Penn State College of Engineering

Τραχι Πετερσον

Οπτιον: Στρυχτυραλ

Φαχυλτψ Χονσυλταντ: Μεμαρι

Τηε Δελ Μοντε Χεντερ ατ Τηε Νορτη Σηορε− Πιττσβυργη, Π“

Σεμεστερ Σχηεδυλε

Σεμεστερ Σχηεδυλε

ϑανυαρψ 10−14

• Develop three week work schedule

• Request cost and schedule information from Atlantic Engineering

• Request renderings of building from architect

• Make any necessary changes to the loads calculated in Technical Report 1

ϑανυαρψ 17−21

• Redesign the bays using full lateral bracing

-Model the bays in STAAD, using full lateral bracing

-In STAAD, apply the loading conditions determined in Task 1 to the bays

-Use STAAD to design the members

ϑανυαρψ 24−28

• Redesign bays using moment connections

-Determine how the loads will be distributed to the redesigned bays

-Model the bays in STAAD, using moment connections instead of braces

- In STAAD, apply the loading condition determined in Task 1 to the bays

-Use STAAD to design the members

-Research how to design the connections

ϑανυαρψ 31−Φεβρυαρψ 4

• Analyze costs of materials

-Determine cost of existing bays

-Determine cost of bays with full lateral bracing

-Determine cost of bays with moment connections

Φεβρυαρψ 7−11

• Analyze costs of fabrication

-Determine cost of existing bays

-Determine cost of bays with full lateral bracing

-Determine cost of bays with moment connections

Φεβρυαρψ 14−18

• Analyze costs of erection

-Determine cost of existing bays

-Determine cost of bays with full lateral bracing

-Determine cost of bays with moment connections

Φεβρυαρψ 21−25

• Study impact of redesign on building’s architecture

-Create a rendering of the building with full lateral bracing exposed

Φεβρυαρψ 28−Μαρχη 4

• Study impact of redesign on building’s architecture

-Create rendering of the building with modified windows

Μαρχη 7−11

• Spring Break

Μαρχη 14−18

• Study impact of redesign on building’s mechanical system using HAP

Μαρχη 21−25

• Continue working on HAP program

Μαρχη 28−“πριλ 1

• Prepare final report

“πριλ 4−8

• Finish up Final Report and post to CPEP

• Bind Final Report

• Prepare final presentation

“πριλ 12

• Presentation

“πριλ 29

• Presentation at the Nittany Lion Inn


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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