Sp resources Highly Effective Schools - Austin ISD

Characteristics of Highly Effective Schools

In developing and implementing its programs and initiatives, AISD has a long and strong history of benchmarking with successful school systems across the country. The attached references provide valuable insight specifically into the characteristics of highly effective schools. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, for there are indeed many sources on this topic; however, this list is representative of the information available.

Although these sources may offer different perspectives on the characteristics of highly effective schools, a comparison reveals that certain points tend to be shared by many of them (not listed in any particular order):

? Highly qualified teachers ? An organizational culture of respect, communication, and collaboration ? Strong accountability and performance monitoring systems ? Emphasis on providing more instructional time for reading and math ? Professional development and supports aligned with individual and school

needs ? Data-driven decision-making and intervention strategies ? Meaningful involvement of adults, at home and in school ? Consistent application of curriculum standards in the classroom ? Focus on low-performing schools and needs-based allocation of resources ? High expectations for all students and teachers that are well-

communicated ? More intimate school settings ? Safe and orderly learning environments ? Strong partnerships with the community ? Rigor in instruction and assessment ? Strong, effective, and fair leaders ? Clear and well-communicated expectations

All of these are sound points, and can be found interwoven in the AISD discussed in the AISD Strategic Plan.

References on Characteristics of Highly Effective Schools

The following references are not listed in any particular order:

1. High Achieving Schools Initiative: Final Report. University of New Mexico, 2004.

2. Characteristics of Successful Schools. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, 2003.

3. Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools. Washington State School System Improvement Resource Guide, 2004.

4. High Student Achievement: How Six School Districts Changed into High-Performance Systems. Gordon Cawelti and Nancy Protheroe, 2001.

5. Characteristics of Effective Schools. University of Idaho, College of Education, 2001.

6. Foundations for Success: Case Studies of How Urban School Systems Improve Student Achievment. Council of the Great City Schools, 2002.

7. Characteristics of Effective Schools. University of Maryland, College of Education, 2001.

8. Effective Practice Characteristics. Boston Plan for Excellence in the Public Schools, 2003.

9. Correlates of Effective Schools: The First and Second Generation. Lawrence W. Lezotte, 1991.

10. Common Elements of Effective Schools. Education World, 2004.

11. A Study of Effective Practices in Virginia Schools. Virginia Department of Education, 2000.

12. Case Studies of High-Performing, High-Technology Schools. North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, 2004.

13. Ten Traits of High Performing Schools. Florida School Report, 2004.

14. Best Practices of High-Performing School Systems: Framework and State Studies. National Center for Educational Accountability, 2003.

15. No Excuses: Lessons from 21 High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools. The Heritage Foundation, 2000.

16. Head of the Class: Characteristics of Higher Performing Urban High Schools in Massachusetts. Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth, Center for Education Research, 2003.

17. The Secrets of Can-Do Schools. National Staff Development Council, 2003.

18. Dispelling the Myth: High-Poverty Schools Exceeding Expectations. The Education Trust, 1999.

19. Driven to Succeed: High-Performing, High-Poverty, Turnaround Middle Schools. University of Texas, Charles A. Dana Center, 2002.

20. Characteristics of More Successful Schools. Comprehensive Regional Assistance Center Consortium, Region VI, 1997.

21. Beyond Islands of Excellence: What Districts Can Do to Improve Instruction and Achievement in All Schools. Learning First Alliance, 2003.

22. What Might a High Performance School Look Like? J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Foundation, 2004.


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