Serious Omissions in the NIV Bible - Keith Piper

Serious Omissions in the NIV Bible

by Keith Piper ()

A Study of the omissions, changes and causes of corruption in modern Bible versions and evidence for

the King James Version representing the preserved original text of the Bible.

"Then cometh the devil and taketh away the word....." Luke 8:12 "If any man shall take away from the words..." Revelation 22:19


Introduction. Is God able to preserve His word to today? Did Christians from 350 AD to 1881 AD not have the correct Word of God, until the Westcott and Hort heretics "saved the day" for God, the Bible, Christians and the world? Is God in control of Bible preservation or not? If God can give us His infallible word in the first century, is He unable to preserve it for Christians up to the 20th century? By the year 500 AD, the NT manuscript text chosen by the wealthy upper classes who could afford to ignore the expense, was without exception of the Byzantine/KJV text type. Why? These parchments being stained with purple and written in silver or gold, tell us that these wealthy, upper class Christians, who had greater knowledge of, and access to the true NT text, clearly preferred the Byzantine KJV text over the Alexandrian papyri. They would have known of the Alexandrian texts as corrupt, and hence rejected them. This is a strong argument for KJV readings. See "The Text of the NT" by Kurt Aland, p.77.

1. "Ye shall not ADD unto the WORD which I command you, neither shall ye DIMINISH ought from it,..." Deuteronomy 4:2. 2. "Satan cometh immediately and TAKETH AWAY THE WORD..." Mark 4:15. 3. Jesus said: "Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matthew 5:18. 4. "If any man TAKE AWAY from the WORDS of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city." Revelation 22:19.


1. The NIV in Luke 11:2-4 omits key parts of the LORD'S PRAYER. The devil would not want us to pray these omitted words. Matthew 6:9-13 in both KJV and NIV includes these omitted words in the Lord's Prayer.

NIV, NASB, et al OMIT Father OMIT , hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come,


Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation


Luke 11:2-4


Our Father which art in heaven

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,

as in heaven so in earth.

Give us day by day our daily bread

And forgive us our sins;

for we also forgive everyone

that is indebted to us.

And lead us not into temptation;

but deliver us from evil.


a) Which "FATHER"? New Agers pray to another father which is not in heaven, but is the "god of this world". "Ye are of your father the devil". John 8:44. Satan likes being called "Father" because he wants to be like the Most High. b) "OUR" must be removed because it opposes the New Age idea of the "universal fatherhood of God". They think God is the Father of all people. They object to God being the Father only of Christians (John 1:12). c) "WHICH ART IN HEAVEN" identifies the Father to be worshipped as God in heaven and not the devil. d) "THY WILL BE DONE, AS IN HEAVEN, SO IN EARTH". The devil does not want us to pray that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Hence it is omitted. e) "DELIVER US FROM EVIL". The devil doesn't want us to pray for God to deliver us from evil but rather he wants evil to come to us. Evil is too black and white. The devil doesn't want us to think about good and evil, heaven and hell. Hence he removes them from the Luke 11:2-4 Lord's Prayer in modern versions.

2. The NIV, in Isaiah 14:12, BLASPHEMES CHRIST by putting Him in the place of Lucifer the devil?


Isaiah 14:12


How you have fallen from heaven, O MORNING STAR,

But you are brought down to the GRAVE

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations. v.12 Thou hast said in thine heart.... I will be like the most High. v.14 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell.(v15)

"Lucifer" (KJV) becomes "Morning Star" (NIV). But JESUS Christ calls Himself "the bright and morning star" in Revelation 22:16. So the NIV by inserting "morning star" in Isaiah 14:12, a) Removes all mention of Lucifer as the devil's personal name from Scripture. b) Blasphemes Christ by accusing Him as the One who weakens the nations. v.12 c) Denies Christ's deity by stating that Christ wanted to be like the most High. v.14 d) Blasphemes Christ by predicting that He will be brought down to hell. v.15 e) They change "hell" to "grave", thus removing the warning against hell. v.15 f) Blasphemes Christ by saying that He has fallen from heaven. v.12. Note: "MORNING STAR" (NIV) is a wrong translation because: a) "STAR" (3556 Kokab) appears nowhere in Isaiah 14:12. b) "MORNING" (7837 shachar) appears only once in v.12, (son of the morning), not

twice as NIV claims. c) "LUCIFER" (1966 heylel) comes from the root word "to shine" (1984 halal), and

means "shining one" or "bright one". d) The Septuagint translates it as:

"How has Lucifer, that rose in the morning, fallen from heaven".


3. NIV in Micah 5:2 says Christ has an ORIGIN, wrongly making Him a CREATED



Micah 5:2


whose origins are from of old,

whose goings forth have been from of

from ancient times.

old, from everlasting.

Note: This is a sickening heresy for NIV to say that Christ had an origin. It makes Christ

a creature, and not God. "Goings forth" in KJV means that Christ always existed.

"Of old" (qedmah in Hebrew, 6924) means eternal, everlasting and is used of Jehovah in

Habakkuk 1:12, "Art thou not from everlasting, O Jehovah my God, mine Holy One?"

"from everlasting" (olam in Hebrew, 5769) means eternity, always, time out of mind.

4. NIV omits "FORNICATION" from the sins listed with sodomy in Romans 1:29.


Romans 1:29


They have become filled with

Being filled with all

every kind of wickedness, _____________________ unrighteousness

OMIT _____________________ fornication,

Evil _____________________ wickedness,

Greed _____________________ covetousness,

Depravity _____________________ maliciousness,

They are full of envy _____________________ full of envy,

Murder _____________________ murder,

Strife _____________________ debate,

Deceit _____________________ deceit,

Malice _____________________ malignity,

They are gossips _____________________ whisperers.

Note: The word "fornication" has been completely removed from NIV and replaced

with "sexual immorality" which allows the individual to define it.

5. NIV comes from a WRONG SPIRIT because it fails the test of not being able to confess that "Jesus Christ is come in the flesh." I John 4:3.


I John 4:3


But every spirit that does not acknowledge And every spirit that confesseth not

Jesus OMIT

that "Jesus Christ is come in the flesh"

is not from God.

is not of God,

This is the spirit of the antichrist.

and this is that spirit of antichrist.

This is an amazing test for the NIV to fail, because it proves that the NIV comes from a spirit that is not from God. The NIV cannot confess here that "Jesus Christ is come in the flesh". John says that NIV has the spirit of antichrist, as seen by its many omissions of Christ's names, titles and attributes. To merely confess "Jesus", is not passing this test, because Paul warns us of people coming and preaching "another Jesus". Which Jesus are they confessing? They may be confessing a different Jesus - "If he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached..." (II Corinthians 11:4).



1. The NIV changes Matthew 5:22 to teach that CHRIST SINNED.


Matthew 5:22


Anyone who is angry with his brother

That whosoever is angry with his brother


without a cause

will be subject to judgment.

shall be in danger of the judgment.

Because Jesus showed righteous anger in Mark 3:5, the NIV makes Christ a sinner subject to judgment. If Christ is a sinner, He cannot be our Saviour. Bible critics love the NIV here because they claim Christ to be a sinner due to His anger in overthrowing the money changers' tables (John 2:15), and how He looked on the religious leaders with anger at them rebuking Him for healing on the Sabbath in Mark 3:5. This is another contradiction in modern versions. The KJV is consistent and without contradictions.

2. NIV denies Jesus' VIRGIN BIRTH in Luke 2:33 by stating that Joseph was Jesus'

father. This denies that God was His Father. If Joseph was Jesus's father, then Jesus

inherited a sin nature and He would be unable to save us. What a worry if the NIV is true!


Luke 2:33


The child's father and mother.

Joseph and his mother marvelled.

3. The NIV denies Christ WORSHIP in 6 out of 12 passages.

NIV (4352)

KJV (4352)

a man with leprosy came and knelt. Matt. 8:2 there came a leper and worshipped


a ruler came and knelt before him 9:18

there came a certain ruler and

worshipped him.

Woman came and knelt before him. 15:25 Then came she and worshipped him

Servant fell on his knees before

18:26 The servant fell down and

OMIT him. (NKJV omits worshipped)

worshipped him.

Mother of Zebedee's sons kneeling 20:20 the mother of Zebedee's children

down. (NKJV omits worship)

worshipping him,

he ran and fell on his knees

Mark 5:6 he ran and worshipped him.

Jesus Christ is God because He is worshipped.

"Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve." Matthew 4:10.

"Let all the angels of God worship him." Hebrews 1:6.

12 times in the New Testament, Jesus is worshipped (Greek: proskuneo 4352), yet the

NIV and NASV change worship 4352 (KJV) to kneel (NIV) or bow down (NASV).

Question: What is the difference? Kneel or bow down is a position of the body, whereas worship is an attitude of the spirit. Worship in Greek is "proskuneo" 4352. Bow is "kampto, klino, or tithemi", and is used only in a mocking manner by Christ's executioners. For example: "and bowing (tithentes) their knees worshipped (prosekunoun) him." Mark 15:19.



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