Ms. Rives's United States History Website - About

Word:PopulismDefinition:1890s farmers’ movement to campaign for more rights (support free coinage of silver and government control of railroads)Picture:Sentence:Word:IndividualismDefinition:idea that with hard work, one can rise in society and achieve one’s goals, becoming self-reliantPicture:Sentence:Word:CircumventDefinition:To go aroundPicture:Sentence:Word:Poll taxDefinition:A tax that you have to pay to votePicture:Sentence:Word:Grandfather clauseDefinition:Condition for voting; if your grandfather could vote, so can youPicture:Sentence:Word:SegregationDefinition:Separation of racesPicture:Sentence:Word:Plessy v. FergusonDefinition:Supreme Court case that ruled it is acceptable for facilities for black people and white people to be separate as long as they are equal; legal basis for segregationPicture:Sentence:Word:ProgressivismDefinition:Movement that deals with fixing issues in society; making society betterPicture:Sentence:Word:Prohibition / TemperanceDefinition:Ban on the sale, manufacture, and consumption of alcoholPicture:Sentence:Word:MuckrakerDefinition:Journalist who writes stories that expose problems of the Gilded AgePicture:Sentence:Word:InitiativeDefinition:When citizens propose legislationPicture:Sentence:Word:ReferendumDefinition:When citizens vote on proposed legislationPicture:Sentence:Word:RecallDefinition:When citizens vote to fire an elected official, such as a governorPicture:Sentence:Word:SuffrageDefinition:The right to votePicture:Sentence:Word:ConservationDefinition:Planned management of natural resources, involving protecting the environmentPicture:Sentence:Word:Clayton Anti-Trust ActDefinition:1914 law that strengthens the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and allows the formation of labor unionsPicture:Sentence:Word:RegulateDefinition:To control or maintain something, so that it runs correctly and smoothlyPicture:Sentence:Word:Federal Reserve Definition:National banking system set up in 1913 that controls the money supply to prevent inflationPicture:Sentence:Word:DisenfranchiseDefinition:To take away rights, specifically the right to votePicture:Sentence:Word:Sixteenth AmendmentDefinition:Change to the Constitution that allows the government to collect an income taxPicture:Sentence:Word:Seventeenth AmendmentDefinition:Change to the Constitution that allows senators to be directly elected by the peoplePicture:Sentence:Word:Eighteenth AmendmentDefinition:Change to the Constitution that prohibits the sale, manufacture, and consumption of alcoholPicture:Sentence:Word:Nineteenth AmendmentDefinition:Change to the Constitution that allows women the right to votePicture:Sentence:Word:InflationDefinition:A decline in the value of money, causing prices to increase (results from printing too much paper money)Picture:Sentence: ................

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