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Training Manual New Jersey Psychological Association’sCommittee on Legislative AffairsWelcome to the Committee on Legislative Affairs (COLA) and thank you for your interest. Membership on this committee provides an opportunity to more deeply understand the impact of political activity on the practice of psychology, as well as the opportunity to influence legislation that is important to psychologists. COLA Responsibilities and Structure COLA is the NJPA committee responsible for strengthening political outreach and advocating for the interests of NJ psychologists.? COLA is comprised of the COLA chair, chair-elect, past-chair, secretary, members, and guests. COLA works alongside the NJPA government affairs agent and NJPA staff to implement the association’s legislative agenda. Each COLA member’s term is four years. Each COLA leader serves three years, one year as chair-elect, one year as chair, and one year as past-chair. The COLA past-chair simultaneously serves as the New Jersey Psychology Political Action Committee (NJP-PAC) president for one year, and then moves on to serve as the treasurer for one year.COLA has three general roles. First, COLA reviews selected newly introduced bills and recommends a position that can range from “actively support”, to “actively oppose”, or “no position”. Second, where appropriate, COLA may draft and propose new legislation; a recent example is A2934/S2002 that would permit the incorporation of psychologists with other health care professionals. Finally, COLA subcommittees may work on their own, or with other committees, to explore future initiatives. Under the advisement of the NJPA government affairs agent, COLA members are encouraged to participate in grassroots efforts to network with New Jersey legislators. Common interests and district residence are the key connections with legislators. COLA OperationsCOLA meets five to six times a year on Wednesday evenings, at the NJPA Central Office, and also holds one day-long retreat. Attendance and participation are expected at each meeting. If you are unable to attend, please let Central Office know of your anticipated absence. All communication is via the COLA listserv - NJPACOLA@lists.. Approximately one week before the meeting date, NJPA staff will send out the COLA bill report (a complied list of bills and positions made available by the NJPA government affairs agent), agenda, and meeting materials. COLA members are assigned to a bill review subcommittee, which is charged with reviewing a bill or bills for each COLA meeting. The bills are related to various aspects of mental health care. COLA members will need to read the assigned bill(s) and come prepared to the meeting with an opinion of what position COLA should take on the bill(s). COLA has seven positions, including “no position.” They are - 1. Actively Support - This position requires the full resources of NJPA behind a bill, including, additional resources, grassroots activation, NJPA written communication, and preparing testimony to present at legislative hearings. NJPA’s government affairs agent shall actively lobby sponsor(s), committees, legislature, and the governor’s office. Action needs approval of NJPA executive board. 2. Support – This position may require written communication from NJPA indicating our support. Limited resources committed to effort. NJPA’s government affairs agent may lobby if necessary.3. Seeking Amendments – This position requires written proposed amendment(s) to be sent to sponsor(s). Amendments may occur in conjunction with support or oppose positions. NJPA’s government affairs agent may lobby if necessary.4. Monitor - Bill remains in the NJPA bill report. COLA will be advised by the NJPA government affairs agent of any significant movement in case amendments are proposed which may change our position.5. Oppose – This position may require a letter from NJPA indicating our opposition. Limited resources committed to effort. NJPA’s government affairs agent may lobby if necessary.6. Actively Oppose – This position requires the full resources of NJPA in opposition of a bill, including, additional resources, grassroots activation, preparing testimony to present at legislative hearings. NJPA’s government affairs agent shall actively lobby sponsor(s), committees, legislature, and the governor’s office. Action needs approval of NJPA executive board. 7. No Position - Bill has no significant impact on psychology and is carried in the NJPA bill report for historical purposes only. Once a position has been agreed upon by COLA, the NJPA government affairs agent updates the bill report.COLA members can work in conjunction with other bill review subcommittee members to review bills. The bills should be reviewed to determine if the proposed existing law change or repeal, or new law would have an impact on the profession of psychology, and how it might affect it. The bill name, number, bill text link, legislative sponsors, and COLA bill review subcommittee assignments can be found on the COLA agenda. The agenda is distributed by NJPA staff approximately one week before the meeting. All bills can be found on . Some pointers about the bill language - changes/additions are italicized or underlined or might be designated “new”, deletions are [bracketed], amendments (by date, place) are listed, references are made to existing statutes, and the “statement” is the supposed intent of the legislation. You may call Central Office at any time if you have questions. Communication with the government affairs agent outside of COLA meetings is limited to the COLA chairs, NJPA staff, and the NJPA president. Exceptions will be made when needed. NJPA and AdvocacyIn addition to having a committee on legislative affairs, NJPA also monitors state rules and laws that regulate the profession, and maintains a liaison with the NJ Board of Psychological Examiners. As an affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA), NJPA is also involved in federal advocacy initiatives, attends the annual APA State Leadership Conference and Capitol Hill visits.The New Jersey Government BranchesNew Jersey has three branches of government. The principle function of the Legislature branch is to enact laws. The Executive branch (governor and state agencies) carries out the programs established by law. The Judiciary branch (the New Jersey courts) punishes violators, settles controversies and disputes, and is the final authority on the meaning and constitutionality of New Jersey laws. New Jersey LegislatorsThe New Jersey legislature is comprised of two houses, an 80 member General Assembly and a 40 member Senate. Each of the 40 New Jersey districts elects one Senator and two members from the General Assembly. Legislative elections are held in November of each odd-numbered year. Assembly representatives are elected to serve two years coinciding with the legislative session. Senators serve a four year term; except for the first term of a new decade, which is only two years. This “2-4-4” cycle allows for elections from new districts as soon as possible after each reapportionment. Each legislature is in session for two years, beginning the second Tuesday of January of each even-numbered year. All business conducted in the first year may be continued into the second year. At the end of the second year, all unfinished business expires and must be reintroduced in the next legislature session. Legislative ProcessThe legislative process begins with an idea to make a new law, or to change or repeal an existing law. A legislator decides to sponsor a legislative idea sometimes at the suggestion of a constituent, interest group, or public official. At the legislator’s direction, the Office of Legislative Services, provides research and drafts the bill. To become law, a bill will be assigned to a committee where testimony will be heard, voted out of committee, followed by a full House vote. A bill must pass both Houses by a majority vote and then be approved by the governor. ................

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