Invitation to Tender Template

Invitation to Tender for the Provision of

Meet and Greet services for children, families

And vulnerable adults


Invitation to bid for the Implementation of a project titled

The Nigeria Reintegration Pathway – Phase 1

This invitation is open to NGOs, relevant charities or private sector organisations that have some experience in this or a similar area of work. You are invited to submit bids to provide Meet and Greet services which also include information assistance and transportation to support the above programme.

By participating in this tender you are indicating your acceptance to be bound by the guidelines set out in this letter and attachments. We provide below the key details of the British High Commission’s requirements, which you should take into account in your response. Relevant contact telephone numbers, email addresses, contact and permanent business addresses should be clearly written in the bid forms that are returned to us. Provision of a scanned copy of your organisation’s registration documents may be desirable.

This project will be a 6 month renewable contract commencing on 01 April 2015 and ending on 01 October 2015. All payment will be 3 months in arrears and subject to detailed progress reports, receipts and evidence of actual expenditure. Any administrative charges will be a maximum of 10% of the total project cost.

Please direct your tenders and any questions or concerns on the content or process of tender to Yvonne Onabolu or Kelechi Emukah in the Migration delivery team. The British High Commission reserves the right to disqualify and reject tenders from suppliers who do not comply with these guidelines. All tenders or questions should be submitted via email to or

As part of this tender process the British High Commission has enclosed a template (bid form and Activity budget) to be completed and returned. Bidding guidance notes are also attached. Please include in your return a statement setting out the design of your project in no more than 3 pages.

Background information

This project is specifically targeted at Nigerians who may have been living in the UK for many years, and some of whom may have never lived in Nigeria at all. They will be returning and will need various types of reintegration assistance. The British High Commission will notify you in advance of each actual return which could take place as frequently as one to three times a month. The returnees will either be children accompanied by a social worker; families who have children; or vulnerable adults. You will be required to meet them on arrival and assist with transportation and information support both before and after they arrive in Nigeria. The kind of information they will need may range from housing and utility options; bank account opening procedures to schools and other needs. The British High Commission will inform you of any specific requirements for each set of returnee(s).

Whilst care and attention has been exercised in the preparation of this document, it remains subject to contract and all warranties whether expressed or implied by statute, law or otherwise are hereby disclaimed and excluded.

The requirements of this invitation are based on international best practices and guidelines of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Yours sincerely,

Yvonne Onabolu

Project Officer – Migration Policy

Tel: +234 (9) 462 2200;

.uk; .uk


|Project |The Nigeria Reintegration Pathway - Phase 1 |

|Location |Lagos Nigeria |

|Release Date |27 October 2014 |

|Issuer |British High Commission Abuja |

|Funder |British High Commission Abuja |

|Beneficiary |Nigerian Immigration offenders returning to Nigeria from the UK (only children; families with |

| |children; vulnerable adults) |

|Application Response |28 November 2014 |

|Date | |


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