Introduction to SLURM and Modules at CHPC - University of Utah

Introduction to SLURM and Modules at CHPC

Albert Lund CHPC User Services


? CHPC user environment (modules) ? Running interactive jobs ? Running batch jobs


vi Refresher/Exercise

? A few commands will get you started:

? Press 'i' for insert! (Insert mode, Replace mode) ? Press 'Esc' to get back to command mode!

? :w - 'write' ? :wq! - 'write and quit' ? :q! - 'quit without saving (good for mistakes) ? Press 'u' to undo in command mode

? Exercise: write something in vi and save it!

? Try it with 'vim' too


? Modules are a way of managing the user environment

? Most programs can be run through full path, e.g. /bin/ls

? How does the OS know where 'ls' is? The PATH variable: "echo $PATH"

? Modules lets users modify the environment on the fly

Getting the dot files

? CHPC module page:

? New users do not need to do the following steps: ? To enable modules, the user will need to copy the CHPC

bashrc and tcshrc to their home directory:

cp /uufs/ ~/.bashrc cp /uufs/ ~/.tcshrc ? To set up the default CHPC environment, users will also need to copy the and custom.csh scripts cp /uufs/ ~/ cp /uufs/ ~/.custom.csh

? Make sure to save a copy of your old .bashrc/.tcshrc!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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