BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Liverpool Womens


Meeting of the Board of Directors – IN PUBLIC

Friday 5 July 2013 at 1230

Board Room, Liverpool Women’s Hospital

|Item no. |

|Board Assurance |

|13/14/100 |

|Assurance – Quality |

|To deliver safe services |

|13/14/103 |

|13/14/104 |

|13/14/105 |

|Performance |

|To be efficient and make the best use of resources |

|13/14/107 |

|13/14/109 |

|13/14/112 |

13/14/113 |Any other business – is there any other business that needs to be considered today? |Consider any urgent items of other business |Verbal or written |Chair |2 mins

(1518) | | | | |13/14/114 |Review of meeting – did the meeting achieve its objectives; what went well and what could have gone better? |Review the effectiveness of the meeting (achievement of objectives/desired outcomes and management of time) |Verbal |Chair / all |1 min

(1519) | | | | |13/14/115 |Date, time and place of next meeting – Friday 4 October 2013 at 1230 in the Board Room, Liverpool Women’s Hospital |Confirm arrangements for next meeting |Verbal |Chair |1 min

(1520) | | | | |


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