Session 1: Session title

|Session 3 Keeping tight hold of personal information |

|National Curriculum |Computing: Be responsible, competent, confident & creative users of ICT; Use technology safely & respectfully, keeping personal |

| |information private; identify where to go for help & support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or |

| |other online technologies |

|Teaching Objectives |To understand what personal information is and how to keep it safe. To know when it is and is not safe to share personal information|

| |online. To know what a password is for and to be able to create a strong password and online nickname. |

|Resources |Weblinks |

|Fake password suggestions; | Hector videos (1&2), requires Flash or search on Youtube for Hector’s World |

|Challenge & scenario cards; |episodes. |

|Photos (including chn’s | Smart crew video 3 |

|own); Counters | Lee and Kim’s adventure; Horrible |

| |Histories, privacy settings, BBC (for Y2 chn) |

|Whole Class: Arrange for an ‘unknown’ or vaguely known member of staff or school parent/governor to stand at the entrance to your classroom for the start|

|of this session (you will only need them for 5 mins!). Also ask chn to bring in any photos they have of themselves holding a certificate or on their |

|first day back to school outside their door. |

|Start the session by getting your ‘unknown’ adult to ask each child for their full name, age, school, and address (if they know it!) in order to enter |

|the classroom. At the end of the class line coming in have another adult, e.g. your TA, who refuses to give the information to the unknown adult (ensure |

|they make a big enough fuss that the chn notice!) then they suggest a nickname that the unknown adult can call them by. Joke with the chn that you |

|thought it was a bit rude/strange that the TA wouldn’t give the other adult their personal information then explain that you are going to start the |

|session today by watching a cartoon. Watch the first two Hector videos (see weblink)and ask chn what Hector learnt about sharing private information |

|(make a class list). Discuss any misconceptions and then as a class create a list of who it is safe to share personal information with, e.g. bank, known |

|and trusted adults etc. Now look to your TA and say that now you understand why s/he wouldn’t give out their personal information (define this as |

|information that is personal to them and could identify who they are and where they live). Explain that today chn are going to try and earn their indigo |

|rainbow paint by exploring when it is and isn’t safe to share personal information. Explain that while sharing information with a known and trusted |

|adult, as in the video, is fine as well as registration information on a legitimate site (show chn ) and is part of what |

|helps keep them safe – chn should always ask a trusted adult to check before sharing information. Remind chn of the Lee and Kim’s adventure (see weblink)|

|and highlight that it is also important not to give out personal information to people online who we don’t know - either via email, in a game, or in a |

|text. Now ask chn what passwords are used and why they are important? Explain that strong passwords are very important in the online world to protect |

|your computer and other devices and the information found on them. Pop three fake passwords on the board (make sure chn know they are made up ones, not |

|real, and emphasise that chn should never share their passwords with anyone, especially not in what could be a phishing email (explain what this is) and |

|ask chn in pairs to decide which is a weak, medium and strong password (session resource). Once chn have decided explain that we can use ‘methods’ to |

|create and remember strong passwords, e.g. place my cat sleeps (spelt backwards or incorrectly and with some caps) and the number that is 6 more than |

|your age etc. Or we can use a password generator that will provide prompts to help you remember your password. Explain that writing passwords down is not|

|a good idea, unless it is in a code form or in prompt form, or is put in a safe (hidden) place. Why is this? Also explain that changing passwords |

|regularly also adds an extra level of security (hacking data and certain viruses can ‘steal’ passwords). |

|Easy/Medium/Hard Explain that chn will be playing a game today, in teams of 2 against 2, that will challenge them to use their knowledge about sharing |

|personal information. Explain that to play the game (session resource) they need to take turns in their teams to roll the dice - if they roll an even |

|number they take a scenario card and if they roll an odd number they take a challenge card. As chn play the game they earn counters for good/safe choices|

|or successful challenges. All four chn in each game need to agree that the decision for the scenario cards is the right one for them to earn a counter. |

|Listen carefully to the conversations chn have and identify any misconceptions or gaps in understanding and address these. Chn should keep playing until |

|all scenario cards have been turned over and discussed. The Challenge cards can be completed more than once! As chn complete their game, get them to |

|watch the Smart Crew video on a tablet/headphones to reinforce learning. |

|Plenary |Share some of the passwords and nicknames in groups and get chn to identify a couple of good examples, suggesting why. Then get chn to |

| |identify the information that can be gleaned from a photo (session resource). Reinforce that photos are a lovely way to share fun moments,|

| |but chn should be aware of what information a photograph has in it. Explain that today the chn have earned their indigo paint for their |

| |cyber-rainbow. Choose 4/5 chn to paint the correct part of your rainbow and as a class come up with a shared written statement about what |

| |keeping personal information safe means to them. Show Y2 chn the BBC video about privacy settings and highlight that as they become older |

| |they may encounter sites where information they ‘share’ could be read or seen by a wide audience (see weblink). |

|Outcomes |Children will: |

| |Know when sharing of personal information is and is not safe |

| |Identify information that is safe to share and what is not safe to share online |

| |Understand the importance of keeping passwords safe |


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