| |5/ Excellent |4/Very good |3/Adequate |2/Weak |1/Very poor |

|Focus |The thesis is clearly stated and |The thesis is clear, and responds to |The thesis could be more clearly |The essay lacks a central idea, or|The essay lacks a thesis and does |

| |sufficiently limited in scope. It |the assignment clearly. The essay’s |stated. The purpose lacks |presents one that is so vague as |not respond to the assignment. The|

| |responds to the assignment clearly and |purpose is clear, but could use a |originality, and the essay loses |to be non-existent. The essay |essay demonstrates no focus. |

| |reflects the author’s purpose. The essay|little more originality. The essay |focus in places. Main points of |demonstrates little or no | |

| |maintains the focus solidly throughout, |generally maintains the focus and clear|support are present, but also lacking|originality and focus. | |

| |and establishes clearly articulated |points in support. |somewhat in clarity. | | |

| |points in support. | | | | |

|Development |The essay provides thorough and logical |The essay offers some development of |The essay shows limited development |There is little or no development |There is no development, or the |

| |development of its points, using |ideas with a fair amount of explanation|of ideas with few examples or |of ideas. There is confused or |ideas are developed with |

| |relevant examples, evidence, and |and examples. It usually shows how the |explanations. |simplistic discussion of the |irrelevance. |

| |explanations.. |evidence supports the thesis, but makes| |subject. | |

| | |inconsistent connections. | | | |

|Organization |Overall, the essay has a clear and |The paragraphs generally progress |The organization of the paragraphs is|The essay lacks the important |The organization is random or |

| |logical skeletal structure with an |logically and purposefully. Topic |somewhat apparent but inconsistent |elements of structure, presents |non-existent. |

| |effective introduction and conclusion. |sentences and transitions might lack |and confusing. There are few |paragraphs and/or sentences | |

| |The paragraphs are unified and coherent,|some clarity. Some paragraphs are |transitions, or they are weak and |non-sequentially or randomly, and | |

| |both internally and from paragraph to |disorganized and/or inconsistently |illogical. The introduction and |lacks transitions and topic | |

| |paragraph. There are clear transitions |integrated. There is an adequate |conclusion are vague or weak. |sentences. | |

| |and topic sentences. |introduction and conclusion. | | | |

|Grammar and Mechanics |The essay is free from grammatical or |Grammatical and mechanical errors |The essay contains several errors in |The sentences contain many serious|The sentences contain a large |

| |mechanical errors. |exist, but not enough to distract from |spelling, grammar, punctuation, |errors in punctuation, spelling, |number of serious problems with |

| | |reading. |and/or syntax that may somewhat |diction, and syntax that distract |grammar, syntax, diction, |

| | | |distract from the reading of the |from the reading of the essay. |punctuation, and spelling that |

| | | |essay. | |make the essay incomprehensible. |

|Audience, Tone, and Style|The sentences produce an essay which is |The sentences are mostly clear but lack|Sentences are somewhat unclear, |Sentences are extremely unclear, |Sentences are wholly unclear and |

| |clear, fluent, and graceful. The writer |complexity, and demonstrate some |simplistic, and clumsy. Word choice |and word choice is redundant or |incomprehensible; word choice, |

| |deploys a variety of sentence |variety. Style and tone are generally |is often redundant. Style and tone |unspecific. Style and tone are |style and tone show no awareness |

| |structures, and employs a style and tone|appropriate to audience and purpose. |are occasionally awkward or |mostly inappropriate to the |of audience and purpose, and might|

| |appropriate to the audience and purpose.| |inappropriate. |purpose, genre, and audience of |be offensive. |

| | | | |the essay. | |

Open-Ended Response Questions – Each essay can earn up to 25 points with a Maximum of 75 points for this section of the Application

1. In what career field do you aspire to enter? What role will character traits such as leadership, service, characters, scholarship, and citizenship play in your success in that field?

2. .Explain why you want to become and member of the Samuel Ogle Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. What skills/talents will you bring to the chapter?

3. Explain how community service and charity play a role in building your character. Include personal experiences that will help to elaborate your thoughts. Explain why practicing charity and community service are important qualities for a leader to possess.


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