Project Information Note (PIN)

1. Japan Carbon Finance, Ltd. (JCF), has been established as of December, 1st 2004, jointly by several private Japanese companies and two governmental financial institutions, that is, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and Development Bank of Japan (DBJ).

2. The objective of JCF is to select projects potentially eligible for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) and to obtain emission reductions of good quality from among selected CDM/JI projects for its investors.

3. Prior to selection of CDM/JI projects, JCF requests project participants to submit Project Information Note (PIN) using the attached template. The template consists of the following six sections. While every effort should be made to provide as complete and extensive information as possible, it is requested that project participants keep the document compact and avoid writing more than 10 pages in total, in order to facilitate JCF selection procedure. Participants may, after consideration its influence on project selection, state “N/A” for information unidentified at the stage of PIN preparation.

A. Basic Information

- name and location of project and project participants, etc.

- attached form to be filled out for each of the project participant

B. Project Characteristics

- scale, sector and applied methodology of project

- brief description of project, etc.

C. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reduction (ER)

- anticipated type, amount and schedule of GHG ERs

- basic concept of how baseline scenario was considered, etc.

D. Expected Schedule and Host Country Approval Procedure

- schedule through pre-investment and project implementation stages

- host country approval procedure, etc.

E. Contribution to Sustainable Development

- environmental impacts

- socio-economic impacts, etc.

F. Finance

- project cost estimate and breakdown

- source of financing including equity, debt and carbon finance, etc.

(end page)

JCF PIN Template

A. Basic Information

|PIN | |

|Submission Date | |

|Project Name | |

|Location(Country, Region, | |

|State / Prefecture, City, | |

|Village, etc.) and Situtation | |

|of Surrounding Area | |

|Commitment from |(please describe) |

|Project Sponsor / Responsible | |

|Entity | |

|to conduct CDM/JI | |

|project | |

|Project Participants |Name of Participant (*) |Function in Project |

|(expected to be specified in |(underline name of participants holding an account in |(Owner/Sponsor, Developer, etc.) |

|Project Design Document. |the national registry established by the Government of| |

|In case to be elaborated in |Japan) | |

|the future, specify who or | | |

|what kind of participants are | | |

|expected to join. Credits are | | |

|not necessarily distributed to| | |

|all participants) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

(*) Detailed information of each participant to be filled in attached form

(end page)

B. Project Characteristics

|Scale of Project |□ General |□ Small Scale using indicative methodology |

|(for CDM Projects) | |□ Small Scale without indicative methodology |

| | |□ Bundling Option Considered |

|Scope / Sector |Scope No. (If CDM, please specify Name and Number of Scope as listed on UNFCCC website |

|(indicate Scope No. | ) |

|and check the box of relevant| |

|sector) | |

| |□Renewable |□Energy |□Fuel |□Fugitive |

| |Energy |Efficiency |Switching | |

| |□Chemical |□Transport |□Waste |□Land Use / |

| |Industry | |Management |Forestry |

| |□Others (please specify): |

| | |

| |[note] For LULUCF project, please consult JCF in advance |

|Brief Description | |Brief Description |

|(objective, proposed | | |

|activities, applied | | |

|technology, etc.) | | |

| |Present Situation at| |

| |Project Site and | |

| |Objective | |

| | | |

| |Proposed | |

| |Activities | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Applied | |

| |Technology | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Other | |

| |Information | |

| | | |

(end page)

C.Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reduction (ER) (1)

|Major |( CO2 |( CH4 |( N2O |

|GHG Abated | | | |

| |( HFCs (HFC ) |( PFCs (PFC ) |( SF6 |

|Estimated Amount of GHG Abated |Crediting Period |Start Year – End Year |Total Reductions |Proposed Sales to JCF |

|(in metric tons of CO2 | | | | |

|equivalent: tCO2e) | | | | |

| |Total |( ) – ( ) | | |

| |Breakdown | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Fixed Period | | | |

| |(max 10 yrs) |( ) – ( ) | | |

| | | | | |

| |Renewable Periods | | | |

| |1st period (max 7 yrs) |( ) – ( ) | | |

| |2nd period (max 7 yrs) |( ) – ( ) | | |

| |3rd period (max 7 yrs) |( ) – ( ) | | |

| |Average Annual | | | |

| |Reduction |( ) – ( ) | | |

| |(Fixed or 1st Period) | |(tCO2e/yr) |(tCO2e/yr) |

|Methodology | |

|(check box for either Approved |( Approved |

|or New) |( Submitted and approved (ID number: AM and/or NM ) |

| |( Use of existing approved methodology (ID number: AM ) |

| |( Use of existing indicative methodology for small scale CDM |

| |(methodology identification number: ) |

| | |

| |( New |

| |( Submitted and under consideration by the Meth Panel/CDM EB |

| |( Under preparation |

| | |

| |If CDM, Please specify Name and No. of Methodology Applied as listed on UNFCCC Website |

| |. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

(end page)

C.Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reduction (ER) (2)

|Outline of Baseline Scenario | |Brief Description |

| |Description of the baseline | |

| |scenario. | |

| |Rationale why the project delivers | |

| |“additional” reductions (logical | |

| |explanation) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Potential scenarios used in the | |

| |screening process to identify the | |

| |unique baseline scenario | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |What can be presented as evidences | |

| |to justify why the above logic can | |

| |be applied (not necessarily to open | |

| |for public through PDD) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Key factor and associated | |

| |uncertainties (except those relative| |

| |to Russia’s ratification and overall| |

| |effectuation of Kyoto Protocol ) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

(end page)

D. Expected Schedule and Host Country Approval Procedure

|Summary |Year |Key Procedures and Events |

|Timeline | |(please specify detail in matrix below) |

| | | |

(matrix for detailed information)

|Pre-Investment |Procedure (please change as necessary) |Present Status |Month / Yr * |

|Procedure | | | |

|(Project Related) | | | |

| | Pre-Feasibility Study | | |

| |Feasibility Study | | |

| |Environmental Impact Assessment | | |

| |Social Impact Assessment | | |

| |Stakeholder Consultation | | |

|Pre-Investment |Designated Operational |(please specify name of DOE responsible for methodology / validation and |

|Procedure |Entity (DOE) for Validation Purposes |state whether the OE is already designated or still an applicant): |

|(CDM/JI Related) | | |

| |Procedure (please change as necessary) |Present Status |Month / Yr * |

| | (New Methodology Approval) | | |

| |Project Design Document | | |

| |Validation | | |

| |Registration | | |

| |ER Purchase Agreement w/ JCF | | |

|Host Country Approval |Designated National |□Identified (please specify): |

|Procedure |Authority (DNA) |□Unidentified (please specify agencies with alternative function, if any) : |

|(project approval, approval as| | |

|CDM/JI, etc.) | | |

| |Procedure |Agency in Charge |Present Status |Month / Yr * |

| | | | | |

|Implementation |Procedure (please change as necessary) |Present Status |Month / Yr * |

|Schedule | | | |

| | Start of Construction | | |

| |Start of Operation | | |

| |Start of Crediting Period | | |

| |First Verification | | |

| |First Certification | | |

* Actual and Expected Month and Year

(end page)

E. Contribution to Sustainable Development

|Environmental Impacts | |Brief Description |

| |Law, Regulation, Guideline Applied | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Regional Benefits | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Potential Negative Impacts and Mitigation | |

| |Measures | |

| | | |

|Socio-economic | |Brief Description |

|Impacts | | |

| |Law, Regulation, Guideline Applied | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Direct Benefits | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Other Benefits | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Potential Negative Impacts and Mitigation | |

| |Measures | |

| | | |

|Technology Transfer Effects | |

| | |

(end page)

F. Finance

|Project Cost Estimate |Item (please change as necessary) |Amount in Million US $ |

| | Preparation | |

| |Equipment and Materials | |

| |Civil Works | |

| |Other Expenses | |

| |Total Project Cost | |

|Estimated |Item (specify revenue item) |Amount in Million US $ |

|Revenue after Operation | | |

| | | |

|Source of Finance |Item (specify name of organization, underline if public funding |Amount in Million US $ |

|(check box if already arranged) |entity) | |

| |Equity | |

| |□ | |

| |Debt | |

| |□ | |

| |Unidentified | |

| |JCF contribution in upfront payments if desired (mention the | |

| |discount factor assumed for upfront payment for the project) | |

|Sources of Carbon Finance |(specify source of potential ER co-purchase, such as Fund, if any, along with its purchase condition such as amount and |

| |price) |

|Indicative ER Price |(US$ / tCO2e) |

|Total ER Value |Crediting Period |Start Year-End Year |Total Abated |Sales to JCF |

|(in Million US $) | | | | |

| |Total |( ) – ( ) | | |

| |Breakdown | | | |

| |Fixed Period | | | |

| |(max 10 yrs) |( ) – ( ) | | |

| |Renewable Period | | | |

| |1st period (max 7yrs) |( ) – ( ) | | |

| |2nd period (max 7yrs) |( ) – ( ) | | |

| |3rd period (max 7yrs) |( ) – ( ) | | |

|Forecast Financial Internal Rate|With ER Revenues | |

|of Return | | |

| |Without ER Revenues | |

(end page)


Project Participant Information Form

General Information

|Name of | |

|Participant | |

|Organizational |Government / Government agency / Municipality / Private company / |

|Category |Non Governmental Organization (mention what is applicable) |

|Country in which the Participant is | |

|Established | |

|Country in which the Participant | |

|holds ER Account (if any) | |

|Main Activities | |

|Summary of Financials | |

|(total assets, revenues, profit, | |

|etc.) | |

|Contact Information |Contact Person | |

| |And Position | |

| |Address | |

| |Telephone | |

| |Fax | |

| |E-mail | |

| |Web Adress | |

Project Related Information

|Function in Project | |

| | |

| | |

|Summary of Experience in Relevant Project | |

| | |

| | |

(end page)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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