I. Dates. This agreement was created on the ____ day of _________________,

20___ (Hereinafter known as the "Agreement Date") with the intention of the

transfer of livestock and monetary funds to be on the ____ day of

_________________, 20___ (Hereinafter known as the "Date of Sale").

II. The Parties. The owner of the livestock is known as ___________________ with

a mailing address of ___________________ in the City of

___________________, State of ___________________ (Hereinafter known as

the "Seller"). The purchaser of the livestock is known as ___________________

with a mailing address of ___________________ in the City of

___________________, State of ___________________ (Hereinafter known as

the "Buyer").

III. Livestock. The livestock to be sold is described as:

Animal #1


Number Color Kind Brand Weight

Other Information

Animal #2


Number Color Kind Brand Weight

Other Information

Animal #3


Number Color Kind Brand Weight

Other Information

Animal #4


Number Color Kind Brand Weight

Other Information

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Animal #5


Number Color Kind Brand Weight

Other Information

IV. Purchase Terms. The price the Buyer agrees to pay the Seller for the livestock mentioned in Section II shall be $_________________________ (US Dollars) to be paid on the Date of Sale. The Buyer agrees to - Make a deposit in the amount of $_________________________ (US Dollars) which shall be credited against the sales price on the Date of Sale. - Not make a deposit.

V. Inspection. The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the livestock at anytime between the Agreement Date and the Date of Sale. If during the inspection the Parties are informed of any defect or abnormalities this agreement may become void, at the sole option of the Buyer, with any deposit being returned immediately.

Buyer Signature ____________________ Date _________ Print ________________

Seller Signature ____________________ Date _________ Print ________________

Witness Signature ___________________ Date _________ Print ________________

Witness Signature ___________________ Date _________ Print ________________

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Certificate of Acknowledgement

State of ___________________ County of ___________________

On the ___ day of ________________, 20___ before me, ___________________, personally appeared, ___________________, ___________________, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal,

____________________ (Notary Signature)

____________________ (Print Name)

My Commission Expires: ___________________ (seal)

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