Mrs. DiMarcella's Science Site

011430000605790011430000Blood TypingIntroduction: Blood Groups, Blood Typing, and Blood Transfusions. the following questions:Who discovered blood groups? When was the discovery made? What did his discovery lead to? In your opinion, how was this knowledge helpful for humans? When did he win the Nobel Prize for his discovery? How much blood is in a human body? Blood is made up of four components. (1) What are they? and (2) What do they do?What are antigens and antibodies? 7What blood group system is used for blood transfusions? Complete the following table.Blood AntigensAntibodiesCan GIVE Can RECEIVEType(RBC)(plasma)blood TOblood FROMA?B???AB????O???Rh+??---Rh----Do you know which blood group you belong to? If so, which one? How do you find out which blood group someone belongs to? What is happening when blood clumps or agglutinates (“to clump”)?What blood group is the universal donor? What blood group is the universal recipient? Blood Typing Game the answering the above questions, scroll back to the top of the page and click on the link for “The Blood Typing Game.” Select “Play the Blood Typing Game” under the image.Choose “Quick game – same patients” on the right. As you follow the directions in the presentation, record your results in the following table. Be sure to (1) identifying what is the correct blood type for each patient, and (2) record which type(s) of blood is acceptable to give the patient for a transfusion. Table 2: Car crash victimsPatientABABORh+Rh-Rh+Rh-Rh+Rh-Rh+Rh-Male with red-hair: Blood Type: Acceptable bag(s) from the blood bank:Male with green-hair: Blood Type: Acceptable bag(s) from the blood bank:Female with purple hair: Blood Type: Acceptable bag(s) from the blood bank:Mission completed score: ________ dropsAfterward completing the mission (or if you have encounter difficulty during the mission), click on “Main Menu” icon. Here you will be directed to various tutorials. Feel free to explore the sites to help you (1) complete the mission or (2) to check some of your answers to the previous questions from up above.Extension and EnrichmentUsing the knowledge you have learned about blood typing and genetics, answer the following questions.The ABO blood group is a multiple allele. Define multiple allele.A man has a blood type of AO and his wife has a blood type of BO. Using a punnett square, show all the possibilities for their offspring’s blood. Genotype – Phenotype – A woman’s blood is Rh- Rh- and her husband’s blood is Rh+ Rh-. Using a punnett square, show all of the possibilities for their offspring’s blood. Genotype – Phenotype - OPTIONAL Go home and ask your parents if they know what type of blood they have. If they know, use their blood type to determine your blood type possibilities using a punnett square. ................

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