French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 3 Bien dit

French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 3 Bien dit (Week 1)

Week of October 13- October 17, 2008

The first 5 chapters of Bien dit are review. The students are responsible for all exercises and all readings in a chapter when preparing for a test even when not explicitly stated on the syllabus. Please stay current and spend 15-20 minutes every night studying. Tutoring is available Wednesday after school as stated in the policy letter sent home the first day of school.

Mon. 10/13 : Teacher workday: No classes

Tues. 10/14: Vocabulary pp. 78-79 / 80(Copy all vocabulary in boxes)

Oral Drills using vocabulary pp. 78-81

Homework: Study vocabulary

Wed., 10/15: Ex. 1,2,3 pp. 80-81

Homework: Copy chart on p. 84 and study adjective agreement

Th. 10/16: Bell Ringer: ex. 4 p. 81

Ex. 11,12,13,14 pp. 84-85

Homework: Copy chart on p. 86 and study adjective agreement

Fri. 10/17: Bell Ringer: Unscramble 5 sentences on the board

Ex. 16,17,18pp. 86-87

Journal Entry # 7: Une description de ta mère

Homework: Study all structures and vocabulary covered this week

Note: Speaking assessment practice and speaking assessment are reserved for extended class periods. Culture enrichment will also be offered will time permits. Students should be attentive as enrichment is presented.


1. Make adjective agreement of regular adjectives.

2. Make adjective agreement of irregular adjectives.

3. Use a variety of adjectives to describe people and things.

4. Use the expression “Comment tu trouves…?” to ask for opinions.

5. Use the expression « Qu’est-ce que tu pense de/d’ .. ? » to ask for opinions.

6. Use the expression « Je le/la trouve + adjective » to express personal opinions.

7. Use the expression « à mon avis » followed by a personal opinion.

8. Use the negation “ne…ni…” with être and adjectives to describe a person or thing.

9. Use the expression “avoir + les + yeux/cheveux + adjective” to describe people.

10. Take dictation in French.

11. Write a well organized essay describing a person or thing.

12. Answer questions based on a reading passage.

13. Answer questions based on a spoken passage.

14. Use a variety of verbs, structures, and vocabulary to answer personal questions.

15. Demonstrate correct pronunciation in spoken French.

French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 3 Bien dit (Week 2)

Week of October 20- October 24, 2008

Mon. 10/20 : The verbe être p. 82 (Copy chart)/ Do ex. 7 p. 82

Classwork : Worksheet: Vêtements & adj. vieux, beux, nouveau act.1&2

Homework : Study for quiz (pp. 78-87/ Adjective agreement/ meaning

of adjectives/ Short answer questions based on vocabulary in boxes/

possible listening comprehension(40pts.without listening comprehension)

Tues: 10/21: Quiz on pp. 78-87 (40 pts without listening comprehension/ with listening

comprehension points will be higher)

Voc.: Family Tree (pp. 90-91 (Copy all vocabulary in boxes)/Ex. 21 P. 92

Homework: Study vocabulary pp. 90-91

Wed. 10/22: Extended Class: Speaking Assessment (10 quiz points)

Ex.,22, 23 p. 92/Copy boxed vocabulary p. 93

Reading Passage: “La Rançon du Succès » translate 1st paragraph

Th. 10/23: Class work: ex 24 p. 93 (paragraph)/ Ex. 25 p. 93 (answer the questions)

Worksheet: (Chapter 3 Practice quiz: La famille, les adjectifs/ être)

Homework : Parts I & II of worksheet

Practice Dictation

Fri. 10/24 : Finish correction of worksheet Reading Passage:La Rançon du Succès (translate paragraph 1)

Homework: Study for Monday’s quiz (Family Tree & Adjectives pp.

90-93/ Adjective Review pp. 78,79,80, 84, 86)

Note: Speaking assessment practice and speaking assessment are reserved for extended class periods. Culture enrichment will also be offered will time permits. Students should be attentive as enrichment is presented.


1. Conjugate être.

2. Use être plus adjectives to describe people, places, and things.

3. Identify members of the family including the extended family and pets.

4. Use the expression “fils/fille unique” to describe a family.

5. Use the expression “Nous sommes + number” to express how many people are in his/or family.

6. See objectives of previous week (Objectives 1-12)

French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 3 Bien dit (Week 3)

Week of October 27- October 31, 2008

Mon. 10/27 : Quiz (Family Tree & Adjective Review)

Possessive Adjectives p. 94 (Copy chart)

Ex. 26,27,28, 30 pp. 94-95/ Reading Passage (translate paragraph 2)

Homewk.: Study possessive adjective chart & finish any ex not completed

Tues. 10/28: Bell Ringer: Ex. 28 p. 95 Review contraction with à/Contractions p. 96 (Copy chart)

Ex. 31,32 (pp. 96-97)

Homework: Do ex. 33 p. 97

Wed. 10/29: Bell Ringer: Unscramble sentences (on the board)/ Number review 80-100

C’est vs. Il/Elle est : Copy examples)/ Oral drills/ Do ex. 37 p. 96

Check ex. 33 p. 97 done for homework

Practice Quiz (adjective agreement, possessive adjectives & contractions)

Th., 10/30 : Speaking assessment and/or dictation

Practice quiz (aller, être, avoir, “er » verbs, pouvoir, s’appeler,

dire/ meanings and conjugations)

Fri. 10/31 : Verb quiz (aller, être, avoir, “er » verbs, pouvoir, s’appeler,

dire/ meanings and conjugations/ short answer questions) 50 points

Read culture information in chapter 3 (information in boxes, Flash

Culture, Culture appliqué, etc.)

Reading Passage (translate paragraph 3 & do exercises)

Homework: Study for Chapter 3 test (Wednesday/ bring 2 #2 pencils)

Note: Speaking assessment practice and speaking assessment are reserved for extended class periods. Culture enrichment will also be offered will time permits. Students should be attentive as enrichment is presented.


1. Make adjective agreement of regular adjectives.

2. Make adjective agreement of irregular adjectives.

3. Use a variety of adjectives to describe people and things.

4. Use the expression “Comment tu trouves…?” to ask for opinions.

5. Use the expression « Qu’est-ce que tu pense de/d’ .. ? » to ask for opinions.

6. Use the expression « Je le/la trouve + adjective » to express personal opinions.

7. Use the expression « à mon avis » followed by a personal opinion.

8. Use the negation “ne…ni…” with être and adjectives to describe a person or thing.

9. Use the expression “avoir + les + yeux/cheveux + adjective” to describe people.

10. Identify family members including extended family and pets.

11. Conjugate être, aller, avoir, “er” verbs, pouvoir, s’appeler, dire.

12. Identify the meaning of the verbs in number 11.

13. Use the verbs in number 11 to convey information.

14. Make contractions using de + the definite article.

15. Use the expression “fils/fille unique” to describe a family.

16. Use the expression “Nous sommes + number” to express how many people are in his/or family.

17. Correctly use C’est vs. Il/Elle est in descriptions.

18. Take dictation in French.

19. Write a well organized essay describing a person or thing.

20. Answer questions based on reading passage.

21. Answer questions based on a spoken passage.

22. Demonstrate correct pronunciation in spoken French.

French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 3 & Chapter 4 Bien dit (Week 4)

Week of November 3 – November 7, 2008

Mon., 11/3 : View Téléroman Ch. 3 & do accompanying worksheet/ Workbook p. 3 (Spoken and/or dictation and/or writing segment of Chapter 3 Test- TBA)

Tues. 11/4: « Prépare-toi pour l’examen » pp. 104-105 ex. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Complete Practice Test/ Read pp. 106-107

Homework : Study for Chapter 3 Test

Wed. 11/5: Chapter 3 Test Bien dit

Class and/or homework: ex. TBA pp. 108-9

Th. 11/6: Vocabulary pp. 112-114 (Copy all vocabulary in boxes)

Ex 1,2,3 p. 114

Homework: Study vocabulary pp. 112-114

Fri. 11/7: Vocabulary Review pp. 112-114/ Ex. 4,5,6 p. 115

Dictation and/or Reading/ Journal Entry

Homework: Study for quiz (pp. 112-115)

Note: Speaking assessment practice and speaking assessment are reserved for extended class periods. Culture enrichment will also be offered will time permits. Students should be attentive as enrichment is presented.


1. See objectives for Chapter 3

2. Identify courses studied at school.

3. State they have a certain course a certain day of the week.

4. Use the expressions “ça me plait” to talk about likes.

5. Use the expression “Je trouve ça génial, difficile, etc. » to talk about likes and dislikes.

6. Use the expression « D’après moi » to offer opinions.

7. Express time in French.

8. Answer questions based on a reading passage.

9. Answer questions based on a spoken passage.

10. Write an essay using a variety of structures and verbs on an assigned topic.

11. Use a variety of verbs, structures and vocabulary to convey personal information.

12. Demonstrate correct pronunciation in spoken French.

French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 4 Bien dit (Week 5)

Week of November 10– November 14, 2008

Mon. 11/10 : Quiz (pp. 112-115)

Copy chart “re” verbs p. 116

Begin worksheet “re” verbs

Homework: Assigned portion of worksheet “re” verbs

Tues. 11/11: Jour Férié (Jour de l’Armistice) No School

Wed. 11/12 : Finish worksheet « re » verbs

Review time

Homework : Review « re » verbs and/or writing assignment

Th., 11/13: “Re” Verbs pp. 116-117 ex. 7,8,9,10, 11

Homework: Study for “re” verb Test (conjugation, meanings,

dictation, short answer questions )

Fri. 11/14: Test on “Re” Verbs (conjugation, meanings,

dictation, short answer questions )

Begin number review (worksheet/ oral drills)

Journal Entry and/or reading assignment

Homework: Study numbers 0-1000

Note: Speaking assessment practice and speaking assessment are reserved for extended class periods. Culture enrichment will also be offered will time permits. Students should be attentive as enrichment is presented.


1. See objectives for week 4.

2. Conjugate an “re” verb.

3. Identify meaning of common “re” verbs.

4. Use common “re” verbs in sentences to communicate information.

French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 4 Bien dit (Week 6)

Week of November 17– November 21, 2008

Mon., 11/17 : « Ger » and « Cer » verbs : Copy charts p. 118

Ex. 12,13, 14,15 pp. 118-119/ copy additional verbs from board

Homework: Study “ger” and “cer”

Tues. 11/18: Review “cer” and “ger” verbs & do worksheet if available

Number Review (Listening activities on back of numbers worksheet)

Homework: Study for quiz (“re”, “ger”, “cer” verbs: conjugation and

meaning with listening component)

Wed. 11/19: Quiz (“re”, “ger”, “cer” verbs: conjugation and

meaning with listening component)

Extended Practice with numbers (worksheet with pronunciation exercise)

Homework: Study for quiz on numbers (Write 0-200 with listening)

Th. 11/20: Quiz on numbers (Write 0-200 with listening)

Application 1: Le + day of the week p. 120

Ex. 16,17,18, 19, 20 pp. 120-121

Homework: Writing assignment

Fri. 11/21: Vocabulary pp. 124-6 (Copy all vocabulary in boxes excluding numbers)

Journal Entry and/or reading assignment

Note: Speaking assessment practice and speaking assessment are reserved for extended class periods. Culture enrichment will also be offered will time permits. Students should be attentive as enrichment is presented.


1. Conjugate an “re” verb.

2. Identify meaning of common “re” verbs.

3. Use common “re” verbs in sentences to communicate information.

4. Conjugate “ger” and “cer” vebs.

5. Identify the meanings of common “cer”and “ger” verbs.

6. Use common “ger” and “cer” verbs in sentences to communicate information.

7. Write numbers between zero and 200.

8. Identify the numbers 0-200 in the spoken language.

9. Use le plus day of the week to indicate that something happens regularly.

10. Express time in French.

11. Take dictation in French.

12. Answer questions based on a reading passage.

13. Answer questions based on a spoken passage.

14. Use a variety of structures, verbs and expressions to answer personal questions.

15. Take dictation in French.

16. Write an essay in French using the verbs studied.

French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 4 Bien dit (Week 7)

Week of November 24– November 25, 2008

Mon. 11/24: Practice for Speaking Assessment (Major Grade)

Reading passage and/or Dictation and/or Writing

Tues. 11/24: Speaking Assessment (Major Grade)

Reading passage and/or Dictation and/or Writing

Objectifs/SWBAT: (See 11-16 of week 6)

French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 4 Bien dit (Week 7)

Week of December 1- December 5, 2008

Mon. 12/1 : Review « Fournitures Scolaires » and related vocabulay : Workbook

pp. 35-36 (handout)

Homework: Review voc. pp. 124-126

Tues. 12/2: Two stemmed verbs like “acheter” and “préférer”: p. 128

Copy chart: p. 128

Ex. 27,28,29,30 pp. 128-129

Homework: Study verbs like “acheter” and “préférer”: p. 128

Wed. 12/3: Worksheet on verbs like “acheter” and “préférer”

Homework: Study and/or finish worksheet

Thurs. 12/4: Read cultural information in chapter 4 including all boxes, Flash

Culture and Culture Appliquée

Reading passage and/or dictation and/or writing

Homework: Study for quiz on 2 stem verbs

Fri. 12/5: Quiz on verbs like “acheter” and “préférer” with listening comprehension

Journal Entry and/or reading passage

Homework: Study all material covered in chapter 4


1. Conjugate spelling change verbs like “acheter” and “préférer.”

2. Identify the meaning of common spelling change verbs like “acheter” and “préférer.”

3. Take dictation in French.

4. Use a variety of verbs, structures and vocabulary to communicate personal information.

5. Identify common school supplies.

6. Use the expression “avoir besoin de/d’” to express needs.

7. Use the expression “Il me faut” to express needs.

8. Ask to borrow something.

9. Ask the color of something.

10. Ask how much something costs.

11. Express thank you and you’re welcome in French.

12. Identify the colors in French.

13. Make colors adjectives agree according to gender and number.

14. Use vocabulary to enquire about buying objects.

French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 4 Bien dit (Week 7)

Week of December 8- December 12, 2008

Mon. 12/8 : Adjectives as Nouns : p. 130/ Ex. 32,33,34,35,36 pp. 130-131

« Un peu plus » p. 132/ Ex. 39 & 40 pp. 133-134

Homework : Practice Test Verbs (Conjugation and Meaning :

Aller, avoir, être, “re” verbs, verbs like “acheter” and “préférer”,

« cer » and « ger » verbs, s’appeler, pouvoir)

Tues. 12/9 : Worksheet : Pre CRT Review Worksheet (Answer in complete


Study for Verb Test (see Monday’s description)

Wed. 12/10: Verb Test 9 (Conjugation and Meaning :

Aller, avoir, être, “re” verbs, verbs like “acheter” and “préférer”,

« cer » and « ger » verbs, s’appeler, pouvoir)

View Téléroman and complete accompanying worksheet

Homework: Begin CRT Study Guide\

Th. 12/11: Continue CRT Study Guide

Fr. 12/12: Continue CRT Study Guide

Dictation and/or reading passage and/or journal entry

Note: Speaking assessment practice and speaking assessment are reserved for extended class periods. Culture enrichment will also be offered will time permits. Students should be attentive as enrichment is presented.

Objectifs/SWBAT: See objectives for preceding weeks

French I Tentative Syllabus Chapter 4 Bien dit (Week 8)

Week of December 15- December 19, 2008

Mon. 12/15 : CRT Dictation

CRT Speaking Assessment

Tues. 12/16 : CRT Essay

Ex. Prépare-toi pour l’examen : ex. 1-7 (pp. 137-139)

Reading and/or writing

Wed. 12/17 : CRT Multiple Choice


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