. Reflect a Christian attitude in all personal relationships between teens during all youth activities, as well as the public eye. ? Inappropriate Public Displays of Affection (PDA) such as kissing, cuddling, or any action sexual in nature, etc. are NOT permitted during any Genesis Fellowship activity or event. Refrain from using profanity, exhibiting improper behavior, using alcohol or illegal substances and possessing drugs and/or weapons. (Note: If you need to take a medication, it must be brought in by a parent/guardian and given to the youth leader with a note of permission to dispense.) Wear modest, appropriate clothing at all times.? Inappropriate words, phrases, symbols, cigarette, or alcohol advertisements should not be displayed on clothing.?? When swimming is involved, all females are allowed 2 piece bathing suits as long as they are not too revealing (be smart) however at Camp Cowen you are expected to wear a one-piece suit. Males are expected to wear trunks (no speedos.) Shorts/pants are to be of an appropriate length (a good guideline for females is fingertip length) and location.Females, No spaghetti strap shirts unless they are part of a layered outfit.Males, when you are in mixed company, please keep your shirt on. If you are asked to cover up, by signing you agree to comply with what you are asked to do.Youth will not leave the presence of youth leaders without permission – i.e. leaving the youth meeting, leaving the church, leaving the group during trips, etc. Failure to comply can jeopardize the safety of yourselves, others, leaders, or the group. On trips students are to be in at least pairs, however no boy/ girl are to be alone at anytime.Failure to comply with our Statement of Conduct: STEP ONE:When behavior contrary to our statement of conduct first occurs, the adult observing the behavior, or to whom the behavior is reported, shall address the person(s) responsible with a clear request that the behavior be stopped, changed, or avoided. The adult must use judgment as to whether or not the individual(s) knowingly behaved in a manner inconsistent with our youth group statement of conduct. The severity of the problem behavior may require that this step be bypassed and the next step be applied. STEP TWO:If another or the same behavior contrary to our statement occurs involving the same person(s) above, especially when it is considered to be occurring in a destructive, attention-getting or belligerent fashion, then a second warning will be given and the parent(s) will be notified by the youth leader and advised of the situation regarding their child. Parent(s) will be notified by phone/email/mail if deemed appropriate at that time. NOTE: even if the youth(s) agrees to change the behavior at this point, the youth(s) may be given a cooling off period from youth activities for up to two weeks. The youth leader has the discretion as to whether to proceed in this way or to move to the third step of action immediately. STEP THREE: Should there be a third problem behavior contrary to our Statement of Conduct identified, the parent(s) will be called immediately and asked to come and get their youth and the youth suspended from all Ministry activities for at least one month. A conference will be scheduled for the youth leader(s), a Staff leader, parent(s) and the youth(s) involved, to resolve the conflict. The church leadership reserves the right to send home person(s) who are intentionally oppositional or repeatedly refuse to follow the Statement of Conduct policy mentioned above for any Genesis Fellowship or Youth event.CONTACT US:If there is Question/Conflict about the implementation of the Conduct Code, Please contact Youth Pastor Anthony Lucas directly at 304-542-4316(cell). We believe strongly in dealing with conflict in a Biblical manner based on Matthew 5:23-25, which tells us to handle matters quickly and directly with the person in question. With my signature I acknowledge that I have read these policies and agree to carefully abide and follow all processes outlined above. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENTPrinted name of youth participant: _________________________________________________ Signature of youth participant: ____________________________________________________ Signature of parent or legal guardian: _______________________________________________ ................

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