Contract Checkout Feature - Rate Explorer


Special Charge Import Manual



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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 0

Introduction 1

Worksheet - Creation 2

Worksheet - Column Mapping 5

Worksheet - Invalid Data Search & Replace 13

Special Charge - Creation / Maintenance 16

Special Charge - Condition Creation 18

Special Charge - Algorithm Creation 21

Table – Worksheet Data Selection For Import 24

Table - Column Assignment 27

Table - Column Headings (Titles) 31

Table -Manual Column Creation 33

Table – Manual Row Creation 39

Table – Manual Cell Entry 43

Special Charge Application to Rate Tables 45


This manual covers the steps necessary to import existing inland data from either spreadsheet or tab delineated document formats into Rate Explorer in order to create Special Charge Inland Tables. Publishers will be shown the steps of worksheet creation, data validation through search and replace, data filter & sort and the import of the data to create a special charge inland table.

Many man-years of new software development have been invested into this new functionality. The features presented are those requested by existing publishers of Rate Explorer.

Please forward any comments to Management Dynamics. Thank you.

Worksheet - Creation

Publisher selects the Special Charges features from either the Contract Maintenance or Rate Table Maintenance screens. Once at the Special Charge Listing screen the publisher creates a Worksheet by clicking on the Worksheet button.


Once at the Worksheet List screen the publisher creates a Worksheet by clicking on the Add button.


Publisher is required to provide a unique Worksheet description. The worksheet name is registered in Rate Explorer by clicking on the green checkmark.


Worksheet - Column Mapping

The publisher’s Internet browser will automatically open to show the Column Mapping section on the left and the Spreadsheet Table Upload section on the right.


Publishers should now open their source document (spreadsheet or tab delineated text) and copy ONLY the required data for pasting into the paste window on the browser page.

The publisher highlights only the data elements that are to be uploaded into Rate Explorer for validation and acceptance. Do not upload column titles and cells should not contain “$”.


Once the data has been pasted into the table window the publisher is ready to assign (map) columns. The publisher should start with the Select Columns by clicking on the column name and then inserting the column specific attribute. In this example column A contains the Location (origins) and column B contains the Location –Via (load ports)


Once the Select Columns are identified the publisher next maps the Result Columns & Conditions. Result columns are identified by the column letter, not by attribute. The publisher inserts the applicable column letter headers. In this example column C will represent the charge for All Motor service, column A the Location (origins) and column B contains the Location –Via (load ports)


In the next screen the letters have been assigned for the Select columns representing the Location and Location-Via columns. The column attributes have been assigned to the Result & Condition columns C through E


The column specific attributes must be added to columns C, D and E as required i.e.:

C = Motor (any size container), D = Motor/Rail, 20’, Dry and E= Motor/Rail, 40’, Dry.


Once all columns have been mapped the publisher clicks on the submit button to upload the data for validation and sort & filter. A confirmation message will appear stating that the spreadsheet has been successfully uploaded.


The publisher returns to the Worksheet List and clicks on the refresh button to view the created worksheet.


Worksheet - Invalid Data Search & Replace

The publisher double clicks on the Worksheet to view and correct any invalid location data. Rate Explorer highlights invalid data in red.


The publisher clicks on the “A” button to make corrections. Which will popup the Search and Replace Scope window to address the invalid data.


The publisher uses the Search field to locate the invalid attribute and then uses the red magnifying glass icon to be prompted to the next invalid element.


Using the Replace window the publisher locates the correct location for replacement and double clicks on it to select.


By clicking on the Replace All button the publisher can replace all records of the invalid data at one time.


Rate explorer will replace the invalid data with the replacement selection and then prompt the publisher to correct the next piece of invalid data. You will note in the background that the incorrect spelling of Belphre, OH has been replace with the correct spelling Belpre, OH.


The publisher repeats the search & replace steps until all data is valid and saves the worksheet.

Special Charge - Creation / Maintenance

The publisher now returns to the Special Charge Listing screen to create the Special Contract Inlands charge.

The publisher is required to provide a unique Special Charge description, then checks off the “always” option and inserts a cycle number between 21 and 25.


Clicking on the Save button will set the Special Charge title and allow the publishers to select an Accumulator. By setting the Subtotal – 02 accumulator the system will accept the special contract inlands in place of any inlands for the same location that may be available through assigned Governing Tariffs.


Special Charge - Condition Creation

The publisher should now set the conditions and algorithm that will govern the application of the special contract inland charges by clicking on the Conditions button.


A blank screen will appear and the publisher uses the Add button to add a condition used to govern (control) the special charge application.


The publishers set the Field area to read “Always” so that Rate Explorer will “always” look for the special contract inlands when retrieving and calculating a bottom line.


Special Charge - Algorithm Creation

Clicking on the Algorithm button will allow the publisher to set the result statement. This will ensure only the correct table (data) is utilized when the Special Charge is applied to a bottom line calculation.


Publishers need only insert the following codes in the corresponding fields:

Result Field = RESULT

Factor 1 = TABLE

Opr = SEL (for selection)


Clicking on the Save button will enable the table icon, allowing the publisher to select and view the empty table structure.


Table – Worksheet Data Selection For Import

Clicking on the Tables button will load a blank table and the publisher clicks on the Import Rates button to access the validated (clean worksheet) special contract inlands data.


As there can be multiple special charge worksheets created within a contract the publisher must select the worksheet (data) they will use in the special charge by double clicking on the name.


The publisher can then use the sort and filter functionality to import only selected data or import all data by clicking on the Import Rates button. In this example no filtering is required as all the data will be imported.


Table - Column Assignment

Publishers are required to identify the values to be associated with the select columns.


Publishers are also required to identify the values to be associated with the result columns.


Once all columns have been identified the publisher clicks on the Import Button.


A confirmation popup window will appear advising any errors so that the publisher can abort the import and correct the errors.


Clicking Yes will load the data into the Special Contract Inland table.


Table - Column Headings (Titles)

The publisher can rename the column headers to reflect different, more expressive titles by clicking on the Edit column properties button. In this example column 4 will be renamed to read 20’cntr with motor-rail service


The publisher enters the required column heading and uses “/” to separate text information into stacked column headers.


Column 4 has been renamed with the new title as required.


Table -Manual Column Creation

Publishers can add a column to an existing table by clicking on the Add Column button.


The publisher completes the column properties screen with the required column specifications and clicks on the Save button.


Using the scroll right button allows the publisher to view the new column 6.


Clicking on the Copy Column Values buttons allows the publisher to select a column as a source for copying and select the target column to adjust. Publishers can copy without adjusting the charges or they can increase or decrease the charges based on either dollar amounts of percentage amounts rounded up to a specified amount.


By using the lookup buttons publishers can select the columns they require.


Publishers first select the source column to copy.


Then the publisher selects the column they want to adjust.


If all that is required is a duplicate copy of the charges the publisher clicks on the Copy All button.

If however the charges are to be increased as in this example by $125 for 45’ equipment the publishers selects the Adding operation from the drop down menu.


Publisher then inserts 125 in the Amount field and selects the Type of value. If a value is inserted into the Round to field that charge will be rounded up to that amount. Publisher then clicks on the Copy All button to complete the operation.


Table – Manual Row Creation

Publisher can add a row by clicking on the Add Row button.


Publisher then scans and inserts the required Location and in this example Location-Via values; Cranford, NJ via New York based on an All Motor move at $225.00 per container.


Once the applicable columns have been assigned dollar values the publisher clicks on the Save button to set.


The created inland charge is added alphabetically to the table listing.


Table – Manual Cell Entry

Publishers can also enter individual charges in column cells as required and click on the Save button to set.


The $350 charge for a motor-rail move on a 45’ container has been added to the column listing.


Special Charge Application to Rate Tables

Once the table has been completed and saved the publisher backs out of the Special Charge module using the red X button. In this example the Special Charge was created at the Contract Header level therefore the publisher is required to select whether or not the special charge should be applied to existing rate tables. If the Special Charge was created at the Rate Table level no selection is required. If the special charge should not be applied to all tables the check box should be empty. Clicking on the green checkmark will effect the selection.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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