Valencia Delta Burke Invitational 2005—Champeenship Round

Valencia Delta Burke Invitational 2005—Champeenship Round

Questions by CB w/Science by Rdhu and Elissa Caffery

1. One account states that this two-word term was first used pejoratively by the novelist Ellen Glasgow in a 1936 address to describe a literary trend she found embodied in novels like Tobacco Road and Sanctuary. Now an accepted term for a literary genre, it is characterized by often-grotesque characters and actions and a strong sense of place. Practitioners include Erskine Caldwell, Carson McCullers, Flannery O’Connor and William Faulkner. FTP name this genre that combines the name of the American region it depicts and the style of literature often associated with madness, incest and horror.

A. Southern Gothic

2. The thinkers of the Manchester School strongly condemned these legislative acts. An attempt to terminate them in 1839 was defeated by Lord Melbourne with help from the Tory opposition. Robert Peel’s first attempt at their repeal led to the break-up of his ministry, but in 1846 Peel succeeded in persuading the House of Commons to abolish these protective measures. FTP what name is given to these tariffs on imported grain in England?

A. Corn Laws

3. The holder of this position was granted the “primacy of honor” after the pope himself by the 381 Council of Constantinople. After Popes Damasus and Gregory the Great refused to recognize this decision, the Council of Chalcedon reaffirmed it, giving it the second place in primacy after Rome, since its holder had jurisdiction over the New Rome, but Leo I still refused its admittance. However, since the Fourth Lateran Council Catholic popes have accepted that this position, held since 1991 by Bartholomew the First, is second in primacy. FTP name this title given the leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

A. Patriarch of Constantinople

4. Compounds involved in this cycle include PGA and RP, and its direct product is the sugar G3P. Rubisco serves as an enzyme, attaching a molecule of carbon dioxide to RuBP, and three molecules of carbon dioxide are consumed for every molecule of G3P produced. The cycle is sustained by the “light reactions” which regenerate ATP and NADPH2. FTP name this “dark cycle” in the chloroplasts, named for the man who shared a Nobel Prize with Adam Benson.

A. Calvin cycle (or Calvin-Benson cycle)

5. The acts of this opera were interrupted by what its composer called “Knee Plays,” brief musical interludes allowing for scene changes, as it has no intermissions. Cryptic poems by Christopher Knowles, a neurologically impaired young man, were included in the text by librettist Robert Wilson, and references are made to Mr. Bojangles, David Cassidy, and the Patty Hearst, whose trial was taking place when it premiered in 1976. FTP name this Philip Glass opera in which the title physicist is often referred to, but never actually appears.

Answer: Einstein on the Beach

6. The namesake mountain in this national park offers a birds-eye view of the Zig-Zag Range of the Ouachita Mountains. Rock climbing is available in Gulpha Gorge, and a large visitor center has been made from what used to be the Fordyce Bathhouse. Nicknamed “The American Spa,” FTP name this national park which houses 47 of its namesake natural warm-water bathing areas in Arkansas.

A. Hot Springs National Park

7. They referred to themselves as the Haudensaunee, though their more common name was applied by the French. Each member tribe was broken into three to seven clans, with names like Beaver, Hawk and Turtle. Theirs was the earliest democratic system in North America, with sachems from each tribe representing their people. Consisting originally of five tribes, but later adding the Tuscarora, FTP what was this group based mostly in New York which included the Mohawk, Cayuga, Seneca, Oneida and Onandaga tribes?

A. Iroquois League (or Confederacy)

8. The Drude model describes this class of materials, which generally have unfilled states in the valence band. The electric field inside of one must be zero, according to Gauss’s Law. Plasma and saltwater can be considered examples, and the most effective solid ones are copper and silver. FTP name this class of materials in which charge can flow freely.

A. electrical conductors (prompt on “metals” before “plasma” is read)

9. “I travel your length like a river, I travel your body like a forest.” So begins this author’s 1957 poem “Piedra del Sol,” or “Sun Stone,” modeled on the Aztec stone calendar. Also a diplomat, his time as Mexican ambassador to India provided him with the material for The Monkey Grammarian, poetic musings on the monkey-king Hanuman. FTP name this Mexican poet perhaps best known for his long essay The Labyrinth of Solitude and for winning the 1990 Nobel in literature.

A. Octavio Paz

10. This book put forth the notion that the three fundamental features of human beings are factuality (their involvement in the world), existentiality (they are that which has been as well as that which can become), and “fallenness” (they have the tendency to become mere presence, not realizing their possibilities). The book also posits that the “being which each of us is himself and which includes inquiring as one its possibilities we shall denote by the term ‘dasein.’” FTP name this 1927 magnum opus of Martin Heidegger.

A. Being and Time

11. A mathematical model for the average price of admission to a motion picture is

P(t) = 0.31t + 5.1 where t represents time in years and t = 0 corresponds to 1990.

Estimate the average price of admission in dollars in 2007 by using the model.

A. 10.37

12. The Bombay phenotype is classified as this type, although Bombay individuals lack a different protein, not the glycosyltransferase for which individuals of this type possess neither dominant allele. Individuals with this type do not modify the H antigen on their erythrocytes to either of two forms, and thus produce antibodies to both forms. Rh negative individuals of this type are considered universal donors. FTP, name this blood type which is neither A nor B.

A. type O blood 

13. He was sculpted from clay by Aruru with the essence of Anu, the sky god, and of Ninurta, the war god. When he is seen by a hunter’s son, the temple harlot Shamhat is sent to seduce him. After her success, he gained wisdom and human knowledge, but was shunned by the animals, so he entered Uruk. Killed by the gods for threatening Ishtar, FTP name this wild man of the forest and friend to Gilgamesh.

A. Enkidu

14. Born in 1778, he attended military school in Spain and fought with the Spanish against Portugal and against Napoleon’s forces from 1808 to 1812. After resigning from the Spanish military, however, he led forces in a victory against the Spanish at the Battle of San Lorenzo, after which he crossed the Andes and liberated Santiago, Chile, with Bernardo O’Higgins. Afterward he turned his attention to Peru, liberating Lima and taking the title of Protector of Peru. Featured on its five peso note, FTP name this national hero of Argentina.

A. Jose de San Martin

15. This short story begins by telling us that “[n]one of them knew the color of the sky,” as their eyes were “fastened upon the waves that swept toward them.” Early on the cook says that the keeper of the Mosquito Inlet Light will sight them, though the correspondent disagrees. All four are stuck on a ten-foot dinghy after the sinking of the steamer Commodore. Based on the real-life experience of the author and his rescue at Daytona Beach, FTP name this short story by Stephen Crane.

A. “The Open Boat”

16. Depicting a famous scene from Acts chapter 9, this 1600 painting hangs in the chapel of Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome. The aged groom on the right looks down on the title figure while holding the bridle of the horse that dominates the scene. The title figure lies on his back, arms thrust forward, as he is called by his lord. FTP this is what Caravaggio work depicting the titular saint who would soon change his name from Saul.

A. The Conversion of St. Paul (acc. The Conversion on the Way to Damascus;

do NOT prompt on just “Paul”)

17. This man rushed for 406 yards against UTEP (yoo-tep) in 1999, still the NCAA single-game record. In a game against the Raiders on October 17, he scored an unusual trifecta by throwing, catching and running for touchdowns, all in the first half. FTP name this running back out of TCU who stars for the San Diego Chargers.

A. LaDainian Tomlinson

18. When heated it gives off its trioxide, which has a garlic odor. Its minerals include mimetite and realgar. Its grey allotrope is a brittle, crystalline metal, while its yellow and black allotropes are nonmetals. Some of its compounds, such as Paris green and orpiment, were historically used as pigments, and its compound with gallium is an important semiconductor. FTP, name this element with atomic number 33, known for being poisonous.

A. arsenic 

19. Arising out of difficulties caused by the War of 1812, its first president was William Jones, who presided over the first three years of its 20-year charter. Jones was succeeded by Langdon Cheves, but it was the next president who greatly improved its efficiency and health, though he was charged, especially after 1828, with favoring the business elites of the East over Midwestern farmers and small businessmen. That last president, Nicholas Biddle, fought bitterly with Andrew Jackson for its re-chartering, but lost. FTP name this financial institution that closed in 1836, as its predecessor did in 1811.

A. Second Bank of the U.S. (prompt on “Bank of the U.S.”)

20. The speaker is pleased to think “[t]hat in this moment there is life and food for future years.” It is “five summers, with the length of five long winters” since he has last visited the titular site, and he is happy to see “these steep and lofty cliffs.” Written in 1798 when the poet visited the Wye River with his sister, FTP name this poem by William Wordsworth “composed a few miles above” the titular medieval ruin.

A. “Tintern Abbey” (prompt on “Lines”; the hell with anyone wanting to say the whole thing)

Valencia Delta Burke Invitational 2005—Champeenship Round Bonuses

1. Provide these terms pertaining to the internal structure of the cell FTPE.

A. This term refers to the scaffolding of tiny fibers which provides support and motility to the cell.

A. cytoskeleton

B. These cytoskeletal elements are enriched in the cortical area of the cytoplasm; they are helical fibers about 7 nm in diameter composed of globular monomers.

A. actin filaments or microfilaments

C. These fibers 24 nm in diameter are composed of heterodimeric tubulin subunits.

A. microtubules 

2. Answer the following about the 1988 winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature FTPE.

A. That winner is this man who is the only writer of Arabic to win the prize.

A. Naghuib Mahfouz

B. Mahfouz is from this northeastern African nation.

A. Egypt

C. Mahfouz may be best known for this trilogy which comprises Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, and Sugar Street.

A. Cairo Trilogy

3. Show what you know about how colonial Americans shared complaints about Britain FTPE.

A. This name is given to local groups that wrote letters interpreting British actions and coordinating colonial responses.

A. Committees of Correspondence

B. In 1772 Joseph Warren and this Boston patriot and brewer created a committee of correspondence to protest the Crown’s insistence on paying colonial magistrates rather than colonial governments.

A. Samuel Adams

C. Committees of Correspondence organized this 1774 gathering presided over by Peyton Randolph that called for boycotts of British goods.

A. First Continental Congress

4. Provide the nicknames of these Mahler symphonies FTPE.

A. Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 is given this nickname due to the large number of musicians needed to perform it.

A. Symphony of a Thousand

B. Mahler’s first symphony is given this nickname, emphasizing its large, bold sound.

A. Titan

C. Mahler’s second symphony has this nickname, illustrating its meditations on life after death and God’s gift of everlasting life.

A. Resurrection

5. Identify these bodies of water found around India FTPE.

A. This huge inlet of the Pacific Ocean lies to India’s east, also bordering Burma.

A. Bay of Bengal

B. This large sea separates India’s west coast from the sea’s namesake peninsula.

A. Arabian Sea

C. This strait at the extreme southeast of the Indian subcontinent separates it from Sri Lanka.

A. Palk Strait

6. Identify the following Steve Miller songs with questionable lyrics FTPE.

A. This lyric in “the Joker” featuring a made-up word inspired a 1996 movie starring Jon Cryer and The Chappelle Show’s own Charlie Murphy.

A. “pompatus of love”

B. In this song, Steve tells of Billy Mac, “a detective down in Texas” who “knows exactly what the facts is”.

A. “Take the Money and Run”

C. In his last #1, Steve Miller awkwardly rhymes this titular word with “I wanna reach out and grab ya”.

A. “Abracadabra”

7. Some algebraic fun for all! FTPE:

A. Find the slope-intercept form of the equation of a line perpendicular to the line x = 3 and passing through the point (5, 7).

A. y = 7

B. Find the slope-intercept form of the equation of a line parallel to the line 2x - 3y = 10 and passing through the point (0, 5).

A. y = 2/3x + 5

C. Find the slope-intercept form of the equation of a line passing through points (0, 3) and (5, 0).

A. y = -3/5x + 3

8. Stuff about a French Dynasty FTPE.

A. Sometimes referred to as the “long-haired kings,” what dynasty of Franks ruled from the 5th through 8th centuries?

A. Merovingian

B. Probably the best known of the Merovingians was this dude who united most of Gaul and divided his kingdom among his sons when he died in 511.

A. Clovis I

C. By the 7th century, the real power of Merovingian monarchs was wielded by officials called “majordomo” in Latin, but usually translated in English as what? Hint: Charles Martel was one.

A. Mayor of the Palace

9. Name these related languages used on the Web FTPE.

A. Version 3.2 of this markup language became a W3C standard in 1997. Built on SGML, it uses tags and attributes to define the layout of Web pages.

A. HTML (or Hypertext Markup Language)

B. This stricter, cleaner version of HTML became a standard in 2000. It requires well-formed code, but it is extensible, as its name suggests.

A. XHTML (or Extensible Hypertext Markup Language)

C. Version 2 of this stylesheet language has been a W3C recommendation since 1998. It allows one to change the format of every page on a site by changing the stylesheet rather than each page.

A. CSS (or Cascading Style Sheets)

10. Answer the following about a William Faulkner novel FTPE.

A. This novel chronicles the decline of the fortunes of the four children of the once-aristocratic Compson family, including Quentin, Jason, and Caddy.

A. The Sound and the Fury

B. The novel’s third-person last section focuses on this black maidservant of the Compson family.

A. Dilsey

C. The novel’s first section is narrated by this 33-year-old mentally retarded Compson son.

A. Benjy (acc. Maury)

11. Stuff about Thor FTPE.

A. Thor’s chariot is pulled by Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder, two of these creatures.

A. goats

B. This item of Thor’s was forged by Brokk and Sidri and could only be lifted by Thor and his son Magni.

A. Mjollnir

C. Thor is married to this golden-haired broad.

A. Sif

12. Stuff about some famous surrealist paintings 5-10-15.

A. (5 pts.) This most-famous Salvador Dali painting features melting watches and some weird manta-ray/duck lying on its side.

A. The Persistence of Memory

B. (10 pts.) In your TD’s favorite Max Ernst painting, two children are threatened by what type of avian creature?

A. nightingale (don’t prompt on “bird”)

C. (15 pts.) In this famous Rene Magritte painting the face of a man in a bowler hat is obscured by a green apple.

A. Son of Man

13. Name these philosophers with a common link FTPE.

A. He argued that all members of society would support the same principles of justice under conditions that guarantee impartiality in the 1971 work A Theory of Justice.

A. John Rawls

B. The first-volume of this Spanish-born philosopher's The Life of Reason contains the statement "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

A. George Santayana

C. Since 1962, John Rawls has taught at this Ivy League school, where George Santayana

also taught after graduating from it.

A. Harvard

14. For ten points each, name these types of plant hormones.

A. The aging of leaves is delayed by this plant hormone, which also promotes cell division and growth.

A. cytokinin

B. IAA is the most important member of this class, which stimulates cell elongation.

A. auxin(s)

C. Growth in the stems and leaves are stimulated by this hormone. They can also trigger the germination of seeds and breaking of bud dormancy.

A. gibberellin

15. ID these signers of the Declaration of Independence FTPE.

A. This Georgia farmer died from wounds in a duel in 1777, helping make his signature the most valuable by any American for collectors. His name lives on in that of a county including part of Atlanta.

A. Button Gwinnett

B. This signatory later became governor of Massachusetts and VP under Madison but is mostly remembered for his support of a redistricting bill that led to his name being used as an eponym for that practice.

A. Elbridge Gerry (don’t accept or prompt on “gerrymandering”) (bonus 15 cont’d)

C. Another Massachusetts signer was this guy who later was the first VP and the second president. You’ve totally heard of him.

A. John Adams

16. ID these works by Christopher Marlowe FTPE.

A. Marlowe has the title character of this play, whose story was later treated by Goethe, describe Helen of Troy as the “face that launched a thousand ships.”

A. Dr. Faustus (do NOT accept “Faust”)

B. This violent and, typical of the times, anti-semitic play focuses on the scabrous title character, whose name is Barabbas.

A. The Jew of Malta

C. Marlowe also wore a two-part play focusing on this bloodthirsty Central Asian warlord.

A. Tamburlaine

17. Time for our inevitable bonus on Zoroastrianism FTPE!

A. This term is used to denote modern followers of Zoroastrianism in Iran and India.

A. Parsi

B. This is the holy book of Zoroastrianism.

A. Zend Avesta

C. Always happy to expand the community college Zoroastrianism canon, the righteous, natural and all-encompassing law of the universe in Zoroastrianism is called this.

A. Asha (readers: tell the team’s Zoroastrianism expert to write that down!)

18. Answer the following about people involved in the Iranian Hostage Crisis FTPE.

A. The American Embassy was stormed in November, 1979, eleven months after the abdication of this last shah of Iran.

A. Mohammed Reza Pahlevi

B. This imam took power upon Pahlevi’s abdication and urged Iranians to protest American policies.

A. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

C. Many Western observers contend that this current president of Iran was among the hostage takers.

A. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

19. Answer these questions about a famous bird FTPE.

A. Nicknamed the “Lord God bird,” this species of woodpecker, Campephilus principalis, was commonly believed extinct until a male was caught on film in the Big Woods area of Arkansas in 2004.

A. ivory-billed woodpecker

A. This bird closely related to the ivory-bill is distinguished by its darker bill, different wing markings, and slightly smaller size; it is common throughout the eastern US.

A. pileated woodpecker

A. Like all woodpeckers, both birds belong to this order.

A. Piciformes 

20. Provide the words that fill in the blanks in the following lines by e.e. cummings for fifteen points each.

A. “pity this busy monster, __________ (one combined word) A. “manunkind”

B. “i sing of olaf,___________ (three words) A. “glad and big”


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