MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the ...


These are the Draft Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Borough Council of

North Plainfield, NJ held on Monday, 9 March 2015.  Every attempt has been made to make these as comprehensive and conclusive as possible.

However, as it is a draft document, it is not to be construed as a formal depiction of the official conduct of business and is subject to revision up to and following the Governing Body’s actual approval of same.  If changes are necessary, revised minutes will be posted to the website.

MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield held on Monday, March 9, 2015 at 8:38 p.m. at the North Plainfield Community Center, 614 Greenbrook Road, North Plainfield, New Jersey.


Council Members: Everett Merrill

Keiona R. Miller

Frank Righetti

Wendy Schaefer

Douglas M. Singleterry

Frank “Skip” Stabile Lawrence La Ronde, Council President

Also Present: Michael Giordano, Jr., Mayor

David E. Hollod, Business Administrator

Dominic DiYanni, Esq., Associate Borough Attorney

Richard K. Phoenix, RMC, Borough Clerk

The Council President read the following Notice of Compliance:

"This is a Regular Meeting of the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield, scheduled by resolution of the Council adopted on December 8, 2014. Adequate notice of this meeting was given pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq. by transmitting said notice to the Courier News, The Star-Ledger and WKMB Radio on December 10, 2014 by publication of the announcement in the Courier News of December 12, 2014 and by posting a copy of this notice on the bulletin boards in the Municipal Building and Memorial Library reserved for such purpose."

The Clerk had submitted copies of the minutes of the Agenda Conference, Regular Meeting and Executive Session of February 23, 2015.

Agenda Conference, Regular Meeting and Executive Session of February 23, 2015: All in favor.



The Clerk read the Ordinance by its title.


Motion to close public comment by Mr. Stabile, seconded by Ms. Schaefer and on Roll Call carried all seven voting aye.

Mr. Stabile presented the following Resolution and moved its adoption:

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-01 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield that an ordinance numbered 15-03 be adopted and advertised as required by statute.

Seconded by Mr. Righetti and on Roll Call carried all seven voting aye.

Mr. Merrill presented the following Resolution and moved its adoption:

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-02 BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council of North Plainfield that an Ordinance numbered 15-04 be read by its title by the Borough Clerk and be passed on its first reading and advertised as required by statute, fixing March 23, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, as the time and the North Plainfield Council Chambers, 263 Somerset Street, North Plainfield, New Jersey as the place for hearing and final adoption.

Seconded by Mr. Singleterry and on Roll Call carried all seven voting aye.

The Clerk read the ordinance by its title as follows:


Ms. Miller presented the following Resolution and moved its adoption:


BE IT RESOLVED, that the following statements of revenues and appropriations shall constitute the Municipal Budget for the year 2015;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Budget be published in The Courier News in the issue of April 1, 2015.

The Governing Body of the Borough of North Plainfield does hereby approve the following as the Budget for the year 2015:

Notice is hereby being given that the Budget and Tax Resolution were approved by the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield, County of Somerset, on March 9, 2015.

A Hearing on the Budget and Tax Resolution will be held at the North Plainfield Council Chambers, Borough Hall, 263 Somerset Street, North Plainfield, on April 13, 2015 at 7:30 O’clock (p.m.) at which time and place objections to said budget and Tax Resolution for the year 2015 may be presented by taxpayers or other interested persons.

Seconded by Mr. Stabile and on Roll Call carried all seven voting aye.


Council President La Ronde stated that all matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If any discussion is desired by Council, that particular item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

Mr. Stabile requested item “b” be removed for a separate vote.

Ms. Schaefer presented the following Resolution and moved its adoption:

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-04 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield that resolutions numbered

03-09-15-04a, c, d, e, f, g, h and i

having been placed on the Consent Agenda and there having been no objection thereto, the same are hereby approved.

Seconded by Mr. Stabile and on Roll Call carried all seven voting aye.


RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-04a WHEREAS, the following organization has been issued identification number by the New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission and has submitted applications to conduct raffles; and

WHEREAS, investigation has shown that this organization meets the requirements for the issuance of raffles licenses;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue raffle licenses to the following:

West End School PTA

447 Greenbrook Road, North Plainfield

On-premises merchandise draw raffle – RL #1122

On-premises 50-50 cash draw raffle – RL #1123

March 21, 2015, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

447 Greenbrook Road, North Plainfield

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-04c WHEREAS, an application has been filed for a person to person transfer of Plenary Retail Distribution License (1814-44-012-005), heretofore issued to Glaadstone, LLC trading as Herb’s Liquor Store for premises located at 194 Somerset Street; and

WHEREAS, the submitted application form is complete in all respects, the transfer fees have been paid, and the license has been properly renewed for the current license term; and

WHEREAS, the applicant is qualified to be licensed according to all standards established by Title 33 of the New Jersey Statutes, regulations promulgated thereunder, as well as pertinent local ordinances and conditions consistent with Title 33; and

WHEREAS, the applicant has disclosed and the issuing authority reviewed the source of all funds used in the purchase of the license and the licensed business and all additional financing obtained in connection with the licensed business;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield does hereby approve, effective March 10, 2015, the transfer of the aforesaid Plenary Retail Distribution License to Shivaam, LLC and does hereby direct the Municipal Clerk to endorse the license certificate to the new ownership as follows: "This license, subject to all its terms and conditions, is hereby transferred to Shivaam, LLC, effective March 10, 2015."

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-04d BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield that it does hereby authorize the issuance of a license to drive a taxicab for two years, pursuant to N.P.R.G.O. 4-1 et seq., to the following in accordance with the applications heretofore submitted:

Rony A. Hernandez

608 New Street

Plainfield, NJ 07060

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-04e BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield that the Tax Collector is hereby authorized and directed to create duplicate tax sale certificates as follows:

Block 140, Lot 21 40-42 Washington Ave.

Certificate #-00085 issued 12/18/07

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-04f WHEREAS, on a property known as block 3.08, lot 12, a.k.a. 215 Meadowbrook Drive, payments totaling $2,254.32 were made on 1/22 & 1/23/15 by Kenneth D. & Alpheria M. Hall; and

WHEREAS, on 1/28/15 a payment of $2,254.32 was made on this property by Wells Fargo Mortgage, creating an overpayment of $2,254.32; and,

WHEREAS, it has been determined that the overpaid amount should be returned to the homeowners, per their request.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield that the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to refund $2,254.32 to Kenneth M & Alpheria M Hall @ 15 Meadowbrook Dr., North Plainfield, NJ, and the records of the Tax Collector’s office be accordingly adjusted.

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-04g WHEREAS, Darnell &/or Takeisha Henry, owners of account #928-0, also known as block 9, lot 6, 265 Mountain Ave., remitted a payment totaling $171.18 that was for a sewer billing; and

WHEREAS, said payment was tendered through the WIPP portal as payment on property taxes; and

WHEREAS, it is hereby recommended by the Tax Collector’s office that said payment be transferred from taxes to sewer.

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield, that the Tax Collector is authorized to make the transfer of $171.18 from tax account block 9, lot 6 to sewer account #928-0.

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-04h WHEREAS, the Borough of North Plainfield desires to authorize the sale of various surplus equipment no longer in use by the Borough at public sale pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-36 to the highest bidder;

1. The Borough of North Plainfield hereby declares that the above-described surplus equipment is no longer needed for public use.

2. The Borough of North Plainfield, its officers and attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all steps necessary to proceed with a public sale of said surplus equipment.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Police Department be and hereby is authorized and directed to sell said surplus equipment at a public auction to be held on the Internet on the website commencing April 13, 2015; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any monies received as a result of said auction shall be paid into the general municipal treasury in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-36; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Borough Clerk shall cause a notice of said auction, designating the time and place therefore, to be published in an official newspaper of the Borough not less than 10 days prior to the date of said public auction.

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-04i BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of North Plainfield that the attached bills of the accounts named and for the amounts stated, having been duly audited and found to be correct as of this 9th day of March, 2015 the same be paid; and that the Mayor and Chief Financial Officer are hereby authorized to sign and deliver warrants for the same.

Ms. Schaefer presented the following Resolution and moved its adoption:

RESOLUTION NO. 03-09-15-04b WHEREAS, the North Plainfield Lions Club, 246 Watchung Avenue, North Plainfield, New Jersey, has applied for a license to conduct an on-premise draw raffle awarding merchandise as a prize on March 29, 2015; and

WHEREAS, the North Plainfield Lions Club has been issued Identification No. 352-8-25800 by the New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission; and

WHEREAS, investigation has shown that said applicant meets the requirements for the issuance of a raffle license;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue a license to the North Plainfield Lions Club for an on-premise draw raffle awarding merchandise as a prize to be held on March 29, 2015 at St. Luke’s Church Hall, 300 Clinton Avenue, North Plainfield, New Jersey.

Seconded by Mr. Stabile with Roll Call as follows:

Ayes: Merrill, Miller, Righetti, Schaefer, Singleterry

Abstain: Stabile, La Ronde

Resolution carried 5-0-2.


|Shade Tree Advisory Board |Letter Regarding Removal of Tree at 482 Somerset Street |

|North Plainfield, NJ | |

|Somerset County Office of Public Information |Various Communications, Advisories and News |

|Somerville, NJ |Releases |

|Richard K. Phoenix, RMC – Borough Clerk & |Calendar Updates and Advisories |

|Chief Operator, WPQJ970 – 1630-AM Radio |Time-Sensitive Radio Scripts |

|Tri-County Chamber of Commerce |Newsletters & Advisories |

|South Plainfield, NJ | |

|NJ State League of Municipalities |Various advisories and reports |

|Trenton, NJ | |

|Plainfield Area Humane Society |Reports and Invoicing |

|Plainfield, NJ | |

|Local Government Services |Various advisories |

|Trenton, NJ | |

|NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection |Notice of Administrative Completeness |

|Trenton, NJ |Revised Classification Exception Area |

|Barb Ponter |Town-Wide Garage Sale |

|North Plainfield | |

|Frank D’Amore Sr. |Thanks for emergency radio announcement script |

|North Plainfield | |

|Sustainable Raritan River Initiative |Newsletters |

|New Brunswick, NJ | |

|James Boldt, Rural Delivery, USPS |Creation of New North Plainfield Zip Code |

|Washington, DC | |

|Catherine Williams |NOAA Weather Radio Restoration |

|NOAA Affiliate | |

|Washington, DC | |




Mayor Giordano congratulated the newly promoted members of the Police Department and thanked the Department of Public Works for their efforts with snow removal. He announced that in-person recreation signups will start March 12, St. Baldrick’s will be held March 21 and Clean Communities Day will be held in May.

All Council members offered their best wishes to the newly promoted Police Officers and thanked the Department of Public Works for their snow removal efforts.

Motion to adjourn by Ms. Miller, seconded by Mr. Merrill and carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Borough Clerk

Council President


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