| The Official Website of the State of Indiana

RFP-19-037 – Stored Value Card (SVC) Services – Attachment F1 - SVC Program Technical ProposalRespondent:Instructions:Request for Proposal (RFP) 19-037 is a solicitation issued by the State of Indiana in which qualified organizations are invited to compete for a contract amongst other respondents in a formal evaluation process. Please be aware that the evaluation of your organization’s proposal will be completed by a team of State of Indiana employees and your organization’s score will be reflective of that evaluation. The evaluation of a proposal can only be based upon the information provided by the Respondent in its proposal submission. Therefore, a competitive proposal will, among other things, thoroughly address all required components of the Scope of Work (SOW), Attachment H. The Respondent is expected to provide the complete details of its proposed operations, processes, and staffing for the SOW detailed in the RFP document and supplemental attachments.Each section of the SOW requiring a response corresponds with a prompt below. Note that sections 7, 11, 19, and 22 of the SOW do not require a response in the Respondent’s Technical Proposal. A Respondent’s Technical Proposal must address each of the prompts below, in order, in this document. A completed Technical Proposal is a requirement for proposal submission. Failure to complete and submit a Technical Proposal will impact your proposal’s responsiveness.Please review the requirements in Attachment H – SOW carefully and address each section and requirement as prompted below. Please describe your relevant experience and explain how you propose to perform the work in its entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements highlighted below. For all areas in which subcontractors will be performing a portion of the work, clearly describe their roles and responsibilities, related qualifications and experience, and how you will maintain oversight of the subcontractors’ activities.Submission Specifications:It is the State's preference that the Technical Proposal components be submitted as a single document; however if the excessive file size is an issue the State will accept multiple documents. The State prefers to not navigate an excessive number of files during the review process. Attachments and exhibits may be provided in a separate file; however, the Technical Proposal must contain an adequate description of the contents. In other words, the Technical Proposal should stand on its own and must contain enough information to understand the gist of the separate exhibits and attachments.Many sections below have a table where the State inquires about features and functionalities of the Respondent’s system. Each of these tables should be completed accordingly. 1Sections 1, 2, and 3 – Introduction, SOW Overview, and BackgroundPlease provide an overview of your proposal. Additionally, include in your response your answers to the following questions:What is your structure for managing the contract overall? What is your structure for managing a Program and/or an Agency?What do you find is critical in the success of an implementation of this size?What are your organization’s guiding principles to ensure there is oversight and management on all service offerings to deliver high quality customer service?Please provide detailed descriptions of your organization’s processes and interactions. Flowcharts of process(es) are appreciated.What amount of customization and development should be expected annually to meet each agency’s needs and allow them the most customer friendly solution that eliminates extra work, time, and resources? Please describe how your organization’s development teams operate and what processes are used when customization or developments are needed. How will your organization prioritize what should be accomplished and in what order? Please include in your response what you believe should be prioritized and how you will fulfill the plan to ensure all components are successfully completed in the 6 month or less requirement.How do you propose achieving and demonstrating Added Value and Cost Savings throughout the life of the contract?2Section 4 – Mandatory Contractor RequirementsPlease verify, by completing the table below, that you will meet all Mandatory Requirements. Please complete the table by writing that the Respondent “meets the requirement” or “does not meet the requirement.” If the requirement is met by a subcontractor, please identify this (by requirement) with a written statement below, noting the specific subcontractor. Please also explain how you will meet the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Prepaid Card Rules.SectionRequirementMeets Requirements4.1The Contractor must be a Federal Depository Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), or National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) bank with at least one branch in the State of Indiana or the Contractor must subcontract with such a commercial bank. 4.2The Contractor meets the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and is authorized by the appropriate associations, networks, and other necessary organizations to provide Financial Services for debit cards (on-line and off-line).4.3The Contractor (or subcontractor) must be a member of Visa or Mastercard Card Associations and be an authorized issuer of cards for the purposes detailed in this RFP.4.4The Contractor must agree to provide all services in accordance with all regulation, laws, and codes. This includes, but is not limited to, the Prepaid Accounts under the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (Regulation E).4.5The Contractor must agree to adhere to the Contract’s Change Management Protocol as detailed in the attachment included in the Bidders’ Library, Attachment J.3Section 5 – Card RequirementsPlease explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 5.1 through 5.9 of the SOW. Please describe all of the relevant experience that you have in this regard. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 5 and cross reference your response to the applicable section (e.g., have a “5.6 Card Replacement” section in the yellow box below).Please also verify, by completing the table below, that the Respondent will meet the requirements in it. Please complete the table by writing that the Respondent “meets the requirement” or “does not meet the requirement.” This table should not replace the written explanation required above. The table is intended to be a brief summary for the State’s use and consideration.SectionRequirementMeets Requirements5.1The Cards are not connected to a checking or savings account but offers all of the payment functionalities of a check or debit card5.2The Card provides no line of credit for the Cardholder5.2The Card is FDIC insured up to $250,0005.2No interest is added to the Cardholder’s account5.2The Card does not affect the Cardholder’s credit history5.2The Card is universally eligible, no credit check is necessary to receive the Card5.3The Card will have a globally recognized brand mark hologram with “DEBIT” clearly indicated; Co-branded with State of Indiana and Contractor branding5.3The Card will have a “valid-thru” date to indicate month and year before the expiration5.3The Card will have an encoded magnetic strip on the back of the card5.3The Card will have a tamper-evident signature panel on the back of the card for the Cardholder to sign their name5.3The Card will have ultra-violet inks to deter fraudulent reproductions5.3The Card will have indent printing of the last four digits of the account number and card verification code on the Card back as a security feature5.8The Card will be universally accepted at any merchant who accepts Visa or Mastercard5.8The Card will support cash back at the point-of-sale (POS) and withdrawals at ATMs where Visa or Mastercard are acceptedAdditionally, please provide sample deliverables and responses for the following SOW requirements: Please provide your process for Card design and a sample of a current Card currently in service, as mentioned in Section 5.3.Please provide an overview of your current Card Enrollment Process, adhering to all requirements mentioned in Section 5.4.Please provide an overview of your current Card Issuance process adhering to all requirements mentioned in Section 5.5.Please provide an overview of your current Card Replacement process adhering to all requirements mentioned in Section 5.6.Please provide an overview of how Cardholders will have access to their funds adhering to all requirements mentioned in Section 5.7.4Section 6 – ATM NetworkPlease explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 6.1 through 6.4 of the SOW. Please describe all of the relevant experience that you have in this regard. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 6 and cross reference your response to the applicable section (e.g., have a “6.4 ATM Fee Restrictions” section in the yellow box below).Please also verify, by completing the table below, that the Respondent will meet the requirements in it. Please complete the table by writing that the Respondent “meets the requirement” or “does not meet the requirement.” This table should not replace the written explanation required above. The table is intended to be a brief summary for the State’s use and consideration.SectionRequirementMeets Requirements6.1Provide free (i.e. no fee) In-Network ATM's and banking locations, with all counties represented, within three (3) months of the Effective Contract Date. All withdrawals from these in-Network ATMs shall be free, and one withdrawal for each deposit loaded on the Card shall be free at in-Network banking locations6.2Will provide at least 400 ATMs/branches and at least one ATM per county Additionally, provide sample deliverables and responses for the following SOW requirements:Please provide a description of your ATM Network and the location of regional bank branches as mentioned in Section 6.3.If Respondent does not already have 400 ATMs in the State and at least one ATM per county, please explain the plan to achieve that requirement and the associated timing.Please provide a description of your ATM fee withdrawal policies adhering to the requirements mentioned in Section 6.4.5Section 8 – Contractor System RequirementsPlease explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 8.1 through 8.4 of the SOW. Please describe all of the relevant experience that you have in this regard. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 8 and cross reference your response to the applicable section. Please also verify, by completing the table below, that the Respondent will meet the requirements in it. Please complete the table by writing that Respondent “meets the requirement” or “does not meet the requirement.” This table should not replace the written explanation required above. The table is intended to be a brief summary for the State’s use and consideration.SectionRequirementMeets Requirements8.2The Contractor’s system is able to receive transactions from the State in the National Automated Clearing House Association Preauthorized Payment and Deposit format or file transmissions by Federal wire.8.2The Contractor will send e-mail notifications of file transmissions to the State. 8.2In addition to the e-mail notification, the Contractor will also send an acknowledgement handshake through the interface during the file transmission process once the file is successfully received or upon the occurrence of any error.8.2The Contractor’s system must be able to send and receive Card details and Cardholder’s demographic information to and from Agencies. 8.4If the Contractor requires the use of any website, web portal, browser plug-in or software, these items must be compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 and greater, Internet Explorer 9 and greater, Safari, and the latest version of Google Chrome. However, if necessary, the State reserves the right to require use of older versions of software in order to be compatible with an Agency that uses an older version of the software.Additionally, please provide sample deliverables and responses for the following SOW requirements: Please provide a timeline of program implementation, including requirements of the State, as discussed in Section 8.1 Please provide a description or diagram of your file transmission protocols as well as the type of file formats your solution is compatible with as mentioned in Section 8.2.Please fully enumerate any compatibility or software requirements as discussed in Section 8.4.Please provide evidence of compliance with NIST SP 800-53 and IRS PUB 1075. Evidence shall include the report of comparison of the Respondent’s self-assessment of information technology (IT) assets, processes, practices, and facilities against security criteria from the aforementioned documents. The first of these self-assessments shall be provided with this Technical Proposal response. This assessment should be qualitative in nature. The respondent should review the aforementioned publications and provide their compliance with each point. Please describe your willingness and ability to provide advanced and up-to-date software, technology, platforms, and materials. How do you ensure that software, technology, platforms, and materials are up-to-date?Please describe your willingness and ability to provide industry standards for both current and pending local, federal, and even international legislation, as well as from insights from other customers. What do you believe is a reasonable time limit for fixing any error?6Section 9 – Account ManagementPlease explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 9.1 through 9.4 of the SOW. Please describe all of the relevant experience that you have in this regard. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 9 and cross reference your response to the applicable section.Please also verify, by completing the table below, that the Respondent will meet the requirements in it. Please complete the table by writing that the Respondent “meets the requirement” or “does not meet the requirement.” This table should not replace the written explanation required above. The table is intended to be a brief summary for the State’s use and consideration.SectionRequirementMeets Requirements9.1Contractor will match “duplicate” requests from agencies for account creation to a current or previously active account, by Social Security number.?9.2Contractor will not allow for transactions to exceed the balance amount available in the Cardholder’s account.?Additionally, please provide sample deliverables and responses for the following SOW requirements:Please provide a description of your policy regarding Settlement and Reconciliation adhering to all requirements mentioned in Section 9.3.Please provide a description of your policy regarding rejected ACH transactions adhering to all requirements mentioned in Section 9.4.Please provide your organization’s standard process for resolving issues raised by the State or identified by the Contractor, including standard response times, as well as the escalation process if the standard resolution process cannot resolve an issue.7Section 10 – Security and Detection of Fraud and AbusePlease explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 10.1 through 10.5 of the SOW. Please explain your security and fraud and abuse detection programs, with emphasis on how they comply with SOW requirements. Describe your processes for identifying and safeguarding against fraud.Please also provide an overview of the contents and methods that would be outlined in the Security Document required by this section. If you have a similar Security Document for another client that it is able to share, it should be attached it as an exhibit to your Technical Proposal.8Section 12 – Customer Service, Help DeskPlease describe your customer service capabilities, addressing, but not limiting your response, to the elements outlined in Sections 12.1 through 12.5. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 12 and cross reference your response to the applicable section.Please also verify, by completing the table below, that the Respondent will meet the requirements in it. Please complete the table by writing that Respondent “meets the requirement” or “does not meet the requirement.” This table should not replace the written explanation required above. The table is intended to be a brief summary for the State’s use and consideration.SectionRequirementMeets Requirements12.1Customer service support center is in, or will be in, Indiana12.2An automated IVR system12.2Access to a Toll-Free number12.3Provide a secure Cardholder website and mobile application, accessible through computer and phone browsers, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year12.4Automated Functions for text or email alert for Cardholders that their Card has been fundedAdditionally, please provide sample deliverables and responses for the following SOW requirements:Please also list a proposed location for the Customer Service Center. Please provide a sample or draft script for the IVR script flow chart as described in Section 12.2.Please provide a description of online functionalities and features that the Respondent may offer Cardholders in line with Section 12.3, as well as any other cost-free functionalities or features the Respondent may offer Cardholders in line with Section 12.4.How does your organization define quality customer service? Please discuss escalation of issues along with a specified timeframe for resolution. What steps are taken to resolve quality issues?The State seeks maximum customer satisfaction at all levels of management and staff. Please indicate how you track customer service for specific programs and provide evidence or reports for the most recent time period. Provide detail on your organization’s customer satisfaction processes.How do you ensure call quality when a customer speaks with a live person? How do you ensure this call quality during all calls? How does your organization measure and track call quality? If a call prompt doesn’t work (e.g. a Card is not pinned after the call is made), how do you address these issues? Please include in your response a discussion on ensuring calls are not dropped, directing calls quickly and appropriately, and ensuring the call center is up and running.How does the respondent inform customers of fluctuations of fees and ensure compliance with those fees?9Section 13 – Project DocumentationPlease describe your understanding and ability to provide all Project Documentation Requirements, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 13.1 through 13.4 of the SOW. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 13 and cross reference your response to the applicable section.Additionally, please provide sample deliverables and responses for the following SOW requirements:Please provide the Respondent’s Escheatment Plan as requested in the requirements for Section 13.1. Describe in full detail what your escheatment process will be for the Cards. Provide all rules and policies for determining Escheatment Plans, what counts as an inactive or an active Card, and detail how you monitor these and ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.Please provide the Respondent’s Quality Assurance and Risk Management Plan as requested in the requirements for Section 13.2 Describe in full detail your process for quality control and what steps are taken if that process is not followed. How do you ensure repetitive issues cease? This is required so that there are no delays in facilitating needed changes to existing processes and facilitating the implementation of new business processes. Please elaborate on how you will address this issue. Please provide the Respondent’s Business Continuation and Disaster Plan as requested in the requirements for Section 13.3.10Section 14 – Transition-In Phase & Tasks (If-applicable)Please explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 14.1 and 14.3 of the SOW. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 14 and cross reference your response to the applicable section. Specifically, please provide a detailed description of how the Respondent would assume the duties of this contract with minimal disruption to the State and Cardholders. Additionally, please include your answers to the following questions:If the incumbent is not selected as the winning Respondent, how quickly can each program be transitioned to the new vendor? How long do you expect it to take to transfer all account history?If a new vendor were awarded, but could not meet an aggressive implementation timeline, what suggested actions would need to occur to continue services for the contract? What penalty should be assessed for delayed implementation?11Section 15 – End of ContractPlease explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 15.1 and 15.3 of the SOW. Please describe all of the relevant experience that you have in this regard. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 15 and cross reference your response to the applicable section.12Section 16 – MarketingPlease explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 16.1 and 16.2 of the SOW. Please describe all of the relevant experience that you have in this regard. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 16 and cross reference your response to the applicable section.13Section 17 – System Testing and DemonstrationPlease explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 17.1 to 17.7 of the SOW. Please describe all of the relevant experience that you have in this regard. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 17 and cross reference your response to the applicable section.14Section 18 – Key Personnel and StaffPlease explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 18.1 to 18.4 of the SOW. Additionally, please provide sample deliverables and responses for the following SOW requirements:Please list and describe all candidates for the Key Personnel positions required by 18.1. Please provide the staffing plan required by 18.3. Please provide information on training of the day to day contact and how to ensure quick, intelligent, accurate, and comprehensive information.Describe employment screenings, including background checks and other screenings performed on employees, as well as how favorability of employment is established. 15Section 20 – ReportingPlease explain how you propose to execute the described duties in their entirety, including but not limited to the specific elements outlined in sections 20.1 to 20.5 of the SOW. Please describe all of the relevant experience that you have in this regard. Please structure your response to address the specific sections in Section 20 and cross reference your response to the applicable section.Please provide a list of your organization’s standard reports, including examples, as an attachment to your Technical Proposal. Please note which reports are available online. Describe your organization’s general reporting capabilities and provide examples of reports that you could provide to agencies to demonstrate customer service levels, contract compliance, usage, and ultimately assist with growing, maintaining, and enhancing the SVC program.Additionally, please provide sample deliverables and responses for the following SOW requirements:An example of the daily, monthly and quarterly reports outlined in the requirements for Sections 20.1 – 20.4A schematic of ATM locations currently In-Network as described in the requirements for Section 20.516Section 21 – Vendor Performance ManagementAgree to adhere to the requirements listed in this section. Include a plan detailing how you will adhere to performance management standards and avoid corrective action throughout the life of this Contract. Additionally, please list any corrective actions that you’ve been subject to in the last five years. ................

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