Mr. Storrs – Room 306


TEXT: Charles Hauss, Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges (5th Edition)

THE COURSE: Comparative Politics is a course designed to introduce to students fundamental concepts used by political scientists to study the processes and outcomes of politics in a variety of country settings. Major trends in global politics will be explored including: globalization, the world-wide movement towards democracy, the challenges facing both powerful and weak states, terrorism and the response to it. Comparative analysis will be used in the exploration of the political systems of five industrialized democracies / regions: United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, and the European Union; two former / present communist regimes: Russia and China; and five third world nations: India, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria and Mexico. This course includes both the study of general concepts used to interpret and compare global politics and the analysis of specific examples. The course requires familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that impact these countries. Three templates will be used through out the course to achieve our objectives: review of the political system, a look at historical and contemporary factors for each country / area, and an evaluation of the state, society, and the impact of globalization on that society.


• Master a broad body of knowledge, both general and specific related to the global political scene.

• Demonstrate an understanding of political processes at work in a variety of world settings

• Use historical and current data to support an argument or position related to the political process

• Effectively use analytical skills of evaluation, cause and effect, compare and contrast

• Work effectively with others to produce products and solve problems

• Research 12 nations of the world and be able to effectively compare their political, social, and economic systems

• Take the AP exam in May and achieve a score of 3 or higher

THE KEY TO SUCCESS: Read the assignments, stay aware of current events, and complete all of the tasks associated with the course. Senioritis will not be tolerated!


• Respect all members of the class at all times

• Be on time. When the bell rings, class will start. If you are late, have a pass. If you do not have a pass, evil things may befall you!

• Bring your notebook and pen daily. Textbooks will be needed frequently.

• Work is due when it is due. Period.

• Should you become ill, work must be made up ASAP – one week is generally enough time to complete missed assignments.

• Work is still due on the date of a music rotation.

• The same rule applies (work due) because of assemblies, field trips, etc.

GRADES: Grades will be based on the total number of points earned per quarter. Unit tests (generally two chapters of information) will be worth 100 points; quizzes, 20-50 points; newspaper clippings file, 100 points per quarter; and research projects etc, generally 100 points per quarter. Your grade will be the percentage score based on the total points earned. Most Unit Exams will include multiple choice questions and extended response questions or essays. Take-home essays will be assigned every-other Unit in order to save class time.

COURSE CONTENT: The following is a brief course outline by topics. All topics will take approximately 1.2 weeks to complete. For topics of greater importance, we will dedicate more time. Topics of lesser importance may be covered in a week. It is imperative that you keep up with your reading – this course will move quickly!

Third Quarter:

1. Introduction to Comparative Politics

2. The Industrialized Democracies

3. The United States and Great Britain

4. France, Germany, and The European Union

5. The Crisis of Communism: Current and Former Communist Regimes

6. Russia and China

Fourth Quarter:

7. The Third World – Realities and Myths

8. India

9. Iran and Iraq

10. Nigeria and Mexico

11. The World’s Governments in Review


A. Newspaper / Internet Clippings File

Each student must keep a loose-leaf notebook in addition to their regular notebook in which they will keep a file of the news articles they have read on global politics. The intent of this assignment is to ensure that students stay abreast of current political trends and make connections to what is being explored in class.


• Collect 24 news articles (12 per quarter) that discuss political events, policy formulation, political action, economics or any other subject we discuss pertaining to the world scene.

• Divide the loose-leaf notebook into sections. You must have at least two articles for each country we will be studying (U.S., Great Britain, France, Germany, European Union, Russia, China, India, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Mexico). Note: you may include articles on other countries as well. Extra entries will receive bonus points for the assignment.

• Articles should be from the New York Times, Newsweek, Time other qualified publications or the internet. Internet sources must be documented and printed out as well.

• Neatly paste, tape or insert into clear plastic each article into your binder.

• Include on the back of the article a written summary in your words concerning the article. This should be two paragraphs – the first which is your summary and the second which is your opinion / reflection. Also be sure to include: Publication, Date, Author, Page Number, Topic

• Categorize your clippings by country. Multiple articles within a section should be in chronological order.

• The first 12 articles are due one week before the end of the first quarter (_______________). Second semester articles are due one week before the end of the second quarter (________________).

B. Research Paper / Group Project

An end of the semester research project / presentation will be due 1 week before the end of the semester. More details will follow. Topics will include (but not be limited to): The Growing Cost of Violence and War; Environmental Challenges facing the World; The Perilous Global Economy; The North v. South Divide. Other topics may be added.

C. Guest Speakers

In an effort to keep our course “real”, we will have three guest speakers from different countries to lend their observations to our discussions pertaining to their individual country’s politics, challenges, and culture. These days will be great opportunities to query “real” people about politics outside of the U.S.



A. Seeking New Lands, Seeing with New Eyes (Chapter 1)

1. Dangers and Opportunities in a Shrinking World

2. Leaders in Transition

3. The State: One Focus among Many

4. Comparative Politics

5. Three “Templates”

6. Using the Book


A. Hauss: Chapter 1 Due: __________

B. Current Events / Weekly News applicable to course content DAILY

C. Online readings / resources (see front board for weekly updates) Due: Every Friday

Note: as a starting point, refer to websites on pages 17, 18

Text website:


A. Vocabulary Quiz (based on end of chapter vocab. list). On: ___________

B. Test: Chapter 1 On: ___________

C. Recommended: 1 current event article summary per week in order

to keep up with current event notebook requirements.

D. Leaders of the World: List and provide a brief resume for the leaders

of the following countries: Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia,

China, India, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Mexico Due: __________

E. Demographic comparisons. Create a chart comparing the 12

countries / regions which are being considered. Refer to handout

for specific requirements and guidelines. Due: __________


1. Outline the success, failures etc. of the three leaders presented in the chapter (Blair, Putin, Khatami).

2. Using a chart, compare / contrast: industrialized democracies, current and former Communist regimes,

and The Third World.

3. Differentiate between “strong” and weak states.

4. Discuss the goal of comparative analysis for global politics.

5. List and discuss the factors involved when analyzing the “political system” of a country.

6. List and discuss what is involved when considering “historical and contemporary factors” impacting

a country.

7. Briefly discuss how the State, Society, and Globalization are causally linked in the modern world.

8. Identify the five themes to be utilized throughout the text and our discussions.

9. Assess the validity of the following statement: It is becoming harder for governments to govern

effectively in the modern world.



A. Four Elections

1. United States

2. Great Britain

3. Germany

4. Common and Not-So-Common Themes

B. “Thinking about Democracy”

1. The Basics: Rights, Competitive Elections, Rule of Law, Civil Society, Civic Culture,

and Capitalism and Affluence

2. Which Countries are Democracies?

C. Origins of the Democratic State

1. Origins of Democratic Thought

2. Creating / building democracies

D. Political Culture and Participation

1. The Civic Culture?

2. Political Parties and Elections

3. Catch-All Parties

4. Realignment? / Interest Groups / Political Protest

E. The Democratic State: Presidential and Parliamentary Systems

F. Public Policy

1. Interventionist State

2. Foreign Policy


A. Hauss Chapter 2 Due: __________

B. Current Events / Weekly News applicable to subject countries DAILY

C. Online readings / resources (see front board for weekly updates) Due: Every Friday

Note: have at least 10 “favorite” / websites listed in your notebook for Mr. S to review


A. Vocabulary Quiz (based on end of the chapter vocab. list) On: __________

B. Test: Chapter 2 – The Industrialized Democracies On: __________

C. Current Event Article Summaries (recommend at least 2)


1. Why did democracy emerge in the U.S., Great Britain, France, and Germany?

2. What contributed to the durability of democracy in the second half of the twentieth century?

3. Recently, why has there been so much debate about public policy in the industrialized democracies?

4. Why has this debate (question 3) not gone so far as to question the regimes in power or the very notion

of democracy itself?

5. Evaluate whether or not democratic countries in existence today are headed in the “right direction” or

are on the “wrong” track today. Substantiate your response with facts.

6. Describe the main differences between presidential and parliamentary versions of democracy.

7. How did the “great transformation” of Western history shape democracy?

8. How are social and economic changes / trends in countries of the world impacting the future prospects

for democracy?

9. Define postmaterialism. Explain whether or not you think it is important for democracy in the world




A. United States

1. Review of the 2000 election / implications

2. Thinking about the United States

3. Making of the American State

4. American People and Politics

5. The Weak American State

6. Public Policy

B. Great Britain

1. Tony Blair 2004

2. Key considerations about Britain

3. Evolution of the British State

4. British Political Culture

5. Political Participation

6. Enduring Myths / Changing Realities

7. Public Policy: Thatcher and Blair Revolutions


A. Hauss: Chapter 3 – United States Due: __________

Chapter 4 – Great Britain Due: __________

B. Current Events / Weekly News applicable to course DAILY

C. Online readings / resources: refer to list in front of room or on

common drive of server; updated weekly. Please note specific sites

provided for Great Britain and the U.S. Due: Every Friday

D. Article / critique of 2000 election; Article / critique of final Blair

days in office Due; __________


A. Vocabulary Quiz: Chapters 3,4 On: __________

B. Quiz: Chapter 3 On: __________

C. Quiz: Chapter 4 On: __________

D. Essay comparing / contrasting the effectiveness of British and

American democracies. Refer to handout for additional information

on this assignment. Due: __________

E. Current Event / Article Summaries for Clippings File Due: End of quarter

IV. QUESTIONS to PONDER Due: _________

1. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of American politics still bear weight /

have relevance? Explain.

2. In your opinion, is the United States heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Be

sure to explain your reasoning.

3. Discuss, using at least two examples, the fragmentation or weakness of American Government with

regards to solving social or economic problems.

4. Account for why the United States democracy has been so stable. Discuss whether or not you think

this stability will continue and if it will be considered an asset?

5. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of British politics and democracy still bear

weight / have relevance? Explain.

6. In your opinion, is Great Britain headed in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Explain your


7. Britain is the only nation we will study without a written constitution. Account for the fact, that despite

this, many scholars consider the British constitutional system to be among the strongest in the world.

8. British political development is often described in terms of gradualism. Why did this occur and how is it

reflected in British political life today?

9. Is social class in Great Britain less or more important than a generation or more ago? Explain your


10. How does the parliamentary system in Great Britain allow the government to act quickly and


11. Despite the fact that many consider the British economy to be in decline, and that there have been

many protests in recent years, account for the fact that there has been little or no pressure for

fundamental political change.

12. The Conservatives in recent British governments have scaled back the state’s economic role. Why

has this happened and what impact has it had on Great Britain?



A. France

1. French / Government – contradiction in terms?

2. Key Considerations about France

3. Evolution of the French State: Centuries of Turmoil

4. French Political Culture: Alienation toward Consensus

5. Political Participation

6. The French State

7. A Remarkable Turnaround

B. Germany

1. Germany: half-century past WWII

2. Key Considerations about Germany

3. Evolution of the German State: The German Questions

4. Creating a Democratic Political Culture

5. Political Participation

6. The German State: A Smoothly Functioning Democracy

7. Public Policy: Modell Deutschland

8. Democratization

C. The European Union

1. The EU Constitution: Thirty-seven Years in the Making

2. Key Considerations about the EU

3. Evolution of the EU

4. Political Culture and Participation in the EU

5. The European State?!

6. Public Policy in the EU

7. Positive Future…


A. Hauss: Chapter 5 – France Due: __________

Chapter 6 – Germany Due: __________

Chapter 7 – European Union Due: __________

B. Current Events Daily

C. Online Readings (see Board) Due: Every Friday

Please note: specific English language sites provided for France,

Germany, and the E.U.


A. Quizzes: Chapter 5 - France On: ___________

Chapter 6 – Germany On: ___________

Chapter 7 – European Union On: ___________

B. Unit Exam: Chapters 5,6,7 On: ___________

C. Project: Comparison and Evaluation of EU member states and their

future roles within the Union. Refer to handout on project for project

parameters. Some class time will be given for research purposes. Due: __________

D. Current Event / Article Summaries…..don’t forget! Due: end of quarter


1. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of French politics still bear weight / have

relevance? Explain.

2. In your opinion, is France headed in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Explain your


3. Explain why did democracy take longer to evolve in France than in the United States and Great


4. French political culture is no longer as alienated or divided as it once was. Explain this change.

5. Some political scientists argue that French political parties “refused to fail in the 1960s and 1970s but

are in more trouble today. Why is this the case?

6. The French state has a more integrated elite than do its British or American counterparts. How did this

develop and what difference does it make?

7. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of German politics still bear weight / have

relevance? Explain.

8. In your opinion, is Germany heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Be sure to

explain your reasoning.

9. Democracy in Germany developed much more slowly than in France, the U.S., and Great Britain. Why

was this the case?

10. How does Germany’s troubled history still affect its political culture and the rest of its political life


11. What historical and institutional factors, since the Weimar Republic, have contributed to the changes

in the German party system?

12. How do federalism and corporatism make decision making in Germany different than what we find in

other democracies?

13. How has the operation of the German state contributed to its economic success throughout the

postwar period and also to its difficulties since 1990?

14. Why has unification proved to be more of a burden than many expected in 1990?

15. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of EU politics still bear weight / have

relevance? Explain?

16. In your opinion, is the EU heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Be sure to

explain your reasoning.

17. Why did the idea of European integration seem so appealing to so many people after World War II?

18. What is the democratic deficit and why does it exist? What impact does it have on the EU today?


19. What do the terms broadening and deepening mean? Track them both through the evolution of the

EU and its predecessors.

20. In what ways does the EU limit what its member states can do?

21. How do member states limit what the EU can do?

22. What are the prospects for further broadening and deepening of the EU in the next few years?



A. Current and former Communist Regimes

1. Good Bye, Lenin

2. Current and Former Communist Regimes

3. Thinking About Communism

4. Socialism, Marxism, Leninism

5. The Evolution of Communist Regimes

6. The Marxist-Leninist State

B. The Crisis of Communism: Suicide by Public Policy

1. Transitions

2. Feedback

3. Conclusion: The End of an Era


A. Hauss: Chapter 8 Due: ____________

B. Current Events / Weekly News applicable to course Due: ____________

C. Online readings / resources: refer to list in front of room or in common

drive of server; updated Weekly Due: Fridays’

D. Article / critique: 1989: “The Year That Changed the World” Due: ____________


A. Test: Chapter 8 Note: will include normal vocabulary list On: ____________

B. Paper comparing / contrasting existing communist regimes and their

prognosis for survival in the 21st century. Due: ____________

C. Current Event / Article Summaries for Clippings File Due: End of quarter!

IV. QUESTIONS to PONDER Due: ____________

1. Why did Marx feel that socialism could emerge only after capitalism? What difference did it make that

Marxist regimes first took place in countries such as Russia and China?

2. Define democratic centralism and describe how it – and other factors – gave rise to totalitarian


3. Following the death of Stalin and the fall of Khrushchev, the Soviet Union and its allies developed

regimes that many times are referred to as party states. What does that mean?

4. What caused the crisis of communism during the 1980s? Why couldn’t the party states in Eurasia cope

with it?

5. Why are the post-communist regimes having such a difficult time developing either democratic

government or successful market economies?

6. What is the likely future of the remaining Communist regimes? Why do you reach that conclusion?

Note: This question is addressed in our paper.



A. Russia

1. Guilty until Proven Guilty

2. Thinking About Russia

3. The Evolution of the Russian State

4. Between Dictatorship and Democracy

5. Political and Culural Participation

6 The Russian State

7. Public Policy

8. Feedback / Conclusion: Half Empt or Half Full

B. China

1. Chairman Hu Jintao

2. Thinking About China

3. The Evolution of the Chinese State

4. Political Culture and Participation

5. The Party State

6. Public Policy: Perestroika without Glasnost

7. Feedback / Conclusion: Kadan or Communism?


A. Hauss: Chapter 9 – Russia Due: ___________

Chapter 10 – China Due: ___________

B. Current Events / Weekly News applicable to the course Daily

C. Online readings / resources: refer to list in front of room or on

common drive; updated each week. Note: please pay particular

attention to highlighted sites (in English) Due: Fridays’

D. Four Articles provided by Mr. S (two on Russia; two on China) Due: ___________


A. Vocabulary Quizzes: Chapter 9 On: ____________

Chapter 10 On: ____________

B. Unit Exam: Chapters 9,10 On: ____________

C. Critical Analysis comparing 2007 Russia with 2007 China Due: ___________

Note: Please refer to assignment handout for paper parameters

D. Current Events / Article Summary File is now due. By final day of quarter!

IV. QUESTIONS to PONDER Due: ___________

1. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of Russian politics still bear weight / have

relevance? Explain.

2. In your opinion, is Russia heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Be sure to explain

your reasoning.

3. The Soviet Union was often referred to as a “party state” ruled under democratic centralism.” What do

these terms mean and how did they shape the USSR? How did they contribute to its collapse?

4. How did the history of tsarist Russian and the Soviet Union contribute to the difficult beginnings of the

new Russian Republic?

5. Compare Boris Yeltsin’s or Vladimir Putin’s impact on Russia with the impact of one or two other

leaders already studied in this course i.e. Tony Blair, Gerhard Schroder, Jacques Chirac etc. Please

note that this list is not an all-inclusive one.

6. Why is Russia having a difficult time establishing effective institutions for governance and society? Be

sure to elaborate.

7. Russia recently faced a serious problem of “gridlock” between conservative and Communist-dominated

State Duma and a more reformist executive. How did this affect its ability to enact economic or other


8. Today, it could be argued that the Russian president has too much power and influence, both because

of the power granted to him by the Constitution and the weakness of the “opposition” in the State Duma

and elsewhere. How has that affected the Putin era of politics?

9. If you were hired as a consultant to an American (or other Western) firm considering investing in

Russia, what would your advice be?

10. Considering that the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of Chinese politics still bear weight /

have relevance? Explain.

11. In your opinion, is China heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Be sure to

explain your reasoning.

12. How did Maoism and the Chinese Revolution differ from Marxist thought and from Leninism and the

Soviet revolution? What difference did this make for the evolution of the PRC?

13. Mao once claimed that the Chinese people were a “blank state” whose political culture could be easily

remade. Did he and his colleagues succeed in doing so? Why (not)?

14. How can the CCP dominate political participation in China? Can the party survive the coming years?

15. The PRC is the last major country left that relies on democratic centralism and the Bolshevik model of

a communist party. What pressures are on the CCP to change? Do you think the CCP will follow the

example of the former Soviet Union and collapse? Why or not – be sure to elaborate.

16. China has been referred to having reformed its economy with perestroika like reforms but not with

glasnost? Has this worked better for China than reform in the former Soviet Union?



A. Four Dominating Issues

1. Poverty

2. Globalization

3. Weak States

4. The Environment

B. Thinking About the Third World

C. The Evolution of Politics in the Third World

D. Political Culture in the Third World

E. Political Participation in the Third World

F. Weak States

G. Public Policy: The Myths and Realities of Development

H. Feedback / Conclusion: Democratization


A. Hauss, Chapter 11 Due: ___________

B. Current Events / Weekly News applicable to subject countries Daily

C. Online readings / resources (see front board for updates) Due Fridays

D. UN Report on Problems facing Developing Nations Due: ___________


A. Quiz: Chapter 11 On: ____________

B. Essay on Prognosis for Future “Success” in the Third World Due: ___________

C. New batch (start) of Current Event / Article Summaries for Clippings

File (refer to updated Article Summary info. Sheet) Due: End of 2nd quarter

IV. QUESTIONS to PONDER Due: ___________

1. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of third world politics still bear weight /

have relevance? Explain.

2. In your opinion, is the third world heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Be sure

to explain your reasoning.

3. The text asserts that global forces have been more influential in the third world than in the countries

previously covered. Do you agree? Historically? Today? Explain.

4. Many third world countries have trouble building a sense of national identity or other cultural values that

could lend legitimacy to their states. Why is this the case?

5. Most third world countries have weak states. What does the concept “weak state” mean and why are

they so common in the third world?

6. Development is the most important issue in the majority of third world countries. What does

“development” mean in this context?

7. Why have we seen a sweeping change from import substitution to structural adjustment in recent

years? What kind of impact has this change had on third world countries?

8. Comment on the political violence and conflict, which is commonplace in much of the third world. Why

is this so and how is it different than what we find in the rest of the world?

9. Democratization is on the agenda of most third world countries. Should this be cause for optimism or

pessimism? Explain.



A. Conflict of the Sardar Sarovar Dam

B. Thinking About India

1. Nation of Contrasts

2. Size and Diversity

3. Poverty

C. The Evolution of Indian Politics

1. History / British Colonialism

2. Struggle for Independence

3. The New Republic

4. Centralization and Fragmentation

5. Coalition Politics

D. Political Culture

1. Challenges to Culture and Country

2. Support for the Regime

3. The Challenge of Modernization

E. Political Participation

1. The End of the Congress System

2. The “Other” Parties

3. The Election of 2004

4. Interest Groups

F. The Indian State

1. The Constitution

2. Parliament

3. The Bureaucracy

4. Federalism

G. Public Policy

1. Confronting Communal Violence

2. Stimulating the Economy

H. Feedback / Conclusion: Democracy in India and the Third World


A. Hauss: Chapter 12 – India Due: ____________

B. Current Events / Weekly news applicable to the course DAILY

C. Online readings / resources: refer to the updated list in the front of

The room pertaining to India and Indian politics Due: Friday

D. Articles on the state of the Indian economy and government Due: ____________


A. Quiz: Chapter 12 – India On: ____________

B. Essay comparing Indian Democracy with western Democracies Due: ___________

C. Current Event / Article Summaries for Clippings File Due: End of Quarter

D. Mini-Group Project on Indian Political Parties. Please refer to the

project assignment sheet. Further discussion will follow.

IV. QUESTIONS to PONDER Due: ___________

1. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of India and its politics still bear weight /

have relevance? Explain.

2. In your opinion, is India heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Be sure to explain

your reasoning.

3. India is one of only a handful of third world countries to have sustained a democracy for an extended

period of time. Explain why you think this has happened and discuss whether or not you think India is

likely to survive well into the 21st century.

4. The Indian Independence Movement was one of the largest, most unified, and successful in the third

world. How did this help the new Indian government get off to a successful start?

5. Discuss how India’s ethnic and religious diversity has affected its political life since independence.

6. The Indian political system has long revolved around the Congress Party. The party has slipped badly

at the polls in recent years. Discuss how this has changed Indian politics.

7. India used to follow import substitution as strictly as any country in the third world. Over the past ten to

fifteen years, however, it has moved toward a structural adjustment and the open market. Why did this

change occur and how has it altered Indian political and economic life.



A. Iran

1. The Politics of Gender: A Cultural Divide

2. Thinking About Iran: The Basics

a. Persia v. Iran

b. Shiite v. Sunni / Persia v. Shiism

c. Social and Economic Conditions

3. Evolution of the Iranian State

a. Before Islam

b. Arrival / Consolidation of Islam

c. The Last Shahs

d. The Islamic Republic

4. The People and Politics

a. Political Culture

b. Protest and Challenges to the Islamic Republic

c. Elections and the Prospects for Democracy in Iran

5. The Iranian State

a. Unelected Elements

b. The Elected Institutions

c. the Routinization of Charisma

6. Public Policy

a. Faith and Gender

b. The Economy

c. Iran and the United States: Axis of Evil?

7. Feedback / Conclusion: Uncertainty

B. Iraq

1. War Torn. Occupied. Ruins. 2003 to the present.

2. What a Difference a year Can Make – In Either Direction

2. Thinking About Iraq: The Basics

a. Evolution of the Iraqi State

b. Political Culture and Participation

3. The State under Saddam Hussein

a. A Party State The Cult of Personality

b. The Informal Chain of Command / Other Institutions

4. Public Policy

a. Economic Policy

b. The Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988

c. The First Gulf War

5. The Third War and the New Iraq

a. A Decade of Tension

b. The Third War

c. Occupation and Insurgency

d. The Insurrection

e. The New Iraq?

6. Feedback


A. Hauss: Chapter 13 – Iran Due: ___________

Chapter 14 – Iraq Due: ___________

B. Current Events / Weekly News Articles applicable to the course DAILY

C. Online readings / resources: refer to the list in the front of the room or

on the common drive; updated weekly.

D. Summary of the Iraq Study Group Recommendations Due: ___________


A. Vocabulary Quizzes: Chapter 13- Iran On: ___________

Chapter 14 – Iraq On: ___________

B. Unit Exam: Chapters 13, 14 On: ___________

C. Position Paper on Iraq: Is Western Style Democracy Possible? Due: __________

D. Current Event / Article Summaries for Clippings File Due: End of quarter

E. Final Group Research Project: See handout regarding specifics. Due: End of semester

IV. QUESTIONS to PONDER Due: ___________

1. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of Iranian politics still bear weight /

have relevance? Explain.

2. In your opinion, is Iran heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Be sure to explain

your reasoning.

3. How did Western imperialism shape Iranian political life before, during, and after the revolution?

4. Why did clerics emerge as the dominant political force in Iran? How have they been able to stay in

power for so long?

5. What is the evidence for and against claims that Iran is somewhat democratic? Which do you find more


6. What are the most important domestic challenges facing Iran? Do these challenges pose a risk to the


7. What impact does the United States have on Iran? Is this relationship a threat to the region?

8. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of Iraq still bear weight / have relevance?


9. It has been said that Iraq has “shallow roots” as a nation. Explain how this feature has constituted and

obstacle to the country’s political and economic development.

10. Discuss the impact of oil on Iraqi politics.

11. What were the main accomplishments (if any) of the Baath regime? At what cost were these

accomplishments realized?

12. In what respects did the very nature of Saddam Hussein’s regime make it difficult to reach a peaceful

solution to the international crisis generated by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in August 1990?

13. Why did Iraq’s rulers lead the country into three disastrous wars in the last quarter of a century? What

impact did those conflicts have on the country’s domestic politics?

14. Was the U.S. – led coalition justified in launching the invasion of Iraq in 2003?

15. Why was the situation so volatile in Iraq after the United States declared the end of major combat

operations in 2003?

16. What are the prospects for democracy or even stability in Iraq given the fact that occupation forces

are likely to be there for years, most likely facing a protracted insurgency?



A. Nigeria

1. A New Democracy?

2. Thinking about Nigeria

a. Poverty

b. Ethnicity

c. High Stakes Politics

3. The Evolution of the Nigerian State

a Before the British

b. Colonization / Colonial Rule

c. Independence

d. The First Republic

e. Military Rule I / The Second Republic / Military Rule II / Military Rule III

4. Political Culture

a. Mass Political Culture / Elite Culture

b. Nonelectoral Participation

c. Political Parties and Elections

5. The Fragile Nigerian State

a. The Fourth Republic

b. The Personalization of Power

c. Corruption

d. Federalism

6. Public Policy

a. Democratization

b. Economic Development and Structural Adjustment

7. Feedback / Nigeria and the Plight of the Third World

B. Mexico

1. A Failing Presidency?

2. Thinking about Mexico / The Basics

3. The Evolution of Mexican Politics

a. The Colonial Era

b. Independence

c. The Revolution

d. Institutionalizing the Revolution

e. Cardenas and His Legacy

f. An Institutional Revolutionary Party

4. Political Culture

5. Political Participation

a. The PRI and Its Hold on Power

b. The Other Parties

6. The Mexican State

a. Nonreelection and Presidential Domination

b. The Cabinet, the Bureaucracy, and the Judiciary

c. Congress and the Legislative Process

d. The Federal System / The Military

e. Corporatism and Corruption

7. Public Policy

a. Debt and Development

b. U.S. – Mexican Relations

8. Feedback / Conclusion: Mexico and the Third World


A. Hauss: Chapter 15 – Nigeria Due: ___________

Chapter 16 – Mexico Due: ___________

B. Current Events / Weekly News applicable to course DAILY

C. Online Readings / resources: refer to the updated list in the front of

the room or on the common drive.

D. Article: Critique of U.S. / Mexican Foreign Policy Due: ___________


A. Vocabulary Quiz: Chapter 15 – Nigeria On: ___________

Chapter 16 – Mexico On: ___________

B. Unit Exam: Chapters 15, 16 On: ___________

C. Essay on either Mexico or Nigeria Note: more information to follow Due: ___________

D. Current Events / Article Summary File is now due Week before AP exams!

E. Final Group Research Project Due: End of semester

Note: some class time will be allotted for pulling together your presentations.


1. How is the legacy of imperialism still reflected in Nigerian politics?

2. What role does ethnicity play in reinforcing Nigeria’s difficulties?

3. Why does Nigeria remain one of the poorest countries in the world despite its massive oil and natural

gas reserves?

4. Detail how the frequent shifts from civilian to military rule and back again exacerbated the country’s

many social and economic problems?

5. Much has changed in Nigeria since this book was published in early 2005. How have more recent

events shaped Nigerian politics?

6. In your opinion, is Nigeria heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Be sure to

explain your reasoning.

7. How have ethnic differences made the establishment of democracy so difficult in Nigeria? What could

be done about this problem?

8. Leftist scholars argue that outside forces dating from the colonial period onward are more responsible

for the problems a country like Nigeria faces than its own domestic political forces. Do you agree or

disagree Be sure to support your answer.

9. How has structural adjustment altered Nigerian politics?

10. Why is Nigeria’s poverty such an obstacle to political stability, let alone democracy?

11. Why did the PRI win so consistently, and how could it stay in power so long?

12. How and why did forces undermining PRI rule emerge, culminating in Fox’s victory?

13. Why did three successive administrations (Mexico) in the 1980s and 1990s embrace structural

adjustment as fully as any leaders in the third world?

14. How have the events of the last two or three decades affected Mexico’s all-important relationship with

the United States?

15. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of Mexican politics still bear weight /

have relevance? Explain.

16. In your opinion, is Mexico heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Be sure to

explain your answer.

17. How did Spanish imperialism and the U.S. influence shape Mexican political lie before, during, and

after the revolution?

18. What is the evidence for and against claims that Mexico is democratic? Which do you find more


19. Why has support for the PRI declined in recent years? What implications does that have for

democratization in Mexico?

20. Mexico has been among the countries that have most fully adopted structural adjustment after having

been among those to have most rigorously followed import substitution. Why was this the case? What

impact has the shift in economic policy had on Mexican politics?

21. Mexico entered new and uncharted territory with the election of Vincente Fox in 2000. What patterns

in its political life do you think will be most likely to change? To stay the same?



A. The World in Crisis

B. Four Overlapping Dangers

1. The Growing Cost of Violence and War

2. Environmental Abuse

3. The Perilous Global Economy

4. Lives Without Dignity

C. The Wheel of Fortune

D. Constraints on States and Citizens

E. Opportunity: A Change in the Way We Think

F. Conclusion: Student and Citizen


A. Hauss: Chapter 17 Due: ___________

B. Current Events / Weekly News applicable to the course DAILY

C. Online readings / resources: refer to list in front of room or on the server; updated weekly.

Due: Every Friday

D. Excerpts from An Inconvenient Truth Due: ___________


A. Quiz: Chapter 17 On: ___________

B. Final Group Project: Paper - Due: ___________

Class Presentation On: ___________

C. Current Event / Article Clippings File Due: ___________

Note: This must be handed in before the AP exam!

D. Practice Exams

1. 2000 Due: ___________

2. 2002 Due: ___________

E. Extended Response Essay Outlines (Packet of past exams).

Outline all essays you have not written in class. Due: ___________

F. Course Evaluation / Suggestions Last Day of Class :0)

IV. QUESTIONS to PONDER Due: ___________

1. Considering the text was published in 2005, does its analysis of the global crisis presented still bear

weight / have relevance? Explain.

2. In your opinion, is the world heading in the “right direction” or is it “on the wrong track”? Thoroughly

explain your reasoning.

3. What do the terms new world order, globalization, and interdependence mean to you? How much

might things change for the better or for the worse in the next few years?

4. Do you think the global ways of thinking can be changed in order to solve many of the problems facing

the global community?


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