Blood Typing WebQuest

Blood Typing WebQuest & Video Game

1. Open your web browser and go to the following web address:

2. Read the webpage on Blood Typing. For each section (there are 9 total), write a one paragraph (~5 sentences) summary of the information given. Be sure it is in your OWN words and is not copied directly from the website or another class mate!

3. Now that you are an expert on blood typing, you are ready to play the Blood Typing Video Game. At the bottom of the webpage is a link for "Play the Blood Typing game." Click the link and play the game! Have fun!

DUE BY THE END OF CLASS: Your summary paragraphs on Blood Typing.

Blood Typing WebQuest & Video Game

1. Open your web browser and go to the following web address:

2. Read the webpage on Blood Typing. For each section (there are 9 total), write a one paragraph (~5 sentences) summary of the information given. Be sure it is in your OWN words and is not copied directly from the website or another class mate!

3. Now that you are an expert on blood typing, you are ready to play the Blood Typing Video Game. At the bottom of the webpage is a link for "Play the Blood Typing game." Click the link and play the game! Have fun!

DUE BY THE END OF CLASS: Your summary paragraphs on Blood Typing.

Blood Typing WebQuest & Video Game

1. Open your web browser and go to the following web address:

2. Read the webpage on Blood Typing. For each section (there are 9 total), write a one paragraph (~5 sentences) summary of the information given. Be sure it is in your OWN words and is not copied directly from the website or another class mate!

3. Now that you are an expert on blood typing, you are ready to play the Blood Typing Video Game. At the bottom of the webpage is a link for "Play the Blood Typing game." Click the link and play the game! Have fun!

DUE BY THE END OF CLASS: Your summary paragraphs on Blood Typing.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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