Southern NJ Continuum of Care 2019 NOFA

Southern NJ Continuum of Care 2019 NOFA RENEWAL PROJECT APPLICATION Completed applications (9 copies and 1 PDF of entire application including attachments)should be submitted to:Hilary Colbert, Director of Grants Mgmt, CPAC hcolbert@2500 McClellan Avenue, Suite 120, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Agency & Project InformationApplicant NameSponsor NameProject NameHMIS Project Name (if applicable)Project Location (physical location of the project, if multiple, write “scattered site”)HUD Grant Number (grant number for most recent HUD contract year)HUD Component Type(PH-RRH, PSH, TH, SSO, HMIS)# of CoC Units/Vouchers in this project?Total HUD request (this amount should be equal to or less than FY 2018 CoC award)Has this project been part of a consolidation since the FY 2018 CoC award?YesNoIf this is a consolidated grant, please list the terminating grants by number and project name:Contact Information for Your AgencyAgency representative completing applicationJob TitleEmail AddressMailing AddressTelephone NumberAgency representative authorized to sign grant documentsJob TitleEmail AddressTelephone NumberAgency representative for Coordinated Assessment Job TitleEmail AddressTelephone Number Project Target PopulationNumber of unduplicated adult-only households to be served:Number of unduplicated persons in adult-only households to be served:Number of unduplicated households with both adults & children to be served:Number of unduplicated persons in households with both adults & children to be served:Priority PopulationsNumber of BedsNumber of Units*Dedicated*Prioritized*Dedicated*PrioritizedChronically HomelessVeteransYouth aged 18-24FamiliesAvailable to Any Client/Subpopulation*Dedicated beds committed to exclusively serve population per grant; prioritized beds will serve population specified even though not committed to expressly in grant agreement with HUD.Program Description/ImpactPlease provide a brief narrative for the following questions. Responses should be limited to a few sentences.How is your program coordinating its intake process with the SNJCoC Coordinated Assessment Process?Please briefly describe how program participants are connected with services (in-house and in the community), interagency involvement with other community agencies and the frequency of service provision.Services and Community Coordination Services Directly Provided - check the box for all services provided to clients by your agency:Rental AssistanceUtility AssistanceHousing CounselingFinancial ManagementCounseling/AdvocacyLegal AssistanceOutreachMedical/Dental ServicesLaw Enforcement ServicesCase ManagementLife Skills TrainingSubstance Abuse TreatmentMental Health Counseling/TreatmentHIV/AIDS SupportEducationEmploymentChildcareTransportationDomestic Violence ServicesHousing Location/PlacementBenefits AssistanceSoup Kitchen/FoodPrescription AssistanceMortgage AssistanceOther:Services Not Directly Provided – check the box for all services provided to program participants by partner agencies:Rental AssistanceUtility AssistanceHousing CounselingFinancial ManagementCounseling/AdvocacyLegal AssistanceOutreachMedical/Dental ServicesLaw Enforcement ServicesCase ManagementLife Skills TrainingSubstance Abuse TreatmentMental Health Counseling/TreatmentHIV/AIDS SupportEducationEmploymentChildcareTransportationDomestic Violence ServicesHousing Location/PlacementBenefits AssistanceSoup Kitchen/FoodPrescription AssistanceMortgage AssistanceOther:Please describe project admission and termination criteria. Also include the process the agency follows when a person is referred that is ineligible for the program.Persons may be denied admission to project due to:AlwaysSometimesNeverHaving too little or no incomeActive use or history of substance abuseHaving a criminal record with exception for state- mandated restrictionsHistory of domestic violencePersons may be terminated from project due to:Failure to make progress on a service plan or participate in servicesLoss of income or failure to improve incomeBeing a victim of domestic violenceSubstance useAny other activity not covered in a standard lease agreementStaff Training and Continuing EducationPlease answer the following with 1-2 sentences.What is the level of staffing performing program activities and structure of staff financial oversight of funds?What is the level of staff training at your agency?How often does your staff attend Site Administrators and other HMIS trainings? (Please provide dates)What are the continuing education requirements and/or training of the staff to ensure their ability to adequately serve clients?Project MatchPlease provide a list of anticipated funding and services that will serve as match for this project. a. Matchb. Source of Contributionc. Identify Source as:d. Date of Written Commitmente. Value of Written Commitment(I) In-kind or (C) CashEx :MatchCDBGCash6/18/19$10,000TOTAL:$10,000E. Project BudgetIMPORTANT NOTES:ATTACH all letters of commitment for funds identified above. Commitment letters must agree with the information submitted above.There is a 25% match requirement based on the total HUD budget request minus any Leasing funds. For example, if a project requests $100,000 in HUD funding of the following proportions—$90,000 in Leasing dollars, $5,000 of Operating Costs, and $5,000 of Administrative Costs—the required 25% match amount would be just $2,500 ($100,00 total -$90,000 Leasing = $10,000; $10,000 * 0.25 = $2,500). However, if aprojectrequests$100,000 in HUD funding of the following proportions—$90,000 in Rental Assistance dollars, $5,000 for Supportive Services, and $5,000 of Administrative Costs—the required 25% match amount would be just $25,000 ($100,00 total - $0 Leasing = $100,000; $100,000 * 0.25 = $25,000). The 25% match may be fulfilled in any of the above line items and does not have to correspond to the specific category in which HUD funds are requested.Documented Match must be for eligible expenses under the CoC program such as Leasing, Rental Assistance, Supportive Services, Operating Costs, HMIS, and Administrative Costs.Budget SummaryProposed Activitiesa. HUDRequestb. MatchCommitmentc. Total Project Budget (a+b)1. LeasingFrom Housing Assistance Budget Chart2. Rental AssistanceFrom Housing Assistance Budget Chart3. Supportive ServicesFrom Supportive Services Budget Chart4. Operating CostsFrom Operating Costs Budget Chart5. HMIS6. Subtotal(lines 1 through5)7. Administrative Costs (Up to 7% of line 6)8. Total Budget (Total lines (6 + 7)$$$Housing Assistance Budget (Leasing and Rental Assistance Programs)(If your project does not request HUD funds for this line item, leave this section blank) Component Types (Check only one box) – (see definitions below) FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX TRA SRA PRA Leasing Short-term Rental Assistance (1-3 months) FORMCHECKBOX Medium-term Rental Assistance (4 – 24 months) FORMCHECKBOX Size of UnitsNumber ofUnitsMonthly RentNumber of MonthsTotalSROx$x12=$0 Bedroomx$x12=$1 Bedroomx$x12=$2 Bedroomsx$x12=$3 Bedroomsx$x12=$4 Bedroomsx$x12=$5 Bedroomsx$x12=$6 Bedroomsx$x12=$Other: x$x12=$Totals:$TRA – Tenant Based Rental Assistance – lease is in tenant’s nameSRA – Sponsor Based Rental Assistance – lease is in agency’s name or in tenant’s name if used in property owned by the sponsor agencyPRA – Project Based Rental Assistance – voucher tied to specific unit and lease is in tenant’s nameShort-Term Rental Assistance – For Rapid Re-Housing Project only - rental assistance provided to participants for up to 3 monthsMedium-Term Rental Assistance – For Rapid Re-Housing Projects only – rental assistance provided to participants for 4 – 24 monthsCamden County Final FY 2018 FMRs By Unit BedroomsSROEfficiencyOne-BedroomTwo-BedroomThree-BedroomFour-Bedroom$630$840$992$1,200$1,503$1,715Cape May County Final FY 2018 FMRs By Unit BedroomsSROEfficiencyOne-BedroomTwo-BedroomThree-BedroomFour-Bedroom$575$772$998$1,202$1,634$1,845Cumberland County Final FY 2018 FMRs By Unit BedroomsSROEfficiencyOne-BedroomTwo-BedroomThree-BedroomFour-Bedroom$632$842$936$1,229$1,632$1,939Gloucester County Final FY 2018 FMRs By Unit BedroomsSROEfficiencyOne-BedroomTwo-BedroomThree-BedroomFour-Bedroom$630$840$992$1,200$1,503$1,715Supportive Services Budget(If your project does not request HUD funds for this line item, leave this section blank)Eligible CostsQuantity & DescriptionAnnual HUD Assistance RequestedAssessment of Service NeedsAssistance with Moving CostsCase ManagementChild CareEducation ServicesEmployment AssistanceFoodHousing/Counseling ServicesLegal ServicesLife SkillsMental Health ServicesOutpatient Health ServicesOutreach ServicesSubstance Abuse Treatment ServicesTransportationUtility DepositsOperating Costs (salary, benefits, materials, and supply costs incurred in directly providing support services to participants)Total Annual Assistance RequestedOperating Costs Budget(If your project does not request HUD funds for this line item, leave this section blank)Eligible CostsQuantity & DescriptionAnnual HUD Assistance Requested1. Maintenance/Repair2. Property Taxes and Insurance3. Replacement Reserve4. Building Security5. Electricity, Gas, and Water6. Furniture7. Equipment (lease, buy)Total Annual Assistance RequestedF. Project PerformancePlease provide the following information from the most recent completed APR for your program (a copy of the APR must be attached as part of this application). Please complete the below based on the new, current APR format from HMIS:Data ElementNumberNumber of households served (APR Q.8a):Number persons exiting program (APR Q.5):Number of persons that exited to nonpermanent destinations (APR Q.23a + Q.23b):Number of adults served (APR Q.5):Number of adults that maintained or obtained earned income (APR Q.19a3):Number of adults that maintained or increased overall income (APR Q.19a3):Number of adults with 1 or more non-cash benefits (APR Q.20b + Q.21):Percentage of persons in permanent housing longer than 6 months (APR Q.22a):Please complete the following data quality table (APR Q.6):Data ElementError Count% of Error RateNameSocial Security NumberDate of BirthRaceEthnicityGenderVeteran StatusProject Start DateRelationship to Head of HouseholdClient LocationDisabling ConditionDestinationIncome and Sources at StartIncome and Sources at AssessmentIncome and Sources at ExitPlease provide an explanation for any performance measure outcomes that require additional explanation.Fiscal PerformanceFill out the following table based on the amount of funding provided by HUD through the LOCCS system for the last three completed operating years:Operating Year:Amount funded by HUD for yearTotal amount drawndown from HUD through LOCCS for the yearDate of AnnualPerformance Report SubmissionBriefly describe the reason for any funding not drawn down throughout the operating years presented above and answer the questions below.Is there a lower level of rental/leasing assistance funding per unit per month (an amount of rental assistance less than FMR or current request) that your project could request while still maintaining all participants stable in housing in the coming operating year?Fiscal DocumentationPlease provide 1 copy of the following fiscal documents with application submission:Printout or screen shot of all voucher payment requests for current operating year from eLOCCS. If operating year expired earlier in, and the FY 2018 has not yet been drawn down from, provide printout of voucher payments from most recently completed operating year.Printout or screen shot from your eLOCCS line of credit system showing amount of funds disbursed and amount of funds remaining for current operating year. If operating year expired earlier in 2019 and the FY 2018 has not yet been drawn down from, provide printout of voucher payments from most recently completed operating year.Most recent grant close-out certification from HUD (if applicable)Most recently submitted HUD APRIf this project was part of a consolidation since the FY 2018 award, please include the above documentation for all relevant grants that were part of the consolidation.If this project was monitored by HUD and had monitoring findings in 2018, please attach findings letter and response/resolution to the findings.Required Documentation & ReportsPlease provide us with the most recent copies of the requested documents. If your agency provided these documents during the 2018 Monitoring Visit, please write in the date of the submission.Documentation & ReportsSubmission DateUp to Date SAM registration ()Review of participant files (if applicable)N/AProject Policy and Procedure Manual and Conflict ofInterest PolicyN/AData Collection Tool/HMIS Intake (3 at minimum)N/AeLOCCS drawdown documentation for current projectoperating yearProgram Staff Timesheets/Match DocumentationN/AMost recently-signed HUD grant agreementHUD contract cover sheet (documentation of level ofservice, number of units, match requirement)Most recently-submitted Exhibit 2 application targetsubpopulation informationN/ADocumentation of timely APR submissionProgram Sub-contracts or MOUs with partners (ifapplicable)Documentation of staff HMIS trainingMost recent grant closeout certification from HUD (ifapplicable) Copies of agreements or letters certifying match/leveraging indicated in Section D ................

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