Livestock Bill of Sale - Chouteau County

Livestock Bill of Sale

Seller: Printed Name: ____________________ Address: ________________________ City: ____________________________ State:______________ Zip: _________

Buyer: Printed Name: ____________________ Address: ________________________ City: ____________________________ State:______________ Zip: _________

This is to certify that on this __________ day of __________________, __________, the undersigned Seller, in consideration of the sum of $_______________________ , sold to the undersigned Buyer the following described livestock, the title to which the Seller guarantees.

No. Head





Brands, Marks, & Description

Seller: _____________________________________

Date: ______________________

Buyer: _____________________________________

Date: ______________________

Seller & Buyer agree to hold harmless The Cattle Range from any and all claims, demands, suits, or loss which are in any way connected or associated with use of this Bill of Sale.


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