National Junior Honor Society


Van Wyck Junior High School

6 Hillside Lake Road

Wappingers Falls, New York 12590

b (845) 227-1700 Fax (845) 227-1748 Member

National Junior Honor Society


March, 2017

Dear Eighth Grade Student,

The advisors for the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) would like to commend you on your fine academic performance at Van Wyck Junior High School. Based on your academic record, you have been identified as a possible candidate for acceptance into the Van Wyck Chapter of the NJHS.

Members of the NJHS are a select group of individuals who have demonstrated not only exemplary academic performance, but also the four qualities of the cornerstones of the society: leadership, service, character, and citizenship. A faculty council will make acceptance decisions. These decisions are final.

In order to apply for acceptance into the NJHS, you must:

1. Read and share this letter and informational packet with your parent/guardian.

2. Complete the entire application consisting of the Leadership, Service, Character, & Citizenship Form and essay. In addition, make sure that your parent/guardian signs your completed application.

3. Return your application consisting of the Leadership, Service, Character, & Citizenship Form and essay to Mrs. O’Mara-Adams in the cafeteria during 1st period only on or before Monday, March 27th. (The snow date is Tuesday, March 28th.)

• Failure to submit your completed application to Mrs. O’Mara-Adams on or before Monday, March 27th will result in immediate disqualification. (The snow date is Tuesday, March 28th.)

• Be sure to sign and date the “Receipt of entire NJHS Application Form” from Mrs. O’Mara-Adams when you turn in your application.

• If you are selected for induction into the NJHS, there will be two practice sessions during 2nd period Wednesday, May 10th and Thursday, May 11th. The induction ceremony will be held on Friday, May 12th in the auditorium at 7:00pm.

Congratulations on your academic success and best of luck for continued achievement!


Mrs. Anthony & Mrs. O’Mara-Adams

National Junior Honor Society Advisors


Mrs. Anthony & Mrs. O’Mara-Adams

Their duties are to facilitate the Faculty Council, organize all meetings, practices, the induction ceremony, and to coordinate all forms and notices.

They do not have a voice in the selection process of the candidates.

For questions or concerns, email Alyssa.Anthony@

Eligibility for the Van Wyck National Junior Honor Society

Grade point average of 90% without rounding. Calculation is based on all four quarters of 7th grade and the first two quarters of 8th grade.

Courses included in cumulative grade point average will not be weighted and there will not be any differentiation between Special Education, Regents, and Honors classes in this calculation.

Faculty Council

Selected by the principal and consists of an odd number of members.

They will review all applications which consist of the Leadership, Service, Character, & Citizenship Form and essay.

Their decision will be final.

National Junior Honor Society


Important Dates 2017

Wednesday, March 8th

• Informational meeting for candidates 2nd period in Van Wyck auditorium (snow date Thursday, March 9th)

Monday, March 27th

• Entire completed application including Leadership, Service, Character, & Citizenship Form and essay must be handed in on or before Monday, March 27th (snow date is Tuesday, March 28th) to Mrs. O’Mara-Adams in the cafeteria during 1st period only!

Friday, April 28th

• If accepted, the response form for Induction Ceremony is due

Wednesday, May 10th & Thursday, May 11th

• Practice for the Induction Ceremony 2nd period

Friday, May 12th Induction Ceremony

• Van Wyck Auditorium at 7:00pm

• Students should arrive at 6:30pm and follow the instructions they were given

** Any other questions can be directed to

Mrs. Anthony or Mrs. O’Mara-Adams**


Criteria for being considered for admission into the National Junior Honor Society

The criteria listed below are examples of different aspects of the areas of leadership, service, character, & citizenship.

Please be assured that you need not possess every quality listed below to qualify.


The student who exercises leadership…

is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions.

demonstrates leadership in promoting school activities.

exercises influence on peers in upholding school ideals.

contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school.

is able to delegate responsibilities.

exemplifies positive attitudes.

inspires positive behavior in others.

demonstrates academic initiative.

successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility, conducting business effectively and efficiently without prodding, demonstrates reliability and dependability.

demonstrates leadership in the classroom and in school or community activities.

is thoroughly dependable in any responsibility accepted.


The student who serves…

is willing to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude.

participates in some outside activity: Girl Scouts; church groups; volunteer services for the aged, poor, or

disadvantaged; family duties.

volunteers dependable and well-organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to sacrifice

to offer assistance.

works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities.

cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school.

is willing to represent the class or school in inter-class and inter-scholastic competition.

does committee and staff work uncomplainingly.


The student of character…

takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously.

consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability).

upholds principles of morality and ethics.

cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, halls, etc.

demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability.

shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others.

observes instructions and rules, punctuality, and faithfulness both inside and outside the classroom.

has powers of concentration and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies.

manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and

showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others.

actively helps to rid the school of bad influences or environment.


The student who demonstrates citizenship…

understands the importance of civic involvement.

has a high regard for freedom, justice, and respect of the American form of government.

demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such activities as scouting,

community organizations, and school clubs.

National Junior Honor Society

Leadership, Service, Character & Citizenship Form


Student Name _______________________________________________

Due on or before 1st period on Monday, March 27th to Mrs. O’Mara-Adams in the cafeteria.

(Snow date is Tuesday, March 28th.)

Directions: Complete all sections of this form. Do not be modest! Every bit of information can be used by the faculty council to assist with the selection process. When appropriate, some activities that you participated in can be listed under more than one section. Write neatly. You may also complete these sections on a separate piece of paper and attach them (typed or handwritten). The essay portion of this application is Section V. Please staple all papers together. Note: Completion of this form does not guarantee selection into the NJHS.


Parent/Guardian Signature

Section I – Recognition and Awards

List all honors or awards that you have received, check the grade level, identify the name of the activity or group, and when appropriate indicate the amount of hours spent.

|Recognition or Award |Gr. 6 |Gr. 7 |Gr. 8 |Activity or Group |Hours |

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Section II – Community Activities

List all community activities in which you have participated, check the grade level, indicate the number of hours spent, and note any major accomplishment. These should be any activities outside of school in which you participated for the betterment of your community. For example: volunteer groups/activities, church groups, clubs sponsored outside the school, Boy or Girl Scouts, etc.

|Community Activity |Gr. 6 |Gr. 7 |Gr. 8 |Hours |Major Accomplishment |

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Section III – Co-Curricular Activities

List all activities in which you have participated in school, check the grade level, and note any major accomplishment. Include sports teams, clubs, musical groups, etc.

|School Activity |Gr. 6 |Gr. 7 |Gr. 8 |Major Accomplishment |

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Section IV – Leadership Positions

List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school or community activities, check the grade level, and indicate the activity performed or organization. Include only positions in which you were specifically responsible for directing or motivating others. For example: elected student body or club officer, committee chairperson, team captain, community leader, etc.

|Leadership Position |Gr. 6 |Gr. 7 |Gr. 8 |Activity or Organization |

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Section V – Personal Essay

Membership in the NJHS is based on outstanding scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. Using the attached criteria, introduce yourself to the faculty council that is evaluating your application. Provide the faculty council with details as to how you demonstrated the attached criteria and evidence you stated in Sections I – IV of the Leadership, Service, Character, & Citizenship Form. Do not be modest!

Attach your essay to this form with your name at the top.







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