PHS 398 (Rev. 11/07), Biographical Sketch Format Page


|Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. |

|Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. |

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|Sulis, Carol Ann |Associate Professor of Medicine |

| |Hospital Epidemiologist |

|eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login) | |

|EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) |


| |(if applicable) | | |

|Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA |BA |1969 - 1973 |Molecular Biology |

|Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY |MD |1975 - 1979 |Medicine |

|Roger Williams General Hospital, Brown University School of Medicine, |Residency |1979 - 1982 |Internal Medicine |

|Providence, RI | | | |

|National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD |Fellowship |1982 - 1985 |Immunology |

|Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA |Fellowship |1986 - 1988 |Infectious Diseases |

A. Personal Statement.

Dr. Sulis is a board certified Infectious diseases physician and Director of Hospital Epidemiology at Boston Medical Center. Her investigations include the assessment of the risk factors associated with the development of device related infections including nosocomial bacteremia and post-operative wound infections. She has participated in CDC sponsored studies to evaluate risk factors associated with nosocomial transmission of Hepatitis C, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, tuberculosis, and vaccine preventable illnesses. She has participated in CDC/JCAHO/AHRQ sponsored studies assessing the use of “bundles” of interventions to prevent healthcare associated Infection (TRAPE, ASPIRRE). She has published articles on post-exposure prophylaxis following unprotected exposure to blood, needlestick prevention, and infection control in the workplace. She has an interest in infectious disease complications in special populations (pregnant women and drug abusers), and has published book chapters on these topics.

Dr. Sulis is the physician Bioterrorism liaison from BMC to the Massachusetts Infectious Disease Society (MIDS), Boston University School of Medicine, and various other organizations. She has worked with the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) for the past 10 years on the topics of Bioterrorism (BT) Preparedness and surveillance of emerging infectious diseases including pandemic influenza and multidrug-resistant organisms. She participated in the Education section of a CDC grant on surveillance systems for bioterrorism and emerging infectious diseases which was based at the Boston Public Health Commission, Communicable Diseases Section. She participated in the development of the BPHC BT Education Program and slide set which is currently available on CD. Most recently she participated on an expert panel convened by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to develop recommendations to inform the Massachusetts Healthcare Associated Infections Reporting Law.

B. Positions and Honors.

Professional Experience

7/96 - Hospital Epidemiologist and Staff Physician, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA

2/96 - Associate Professor of Medicine, Boston University, School of Medicine, Boston, MA

12/99 - Infectious Diseases Consulting Physician, Quincy Memorial Hospital, Quincy, MA

12/05 - Infectious Diseases Consulting Physician, Radius Hospital, Boston, MA

Past Professional Experience

7/84 - 6/86 Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD

7/85 - 6/86 Guest Researcher, Laboratory of Microbial Immunity, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD

7/85 - 6/86 General Internist (locum tenens), Group Health Associates, Prince Georges Center, Washington, DC

7/88 - 2/96 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA

7/88 - 6/96 Hospital Epidemiologist and Staff Physician, Boston City Hospital, Boston, MA

11/91 - 6/96 Hospital Epidemiologist and Staff Physician, Boston Specialty and Rehabilitation Hospital, Mattapan, MA

12/92 - 6/96 Infectious Diseases Consulting Physician, University Hospital, Boston, MA

8/94 - 12/05 Infectious Diseases Consulting Physician, Jewish Memorial Hospital, Boston, MA

Selected Honors, Awards, Committees

1972 Society of Sigma Xi

1988 Maxwell Finland Young Investigators Award, Massachusetts Infectious Diseases Society

2007 Boston Consumers’ Checkbook Guide to Top Doctors: Top Doctor, Infectious Diseases

2008, 2009 Robert Dawson Evans Clinician Award

2007 Participant, Scientific Interactions Subcommittee of the National Interagency Biodefense Campus (NIBC), triage and management of employees with occupational exposures to BSL-3/4 agents

C. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order).

1. Lazar H, Sulis CA, Hauser W. Stomatococcus mucilaginosus prosthetic valve endocarditis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1988; 95:940 (Letter). PMID: 3361942

2. Sulis C. Infectious diseases in pregnancy. In: PL Carr, KM Freund, S Somani (eds), The Medical Care of Women. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 1995. Pp 405-422.

3. Burke RA, Garvin GM, Sulis CA. Infection control and risk reduction for health care workers. In: H Libman, RA Witzburg (eds), HIV Infection. A Primary Care Manual. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1996. Pp 561-577.

4. Swotinsky RB, Steger KA, Sulis C, Snyder S, Craven DE. Occupational exposure to HIV: experience at a tertiary care center. JOEM 1998; 40:1102-1109. PMID: 9871887

5. Sulis CA. Infection control and immunization of healthcare workers. In: RJ McCunney (ed), Medical Center Occupational Health and Safety. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 1999. Pp 81-113.

6. Panlilio AL, Burwen DR, Curtis AB, et al. Tuberculin skin testing surveillance of health care personnel. Clin Infect Dis 2002; 35:219-227. PMID: 12115085

7. Sulis CA. HIV, TB, and other infectious diseases related to alcohol and other drug use. In: Graham AW, Schultz TK, Mayo-Smith MF, Reis KR, Wilford BB (eds). Principles of Addiction Medicine, 3rd Edition, American Society of Addiction Medicine, Chevy Chase, MD: 2003. Pp1157-1178.

8. Beltrami EM, Cheingsong R, Heneine WM, et al. Antiretroviral drug resistance in human immunodeficiency virus-infected source patients for occupational exposures to healthcare workers. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2003; 24:724-730. PMID: 14587931

9. Lee VH, Sulis C, Sayegh RA. Puerperal group A streptococcus infection, a case report. J Reprod Med 2005; 50:621-23. PMID: 16220770

10. John M, Sulis C. Cryptosporidium parvum Attack (Cryptosporidiosis). In: Ciottone GR, et al (eds). Disaster Medicine, 3rd Edition, Philadelphia: Mosby, Inc. 2006. Pp733-735.

11. Tandon R, Lee M, Curran E, Demierre M, Sulis CA. A 26-year old woman with a rash on her extremities. Clin Infect Dis 2006; 43:1585-6, 1616-1617. PMID: 17109293

12. MMWR. Brief Report: Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus transmitted through solid organ transplantation – Massachusetts, 2008. MMWR. 2008; 57(29):799-801. PMID: 18650788

13. Roberts DS, Dowdall JR, Winter L, Sulis CA, Grillone GA, Grundfast KM. Cervical tuberculosis: a decision tree for protecting healthcare workers. Laryngoscope 2008; 118:1345-9. PMID: 18596478

14. Walkey AJ, Campbell Reardon C, Sulis CA, Nace RN, Joyce-Brady M. Epidemiology of ventilator-associated pneumonia in a long-term acute care hospital. Infection Cont Hosp Epi 2009; 30:319-324. PMID: 19245314

15. Po JL, Burke R, Sulis C, Carling PC. Dangerous COWS: an analysis of disinfection cleaning of computer keyboards on wheels. Am J Infect Control 2009 37:778-80; epublished ahead of print on 5/20/2009. PMID: 19457585

16. Sulis CA. HIV, TB, and Other Infectious Diseases Related to Alcohol and Other Drug Use. In: Ries RK, Fiellin DA, Miller SC, Saitz R (eds). Principles of Addiction Medicine, 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA: 2009. 1057 – 1076.

Selected Abstract and Poster Presentations

1. Calcutt JA, Goucher-Wilson S, Sulis CA. Nosocomial transmission of tinea corporis on a pediatrics ward at Boston City Hospital. Am J Infect Cont. 1995; 23; 122-123 [Abstract]. Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Practitioners in Infection Control, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1995.

2. Burke R, Garvin G, Korn C, Perryman K, Sulis C. Hospital-acquired vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium in a neonatal intensive care unit [Abstract]. Presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Baltimore, MD, June 1999.

3. Cumming MC, Sulis CA. Air medical crew compliance with infection control practices [Abstract ]. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2000; 21:86. Presented at the 4th Decennial International Conference on Nosocomial and Healthcare-associated Infections, Atlanta, GA, March 2000.

4. Burke R, Ford D, Garvin G, Korn C, Sulis C. The CDC’s Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance Offers Structure, Strategy, and Authority to a Hospital’s Effort to Battle an Increase in Resistant Organisms. [Abstract # 52350] Presented at the 30th Annual Educational Conference and International Meeting of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, June 20, 2005. Poster #545.

5. Grillone GA, Dowdall JR, Winter L, Sulis CA, Grundfast KM. Evaluation of the Patient With Known or Suspected Cervical Tuberculosis Including Decision Tree Paradigm and Analysis of Current Policies for Protecting Involved Health Care Workers From Risk of Acquiring TB. Presented at the Triological Society, Eastern Section Meeting, January 2006, Toronto, Canada.

6. Korn C, Burke B, Garvin G, Sulis C. Healthcare Worker-Related Tuberculosis Exposure. [Abstract 950038] Presented at the 33rd Annual Educational Conference and International Meeting of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Tampa, Florida, June 13, 2006.

7. Po JL, Burke R, Sulis C, Carling P. Washable Keyboards, Designed as a Novel Prevention Technology, Are Ineffectively Cleaned in Patient Care Areas. Presented atToronto, Canada, November 2007.

8. Po JL, Burke R, Sulis C, Carling P. Dangerous COWs – an analysis of disinfection cleaning and mobile computer keyboard migration in the ICU setting. Presented at the 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), Orlando, Florida, April, 2008. Poster #242.

9. Burke R, Garvin G, Korn K, Zhang Y, Sulis C. Measuring Hand Hygiene Performance: Product Volume Tracking vs. Direct Observation. Presented at the 35th Annual Educational Conference and International Meeting of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Denver, Colorado, June 17, 2008.

10. Schillie S1, Wong M2, Arya M 2, Gautam A3, Sulis C3, Tormey P4, Barry A4, LCMV Transplant Investigation Team, 1CDC, Atlanta, GA, 2Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, 3Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, 4Boston Public Health Commission, Boston, MA. Transplant-Associated Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV) Transmission - Massachusetts, 2008. Presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Washington, DC, October 26, 2008.

11. Walkey AJ1, Reardon CC1, Sulis CA2, Nace RN3, Joyce-Brady M1. The Epidemiology of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in the Long-Term Acute Care Hospital Setting. 1Boston University School of Medicine, Pulmonary Center; 2Boston University School of Medicine, Section of Infectious Diseases; 3Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Department of Medicine; all in Boston, MA. Presented at the 24th Evans Department of Medicine Research Days, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, October 30, 2008. Poster #127.

12. Korn CK, Sulis CA, Garvin G, Burke B, Sobieraj J, Ellis M. Surgical Site Surveillance – Manual vs. Electronic – Are the Results Comparable? Presented at the 19th annual scientific meeting of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, San Diego, California. March 19-22, 2009. Poster #456; Also presented at the 25th Evans Department of Medicine Research Days, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 12/3/09. Poster #107.

13. Evans M, Sulis C. The View from the Front Line: House Officer Attitudes About Influenza Vaccination. Presented at the 25th Evans Department of Medicine Research Days, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 12/3/09. Poster #99. Also presented at the Society Of General Internal Medicine, 33rd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 4/29/10.

14. Trivedi JB, Vergidis P, Sulis CA, Barlam T. PICC-Associated Bloodstream Infections at Boston Medical Center. Presented at the 25th Evans Department of Medicine Research Days, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 12/3/09. Poster #113.

15. Korn C, Sulis C, Garvin G, Burke B, Barlam T, Ford D, O’Donnell C, Silva J, Buckus C. Reduction Of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia - Steps To Success. Presented at the 5th Decennial International Conference on Health-care Associated Infections, Atlanta, Georgia. 3/21/10. Poster #972.

16. Burke R, Barlam T, Ford D, Garvin G, Korn C, O’Connor L, Sulis C. Significantly Improved Hand Hygiene. Presented at the 5th Decennial International Conference on Health-care Associated Infections, Atlanta, Georgia. 3/19/10. Poster #263.

17. Sulis C, Estanislao R, Wedel S, Carling P. Completeness of Cleaning Critical Care Transport Vehicles. Presented at the 5th Decennial International Conference on Health-care Associated Infections, Atlanta, Georgia. 3/20/10. Poster #648.

18. Trivedi JB, Vergidis P, Sulis CA, Barlam T. PICC-Associated Bloodstream Infections at Boston Medical Center. Presented at the 5th Decennial International Conference on Health-care Associated Infections, Atlanta, Georgia. 3/20/10. Poster #446.

19. Joshi P, Sulis C. A Case of Imported Dengue. Presented at SGIM, Providence, RI. 4/2/10. Poster #48.

20. Bird D, Ford D, Sulis C, et al. Termination of a Hand Hygiene Surveillance Program and Hospital-Acquired Infection in the Surgical Intensive care Unit. Presented at the Surgical Infection Society 30th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. 4/20/10

21. Sulis C, Estanislao R, Wedel S, Carling P. Completeness of Cleaning Critical Care Transport Vehicles. Presented for the Scientific Assembly at the Air Medical Transport Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FLA, October 11, 2010; Moderated Poster # XX.

D. Research Support.



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