Title of the Paper (18pt Times New Roman, Bold)

Electric and electronic circuit analysis with Millman theorem


1 Electrical Engineering

École de Technologie Supérieure

1100 Notre Dame West, Montreal, Quebec, H3C-1K3


2 Electrical Engineering

École Polytechnique de Montréal

2500 Chemin de Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec, H3C-3A7


Abstract: - In the electrical engineering curriculum, after circuit modeling, the analysis of a circuit is done using voltage-current Ohm law, Kirchhoff’s laws and several theorems such as Thévenin, Norton and superposition. Moreover, to enhance the efficiency of the analysis, some methods and techniques such as voltage and current divider and mesh or node methods are used. In this paper the theorem of Millman is introduced in order to ease the analysis of some circuits and to verify the results with a second mean or tool. The application of this theorem is specifically interesting for circuits containing operational amplifiers. The pedagogical goal of this analysis approach is to give the students another tool to improve and verify the analysis of electric and electronic circuits.

Key-Words: - Analysis method, Analysis verification, Electric and electronic circuit analysis, Millman theorem.


Electrical engineering basic courses introduce to students the conversion mechanism from the physical electrical network to electrical circuit model for analysis. In parallel, different laws, theorems, analysis methods and techniques are thought to help students in finding the appropriate electrical parameters such as currents, voltages, powers and energies. The basic Ohm and Kirchhoff’s laws, Thévenin, Norton and superposition theorems are thoroughly explained to students since they present strong circuit analysis tools. Usually, when the students are analyzing electrical circuits, all these studied tools can be applied in 3 different domains such as:

Time domain (with differential equations)

Laplace domain (with algebraic equations)

Frequency domain (with phasor notions)

Although the differential equations analysis provides the complete transient and steady state responses of the system, they become very cumbersome for complex circuits. Laplace domain analysis is the most efficient, specifically for complex circuits, and it gives the complete natural and forced responses. The phasor analysis is a special case for sinusoidal input and a steady state response only.

Moreover, the theorem of Millman can be used with any of these domain analyses and can provide a perfect efficient tool to analyze complex circuits [1], [2], [3] and [4], and to verify results with other basic means. Unfortunately, this theorem is not often elaborated or thought in classes and its utility is not properly identified. The Millman theorem is basically a derivative of Kirchhoff’s current law and is very simple to be used in circuit analysis. It can act as complementary or supplementary analysis tool for students permitting them to analyze and verify the circuits with different methods. In section 2 the Millman theorem is described in details. Sections 3, 4 and 5 show typical simple and complex circuit examples analyzed with Millman theorem. Sections 6 and 7 give some hints, recommendations and a conclusion.

Millman theorem

2.1 Statement of the theorem

Consider a node A connected to K branches as shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1 Circuit example with a common node A connected to K branches

Each branch can contain impedances of different nature (combination of resistors, inductors and capacitors). The voltage VA at node A, and V1 to VK at all other ends of the branches are identified by potentials with respect to a reference voltage

(a reference voltage that can be 0 volt). The theorem identified by the equation 1 states that the voltage at A is the sum of branch voltages multiplied by their associated admittances, divided by the total admittance [5]. For Laplace domain, the voltages and currents represent the Laplace values and the impedances are operational impedances. For the phasor domain, the voltages and current are phasors and the impedances are complex impedances.

[pic] (1)

2.2 Proof of the theorem

Equation 2 is obtained by applying the Kirchhoff’s current law at node A. From generalized Ohms law we can write each current by its equivalent potential difference divided by the impedance as per

equation 3.

[pic] (2)

[pic] (3)

Separating VA terms gives the statement of Millman theorem identified by equation 1.

Millman theorem for simple circuits

The example of Figure 2 is a simple operational amplifier inverter with input resistive impedance and feedback capacitive impedance. For analysis simplicity, the operational amplifiers are considered ideal in this article, and therefore the voltages at positive and negative inputs of the operational amplifiers are virtually identical.

When a circuit containing operational amplifiers is analyzed a good and efficient approach uses the following major steps:

Identify the topologies of each sub-section in the schematic or in the circuit model

(e.g. inverter, non inverter, follower, summer, substractor, integrator, differentiator, instrumentation and other topologies)

Use the known gain of each topology

Analyze and solve the complete cascaded circuit using superposition theorem.

With Millman theorem, the topology identification is not necessary, and similar to Kirchhoff’s current law, Millman theorem is applied at different specific nodes.


Fig. 2 Basic Operational amplifier inverter

3.1 Classical analysis

Using Kirchhoff’s current law at node A and Ohm’s law to calculate the gain of the amplifier, we can write equations 4 and 5 to obtain the equation 6.

[pic] (4)

[pic] (5)

[pic] (6)

3.2 Millman theorem analysis

Using Millman theorem at node A, we can write equation 7 to obtain equation 8.

[pic] (7)

[pic] (8)

3.3 Comparison

It is obvious with this simple example that Millman theorem is a direct derivative of Kirchhoff’s current law and the Millman theorem approach does not present any advantage or difference for the analysis of this circuit.

Millman theorem for complex Bruton circuit

The example of Figure 3 is a complex Bruton

circuit [6] representing a gyrator composed of operational amplifiers, resistive and capacitive impedances. The impedance seen at the inputs

A and B of this circuit presents an impedance that is purely inductive. In fact this circuit is very useful to simulate high value inductance in a small package using two operational amplifiers, four resistors and one capacitor.


Fig. 3 Bruton circuit

4.1 Classical analysis

Using Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s current law at nodes 3 and 5 we can write equations 9, 10 and 11 to calculate the impedance ZAB between A and B.

[pic] (9)

[pic] (10)

[pic] (11)

With [pic], [pic].

Since [pic] therefore [pic]

As an example, for[pic], then [pic].

4.2 Millman theorem analysis

Similarly, using Millman theorem at nodes 3 and 5, we can write directly equations 12 and 13 to obtain the same impedance between A and B as with classical approach.

[pic] (12)

[pic] (13)


4.3 Comparison

It is obvious with this example that Millman theorem gives much simpler and efficient equations and presents faster analysis than the classical method. It also permits the validation of results obtained with other circuit analysis methods.

Millman theorem for complex filter circuit

The circuit of Figure 4 represents a Rauch filter considered as complex circuit [7]. Classical analysis of this circuit would require, after identification of dependant equations, the writing of two independent equations using Kirchhoff’s laws or other analysis methods, such as node-voltage method. Compared to this classical method, Millman theorem requires the writing of Millman simple equations at nodes

A and B given by equations 14 and 15. Solving these equations gives the filter response or voltage gain given by equation 16.


Fig. 4 Rauch Filter

[pic] (14)

[pic] (15)

[pic] (16)

Helpful hints and recommendations

The Millman theorem is mostly applied for circuits with several operational amplifiers representing complex circuit topology. With too many nodes in the complex circuit the analysis with classical approach would lead for cumbersome and complicated equations that students can easily make mistakes. Therefore in these situations it is strongly recommended to use Millman theorem.

Furthermore, when the Millman theorem is applied in the analysis of a circuit, students shall be very careful in identifying the common node and to apply adequately equation 1 based on the circuit of

Figure 1.

The pedagogical and practical advantages in using Millman theorem are:

Fast analysis of electric and electronic complex circuits

Fast verification and validation tool improving examination results of students

Broadening circuit analysis tools based on general standard circuit laws

Elimination of writing several independent equations of Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s current laws solving and obtaining electrical parameters (such as voltage gain and others).


The Millman theorem permits fast and efficient resolution of complex circuits when applied correctly. Teaching experience and students statistical evaluation results had shown that students using this theorem were responding faster with correct answers and solutions, compared with traditional classical approach.

Millman theorem is a good pedagogical and educational tool to be used in electric and electronic courses to enhance student’s knowledge and their ability to analyze and to validate the results of complex circuit efficiently.




page 44, last visited 1st of June 2005.

[2] P. Bildstein, Filtres actifs, McGraw-Hill, 1989.

[3]Robert F. Coughlin and Frederick F. Driscoll, Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, Prentice –Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 3rd edition 1987.

[4] Jacob Millman and Arvin Grabel, Micro électronique, McGraw-Hill, 1988.

[5]  éorème_de_Millman, last visited 1st of June 2005.

[6] L.T. Bruton, RC-Active Circuits Theory and Design, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1980.


rauch.pdf, last visited 1st of June 2005.




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