5/94 - Boston University

Curriculum Vitae: Irene L. Gendzier (updated 2007)

Professor, Political Science Department, Boston University

B.A. Barnard College; M.A., Ph.D. Columbia University, 1964; taught at Barnard College; Prof at Harvard University Extension Division; Harvard Summer session; Visiting Prof. Department of Humanities, MIT; Fellow Radcliffe Institute Fellow (Bunting Institute); Visiting Professor, Oxford University Center for Lebanese Studies; New York University International Center for Advanced Studies; Research Fellow; Research Associate,Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University; Instructor, Assistant, Associate and Full Prof in the Department of History, African Studies Ctr., and Department of Political Science, Boston University

2007: Research Associate, Center for Middle East Studies, Harvard University; Jan2008-Dec 2008: Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University Graduate School.

COURSES TAUGHT, a select list:

History: History of Western Civilization, Introduction to the Middle East, History of North Africa, Seminars in selected themes of the modern Middle East.

Political Science: Comparative Political Development, State and Society in the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa, National Development in International Politics, Core course in Comparative Political Development, Advanced seminar in Comparative Political Development, Comparative Political Participation, Seminar: Decision making in International Politics, Directed Studies in International Political economy and Development.


Member, Islamic Studies Program, Boston University, 2003; Member, Womens’ Studies Program, Boston University, 2003-4; Member African Studies Ctr., Boston University, continuing appointment; Member, Search Committee for position in Middle Eastern history for the Department of History (1998);

Member, Search Committee of the Department of International Relations for position in Middle Eastern politics and international relations, (1992-1993); Member, Search Committee for Comparative European Politics, Department of Political Science (1992-1993); Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of History (1990); Member Search Committee, Department of History, for position in American History (1989); Member Sexual Harassment Committee (1989-)Chairperson, Lecture Committee of the African Studies Center (1977-79; 1980-1981; 1982-1989)Member, Executive Committee Department of History (1978-1980; 1980-1982; 1988); Member, UAPT, University Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee (1985).

Additional information available.


American Political Science Association, Middle East Institute, Middle East Studies Association, International Journal for Middle East Studies (advisory board); Society for the Historians of American Foreign Relations, New Political Science


France, England, Tunisia, Algeria, Israel, Lebanon.


Boston University Graduate Faculty travel Grant (2004); Boston University Dept of Political Science grant (2004); American Philosophical Society, travel grant (1990); Fellow, Center for Lebanese Studies, Oxford (June 1990); Research Fellow, Middle East Center, Harvard University (1978-present).

Additional information available.


Visiting Researcher in Georgetown University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Jan 2008- Dec. 31, 2008); Research Fellow, Center for Middle East Studies, Harvard University (Fall 2007-)

Member editorial board International Journal of Middle East Studies(2005) Invited to nominate candidates for

MacArthur Foundation, 2004; Member of Editorial Board of : Logos (e line journal of politics and culture) (2002); Member of Editorial Board of New Political Science (2002); Media Channel Advisor on The Media Channel (fall 1999); member Fullbright Review Board, December 1999; Member Editorial Board, MERIP, Middle East Report (Washington, DC), 1991-1994; Editorial Board of Gazelle Review (London); Member Selection Committee of Institute of International Education for Middle East and North Africa Studies for the period 1984-86; Consultant for the Radcliffe-Bunting Institute on applicants for fellowships (1980-81); Consultant for National Endowment for the Humanities on applications relevant to Middle East (1979, 1980)

Additional information available.

Reader for various university presses, International Journal of Middle East Studies; Middle East Journal; Blackwell publications, Oxford, UK; Columbia U Press; Syracuse U Press, U. of Texas, Press (Austin) Additional information available.

LECTURES AND CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION: unless otherwise indicated, paper was presented at the following:

Invited as Keynote speaker, International Political Science Association meetings, Paris July 11, 2007,

“The Strategic Value of Ignorance,” presented at the American University of Paris, American Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy.

Speaker at RJ Lifton Seminar on Mass Violence, Harvard University, May 25, 2007

Invited to be one of 4 Keynote speakers at University of Massachusetts, March 2007, Conference on Frantz Fanon.

Keynote speaker, University of New England, series on empire organized by Prof. Brian Duff, Nov. 13, 2006.

May 1, 2006 Boston University Forum: Joint address with Prof Robert J Lifton, co-authors of Crimes of War: Iraq (Nation Books, 2006).

Chapman University Conference organized by Chapman Law School, “Are We At War: Global Conflict and Insecurity, Post 9-11,” April 6-8, 2006. Invited to present paper but obliged to withdraw due to conflicting obligations.

April 28-29,2006: Georgetown University Conference on Empire, Ideology and the Middle East.

Mar 31-April 1, 2005, “Arab Studies: A Critical Review,” Georgetown University. Paper presented on the subject of “The Relationship of Knowledge and Power in the Study of the Middle East: the impact of the work of Edward Said.”

June 30, 2004: International Political Science Association, Oxford, England. Presentation on deception and self-deception in political analysis.

January 10, 2004, American Political Science Association. Presentation of paper, “Who Rules? The Origin and Nature of G.W. Bush’s Middle East Agenda,” in W. Crotty’s panel on Democratic Development and Political Terrorism. (unable to attend due to conflict)

March 19, 2004. IInternational Studies Association meetings, Montreal,Canada. Invited to participate in roundtable on US foreign policy. (Unable to attend due to conflict)

Nov. 19, 2003, Council on Foreign Relations and Central European University, Invited to be commentator on presentation by Prof. Aziz el Azmeh, on Alexis de Tocqueville and Baghdad.

Oct. 17, 2003, JFK Library and Museum. Conference on Internationalism and Foreign Policy. Paper presented on “The Loss of Historical Memory.”

The following presentations have all been under the rubric of the events of 9/11:

Oct. 3, 2001: Boston University, open forum and dialogue

Oct.26, 2001: Emerson college, presentation: “The Disenfranchized and the Disdainful,” in conference on 9/11

Oct. 31, 2001: Cambridge City Hospital, Dr I. HoffmanSeminar

Nov.17, 2001: Salem State Peace Institute Meeting on 9/11

Feb.5,2002: Poli Sci Dept, Boston University; lecture presentation on U.S. For Pol in relation to 9/11

Feb. 18, 2002: Coalition of Women’s groups (inc.WAND); making sense of 9/11 in terms of US pol in ME and Israeli/Palestinian conflict

Mar. 13, 2002: Brookline PAx: 9/11; panel discussion

Mar. 31, 2002: New England Law School: 9/11 “Did Islam Do it?”

April 18, 2002: Boston Council of Adult Education, “The Politics of Oil and 9/11”

May 6,2002: Boston University

In addition to invitations re 9/11 Irish Networking Society; Harvard Center for European Studies; Worcester State; AFSC New Hampshire; AFSC Rhode Island,etc

July 2002: Ankara, Turkey Conference org by Technical University, Ankara (unable to attend)

“Oil Politics, then and now, reconsidering the experience of 1958,” presented to the New York University Cold War Seminar,” Dec. 7, 2001.

APSA 2001: panel participant in session devoted to Chalmers Johnson’s Blowback; unable to attend due to illness, however, submission orally presented, Sat. Sept.1, 2001. b. invitation to participate in Conference on Immigration, Centro de Investigaciones y Proyectos Especiales, CIPE, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, Oct. 29-30, 2001

Conference on Lebanon’s economic development, Dec. 15-30, 2001 Beirut.

May 11-13,2000, Women Transforming Policy: Recognizing Gender in International Relations, Wellesley College, member discussion group 1, May 13.

April 25, 2000, Contemporary Middle East, presentation before BU Graduate Students association on the Middle East.

April 7, 2000, On immigration and globalization, presentation before BU School of Public Health faculty-graduate student Seminar.

Mar. 27, 2000, “Oil, Politics and U.S. Intervention in Lebanon,” presentation for the International History Institute Faculty Study Group, Boston University

Aug. 26-27, 1999, Invited to present my paper on, “The U.S., UAR and Lebanon in 1958,” at meeting related to publication of anthology, to be edited by Wm R. Louis and R. Owen, The Middle East in 1958 (tentative title, I.B Taurus (London) 1999.

June 11-12, 1999, Invited to participate in conference on, “The United States and the Middle East: Diplomatic and Economic Relations in Historical Perspectives,” Yale University.

Feb.25, 1998, Arco Forum of Public Affairs, Harvard University, John F Kennedy School of Government, Institute of Politics, Panelist speaking on: “Crisis in Iraq, Where do we go from here?”

Feb. 24, 1998, Presentation on the Crisis in US Policy and Iraq, Boston University.

June 2-3, 1998, Paper on Globalization, at First International Social Science Congress to be held at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez.

June 18-20, 1998 : “ Development and Foreign Policy,” to be presented at Society for Historians of Foreign Relations, National Archives at College Park and University of Maryland, College Park.

October 15-17, 1998 , Presentation on the relationship of Globalization, Maldevelopment and Immigration, at the Conference on: “ Which Way for Women and Development? Debating Concepts, Strategies and Directions for the 21st Century,” Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York.

“The U.S. and Lebanon,” paper presented at Conference on “The Revolutionary Middle East: 1958,” at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C., Sept. 12, 1997, to appear in collection to be edited by Wm Roger Louis and Roger Owen.

1997: iThe following list identifies interviews I gave on Notes From the Minefield:

Feb. 13, 1997, WBCN, Boston, Mass.

March 5, 1997, KMRS, Morris, Minnesota

-------------------, KSCJ, Sioux City, Iowa

March, 9, 1997, WKRK, New York, N.Y.

March 10, 1997, KBOO, Portland, Oregon

March 19, 1997, WARA, Attelboro, Mass.

March 24, 1997, WNTN, Newton, Mass.

April 6, 1997, WIP, Philadelphia, PA.

April 8, 1997, WFSU, Tallahassee, Florida.

April 9, 1997, WCCM, Lawrence, Mass.

April 15, (taping session date) WBAI, New York, NY.

-----------(taping session date), Radio Nation, New York, N.Y.

N.B. Radio Nation is affiliated to 80 stations across the US.

April 23, 1997, WOYL, Oil City, PA.

Oct. 11-12, 1996, , Frantz Fanon and the Public Sphere, paper presented before the Conference on Finding Fanon: Critical Geneologies, organized by the Africana Studies Program, Institute of Afro-American Affairs and the Cent er rfor Media, Culture, and History, New York University.

Oct. 8, 1996, Archival Secrets, US Policy in the Postwar Middle East, Emile Bustani seminar, MIT.

Sept.20-21, 1996, Paper presented on the US role in the Middle East crises of 1958, Conference organized by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies and Center for British Studies, University of Texas at Austin.

Jan 5, 1996, Paper presented on US policy in 1958, in panel on The Revolutionary Middle East, American Historical Association, Atlanta, Georgia.

June 25, 1994. Commentator on panel, “Eisenhower Administration and the Middle East,” at the Annual meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Bentley College, Waltham, Mass.

May 27-29, 1994. Invited to participate at Princeton University-MacArthur Foundation sponsored Conference on Algeria. Unable to attend.

May 6, 1994: International History Seminar, University of Chicago. “US Surrogate Intervention Reconsidered.”

Mar. 23, 1993, Paper presented on US Foreign Policy in the Postwar Middle East, South West Asian/North African Studies Program, State University of New York, Binghamton.

April 16, 1993, Invited to chair session on US Foreign Polcy in Middle East at the Organization of American Historians; unable to attend.

Sept.,. 1992, Organized conference on Lebanon in the decade of the 1950s with Prof Albert Hourani of Oxford, Prof Wm R Louis of U Texas, Austin; invited participants (20-25) of international character.

Aug.2-7, 1992, Invited to present paper on Nation-State formation in the Middle East at the International Sociological and Political Science Association, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Unable to attend.

June 18-21, 1992, Paper presented on “Presidential Leadership in Foreign Policy,” before the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Vassar College, N.Y.

Sept. 27-28, 1991, Participant in Urban Planning and Spatial Renewal Conference on Lebanon, MIT.

June-July 1991, St Antony’s College, presentation of ongoing research on US declassified documents on Lebanon and the Middle East.

April 8, 1991, Lecture presented before Faculty Seminar in British Studies and Center for Middle East Studies, University of Texas, Austin Texas. Paper on Anglo-American secret talks of 1958 and their bearing on 1991 Gulf crisis.

January-April 1991: presentations on different aspects of the Gulf war and the Middle East at the following: University of Massachussetts (Amherst); Brandeis University; Wellesley College; Boston College; MIT; Harvard University; University of Maine; Concordia University; Trinity College; University of Texas; Northeastern University Law School; Boston University. In addition to the above, participant in 4 TV new and commentaries on Middle East. Television appearance on “Norway Street” discussing Algerian crisis.

June 8, 1990: “The dynamics of US Policy in Lebanon in the decade of 1940-1950’s” paper presented at seminar on the US and Lebanon, cosponsored by St. Anthony’s college and Centre for LebaneseStudies, Oxford.

April 30, 1990: Comment on R. Joseph, “Political Renewal in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Challenge of the 1990s,” African Studies Center Rodney Series, Boston University.

March 23, 1990: “The Risks of Democracy in the Middle East,” presented at the Eastern Sociological Association meetings.

March 19, 1990: “American Foreign and Aid Policy toward Africa in the 1950’s,” presented at Rodney Lecture Series, African Studies Center, Boston University.

February 28, 1990: “The United States and Lebanon in the 1940’s,” presented at Georgetown University, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies.

February 13, 1990: “Calculations of Power: the Formative Period of US Policy Toward Lebanon,” paper presented at Columbia University, Middle East Center.

November 2, 1989: “The Agony of Lebanon,” presentation before the Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies and the University of Mass. Near East Studies Department.

March 15, 1989: Readings from current work in progress before the Harvard Middle East Center for Contemporary Archives Study Group.

February 10, 1989: “The Impoverishment of Political Culture,” presentation at Rama Mehta Colloquia on Cross Cultural Perspectives on Empowerment and the Politics of Space in honor of Dr. M. Ramphele of South Africa, presented at Bunting institute, Radcliffe.

April 29, 1988: “Peace in the Middle East: Addressing the Issue of Palestine, an analysis of US Policy,” paper presented at Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Arco Public Forum.

April 20, 1988: “Knowledge and Power,” paper presented at Princeton University, Department of History and Middle East Center.

February 16, 1988: “The Consequences of our Reconstruction of the Political World,” paper presented at the London School of Economics, Department of International Relations.

February 13-14, 1988: “Reading documents and writing history,” paper presented to Birbeck College, University of London, Middle East Study Group.

March 12, 1987: “The Failure of Development Theories,” address before Study Group on Theories of Social Change, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University.

February 25, 1987: “Managing Politics at Home and Abroad,” presentation to Political Science Forum of New York University.

February 5, 1987: “Declassified Lebanon,” paper delivered at Harvard University Center for Middle East Studies.

November 23, 1986: “Lebanon: Remembrance of Things Past,” paper delivered at Middle East Studies Association annual convention.

Additional information available.


“Midnight Reflections on Some of the World of Frantz Fanon,” Human Architecture, Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, vol. V, Special Issue, Summer 2007, pp.25-32.

“Exporting Death as Democracy: U.S. Foreign Policy in Lebanon,” Lebanon, 2006, edited by Nubar Hovsepian, Interlink, 2007. This represents an expanded version of the title that appeared in the MIT electronic journal: The Sixth War: Israel’s Invasion of Lebanon, eds. Reinoud Leenders, Amal Ghazal, Jens Hanssen, the Vol. 6, Summer 2007.

“Echoes From a Haunted Land;” and Preface, I. Gendzier, A. Kfoury, F. Traboulsi, in Inside Lebanon, Journey into a Shattered Land with Noam and Carol Chomsky, ed. A. Kfoury, Monthly Review Press, N.Y. 2007.

“Democracy, Deception and the Arms Trade: The U.S., Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction,” in Crimes of War: Iraq, edited by R. Falk, I. Gendzier and R.J. Lifton, Nation Books,2006, pp.202-211. See also ZNet, MERIP and Logos for different editions of above article.

“ Consensual Deception and U.S. Policy in Iraq,” in The Politics of Empire, ed., by Joseph G Peschek, Routledge, London and New York, 2006. Originally published in New Political Science, vol. 26, no.3, Sept. 2004, pp.449-458.

“The Political Legacy of Edward Said,” in S.E.Bronner and M.J. Thompson, The Logos Reader: Rational Radicalism and the Future of Politics, University of Kentucky, 2006.

“Noam Chomsky: The Struggle Continues,” in James McGilvray, ed., Chomsky, The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

“Who Rules the Middle East Agenda,” in W. Crotty, ed., Democratic Development and

Political Terrorism, The Global Perspective, Northeastern University Press, 2005.

“The ‘Islam Industry’ and U.S. Foreign Policy,” in Stephen E. Bronner, ed., Planetary Politics, Rowman and Littlefield, Publishers, Inc., 2005.

“Reflections on the Matter of Evidence, International Law and Past Policy With Respect to the U.S. Invasion of Iraq,” Nexus, Chapman University School of Law, vol. 9,2004.

“Oil, Politics and US Militarism in the Middle East,” in C. Boggs, ed.,Masters of War, Routledge, NY and London, 2003.

“Oil, Iraq and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East,” Situation Analysis, University of Nottingham, issue 2, spring 2003, 18-28.

“Introductory Remarks to the ‘Strictly Confidential’ UN Report on Likely Catastrophes in the Event of War in Iraq,” in e-journal, Logos, Winter 2003, p. 1-14.

“Dying to Forget: the U.S. and Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction,” e-journal,Logos, 2.1, winter 2003.

“Invisible by Design: U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East,” for Symposium on Terrorism, in Diplomatic History, fall 2002.

“ El Islam ya la politica,” in Nueva Gaceta, Bogota, feb-mar 2002;

“Islam and Politics,” Logos (online: )

Review of Farid El Khazen, The Breakdown of the State in Lebanon, in Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. XXX,no.3, spring 2001.

Review of Michael Latham, Modernization as Ideology in Political Science Quarterly, sprin g 2001.

“US-UAR-Lebanon in 1958: the implications of the Indonesian oil connection for the analysis of US policy in Lebanon.” Chronos, Beirut, 2001.

“Oil, Politics, and U.S. Intervention in Lebanon,” in R. Louis and R. Owen, eds., 1958: The Revolutionary Middle East, I.B. Taurus and Woodrow Wilson Center, 2001 (forthcoming).

“The Saints Come Marching In,” Review essay of J L Gaddis, What We Now Know in G. Katsiaficas, ed., After the Fall, NY Routledge, 2001.

Turkish translation of my contribution in Christopher Simpson ed., Universities and Empire, 2001.

Review, K. Schultze, “Israel’s Covert Diplomacy in Lebanon,” Journal of Palestine Studies 1999-2000.

“Labour Exodus: Market Forces and Mass Migration,” in Global Dialogue, 1,1 (summer 1999)

Reviews: Michael J. Cohen, Fighting World War Three from the Middle East. Allied Contingency Plans, 1945-1954.International Journal of Middle East Studies, 31 (1999).

Response to M. Lyttle review of Notes From the Minefield, published in, The Journal of American History, 85,4 (March 1999).

Kirsten E. Schulze, Israel’s Covert Diplomacy in Lebanon, reviewed in Journal of Palestine Studies, 1998-9.

Some Very Preliminary Remarks on the Middle East-Indonesian Connection in US Middle East Policy, March 1998, published in electronic festschrift organized by MIT for Prof. N. Chomsky

Y. Sayigh and A. Shlaim, eds., The Cold War and the Middle East, reviewed in Middle East Bulletin, 32, 1998.

A. Sella, The Decline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, reviewed in The Ethnic Conflict Research Digest, Issue 2, September 1998.

“Play it Again Sam, development in the 1960s and 1990s,” in C. Simpson, ed., Universities and Empire,:Money and Politics in the Social Sciences During the Cold War, New York: New Press, 1998); reprinted in New Political Science, 1998;

“Middle East Studies Follow the Flag,” MERIP, Oct-Dec 1997, No.205, vol.27,no.4.

Review of Mahmoud Mamdani, Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the legacy of late colonialism, The Nation, Dec. 16, 1996, vol. 263, no.20.

Review of Laura Zitrain Eisenberg, My Enemy’s Enemy, Lebanon in the Early Zionist Imagination, 1900-1948, in The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, winter, 1996.

Review of Aziz al-Azmeh, Islams and Modernities, 1994. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, vol.29, 1995.

Review of Dilip Hiro, Lebanon, Fire and Embers, 1994. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, July 1994, vol.28, no.1

Contribution, on “Lebanese Civil War, 1958”, in Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East. Macmillan, 1994.

Review of, Theory, Politics and the Arab World, Critical Responses, edited by H. Sharabi, in Journal of Palestine Studies, 82, XXI, 2 (winter, 1992).

Review of Charles Smith, Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, in Middle East Journal, 45, 3 (1991).

“‘No Forum for the Lebanese People.’ US Perceptions from Lebanon, 1945-1947.” MERIP (January-February 1990).

“The US Perception of the Lebanese Civil War According to Declassified Documents: A Preliminary Account,” in R. Simon, ed., Essays in Honor of J.C. Hurewitz. Columbia University, 1990.

“Containment, Counterrevolution and Credibility,” a review of G. Kolko, Confronting the Third World: United States Foreign Policy, 1945-1980, in MERIP (Middle East Report), September-October 1989, no. 160.

“The Political Culture Myth Unveiled,” in the special issue on Culture in Development: New Perspectives, in The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Summer 1989, 13, 2.

“Memoranda Submitted to the Government of the United States by the Jaffa and Districts Inhabitants Council, 11 April 1949,” Introduced in the Journal of Palestine Studies, XVIII, 4, Summer 1989.

Review of G. Atiyeh and I. Oweiss, eds., Arab Civilization, Challenges and Responses, a festschrift in honor of Prof. Constantin Zurayq, in Journal of Palestine Studies, XVIII, 4, Summer 1989.

“The US and the USSR and the Arabs in NSC Reports of the 1950s,” American Arab Affairs, Spring 1989, no. 28.

Cheryl Rubenberg, Israel and the American National Interest,. in International Journal of Middle East Studies. vol. 21, no. 2, May 1989.

Review of R. Parker, Africa: Regional Tensions and Strategic Conflicts, in International Journal of Middle East Studies. 20. 3. August 1988.

Review of I. Lustick, State-Building Failure in British Ireland and French Algeria, for the Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, 1987.

“The Declassified Lebanon 1948-1958: Elements of Continuity and Contrast in US Perception and Policy Toward Lebanon, 1948-1958,” in H. Barakat, ed., Toward A Viable Lebanon. Georgetown, the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1986.

“Frantz Fanon,” entry in D. Miller, J. Coleman and W. Connolly and A. Ryan, eds., Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1986.

Review of G. Corm, Le Moyen-Orient eclate, de suez a l’invasion du liban 1956-1982., Paris: Editions la decourverte, 1984. in the International Journal of Middle East Studies, 18, 3, 1986.

RevieInw of M. Buvinic, M.A. Lycette, and W. P. McGreevey, ed., Women and Poverty in the Third World; B.C. Lewis, ed., IInvisibleFarmers: Women and the Crisis in Agriculture; N. Nelson, African Women in the Development Process, International Journal of African Historical Studies, 18, 3, 1985.

“Lebanon and ‘The Fateful Triangle,’” Gazelle Review, 11.

“M. Perinbam, Holy Violence: The Revolutionary Thought of Frantz Fanon: An Intellectual Biography, American Historical Review, October 1984.

“R. Shehadeh, The Third Way, MEJ, Summer 1984.

Historical introduction and commentary for Nawal al Saadawy, Hidden Face of Eve, Beacon Press, 1982.

“Psycho-history and the Middle East,” Middle East Research and Information Project, 89, July-August 1980.

Additional information available.


Crimes of War, edited by Richard Falk, Irene L Gendzier, Robert J.Lifton, with individual prefaces by the three authors, followed by their respective selections. The Nation Books, New York .2006.

Notes From the Minefield: United States Intervention in Lebanon and the Middle East, 1945-1958, Columbia University Press, 1997, 2006, 2nd edition., with new preface: “What we Have Forgotten About U.S. Policy in the Middle East.” Paperback edition of Notes From the Minefield, 1999, 2006.

[Reviews of the above in the following journals: Diplomatic History, 23, 2, Spring 1999; American Historical Review, June 1999; Journal of Palestine Studies, 28, 4, Summer 1999; New Political Science, 21,3, Sept. 1999, whose reviewer called it, “one of the most important books on the Middle East that have read in the past decade....”]

Development Against Democracy, Tyrone Press, 1995, new edition and introduction to Managing Political Change: Social Scientists and the Third World, Westview Press, Boulder Colorado, 1985; and 1988.

Frantz Fanon: A Critical Study. New York: Pantheon Books, 1973; English Edition, London: Wildwood House (1973); French edition, Paris: Seuil (1975); Spanish edition, Mexico: Editions ERA, S.A. (1977); 2nd edition of Frantz Fanon: A Critical Study, with new Introduction. New York Grove Press, 1985.

.A Middle East Reader, an anthology. New York: Pegasus Books (1969); New York: Bobbs-Merrill (1970)

The Practical Visions of Yaqub Sanua. Monograph series of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 1966.

Work In progress:

Currently at work on major ms., Dying to Forget: United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East: an argument for continuity with an emphasis on oil and the military/industrial complex in US Middle East policy.

In addition to articles in progress on Israel/Palestine: 1978: Lord Caradon and UN Res.242; Senate Hearings on Israel, October 1949; US response to Iraqi IPC nationalization (1958).


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