Classic girl names with cute nicknames

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Classic girl names with cute nicknames

What are good female names. What names can gigi be short for. What a good nickname for a girl. Classic baby girl names with cute nicknames. What is the most famous name for a girl. Pretty classic names.

It was a perfect date. You talked all night. You kept your hands. You've been looking in the eyes of others. Now your fantastic evening is ending, and you have to find a way to finish the date that makes you look cool and interested in your new paramour. Saying that good night looks like a no-brainer, but it is actually quite difficult to do. As you contemplate that walk to the entrance door of your appointment, zillions of running questions through your mind: "I want to kiss?" "Do I have to ask for another appointment or tell her I'll call her tomorrow?" "If I tell you how much I like it, will you think I'm a real crap? " You could go the traditional route, saying a simple old "good night" or (if the atmosphere feels good and his parents do not rise to the windows) give her a kiss. Or, you could try one of these five creative and very nice ways to bring your appointment to a closing. Use one of these techniques and we guarantee that it will be an appointment that will never forget. "Good night" sounds so dry and little inspiring when you say it in English. Think about the most sophisticated and worldly sounds if you say it in French: "Bonne nuit", (pronounced bun-nwee) Italian: "Buonanotte" (bwohn-ah-note-teh) or Chinese: "Wnn" (wah-ahn). Or, you could get even more exotic and say good night at your appointment in one of these languages: Swedish -- God natt (gohd-naht)Polish -Dobranoc (dohbrah-notz)Tagalog -- Magandang gabi (mah-gan-dang ga-bi) Russian- -- Spokoinoi nochi (spuh-koi-nai no-chee) Japanese -- Oyasumi (oh-yeusiku-mee Don't just say "good night" in another language. Make an entire statement. You may have no idea what you're saying (especially if you weren't paying attention in your foreign language lessons), but you'll love the way words play by rolling your tongue. French You're unbelievable, you're magnifique! You're the best for me. You're beautiful -- Eres muy bonita (Eh-res mooe bo-nee-tah) You have a nice smile -- You sonrisa es bonita (Too son-rree-sah es boh-nee-tah) I like being with you, because you put a smile on my face -- I taste estar contigo, me haces sonre?r (Me goo-sta You are my star... You are my star (Too say la mee-ah ste-lah)You are everything for me -- You're all for me (Say too-toh pehr meh)We have some sweeter romantic ways to say "good night" on the next page. Channel your interior Justin Bieber and set your feelings to music. Do you think how much of a rock star you'll be in your girlfriend's eyes if you sing a love song on her front porch or under her window? He'll think you're a modern Romeo with a guitar. If you are bold enough to try achoose a song that is not only romantic, but that also captures how you feel about your date, like the Just Brothers 'Melody or Stevie Wonder's "You are the sun of my life." Better yet, sing his favorite song. Mark great points for this over-the-top romantic film approach. Remember the reaction of Julia Stiles when Heath Ledger seduced her character from the bleach in "10 things I ate on you"? A word of advice, however: Serenating your love only works when you can actually bring a melody. If you did the blooper "American Idol" or neighborhood dogs tend to start screaming when you get into the song, skip the Heath Ledger approach and instead follow the command of John Cusack from "Say Anything". Keep your boom box (or connect your iPod to a speaker edge) and let one of its favorite musicians make the song for you. Too embarrassed to say how you feel? Write it down. Rather than say good night, deliver your date a letter. Tell her to wait until you left. With this approach, you will look romantic and mysterious. (Make sure you do the hand-off positively, though, or you are responsible for thinking that you are breaking up with her by letter. ) When you write the letter, think about it. Don't think about a piece of paper torn from your notebook. Use the good stationery, the stuff in your parents' desk drawer. Spend some time creating your note on scrap paper until you have caught exactly what you want to say. Then use a good pen and a careful penance so that you don't think of "truly cycling" her. Consider the tone of your note. Do you want me to play unbeatable, fresh or romantic? If you go too far over the top with romance, you could scare her and never do it on the next date. You want the note to be positive, but not gushing. It should be honest, but it should not faint. A letter might seem old style if you grew up on electronic communication, but believe us -- it's much more romantic to read a handwritten expression of interest of another text message "U R Cute". Robert Burns compared his love to a red rose. Shakespeare thought it was more like a summer day. These guys knew how to write a serious poem; After all, they came with some of the most romantic lines ever penite. Don't move your eyes. You might fear the thought of using an ambiguous pentameter in English class, but the poems are actually a great way to get girls. For centuries men have written and recited poems to articulate their feelings about women they loved, and their liric efforts have really paid. Your words don't even need rhyme to count as poetry. Just discover your feelings in some simple lines, like this: Your eyes dance like moonlight butterflies Your cheeks shine like the starslips are like two pillows waiting because my lips fall A tip, however: you might want to skip writing poetry if your best efforts read something like: Your rack is beyond comparing Big and round like melons Your rear view is even better. In this case, it is better to leave theto professionals and just bring your Shakespearean sonnet book to date with you. instead of saying "good night," tell your date you'll call tomorrow and make sure you do. Meanwhile, go home and think about everything that makes it special and wonderful, and all the reasons you like and want to see it again. Record these thoughts in a video using the webcam or video camera. then email the video to her, or if you can manage the potential fallout, post it on you tube and send her the link to view. If you feel particularly creative, you can record a special skit or a song for her. Maybe you do a time-lapse video that shows you sitting at your computer, waiting for you to see it next time. or, you can create a stop-motion animation of legos that acts your plans for your next appointment. just remember to keep the video clean, and be careful where you send it. and 'easy for videos to go viral online -- and the last thing you want is for your English teacher to see that you pour your heart online.5 ideas of the first date10 first date tips10 questions to ask on a datecampaign for our children. "Savings Meetings" (accessed 20 February 2011.) something. "teen dating bill of rights and pledge" (access 20 February 2011.) these days, it seems that more and more names of the boys are crossing the aisle and becoming pink, especially when it comes to celebrity children's names. james became a second name for girls - all from sean combs to jennifer love hewitt oato - and the recent celeb daughters were called asa, frankie and lincoln. Is there anything in the boy's column that you don't see becoming a girl's name? top 10 names like joshua, mason and jacob feel a little too solidly in the kids column to pass over, and not naturally lend themselves to feminization. but many of the names of the boys I could put in that column, like joseph, william, Robert, have their female counterparts. but also in the first 25 names of the boys, there are a lot of contenders for the future unisex state: aiden and jayden were definitely felt for girls, and logan and noah could definitely be crossover contenders. of course, since more and more names become unisex, which tends to leave less and less names for boys - names like tracy, ashley, harper and meredith were once the names of the boys, and now they are almost exclusively used for girls. What do you think? Can you think about the names of the guys you think would never work for a girl? You want to hate a unisex name that's tending more towards girls, like bailey or quinn, for a boy? I gave the names ofDaughters I never wanted to hate, except when they were in trouble. Although their official documents can claim that they are katharine and margaret, my girls were always meant to be called katie and maggie. I know a lot of people whoIt's a bad idea to name your son something you don't want to call them, and those people have chosen short names for their children, the kind that are almost impossible to derive from a nickname. But I liked the idea of a name that could be used in many different ways, which gives them the freedom to present themselves as they see fit as they grow. I expect that eventually, my Katie may decide to be Kate or Katharine, while Maggie seems to land at Maggie, raised or not. (Although Katie and Maggie will always be for people who have seen them grow up.) And I didn't imagine giving them something as informal as Katie or Maggie as their "official" name. It seemed they needed something formal for something as important as their names, and something that could work, no matter what they wanted to be when they grew up. I'm not sure you'd want a neurosurgeon named Katie working on you, but Katharine feels like someone you trust with your brain. I know nicknames as official names have become a great trend in naming, as some people are jumping the formal name and going for the nickname: Charlie, Alex, Xander and Max for the boys, or Ellie, Abby, Josie and yes, Kate for the girls. They're probably hoping to get some of the unfortunate nicknames out of the way, so Charles becomes Chuck, for example. (But we all know that children and their friends come with their nicknames for each other, the opinions of their parents are damned.) So, how do you support this problem? Choose a name for your son you don't want to use? And would you rather give your son the nickname or the full and formal name? Image: Xander by ATurner / Shutterstock Shutterstock

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